Happening jjsin Georgia. ^ 1BE annot expect more than S per cent of a lull crop. ; LANCASTER NEWS, Mi ingular Accident in a Ch lotte Hotel. |4 8lY 4, 1907. I The Sim rar in * How at Liea will Solve Memorial con?Cond Since the ter's Brij Vegetal tst One Farmer plHCe8i Labor Problem? new s^a Day in ij,em on Ition of CropS; Your Freeze?Lancas-' death b ght Prospects? south G ifACC "??r ''Q >ies were Kineu in many but they have taken a rt and we have lots of ^ i the market every day. in cotton h1?o received a low from the freeze. lit e eor^ia and many points q "a if wo a billpft rlanr) iliwl The Observer : While yr( ig on the engine need in o ting the refrigerating plan tie Hotel Selw.vn, a colored h r unwittingly allowed the < f his extension lamp to "* nt^mm r: tiBS elp- ?? :ord I HHr Tg|.> Sewing SSSSSBWrWl^1 makes that c< home a place t< SH5S3" And comfort, tc ^ ili | the Singer the lig HI) most noiseless an k 5 Room arner of your a take pride in. >o. Not only is htest-running, id efficient of knf vnn 1/nriu/ | V/U1C1 *Y*? Mr. Editor : but that one o ing questions farmers nof them having to buy (( high prices. The farmers ^ in't have any killed are to the others, "1 told you 8 [ '-Don't ever plant in ter time." 4 aught in the governor s I rliich threw it off. The reg or thus being: put out of c illusion, the big 8-foot fly w an away under a heavy liea team, its speed accelerating iientarily until it became so g Si sewing luav.iiiuv.o, its always going t< disablement becai parts, thi3 year 01 from now?there store within you and you know qv always will be 1 Wheeler & V Machines, for ov 3 stay so. No ise of missing twenty years 's a Singer r easy reach, lite well there /ilson Sewing er fifty years rather serious an old lellow i days au:o. li? solved the pro satisfaction,bo amusing. LI years old, but one. There was! Elect 11 the city a few1 for Lin nvever, who has evidenc ibletn to his own she is*n it his case is rather cotton e is about sixty lights, , remarkably well pects 1c t ric lights and an oil mill ( caster, are but additional ^ es ot the rapid progress p laking. A million dollar ( mill, oil mill, electric v and many bright pros- ^ ?r a hospital and water- (] licit lli UlUHtJ t'l piD\>V7Df V/UO ion weighing 400 pounds b mrled like a cannon ball thrc ight. inches of concrete intc fhce above, another sec vreighing perhaps 200 poi >eing thrown through intc Ivimmo room juiioinine tin >unii '^JlrW > the \ .lion ? the %& '' ?;, ",:!!^ IVrJ I standard ni^ ; rotary-shuttle king the locki, are now sold clusively at ger stores. ten you buy a wing machine eep in mind :his one thing vx :? ?? t:-r~ preserved an health and 1 who is also in He and his s days ago, dri through the c< and brought t id in the best ot work-*, las a grown son, tor and i splendid health, to see 1: ion came in a few little i ving twenty miles grow! ountry in a wagon "Lan wo bales of cotton boost speak much for Lancas t . * in a few years wo expact ^ ler ft booming, prosperous city. Watch Lancaster j e ica9trian" continues to s the Columbia base-ball j J 4 " ? :ine room and another tragi veighiug 100 pounds beiug )lanted in a nearby wall, er pipes, ammonia pipes >verything else in reach imashed. Perhaps the grei oss was sustained in the c -iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiKfjj im- ~Y - * * - | HE Wa ^==a"'~""fi and # ^ 11 3 1UI llj U . That is why you want to \ s e 1 e c t your machine at a Singer store. to sell, which entire crop fo sold the two price and was pertaining to remarked tha were the las 1__ A _L . J l he Rani was his team. 1 ir last year. He fond of bales for a good more r? discussing matters it come farming, when he that tin t these two bales team ai st he expected to not ne r i. f? i i hat's right. Wearevery the old Palmetto State for \ jasons than one, but when { 9 to base-ball, knowing ( 9 playere on the Columbia .1(1 Charleston team, are cessarily Carolinians, in j t-4 if al _ n i doset, where a part of the vare used in the hotel was >d. The scene there beg lescription. The total lossi imated to be about $4,000. ;gars 8 e8" . ,, Sold only Main Stree _ 1_1 _ " " TW MAY KNOW AND WILLTINO 1 BINDER STORES EVERY* WHERE. by Singer Sewing Mac] t, opp. P. O., Lanci bine Co. etster, S, C. matte, askcq same, he repli ly too scarce." Yesterday \ and it was ap| ed in thisjcity the cemetery, n r _ lur mtj reasons lur laci, wt ed "Labor is entire linian c " so that vas Memorial L)ay more o propriately observ the oth ' with exercises at see the where six hundred the w -1 ' ~ . ^ 11 m 1 i uouui li viiery in a v^hiu- j >n either of these tennis. Macon really seems to be f a "home team" than era and we just want to m "knock the socks" off f hole business, yes even ( tin anrt (Iharlpclnn an ' aouquet ior tne nospit People of Heath Spring The editor of the Wateree ?enger, of Camden, in his r< )f the recent meeting of the S ter District Conference in H aDie Mep- ^ jport 5um' M M [ea,h ? A Ml I | TOUR ffi NnnAnm* VWVPMV or more oouie buried. The C of the city w fine dinner, g after which body to the c< ed to some fir incr rP h n rr lucriiit) Mwiujuis nrti """ *" lonfederate veterans there, ere treated with a ;iven by the ladies, ? they marched in a * imetery and listenle music and speak- J,1?6 bwHt \ Singer 01 lililuru rnmnnnina ulnri.u I Former Lancastrian, Macon Ga. , , ^ , I >ONT USE POOR OIL. 1 ho on sewiug machines, bicycles urj.oses requiring a lino lubricant, is cheapest in the end. Genuine 1 can oniy bo otuined at Singer I.rwil/ for (hn S Sinter Sow. Springs, says : The good people of E Springs did themselves proi the royal reception they gav members of conference, though a small town there no tr iblein findingcomfor ?? llUUl e the A1* was table Uni/\nr -?^v. urrutm tmnv cirl AVnf i AM DAm n mn nrinoo fliot cViAlll/1 AU^a JL "Vy 11 also took par firing severs graves of the weather was large crowd v cises. The c nassinir out. I . ^ . inij Mftcl t in the exercises, offoe, La 1 volleys over the ? dead soldiers. The ^^orr simply ideal and a Burs witnessed the exer?ld heroes are fast VT , , , ^asl nit the loving and line Co., Main St., oposite po?tuuiHter, S. 0. tan's Head Literally ited From Headache. iville, Term.,?A Glasgow, i .1 a. if n . ii? . homes for all ot the deleg The three churches?Meth< Baptist, and Presbyteriancommodious school house, s] well lor the sentiment c people ol Heath Spring! shows that they are awake I l.Adt ft f fllO ni f C UI1CI UC1UW iUI :a appeal to all who wa )dist, We A] >f the nor running a CRUS ' 11 item quoted here no 10 l|le until withdrawn : mnlo yyj\AL ^wiioiuti ativ/ii ovixiv nt to save money on their re Not C JH SALE, but we will forf< t now in stock. We make tl |/1 IV/ViO 1/1IUU U11VU1U purchases. rushed ^ 5it $100.00 for any he following prices A ?-? ' patriotic sous continue to sacred memo A man nar and killed he Mr. Strong, 1 eoods concer uispau i and daughters will j)avi8> do honor to their ftt ^or| ry her he ned Smith was shot ca re this morning by an(j js nanager for a dry Thu n here. Smith was ;n says tnai mrs. ueuie an aged lady, who lives al Hill, Ky., recently had ad to burst from headache, se is a most peculiar one, puz/ling the doctors, rsday afternoon Mrs. Da.. o nA V/V70U iUl^l V?VU x/t wmw They are proverbial lor open-hearted hospitality, the recent past they ente ed the Presbytery and B Association. They belie\ engaging in good work, spent a couple of days there their $5.00 Overcoats at In coats at 7.50. rtain Men's Suits from an(lfll 54-inch Broadclotl ap . Wide Taffeta Silk 6 in 54-inch Ladies' CI 20 pieces A. F. C. S nnil Solid case Cotton : 2.98 ; 7.50 Overcoats at 3.98 to the best in stock at h, sold at 1.00 and 1.25 yar , black and colors, at 87 C oth, 42 1-2 cents yard. Ginghams and Linen-finis Blankets at 63c, 89c and 1. 