9 Big Fire in Be Business Hoi ^ ed. % :thune?Eight North Ca uses Destroy- Man \ puty. ' L . W ? 7, ; ' r ; THE LA irolina Sheriff Kills! vho Killed his DeM NOASTEtf NEWS, MAY Only for Fun. any a man does nothing bi 18. 1D07. * Scoffs Ett V-T.7-.7 ' . ' 1 tils ion strengthens en: ll 3 feebled o / Bethune speci day's State: At this morning nea sines? houses of ' destroyed by fii were all frame 1 J 1'? ? al in Wednee- Marion, >out 4 o'clock terday'd C rly half the bu- hack driv this town were Spruce P re. The stores tonight, gj buildings and most darin hop* N. 0., special in yes- then hiii lot to Observer: A worl er, returning from F iue, Mitchell county, wise ives the details ot a | cone ig and fatal attempt | A b from morning till nighi i sils down and calls it a day fe. ools give away food advice i men keep theirs for hom umption. Kentucky dairyman is a< t> x nursing mothers 6 nerve force, 1' Jwufo ^ provide f Bf an<^ m*neral > ? ALL Dl by increasing their fie eft baby with the necess food for healthy growth RUGCISTS i 50c. AND $1.00 sh and x ary fat Q ourneu line in started in the rei Sowell's store a while seven or were burning. ' a list of the lossei Li. W. Copelar phtmrlicQ loco nuer. me tire to resist ol ir end of W.J. that two n nd in a short woman ar< eight buildings Yesterday I'be following is Marion in 3: Pine, whi id, general mer- less attent ?> nn<|. nn i?u.w IV1X.O infA. litters. The result is cusi ien, one dead, and a now b in Jail at Bakeraville. the a closed carriage left insti the direction ot Spruce Her ch attracted more or ion. Soon the curious to b ;d or selling milk with rail s in it. He probably ma<3 mistake of milking tbe broc pad of the pump.?August aid. How is it that Smith seen e able to do anything and g ... t I - - - ? i ? - Plyler Br< ?s Have you been to see ;o If not, you should coine os. New M< us in our New Market on to see us just to see how arket. Main street ? well prepared vin'iiUi^C y * V/VJO 'J' A ance. King & Clybm hardware, loss $1 $1,000. W. J. Sowell, $700 ; insurance ^ C. S. Nicholso ^jVVV) l?U 1 II >?! I " * L o IllIWi sheriffs, B< ii, groceries and Mitchell ( 1,800; insurance town, stati ter Masse; , groceries, loss lowed him $400. ternoon oi n. general nier- Spruce Pii incu uy i wu ue^u'y iuiy 3one and Buchanan, of inte jounty, who rode in " ing that they were af- ton$ y barrels. They fol- '' and late yesterday af loos ime upon him near " le. When the officers von wiiere lie wants wuuout non rference?" Don't you know his wife me-!ied?" Ah, that is why he is fo e."?Baltimore America. I say, Uncle Jack, I dreamt ITjlVO me ll?lf u cvnu;n till ie wc me lu serve you. L< want in Fresh Meats, I . fact we have almost an: 13 ket. We also handle K summer. nt . Phone No. 148. id at" et us have your order for "ish and Oysters, Poultry, ] /thing to be found in an up "E and shall be glad to fui Plyler Bro anything you Eggs, etc.--in >-to-date marrnish you this thers. - chandi6e, loss $ 1 $400. A. L. Seegars,g dise, loss $1,500; 000. Dispensary, 1( eurance $1,500. ,000; insurance were close ed fire on ;eneral merchan change of insurance $1,- dead, and was Ihe vi )8B $3,000; in- 6teady ain The offi< enough Sarrels open- nisrl them. Alter an ex- " shots Buchanan fell can in a moment Sarrels A ciim of Sheriff Boone's han a. defi cers were armed with spir It." Did you, my boy? Well, yr keep it." ? London Tatler. l pupil in a school near Cha i square, New York city, thi ned the word "spine:" " le is a long, limber bon ,u < ===== "T 5 THE BANK OF X CAPITAL. A A SURPLUS e. 5k T i -r he Old Reliable." = LANCASTER, u? $50,000.