r-' w . T HP 1 * n 9 | AKTr "a y al ter noon.? that it wou movement on the t it would bring into undesirable citizens; * eTC Id crowd native Georthe factories by e? Bern lower wage rates, and id increase the pro- raent ., was s viwxz UUOVI V/J , .... Uttlv era blew open the safe of haul S. B. B.vrd at Seven itrs, N. 0., Thursday night, ig only $60 D. M. jr, a workman on govern building in Macon, Ga., (truck on the head and kill I years I have watched each I of The State when games being played, always hopii victory for the club. Fc years I have hoped against that the pennant would it's folds over tlie club, vict issue I were Mr- E,litor: E" ig for quiet again 1,1 "deai >r lour b'a*" q- ? Reunion i hope Columbia Lase-hall I unfurl ''le roa;V ?nd we orious 8a^ the*v tire '?sing j ?rything is r old Colums over. The leam is "on are sorry to 'iimes. Only . A a1- - / Ihe board of di posed of Messrs. W. T. Gregory, ! J. H. Witherspooi by, M. S. Withe B. Crigler, men o sagacity and of pe irectors is com uu?u?" 01 i J. T. Stevens, l?w?r the Lerov Springs, The resolut i, L. C. Lazen- 'he General rspoon and M. 'nP ee89ion f fine business Pr?prialio? cuniary ability, naoyemi / .1 cuiion ana inereoy ed wprice of the 6tapie. tbe , ion luther urged upon Thre, Assembly at its com 0^ei that no further ap- thr0, s in furtherance of nooR ent shall be made. by U) ith an iron bolt Thursday by foreman, Tom Battle o men were killed and five 8 injured and a Ireight train ?n from bridge into Ohattaa creek Thursday afternoon ie premature explosion of a over an c ?mpetitors. Ala; alack! Three time 1 hav? disappointed and the fourtl bids fjir to be the greates appointment of all. I have money to go to Columbia after time, hoping to s< fnom wfi? ?J 4 *? - 1 vrcervn tV< i 1 a,uM leges will close and 0 been bians must find pom li timelThe Hyatt Park Cas t d-8 beautiful Ridgewoo spentL e attractions for m 1 t,melafter a long li?l JUI ;e tbe|^n(j pleasure and hr in i ne uoithen Columething to do. ino and the d Park will any. Others, le day, will 'fiP7a litr l'irn_ wuicn insures in? new enteiprise. elected were J. T ident; L. C. Laze ident, and M. B. ger and Treasurer as president of th Mill ll9Q m nrlu i i success 01 me The officers Farmers j Stevens, Pres- f?r nby, Vice-Pres- XT _ , New Or] Crigler. Mana.. G, vices Irom Mr. Stevens 1/ v cotton seed e Kershaw Oil . . , that larmei r o nlinnAmuiiol blast Appeal to Oil Mills ljlin Cotton Seed. * t * of th< leans, May 16 ?Ad- vene< Baton Rouge say that ^ur is becoming 60 scarce ^ rs who have sold seed Was ( at foot of Lookout moun.... The General Assembly 0 Presbyterian church con1 in Birmingham, Ala., sday afternoon. Dr. John owerton, of Montreat, N. C., elected moderator The IY '11 C*"U tJWUIl 1 1 III W X go down in defeat. I can it no longer. I therefore rei the Columbia ball team an to Charlesion, hoping that uphold the tradition of Carolina. Three fcimpa t.h? r?on?io saw it * ? stand "'g "round the belt. lounce Col. T. Y. Williai d turn *^eron^ this week, it will lion. J. Harry youth the capital citv weak. ! * ?o v?? rim yp i A ?~ "J fe"? as was at the l Foster paid a vibit this financial success a ly Lancaster's 1 with him at the 1: Mr. Crigler, an e mill man who fo has had charge branch of the S< i UP piivuviu^iiwi . i ... . r to oil mills md consequent- , ^ mills beggi lew enterprise .. , , . i kiii 11 bftck* ai lelm, backed by . intJ8, made >xperienced 07.I , nomenal ra r several years . , , have brou of ihe Chester .. ^ verge of a 1 inthern Cotton are telephoning the 8^ore ng a chance to buy ^ s many as three plant- m?m necessary by the phe- J?n?! ins in some sections. P^y6 ght planters to the ^etei seed famine. Sever- died of G. E. Kirby at Pacolet, ., was burned Wednesday ling Dr. Simmons B. 3, one of Charlotte's leading Lcians, died Thursday, in St. 's hospital Six persons in Macon county, Tenn., floated over Georgia and n time over South CarolinE in the hands of conquerors, leston is making a gallan and has a fair prospect o 1 cess and on that city I re i hopes. So, hurrah for C ijiv iit?n x 03, uir. muiior, t ot one losing. But are th l, save fans knocking? The Char- VVe are still hoping, t fight We are glad to e f sue- S. R. Williams, car st my IX No. 6 from Lanci harlfis. intr stpna inwan? .. 1 our ieam is e Lancaster y should not. ! ee that Mr. rier on R. F. ister, is takA ?~ Oil Co., as mac assuredly be a p addition to one ot ped and most up in this section of a capacity of eixt the coninany will ? - at cotton at ,ager, will most ed becftUBe a>ine one. In the best equip- Special I to-date oil mills be D the State, with y tons per day, Washing also operate a sPec'ftl deli )0<1 oil mills have clo6- lu,h of 8t5arcity. from ? . ? . have )elivery Stamps to m?Fe ispensed With, bl?d< phys ;ton, May 16. ?No back ivery postage stamps weeK from drinking milk a cow which is supposed to been poisoned by the ani t eating milk weed A ? of grass was taken by a ician this week from the of a little girl in YVarrenton iL-i. 1 l- i* ? ton ! H. E. Co 1 Lancaster, S. C., May 15 China Mad with Jai i ! Mukden, May 17,?The i ? ed promises made by the ffey. oat ion of the R, F , 1907. Form an Associate ? into the State Asst 3an. 4th. Hurrah for Wil The 17th annua repeat Die Diocesan Coui i Jana-1 Carolina is beine he -'*'UU|?jr /l_OOU. D. "boys." ion and get >ciation July liams ! 1 session of < ?cil of South Id in Trinir.w large ginnery, eq ning and packing dred bales of the t jf week. The pi a adopted and th( Btructing the ma warehouses will uipped for gin will be u?? about tive hun- Qext July, leecy staple per delivery of us have been ?n act of tl J wort of con- gress, Post in building and today issue be commenced after J sded after the I?t of . '' 1)0 r s to insure immediate a letter. Pursuant to i . . entei le last session ol con- ^ . master General Mever . , , the r a au order, that on . , , , .. , oelo\ ulv 1, next, if there mm, nau Deen swaiiowed d> ome day? ago. The gra^s ding to tho Atlanta Journal ed the wind pipe and work' ts way from there through ight. lung, coming out jus* v the shoulder blade ne8e for the past three y< ? return to China the prope: ' prepriated through the exif " of war are still unfulfilh 1 consequence of this China k pressing much indigniti what is considered a gross jars to church this week, rty ap- What next lor La ;encies hope to see the Mac 9(1. In completed soon. T is ex- Rose City will have on at ings good enough fo breach even for Columbia. nca8ter? We ;key building hen the Ked some build* r a city, yea, 88 Hoon as the r procured. The str be of brick and tl fully equipped ai erution by fall. 1| on the McDow 1 L. mith. In noting the mar s the Columbia Stale 9ays: St. Petersburg:, May ] i Terrorist conspiracy d 1 against, the lite of Ei " Nicholas, the existence of ha3 been suspected for son " past, has been revealed Jirrpist Tanrkno-Xoln nt Spartanburg, Ma 16. ? A Gilmore, a farmer, irected probab!y fatally * mperor lli9 neighbor, Jame which his skull fractt letime more, who Rtruck hy the hammer, following .,,>1,1 ? - y 16.?Sims was shot and vounded and s W. Oilman, ired by Gilhim with a $ a quarrel aiiord tne Inrraerf for their cotton will use annuall than the entire c ty amounts to, ha at other points in that w ill be nee a/ill Km mill i a home market .. , ri. 8,ty? ,las r< see 1. 1 he mill ,. . . . that he ha y tar more seed . , amounts ir rop of the couii- ., injr liquid! ving to purchase t.XT >. I . .1 i "Noxall iuch ot tlie seed ?. , 11 mi Manufactu ded. The mill , , ? ti.,> mond, 3.4 jported lo Gov. Ansel ^ * found alcohol in the J.'/ j51 tdicafed in the follow- .. M r. get. i ,v prepared by Burr a in iring company of Rich friei 0 per cent; "Rikh," l)e?f iss Logan had been 011 a visi ivannah and stopped over ir mbia. She was met,here bj Carroll and they decided t< narried without delay. Wit I imber of former Yorkvilh ids as witnesses, the young )le proceed'd to t ho mansi ? ? V ? ""V V Ul ? t of the Guard Regiment, 1 day confessed to the acce ' of a large money bribe t< , in the murder ol His Maje a , m ^ m , Letters Advertise 3 owiuioi between tliem in rho to- Jonesville, eighteei ptance here, tonight. Gilm ) a^ist slight chance of rec sty. tragedy grow out of ? of two barns on Gi rj of which crime Gilr i /t ? a store at 1 miles from an has only a overy. The the burning Imore's farm, nore suspect farmers and sfcoc all the meal and It is more I hat company wj;l la a fertilizer plant, in connection wii More ?lew? from I ^ u,n ;k owner* wi'h *' Per c hulls ihey want. cent; "Gra i likely that, the cent; cider tnr on establi-h sold by Nil , to be op-rated lemars, J li the oil mill. The 9ftle c . ful. ll??? Hew FinrlaiMl :enl: culer, 7.t>0 per p? Congo," 6.75 per hee'? , 8.40 per cent; flask tijn<. cholas Middleton, l)e time 3. 0., 2 30 per cent, tow >1 such stutl is unlaw- ^ , ^ , friei were married. Since chiidrei Carroll and Miss Logan hav? i sweethearts and their wed ; day had been fixed tor somi > in .June, but they decide* ait no longer. lie handsome bride has man; ids and admirers in Lancas i Mr. Charley Gardner, i ard Hudson, Miss Llenre sas R. No. 1., Lemuel 1 I Mr. Washington Johnso Joint Jackson, B. M. Mi Mr. Williams Steward, Onie White, Mis Cliary 1 eel unman. Leon- _ tt liaslinson, ll-Th? Walter Culp w?ll r< that ehe is despert 11 wood, |10me in Gastonia Miss sisters, Mrs. L. O. ionbar, Miss l'earl Miller, ends of Mrs. sjiret to learn ?tely ill at her >, N. C. Ller Lazenby and of LancasJer. Nlal If any one haa an of Foley'a Kiudney Ci: to refer to Mr. Alvin I imatio. Conn,who, aft< > of reoovery, on acooun s* many rem*diea,finally Core, which he aay? w for him, aa fonr bott pletrly. He ia now i from all the nffenn kidnev trouble. Funi t?*. Q y doubt as the virtue ire, they ueed only at Pan i Stimpson, ot Will. 1 ttU nr almost losing hope Grand For it of the failure ot so tried Foley's Kidney 1 here W8 as /'just the thing" t0(iav aH f. les cured him com- loUfty as 11 entirely well and free to I)evil? g incident to acute __ lerhurk Phtrmi^. FftfCO. >w in Dakota. fc*r' 1, Minn., May 16.?A ka, N. D., special says: C()U| s a heavy fall of snow ir north as Minto, west Ar Lake and south to anr com< where she has visited Mis jelia Elliott and oth r Iriendt also taught school in thi ity at one time. go Red Balmon can be nerved o; table. It can be served as I >n from tbe can, or prepared i m i.?.Wu 1 - a. ? Mr. Joe Botton, Mis I , Oieg, Mr. E. M. DuRan 8 J. F. Hunter, 1 De Witt's OuboliMd Witch H does nut merely heal on the f n penetrates the pores and promptl i* pain, caused by boils, burns, act n and skin diseases Beware of ii Vlaneey and Mrs. R. B. Ma t Springs, are at her j also her brother-in zenby. y relieve* The pernon who diatn Uda, cute tion lant San day by con mitationa. ia reqneated to bnv ckey,of Heath bedside, as is law, Mr. Lao rbed the oongregatinually coughing A l)OLtl<> fit Pftlni'a . u / Mfc* I UJ*IJ j |iaist?uie uiBUfi, t Honey and Tar. Fundi erburk Pharmacy. 4