** * -V V *'1* -' %' E LOCAL ] DOTS ^ | PE V 1 THE LA OKiUet Mr. NOASTER NEWS, MAY I Two Big Snakes. J. W. Kniffht. of the 4, 1907. frtinmif W * \ Vlin In Mnn 1AVII7 S Ull ?A good many ed planting cotton ?Mr. Oaswell fine milch cow to ago. ?Yorkvilln ln#t. up i' farmers finish- Mr. Hase this week. a visit to Wi Starues had a Mr. Ohai die a few days day or two i Mrs. Geo rina nf lio? Kant -?^1 Creek >1 Witherspoon paid corn ( ashington this week. Tuesd rles D. Jones spent a 0u ld Atlanta this week. were one h i. W. Williams and ^ O ' ? . ; section, while replanting >n his creek bottoms last lay, came very near stepping ro large moccasins which lying "side by side " With ck of his hoe lie chopped ie heads of both snakes. VJVWWll I A iiiijj lu mm WHEN 1V1J. I and most patriotn week when Ex-! Crawford passed i ?Messrs. H. E. E. Craig have, w< brought out the atnro at. nntfnn v44V v* * * vjl uoa t VII OU v s citizens this Savannah, C Sheriff E. A. Mrs.Chau lway* Teun., in vi Coffee and R. J. H. Boldi j understand, j^r*. \y. ] Union Cash 3prjng9f vi i visiuug relatives in rp^ ^a- ly the incey, of Chattanooga, differ siting her sister, Mrs. in the ldge. measi K. Burns, of Heath cheB j sited friends in Lati rig serpents were practical) same size, there being a euce of only h^lf an inch rir length. The longer one ired 4? feet ani was 4 in in circumference. : KHV Walk-Ov< GO ON, SHOE T*S~\ T TFIT T"< srs ?There will be moot at the au 16th, fot the bene! federate Monuir?eo ?Miss Florence ] ter of our fellow uima. caster this i an entertain- Mrs. S. ditorium May Springs, is > it of the Con- here, Mrs. H x fund- Mrs. M. J Brown, daugh- gection, is "V townsman Mr. r a. T'rtn "?k- C, L. Bruce, of Heath ^ risitinf? her daughter flouri I. M. Groxtoo. of Lg Long, of the Creek thing isitiug her son, Mr. aged nr. fnrnmnn nf Thn nteresting Occasion for the stored People. e Benevolent Society, a shing colored organization ncaster that, among o her 8, looks after and aid? the and helpleBs poor of the I 1 t\KJ U I5L.C.; GO OFF. 3 I . X '*1 i VV. McD. Brown, 1 er in the Bislic school, has beeu another year. ?Mr. S. R. Fer citizen of the Ric Chester county, t "h? '? ? teach- Newg uffi(Je >pville graded re-elect ed for Mr' aud 1 of Chester, Suuday wi guson,an aged paimer Kin hburg section, w. ? lied last Mon- . Ml88 Mar .0, ? race, colon Mrs. John Husbauds, day. spent Saturday and marcl th Capt. and .Mrs. J. being g. * ball y Mobley, of Colum- aPec^ ~ ' _ ?iiA * naa special services in the 3d Baptist church last SunMembers of the Society bed ill a body, about 100 ; in ranks, from Massey's to the church, where a al sermon was preached to l tl._ T> ttr >i That's what you every day and Sund; when you buy this ^ the several patterns KVlt/fc, i want in shoes. Go ly service. And you WALK-OVER mode and leathers. Look i !fl od all day, will get it 1 in any of at a nair day night, at the daughter, Mrs. A. was 90 years old. ?Mayor R. E. L. Eoag and oth citizens are having for the reraodelins: home of h.e 0,a- a,,a M" J. Gross. He C"e8ter- af with Mrs. J iir it I. * Mrs. Johi Wyhe, Mr. J. ? er prominent ler ; plans drawn Urn' ^ , . . visiting Mrs : of their resi js Su9ie McCrorey, ol >eiit Wednesday here . Palmer King. deli?