( $50,000.( ====== ^ s ter, S. C. 8 0 ,o- s JL. G. Il'jckabe $400; insurance J. E. Copeland $900; insurance The fire was o iRin. e, groceries, loss ? bench w $250. bis wife, I, groceries, loss highway i $400. f incendiary or- ,x\hen >our b lily an lmiico with yourki neys frequen entire system arrent lor Sarrels and Yoi charging them with you obbery. cotl A ack acb< s it is almost itivaria- jng itiou that something is wrong ? dneys Weak, diseased kid- '1 tly can*e a break down of tbe ___ i. De Witt's Kidney and Blad ir head sets on one end, ar set on the other."?Lipbii ,'s Magazine. l prominent surgeon, lectu a class of students, said: I was so excited at my fir ration that 1 made a mi ? ijuans maae on n ,d yl Collections given u M 4 Per Cent Inter< \ pounded every thr r jS Your business so II the strongest Bank 8t 18 Leal estate, at reasonable n prompt and careful attent est allowed on time depo: ee months. licited. The oldest, the \i in Lancaster county. ites. [f ion. V >its, com- ^ trgest and ^ amsS A Narrow G. W. Cloyd, a mei bad a narrow escape i he ran n jitnson bur ii says: "The doctor w but " would not oooro of Bucklen'h Arnica Si the banuernuH wound Bros, Funderburk Ph SuiriHf fiives ' Etftcaiw* < ?* Pi lie ail ,ba?tor,,unk.Ml, kb?*r 5ir?hrbwhH.? < tinted to amputate it ut. i bought a box Officers ] live and that cured WUI^CI? 1 I." 25c at Crawford larniacy, druggists. Siv Reacnnc Divisioi lord promt.t relitf for we.ilt tak( kncbe, inflannuatiou of the nil uriDnry troubles. .Sold by " )8. . 8tU( Elected at Confederate Reunion. leg. I a commander. e." A serious one, sir?" asked lent. 'Oh, no," the surgeon answe "I only took off the wroi ." ? Snn Antonio Express, 'he glutton is always thin a Very ig To Norf k Account Jamest( Low Ra oik, Va., and Retturn, )wn Tercentennial Exp tes osition, Why He r Life. Chicago, 111., reasons why he were given by Be a guest of the virli a n a f aii h/1 r rook his Own Thomas \ field. Mav 15.? Six Comma killed himself Gen' Ziml 'auford L. Leeds, ^e8tonWarner Hotel, ... u.? : Gen. B. I] V. Carwile, of Edge ^ just ,nder First brigade, merman Davis, of Char w nder Second brigade, I. Teacue, of Laurens. Pun of what he is going to ee dyspeptic of what he h > eaten. N?ll?? (to Our CuHtonorit. o lire placnsed to niiDoauce that Folo ey aud Tar lor co a^hs, colds and lui bles is not nffeoted by the Natio 3 Food aud Drug law as it (Mintains ?Via Sou Seas n, sixty day commencing Apri , Very low rates wi bands in uniform n?> STOP OVELIS ? 1" i n l. j i tnern Rai and fifteen day tickets on si I 19th, to and including Nov. II also be made for military ? attending the exposition, 'ill be allowed on season, si _ I A. - iway ale dailv , 30,1907. md brass xty day u iiu n fuuuu v laat night, ha^ suicide by tak The reasons wer {'l ? I hare 1 irjpt. since I was a ch: "2 ? 1 have b< fl^n^nrvliAiif 1i (a AC7U11 in 1||9 1UUII1 ring commit ted . Membei ing strychnine. 