4.98; 10.00 Over, 9.00. d, now 85c yd. ?nts yard. h Chambrays, 10c. .23. o a printer by work at his f approached h at him, firing body. He wa pital immedi very short wl ViO IU?' trade and was at 8Ufl"ere jhop, when Strong noon, i lim'and began firing 'nie Ui five ahots into his ed to f s taken to the hos- Friday ately, but died in a yf^e of nile. Strong accused \trs rv a suvnro ncauav^no nuu id throughout the afternight and all day Friday, sual simple remedies fail;;ive relief, and some time night a hole about the a 32 calibre ball appeared i HaviM* fnrchpftfl. iinnr fbft our time was divided iu thel of Mr. Hiram Mobley an Wiley Vaughn, where we most cordially received. 9hall remember them and families as new made frien One thing particularly lomea Unly Six ol our (i. d Mr Men's Odd Pants "Z 5.00 I their $3.50 Krippendof ds. Indies' Fine Shoe tl t 2000 yards heavie oaho irowio "Pio uu wool KianKets leit to ci from 75 cents to 3.48 pair. Forbush Shoes at Shoes at 2.98. s at 75 cents pair and up. ist weight Sheeting at 6 ce irlc of P? />onfo trawl lose at 4.zo pair. 3.48 \ nts yard. Smith of havi ter and this 1 son for the k The at reel this week, w of all kinds, one of the s Lng seduced bis sis- tempi* lie gives as his rea- hloo'l illing. and fo t lair is in full blast noor> ith many attractions aft< It is managed by i,'l00d trongest companies easv a s, and when discovered the had run down off the bed r more than six feet on the *r the loss of considerable Mrs. Davis' head became ml since then she has suf impressed us very favorably Ileath Springs is that the is laid oiT nicely, with good streets, and shade trees been put out on all ot them mineral spring is also qu attraction, and there was g . ^wv/ j aiuo vjv a. ?a ' wlt Job lot Men's Fin town Rjg lot Laces, Ins 1 wide Get our prices be: have tee to save you mon . The ile an ^ mood |T|inno 1UO (it KJ V/VlltO J CU U. e 2.00 and 2.50 Fur Hats a ertings and Embroideries i fore you make your purchf ey. Yours for busines rhiirlf Poi t 1.48. at old prices, uses. We guaran' JS, nn^nu in the count] be one ot t] we have hat These fairs 1 advertisemet it is best n much of thei y and promises to J fere(j ] lie best street lairs I in a long lime. De lever come up to the ^ may co its, however, and Early n ot, to expect very Man n, lest you get dis no inconvenience. )'? to \ our health and happiness''? s Little Early Risers famous little asty, sick headache or billioiisnesa me on any time; the cure is an liser. Sold by Crawford liros. y Hurt in Chicago Fire. deal of drinking irom tho h giving spring on Ilia part, < delegates to the convention While at Heath Spring called on our esteemed Uapt. J. C. Rollings, who cuperating at the home ealth- I UllVi V uf the i. . . friend YOU Work Wc is re- wj,pn yOU f/ret i of hie Ii is the proper eai i uui rv wvi ird for Your Mone t, how much attention do you re of your income that count* fo llf/CJIIJ . y? Kivp to the care of it ? r future prosperity. appointed. It seems t< now that the state will be cent freeze right time U age to the s how much Chi ) bean assured thing persoi i peach crop in this jngbu very small. The re- avenu came at just the | > do the most dam- .. mall fruit and just damage was done Pl cago, May.2-More than 100 is were penned in a burnlilding today at 225 Wabash e, and narrowly escaped iheir lives. Fully half of persons were injured in inic to escape, but none are brother-in-law Mr.-A. H. can. His many friends thi out the county will be g learn that his health is irapr He is, however, quite wea but we are glad to say H seems to be on the road to ijo you realize financial atraira? ] rough- count than to keep j t over your expense i (iaa to yoi, ] you may have to pay an accou get a receipt? ut these things when you use ch Ind it a convenience a>. well as r rirst National win aysiemanze your i> have a checking acr*'>n to be able to look fniii* money gnea. Do nt the aecond time beecka; atart an account?} eally helpful. Bank remains to b e seen. But we cer-Jexpec ?> ted to die. I ery. I # LAWUABT&K, o. U.