The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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n^sv IV-"j,' "" -*' > / I -I He'p, Lawd. ''Possum time done ober, 'Taters all gone, too, Done sop up all de soghum Lawd, w'at I gwi* do? Go'n ben lil po'ly. Des made a nubbin er two, Was bleedged ter go a fishin' ? Lawd, wa't I gwi' do? Ootton iut pay tax, Grass tek 'e, for such, Longtime twel watermillioo Lawd wa't I gwi' do? Pindar mak nuttin but pop? Dey could't wo'k in de dew? Rice neber ne beaf out? Lawd, wa't I gwi' do? Hog all dead wid chol'ny, Neber see times sew blue, , ^Int got er smell or bacin? * Lawd, wa't I gwi' do? Muchant won' mek exancy? Leveled on my ox fer true? Leveled on all my crap? Lawd, wa't I gwi' do? Co-Col' done bill de plum? ? La-Lawd, wa't I gwi' do? .fcf?fro?fros' bite de liuslcleberyBoo?boo?boo?boo. ?SeVal. ? Municipal Ownership. Experience of Some Progressive Cities and Towns in Getting Water and Light. From Macon, Ga. News. It is an easy matter, with the evidence at hand these days to t>oinfc thft W?v fr?r M In r -J ??VUU| 111 HID crisis that is soon to arrive by expiration of contracts in regard to water and light. There can be no question as to the propriety of going into municipal ownership. All progressive cities are going that way and many of them have been successful in the business for years. t Atlanta makes nearly 100 per cent per year in profits on its waterworks and Augusta pays every cent of city salaries, from mayor to dog catcher with its profit from the same source. Both of these cities have done so well with waterworks that they are thinking seriously of going into the light, business. Already each has had plans drawn and estimates made for lighting plants. Chairman Kent, of (lie Augus ta city council, who is in charge 1 of the municipal lighting plant movement over there, has writ ten a number of letters to mayors about municipal ownership. Most of the replies to his letter? are concerning light plants as nearly every city, but Macon owns its own waterworks. Mayor Horsey, of Athens, in a letter to Mr. Kent, says : l4In reply will say that Athens does not own her power plant, although I think we should, and we are looking forward to mak ing an effort to do so very soon. It seems to me that some of the most important facts connected with this question are, that if it pays private corporations to invest in this it most assuredly would pay the cities, for they ^would not make such investments 'unless good profits were attached to them. Again it is as essential for a city to own her electric power as it is her waterworks. There is in all cities a demand # % TH ^ for more lights than they have the money to give, consequently if by public ownership cities can even give a greater number ol lights lor the same cost, it makes it the duty to do so." Mr. 0. C. McMahon, secretary of the mayor of Mobile, has the following to say on the subject: iV Whon mm loo* if ><vu vMi *u?u i/vrii(i cKiUt Willi the local company was about tc run out we agitated the question of a municipal plant, and wen' so far as to get up specification! and advertise for bids. The com pany had a franchise allowing them to charge as much as 21 cents per K. W. H., and now we have an agreement for a period of ten years providing for a nei maximum commercial rate of 1 cents per K. W. If. (which is a very low rate) and a municipa rate of $60 per annum for all night every night arc? for streei lighting purposes. They art also to pay us 2 per cent of theii gross receipts n Thomson, Ga , went into the municipal lighting business ovei two years ago and as a result it now reaping a rich harvest. The city gets its lights free and enough profits are made in addi lion to paying all interest charges on the light plant as well as the waterworks system. Here ii what Mayor Ira Farmer sayi about it in a letter to Mr. Kent: In reply will say that we pul in a municipal plant in the early part ol 1905, and it has now beer in operation a little more thai two years. During that time ii has paid all expenses of opera tlnn tL. * ? * < - - nun, |jmu mo iui?ruHi on ine waterworks bonds, and given the town its street lights absolutel) free. We do not do a9 s^mt other towns that operate muuicipal plants, turn oyer to the niauagers of the plant the value ot tue street lights, but require the plant to give the town iti lights free, and make its operating and all other expenses fr< re the commercial lines. This it has been able to do and will continue to do, unless