8'0ns We as follows: Capt. I). . ? , umbia; been dissatisfied ... . Charlestoi lid. jen handicapped Free ...ill. .... ..mI " opia rs ol btHte board of pen- rcco H. Hardin, of Chester; anti H. Flenniken, of Ool Dr. B. M. Lebby, of o? ] i of " Prevt ntica" ami a booklo : 1 lw> 4vlik/11 %r maiU ?An ? tuH or other harmful drugs, and mmend it as a safe remedy for child] adults Funderbork Pharmacy. other-in-Law Slays H< Daughter's Husband as 1 Lies in a Stupor. iuntsville, Ala, May 12. we ?ii>i nineu uay 11 ren tickets. For for and com pi Southern Railway er he cKeis, same aa on summei ete information call on Ticke or write: R. W. HUN Division t'assenp Charleston, r touri&t it Agents T, :er Agent, S. C. till VMIf. lJUUl 1HO feet. "3?One side been partly pa past ten years. u4 ? My rij been ruined by a 4t5?I havfi ? it ii uriui iucu V,/I?n quest, by I)r to provf mor of my body b?s ?*x??^. ^ ralyzed for the venii<*prev< plies?when Stftj{e." Foi !ht band has ^"go' in accident. hAPn n anffpror *.t m.? . Bi..uy "" I?- A Shoop, liacine, Wis. simply it. Prevention are little Can- Prt re tublfts No Quinine no tiling harmful whatever. Pre- Hit1 >nts colds us the nume tin > tiken early, or at the "Sneezo *H11 a seated cold or LaGrippe, \Jy ?afely and quickly witn Preld by J F Mackey Co. HS stu r T\ a ? HI sjered because her son in la mk Albright, had come hoi oxicated and had driven 1 oily awav trom home, M ittie Conally killed the m he lay in his bed in a drunk por. The event occurred : Now Wi Horses at 6 Come A i and M gain! ules from neuralgia. UG?I have be score of financia Leeds, who, if a chemiRt, leff j to Miss Blanche ton, O .and is b ? ? incw jna sen up against a \ drur 1 misfortunes." Yorkville ia supposed was senger oil \ letter addressed jjnrt railr< s Keller, Swan- tor when relieved Ids home ?.?i Line ior JDiacKSDurg. Co inner told this story in c'w a few days ago. A pasa western Nort h?Caro- d,?> tad said to the conducthe latter called for his Eai ri r... . .1^11 ysyiue ihsl nipnt ana m nally whs lodged in jail tod trged with murder. Mere's to \ our health and happiness A'itt's Little Early ltiser.s famous li k. Nasty, sick headache or billionsi t come on any time; the cure is ly Miser. Sold by Crawford liros. rs. av to Arr ittie Our JCH8 arrived ive To-c Mr. Hood has jus with a load of th lay. t e was at that pla 30 years old. The Miss Blanc] to in the forest sided in Char winter of 1005 ployed on The ce. He whs about qjq otf at replied tl he Keller referred Ration 01 )in?I dispatch re wa3 obdi lotte during the hell was -C>, aud was em- (]emande< Evening Chrou- pnmnlv v iicic o 11 yo uuiirtis, |jui. | hed The conductor I JHt there was no such J 1 his road. The traveler irate and insisted that to his destination and he in d that t lie conductor' CO: intli hiu rpriiiA^t W linn j bll REWARD We will pay a liberal rew; the person or persons findi the city of Lancanster a m mplete and up-to-date liv< siness than ours. Rub | very be ! shipped ird this lo; ing ore mules? 'ry 1,1 ber I i st stuit that we hav 1 this season. I ad we have thirtee -all mares. Eeigli o **v* 1 11 ^-v ^ ? icle in the c?f operator. Sht blonde of 22, p tractive figure friends during 1 Pictures made costume, by a lo >acity of linotype tli? train > was a striking station tl lossessed of an at- guperintc and made many rtI1(i 80on ier sojourn here, answer: of her, posed in Marion a cal photographer, Hlacksbu 1 I tir slowed up at the next ?e conductor wired the indent lor instructions i received the following "Route him by way ot Pi nd have him put off at m; ire." Ct e buggies and stylish horc We have a few mules left BUGGIES We sell the following bugg edmont, Rock Hill, Rati an, A. Wrenn & Sons, Ta> innedy and Tyson & Joi ,es ^ICl^ J closely These ies: