2 Agricu |p* i itural Dep THE LA NO ?artment. I tw. ' 'riv* ''.v-.MV/f r,. j i ASTER NEWS, MAT 18. leodore H. Price?Persor ility of the Great Cotto 1907 nl 1|0(0)B IE LUMBER. - How to Manag are Sc Progressive Farn I see in The P r tf I. re When Peas Clean Hs :arce. ier. Much is rogressive Far ndaya coii i - a l-i H. mi v nna ur T- S indling of Milk and Vegetables. 1 H. } said and wrirfcen now. co^ cerningdirty milk, and catl Iwi iu fumilinr tnllli tlio I hea Speculator. 'he suit brought by Theodoi Price against the New Yoi ton exchange and its clas6i ion committee, now beii rd by Referee Charles MO(0)S 0(0)1 a- BLINDS, E. ? . ? . , , IE SHINGLES IE DOORS, Si MOULDING^ ? ? rA i.. fl*r>A AA ^ * 71 A.SH, J ETC. I 1 AAA I o raer oi may win Dowell wants a f cow pea problem fied it will pay t as three dollars ] sow them ; hut s high, it will pay thn 1 and nil nlnne mat uonii uiu- ,, hscussion of the primitive t. I am satis- and milk'] o give as high "omestabl per bushel and to'd that i tnce they are so riously po better to break than one p itn-inirMjiv anH ?d by the methods of keeping ng cows, especially in ',as ies, doot> not nped to be ^en nilk is likely to be se Huted with dirt. More l*ie amphlet has been issu- ma Uuited States Depart- me Blimore, in New York Cit forced upon Mr. Price the 8 tiou of the cotton world, suit the plaintiff cliampio cause of those who have I ny months contended that t thods of the New York c< zuu,uuu ieet nnisnea ktJ 150,000 feet rough li In 200,000 shingles, $3.( as 1 car load doors, sast he If y?u a"' time. B uollir a/li] lumDer, $if.ou to ?poo.oo imber, $13.50 to $17.50 per )0 to $4.00 per 1000. i and blinds. All kinds an ticipate building, now is tl uilding material is contii 'or?n!nrr iwu iccu 1000 feet. id prices. le n first of June whil other crops, and corn planter anc in 2 1-2 to 3 fee them a working them level and level and you ca e too wet lo plow mentof / 1 in June take a State Exp I plant the peas 'n? attent t rows, pivina: 'he need one lime. Plant 'n 'he mil cultivate them teris coi n mow the vines city coiihu Lgriculture and by the ton leriment Stations draw- ^,e ion to this fact, and to anc ot greater cleanliness ^lc Ik industry. The wriistantly urging upon ^n< mers of milk that they cir( i exchange was prejudicial i interest of cotton grow i merchants. In Mr. Pri ?se who have long complain he "New York Contract" w 1 a good fighter. In fiuanci cles there are few more p J uanj CAVA T f MOORE LI ed ======================= ill al ic UMBER & MR I GO. ? just as well as i cast. If you will sov you will get as vou had sowed It will require o third bushels l f sowed broad should no Hiid cleam ' a ruuniug kind ^iey sliou many vines as if suc'1 m'l': tliem broadcast. pair ne.fourth lo one- quired to o the acre, de- whete it t only demand purer ur Br milk, but also that ^ev Id be ready to pay lor ^ei : a higher price, since mi< is and expense are reput the milk industry P?? belongs, on a higher vei eque and romantic tigur?s. i years ago Price, then a me of the firm of Price, McOc 3k & Co., made a sensdtioi lure. The firm made a col jition with ihe creditors of aty cents on the dollar ai I?_: i. ? _ ? A f lai m m- ? se)d. .1. "HIS pending on thick I would fertilize pay whether the; cast or drilled, dollars a bushel cost less than w lar and sown bn uess of planting. P'niie of < the peas; it will Many ep are floWy broad- er lind ?f I'eas at three gi?l,9 di this way will >'e?r8 bee hen at one dol- '"ted by < oadcast. This is *nK wi,h < K.. J;.., jare and cleanliness. ddetnics of typhoid levher infectious or conta seases have in recent. UP n traced to milk, pol- ''J dirty milkmen, suffer- ur< one of these diseases, mr ... .? j i nri ri , i i u;c i?ilvllig I rtUI ll himself voluntarily paid j remaining thirty per cent wards of one and a hall n ns. At the time of his ft a Mr. L'iimei uat-u in wasn- ' cans or o her appli mtl Pr its and vegetables, even ,rn farm, should be care- ^iai ibed wben practicable ay are put upon tlie ta- an' 1 lire sf IV! vvlmrripa lliov; mi age by lour days. ^ ice went to his betrothed a ,nkly stated that his fail a d left him wii h less thai jusand dull-?r in the woi d millions in debt. He ofl< to release her. The lady, Ir. mi ire F 1 a rid aron RESERVED ' EOR inai lias not. 0 when planting ti grain drill and f and sow peas sa to ] 1 2 bushels kind. One bud kind will answt t\r n 11 f\II_\ti in iii 'en Droicen, ana | mo comes I use a I nre subje ertilize them and inc? they me time, from J m?li'hed i with a running wise prol lei of a running or Mow )r as well as two ",en han i hands?I ct to damage by wash should be carefully ^1( with straw, or other 11111 eded from dirt above 811 tliem as they grow, and er> died only with clean rie )r. W. T. Sedtrwicl;, in ^ 5 other hand, stated, that t night his alterod tortui ide it necessary for him to 1 i his married life all the so? consequently they were m d that day. Since that tii 'lice (io(>d Luck" lias nasi the >es :: Funderl ar me ied ~ burk Com ipany W1 U \_r II ? want anything kind, can't mak with the oilier 1 If you haven the best way is with a disc liari t lunn t nr\ ilnm\ S UWA V. A V4 'I 1 v hut a running '',e ^outl e enough vines cind. 1Wo,V "Our lutll 't :? grain drill 7itw,,X' A of our home to put them in ' liis lur ?r employed o row. l oil cover suited. % **ri i li iliu nl,. IV I 'titters; l>oi i's Companion. jin I lei Icrfnl Cure. li by hud eczema for five years " f ]j( , Adams, Henrietta, l'u. "Two j doctors said the ease was hope* till i?s being allected. We then ther doctors hut no benefit re- j ' chance we read about Electric ' Jght a bottle and soon noticed ? 0 ;i proverb and the once I 1 Co'ton lving has not 01 labilitated himself,but beco 3 leader of the most power (1 successful following in i .con world. "Dollar Wheat and Filte .Great ?en Bargain a m Sale ? The disc harrow will save the hi after plow becai disc does the h; put in peas and form depth. A a i i\ c , ,u-1 it o "i"* ",v r,u" nnprovetuer or train drill ?ne until"? ^ our boy wai mowing you do ios, l'mnl irrowing as you covers them uni- _ . . Promisn Minisl t cAPirlm iyi rwafu i it Y.c continued thin medi- Uo veral bottles were used, wheti i ? s completely cured." Best of | "* uedieino- and body building es (i uh ran teed at Crawford ; erburk Pharmacy d*ij? store. Wfl wl ig Young Baptist (l<> :er Called to New ex nt Cotton" js now the 6lo? the speculative public throuj t the West and South lu irked in favor of the hulls leat and cotton. In the Soi terioration in the co'ton cr perls say, makes a large yii . t 1..4 1 - C ;?n rrh. Cotton iih op, Within the nex give some of th 111 MM ' ? ?XIX Mill S t three weeks we a e greatest bargains tore. re going to ; ever offer o v" n1' ?? i'?vwith peas, it wi feed and will kot din^r so ba'l, bul prove your laiu y on left oil' the The quantity of acre depends 111 > OWI Illi ill V/vrj II II make better York, jp peas from bi-d- Kersha t you ?lon't im- Blaokwel 1 as much jis if: 'b b. Hla sorghum corn. I cen,ly ac sorghum seed lo|'nm lo th )nn how rnnrb of leadmix I Illiqu w Kra: Ilev. B. L wj I, son of Mr. and Mrs.; pe .rkvNell of our town, re S() cepted a call tendered j m, e pastorate of one ot t lie oj baptist churches of New At year uDsoiuieiy out 01 e-ti??n; and no commodi tli the single exception ol c r, hus lelt, or is likely to it continously the increasing tnd for it as cotton.?Charlt )sei ver. ity, ed in Lancaster ?P* TXT Figured ( )1te a Our line of Drgandies, D i\d Muslins r \ imities if you want; o be plenty unlesi sorghum than rather leave olF improve l lie lan peas to bed so much ol the vn ne gallon would ^ ?rk ei?3 i you want more ing Ids tli pe.?vine-?. 1 had Kate Unh 1 he sorghum and has take] d. I prefer the Jriends w can't get off eo his meeti left, as I Ihink it ''is calli r. lie is just cnmplet- ^V1 leological course in Col K*" ? S)ll rer*ily, New York, and h?l 11 a high stand. His u,* ill be glad to hear of ^ ng with the success in Lb ing which ho so richly ~ ?en your fooil has not boon jwoperlj ted the entire ays'e n is impaired in ue proportion. Your Htomach n p. Kodol for Indigestion and l>is not only digesta wbat yon eat, it t< i stoiuacli and adds strength to the w ly. Makes rich pure Mood. Kodol nis to the Natioual l'ore l-'ood and I w. Sold by Crawford Bros. . (lu is far superior t eotln town of Lancas pep- . n m town, at pric hole 1 oon- It stands to r >rUK the other merchar ? are not so ereat. o anything ever sh iter. White Good: es that defy compe eason that we can sell its in town because Wo dn nnt ucb- vau town in the 5, the nicest itition. cheaper than our expenses I t/-v ini 4- n belter tor aome C Franklin Co. My llfNI Aloxnndor Benton Route 1, Fort R. S. Williams. , N. C. I'et IU0 n,fti pies of my ] mm Hook on eit The Kidn<; t I'rh'uil. ltacine, Wi Heart or Ki . who lives on Knral ? deeper ui d, N. Y., nays: "?n. man error n w I you lree. to prove merit. Ham- ' Dr. Whoop's Restorative, and my Va her Dyspepsia, The Heart, or ys. Address ine. Dr. Whoop, R{, s Troubles of the Wtomaoh, dneys, are merely symptoms of R lment Don't make the com- j|j f treatment is treating the result jw, intlirop Scholars and Entrance Examination The examination for the awari cant (Scholarships in Wintiirop i , m. Applicants must he not an ilfteen years of a^e. When W( raiting ura var?at**r. I power over congha a velona " Ko other r ed it. Fnlly gtiaran Funderbnrk Pharma *t T_I^I Uaiii.. _ j in inj imni family OI yOUrttllll of asthma six years Stomach ne erformed a wonderful Stomach wr sumption for my son's and Kid nay ttle ended the terrible or inside u omplished, the other and yon int y one, until she waa ilere is whe vine's New Discovery's made its la nd cold is simply mar- claims to tri rmody has ever enual- for bloatin teed by Crawford ilros complexion, cy, Druggist. 5')c and Write for m lent, arm not tne cause Weak rves the inside nerve* means . . akness, always. And the Heart ' s ns well, have their controlling ^,r lervos. Weaken theae nerves, K(i vitably have weal: vital organs, ~c re Dr. .Shoop's Restorative lias ',e me. No other remedy evou 'ol eat the "inside nerves " Also ' g, biliousness, bad breath or 'r< nse Dr. Nboop'a Restoration op v free Book no* Dr. Shoop's In . I II be awarded to those making ({best average at. thin examinat oyided they meet the conditi verning the award. Applicants holarships ahould write to l'r nt Jolmson before the examinal r Scholarship examination blanl Scholarships are worth $100 ?e tuition. The next session < en September 18, 1907. For furt formation and catalogue, addi vvc nave me the A ion. Any pattern for i< "or We are bus) Ion quote prices, but c we say isn't true. and J H Cotton f agency lor the New Ic d cents. r every day and hav :ome and see for yours i/lill .W i leal Patterns. en't time to elves if what ~ Pa'mf 91 x rim uviuw iro< A. U ... . ^.!r . 'i- \ ' I n?8iorative sola by J r Mackey Uo. J l'r _ / I