something unforseen should occur. In regard to rates charged the consumer, will say that we use the same rate charged by the electric light company of your city. From the foregoing yon will see that we have the benefits ol f 'Jtric lights in our homes, / places of business, etc., and only pay the rate you people pay in Augusta, and at the same time we have our streets lighted without taxation?other than what if paid by private consumers for lights." Ready for the Reunion. Columbia State: From reports made by sub-committees to the executive committee yesterday at noon it is evident that al] preparations for the reunion arc in excellent condition and the plans arranged some time ago are being worked out with precision and system. The meeting yesterday was a satisfactory one from every standpoint and when the old soldiere come here on May 7, 8, and 9 they will find a royal welcome awaiting them and everything arranged foi their comfort and entertainment. "Pf? r" f '* " JP "r; ' : i ? B LANCASTER NEWS, MAY 4, lJi ) t * M#t.erTHt evs 5 II II n n Looks j 1 You get ro: florist, but you fine line of milli we have the nic All we ask Misses Phelps ; tee that they wi and at very real ' Our whole want all of the come in and see that we have tc could not replac TheC 1 Come in ar giving them aw goods purchase" 1 r Lancaster H > ! TheSouthern RailroadTrain= P: ing School. On account of the vacation of the schools through the summer, is making a special offer for a three months ,x,, course in their school. In which the ^ course can be completed in this pro- I per effort on the part of the student. I Vnr tKAfU) -- 1 ' m yi/v.w vuc t'unrc uuurnc UHii UW easily taken including board and all expenses for $100.00 We gaurantee ___ all our pupils a position when they are competent. Write us and make T L application for a scholarship. * > Jj. J FRINK, Mgr. Southern R. R. Training School. > 1290 1-2 Main Ht? Columbia, S. C. ' a-a?-am Of Notice of Final Discharge as c Guardian. ) State of .South Carolina. County of Lancaster.?In tho Probate Court. 1 Notice is heroby gi vcn that on tho 27th I ilav of May, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., the I undersigned as guardian of the person and in ] , estate of Pressly fie tare, will file his final loai return and settlement and make applies- fan tion to the Probate Court for the oounty the , of Lancaster, State of South Carolina, for a atx* final discharge as suoh guardian. $10 L. T. MoCain, ged Qua rdian of Pressly Siatare. titl< i April 27, 1907-30 days. 0 . *. , ' , ' 'V- V V V ?"\j- ^ >07. ?1 ? .RESOLVED that a ROSE BU5H wot un*$@ LoottTooLUH WITHOUT ,|e&L RoSES on Top ,a HATIST1 lafej JamE as THE ROJE- IT "or ThejCRowning Gloat >T*.ftBAOWflCO CHICAGO. ?IEW HA . as FRBSH as >Tew Rose. ses from the rose-bush or froi must come to the store that car inery to get a .fine Spring Ha est line ever shown in this cit} is for you to come in and gh and Johnson a show, and we gi 11 fit you up to the "queen's sonable prices indeed. stock is very complete now a ladies of the town and coun ; the pretty line of everything t< ) show you, and at prices tfc :e the goods at today. Don't ?raphophone Deal. id hear it play. Remember w ay FREE with $50.00 worth < d of us. Yours very truly, liTtaiililf i\ rofessionol Cards RJ Dr. J. E. WELSH, DENTIST. We \ [ice in Emmons Building op- ^? posite First National Bank. complet Phone No. 8. business LANCASTER, S. C. tire bu? Dr. E. J. Hinson We h DENTxST | Office in Springs Building, fice Hours : 8 to 12 and 1 to 6. We s< Sunday Hours, 9 to 10. Piedmo Ask Central for No. 32. man, A, = Canned Money to Loan. foreii r have made arrangement** with partiea New York City by which I can negotiate ?w na for live yeara on improved cotton * na. in anma of $300 00 and npwarda, at rate of 7 per cent, on amonnta of $1000 Wo o. 1 over, ana 8 per oent. on name lean than W e ? 00. No brokerage or oommlaaion char- and Cai 1. Only a reasonable fee for abstract of *. R. E. WYLIE, Attorney-*^ Law, | HEATI 1 S T I ?LD THE 4E IS r Mi I 1 s&\ OVMO i ( T a ' ( u the Ties a t, and /e our uarantaste" nd we itry to d wear tat we forget e are Df dry mipany. LWARD! vill pay a liberal reward erson or persons finding ity of Lajicansteramore ;e and up-to-date livery 3 than ours. Rubber ?gies and stylish horses. ave a few mules left. 5UGGIES *11 the following buggies: nt, Rock Hill, Ratter. Wrenn & Sons, Taylor y and Tyson & Jones, one of them guaranteed iiuutus. WAGONS ell the Virginia, Nissen rver. 1-ELLIOTT MULE CO.