< pasto 1 Jenkins, of Georgia, cilurc ster, Miss Ada Clytaile Gold Mine, are A pr( i. John A. Cook. ( ?fl uy mo xxtsv. \s. 1X1. mna. An address was also ared by Rev. VV. D. Kinp, r of the St. Paul Methodist ib. !??/ Home Wedding ? Marrive of l>r. Ezzell and Miss on your feet. Note then put them to the $3.50 "CUSTOM I their "correct" appea : test of active servic< # AND $4.00. I MADE" $5.< ranee, and 2. \ 1 . 00. deuces. Others are to build dwelling summer. ?Chief. A. R. ! a9 special deputy P. Hunter, public] the st.rftftt.s lnot. Tn also prepaiing The Hey gs during the Yorkville, j ter, liis forn Hough, acting We are in for Sheriff j. P!ff95aut c?! y destroyed on Mrs. Jacl acinar mn.nin? iTOIll a Vlfiit . W. C. Ewart, of -? said a visit to Lancas- A aer home, this week, emni; debted to him for a hospi 1 while here. J. K. s. Crow has returned ^'le c f.n li?r rnntliop in Kar_ rennie T/iomi>aon. beautiful wedding was solved last Wednesday at the table home of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Riverside.? ontracting pariies were Dr. , Ezzell,the well known and Williams Preacher and W omar to have Eloped. 1 $-Hughes i baid ] f-i ? -m | Business r * 4**- I ii xr ? ? : Co. Jotices. two gallons of con seized by him. burn the stuft fAil Era. ?Mrs. M. R. Lancaster, was in voiAUJ IUV& ? itrabaml liquor 8haw, accon All efforts to Miss Alabe led.?Kershaw spend sever Rock Hill ; McOardell of Airs. Stra i Kershaw last Strait, Airs. - i iff . i , , succe tipamed by her sister, I Hough, . who will al weeks with her.? .lorr Herald. tive Mrs. it, wife /! f 1% of 1ITIII I- _ - ?- ^ imeneu miner if ONE CENT insertion. No less than 25 ' 4 i this afternoon, m 4 to 6 o'clock, , at Cotton Mill iveil new outfit. wooii suiiciiint: the fund for the monument at La Confederate dead, to learn that she r ' success. ? Kershaw ?Mr. J. B. Sit HiiriDuuons 10 " ,T i erection of a Mrs. Lyles, ncaster to the of Chester, We are glad h0re with A met with fine Misses Flo kra* Threafct, of ns's sons cut a by fhei t>ii, (Ji avuui\ j nu, ouu oCCUS wife of Dr. D. Lvles, relati spent last Wednesday C0Up Irs. T. J. Strait. tion. ireuce, Maud and Etta Th Lancaster, accompan- perfc r cousin, Miss Mazie Rev. ion and a large number 01 lyes and friends of the younj le were present by invitae interesting ceremony wat irmed in the parlor by the W. C. Ewart, of Yorkville | |/"I VOU ??WiU a Miss Floretta Whaley al left her home and had writ ters saying she would turn. Rev. Mr. Cooke is ^ ried to Matifda, daugt Ilieenzi A. Clarke, of Hi ' Conn. nil in.it Will IIIHKi* JIIIOIOS HI u.*. i.^^i week, 4th to 11th, to gt IfiO llftd terthen | Wiu travel. tell let $1.00; 6 small 25c cabit Your chance has coi IlOt re- cash. As good as yi mar- whert? for twice the Cook, Lancaster, S. C. if pi- Of mmmmmmm? GENUINE 11A KG irtford. had at our special sale from 4 to (5. Premii low prices one ?t samples. AfCabinets, 6 for let groups $1.25. ne. All work ou can get anyprice. J. W. AIN8 may be i this afternoon, urn given with briar 011 tneir fath or two ago that m anil 10 inches i] u o ciock, p. m. Hie wed inarch was rendered by Mrs Draffin, of Kershaw. Tht dants were: Mr. Clydt H, of Marvin, N. C., brotliei b groom, with Miss Lois MilMr. J. Edward Nisbet, wit] ajju ?i.. mi Subscribe to Tlie News. Tribute to the Memi Mrs. Leroy Springs Lancaster Graded Si every bill of ?oods an dollars. Cotton Mill MY LAKUE JACK \vi ________ son at Mount Prospect, Monroe, N. v., Itoute 4. Dry Of DON'T fail to attc , .? sale this afternoon, frt Dy tOC Cotton Mill Store Co. Dhools. FOlt SALE?Several lmleii shreilileil enrri #t nounting to live Store Co. 11 make the aeaW. P. PlyJer, 2t nd our special )in 4 to ti o'clock. thousand pounds til) punta iw>r hnn. ?The iollowini statement of 1 lie F delegation to the meeting of the Sti of Women's Glut Orangeburg: Dele K. McOardell, M: g is a corrected a visitor to ranklin Circle's Hw i8 nQw > approaching Dudley, CI *te Federation Mr. J. F >s to be held in ented and gates?Mrs. M. Winnsboro rsJ.Al. llood. accompanic . . I it I. ion Lancaster this week. ^ ^ f .teaching school at ^ ^ lesteriield cbunty. ^ rank Fooslie, the tal- gerve scholarly editor of the chari News and Herald, tjie ?d by Mr. Williams, ?M,i , M.U.I.llcr II Ullillllh, lYil. X 11CW )n, with Miss Ezzell, sistei e groom. lieioua refreshments \ver< d alter the ceremony. Tin ning and popular bride wa recipient of many elegap useful nrAaoula The following preamble ant r tions were adopted last Thin the Lancaster Graded School? Whereas, It has pleased A g God in His intlnite wisdoir the heath Angel into our coy i and summons to her rewar q Mrs. Grace White Hpr'ngs, loved wite of the esteemed 1' t of our Hoard of Trustees, am j of our fellow pupil, Elliott 1 resolu- dred. J. Koy Cuunlugtai rsday by , . I can tarnish a f?*w setl . -it from my yard of nice 1th limgiity ,hiring the month ot~ Mi i to f0111 ting. Young Chick - S5.U'! }m unity i)nuhvp. it above the he- YOU will miss the! resident the season if you ar I mother our special sale this Springs, member the hours? ira. St iings of tine eggs ode Island Reds \v at $1 ,i?u per seti per trio?R. f. heat bargains of e not present at afternoon. R#*4 to G o'clock. * Alternates?Mrs. Mrs. W. E. rTayloi \ Additional Facta a aker. Mrs. Susanna V of the late Levi M M. J. Perry, aiso of Wi r. hours in L ? ternooti. 1 bout Mr*. It hit- exara\n press and t Vhitaker,widow p'ates buy fhitaker, an ac-1r?' nnsboro, spent a few 'pj, anca9ter yesterday af- the Mr. Fooshe came here hom, e The News' new t}iev older, as he contem- jj0m< due similar maohine* recej Ai ie bridal couple left during evening for their futur 3 in Vanwyck. The next da; went to Dr. Kzzell's oli 3 in Marvin, N. C., where jtion was given them, nonii those who attended th ii 18 Din lining mac we, tne y anil pupils of the Lancaster ' Hchools, pay some tribute to t e ory of our depurteil friend. fore be it resolved : y First, That in her death j sustained the irreparable li true, good and faithful friend a Heoond, That we bow in submission to Him, tlie Kul Universe, who doeth all thin pi and that we endeavor so to teachers cotton Mill Store Co. 1 Graded . he mem- IF 1 THOUGHT tl There- ca9ter were idiot* 1 v have a "silent shuttli we have that I could sew bacl ass of a forward. I would be t The Singer is here to humble machine is gaurantei erofthe plies are furnished a gs well; for all old machines ai live that are (I 2-3 cents a da v. le people of Lanrould tell them I p" machine, and kward as well as piling the truth, stay and every pd and all supt cost. I trade id my payments A B. Jdnnsav count of whose de day was publish day's issue of Th< years and 29 day* years as stated March 28, 1826. mother of 14 chil< 1 o i lath last oatured in Wednesir 01 Charge< a News, was 81 i old, instead of _ , ' , 0, , John Cu I. bhe was born . c, .. about 13 y< ohe was the , , , Lancaster iren, of whom ??> , % in lork < County Xeyro Boy nnarr rf with Horn* Steal- Mr. Cam ireton, a negro boy and ears old, formerly of Dr. county, was arrested Mrs. county last Tuesday. ^?e88 ia^e from a distance were:? and Mrs. J. W? Thompson, o den; Mrs. Mack Williami daughter, of Sanford, N. C. Huey, of VVaxhaw; Mr. am John Williams, of Rock Ilill rs. W. H. Milieu and Le when the tlnal summons ec ~ may meet our dear friend f "Beautiful Beyond," when tl be 110 more parting, no hoi 3 pain, no tears, but all will . and joy forever more. > Third, That our heartfelt ij thy and Christian love be e: . and hereby extended the ' husband, the stricken father e motherless son. ? i. rn i ? ~ m . l. >mes we Manager linger Ston in the " 1 lere will ONE CAR damaged row, no bushel. Bennett Gri be peace ????????? LISTEN!-Why ri sympa- losing a good $200 o xpressed mule by feeding di bereaved preference to good ea and the trifle difference in pri< and get your supply. B. I meal at 50 eta. acery Company. in the rink of r $300 horse or imaged corn in r corn just for a ce. Come quick Just received oniy o Burvive ne; a daughter, Messr J. Wbitaker .an Aldrich. The R< w conducted the fun Union church Sun T.11 r, iwo sons and I charged w 8. J. L. ?nd G. I ffom a colc d Mrs. Sarah I ^nderson, ,v.R. h. eral services atL gaid tha iday-S |dayl?ghtat ?? ~ | horse off. ? , . , oiHta ith stealing a horse red man named Dave near Tirzah. The boy * ig for Anderson and it Kid t he got up before any ot id rode the old man's TVa 1 hold o The animal was re- Foley* re, oi l^aucaster. Jolly. ney complaint kills more people tha her disease. This is dne to the dii aeing so iDsidious that it geis a goo >n the system before it is reoognizrx] s Kidney Onre will prevent the d< ruuriu, l iint it copy ui in lotions be sent to Col. I.eroy and also a copy to the I, News for publication. FOB BALE?Florodora Lon n Cotton Heed. Cotton sells al ). Price $1.00 bushel, at gin hoa d can be had at Heatb-Jonea Cc I. Bros., and W. B. Gulp's, La e- Mobiey Bros. A Co., Heath e?e resu- ? car luimy. v/nver Springs, P. S.? I have two tine ancaster ????????? THIS BANK solicits ______ hasis of mnlnal helpfnln The Ba g Staple ???????? I 30o. lb. Two thousand bus ?e. Heed oorn for sale at 60 oen i., Carnes Bennett Grocery Co. moaster; ??????> Springs, MAKE MONEY-Yon v-. macKiiioti. oows for sale. your bnsintxw on a ess. nk of Lancaster. hels of damaged ts per bushel at ir money with ns uoiiy. {covered. Iyelopi Fand< nont or ratal rtieeoM if taken in timi trbnrk Pbarmacj. a. H.U. Address K. J. Mollwai [caster, R. 8. in, Lao-1 will earn 700 4 per 0 I quarterly. The B/v cnt., compounded nk of Lanmator.