The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, May 04, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Brc s: -4-V *r * :>/ r? ? * \ ', " >? 4 The Lancj Semi-' .ster News, Weekly. 825,048 t amount c THE LAI rear's supply to be the _ would haye a deficit of ' 1 >ale8. As yet no great ad >f cotton is produced in iftASTER NEWS, MAY 4 he Lady A A Lerit Mark fl|i . 1907. t AFRICAN I MY 1 1 ' < he Lady erit Mark ^: ? t Saturday, ' THE LI6H The 'rauuicif was ill progres day when The N in mu f 11 t* nr/1 1 n n May 4, 1907. a!^ new. J Rive a al = but India T ELECTION. diminy?h< >al election that ^ie,1? as 1 is here last Tuesfews went to press, ^|e jjia| centers. Egypt may qj ightly increased yield, i, I believe, will show a >d product. It looks, if?should the present jr cotton yarn and piece Id, which seems probai American cotton plant t i- 1. 1 1 4 i every pair. c< DRSi or ETS w i every pair i ItKi laiuj wiuJiia electric franch Hughes, result the propositior 42 to 26 agaius is probably a le, from the result of the reeistei ivo ?ti cr? ueeu ise to Mr. T. M. price tor ed in the defeat of The wi 1. The vote was us, will i it ratification. It the pros gitimate inference next fa 11i that a majority everythic red voters of the contrary, ntit ituir a iniirii rrauueu ? their staple." 8e farmer, it occurs, to lot be carried away by pects for high prices ?will not try to plant CC tg in cotton. But, on the will plant his usual , i l snape Our Corset de] >rsetieres in helpinj > for this assistance r . i Jb or ri\ partment offers th< g you to find youri ! the problem of 1 i ery Jtig s patient assistano s. Once you hav< beings correctly co 1 II c ure : e of expert e called on ?rseted and town are eith granting of a long a terra a* opposed to gra at all, preferri instal its own 1 likely both reas er opposed to the crop or franchise for so cultivate thirty years or are labor of ntiug a franchise usually v ng that the town and also ight plant. Most the culth ?ons had a control what he can safely ^ with the limited the country, work un- . irell what he does plant til give good attention to ^ ration of his food crops. i ^ -? lereiore correctly g Never were coi le new models pict ley endow each figi / this season's gow owned nas ceased sets so wondrous! ured herein. Cor Lire with those styl ns, because of the to De a prooiem i< ly fashioned to th iceived with the ish, artistic lines ir grace and charm 3r you. ie form as eye of art demanded i of design. ^ ling influence i tion. While tlie 1 failed of ratific of the commui public spirited citizen for ma ii Tuesday's elec- THE WA HOL LI u^lies franchise There ation, the thanks farmers i lity are due that have not and enterprising capital s king the timely and cottc REHOUSE AND COTTON DING ENTERPRISE. are many prosperous u Lancaster county who yet subscribed to the tock of til9 warehouse in holding company, the Amer For sl i<an Lad ight, small or re forms, this ^ y Corset! 8 nedium price there has ne move (hat lie d has rendered able service b practical way i question, whicl mant tor more He has aroused _ t T x * _ id. Mr. Hughes movemei the town invalu- started li >y reviving in a l.v after t the electric light mass me< li had been dor- president than two years. North Ca interest in one lina cot it to organize which was \ ere recently, immediate. he adjournment of the sting addressed by the is respectively of the ^rolina and South Caroton association". The . , l^?-j garment designee modish, Jjf? |P?|^ small fij < * ?\ vk a hiKh nJ^wVjA the hips : is especially /1| i. It has the jjM high bust?in v? :>portion that f (ures can wear ^ bust?while 7/j/k ; are short and IJu ii&r BP? ver keen such supe ,-r {h)U' S^la PtllliM cloth is m Cli-MM V/y ter than i anything of :rior construe pe or quality al offered the The coutil iaterially betisuallv found oi jjancasier a an uptodate lig caused the pec thinking aboul examine into tl in all its phase; isfied that the Ttrill oiTanlunt greatest neeus? suosunpt ht plant. He has hands of ?ple to do much and othei b the matter, to not alren lis light, business quested t 3, and we are sat This m present agitation for the ti O i ? ? 1 lYlOrtl Qlli ioii papers are in ?lie Mr. W. J. Cunningham rs and those who have ,dy taken stock are reo do so at once, ovement means much iture welfare of the far W 1#" 1 o f r\ l\n 1? /\ a J * 1? ?? i '1 ** * m \\ ft the fron 1 'pIm'/ /I to l,res< /111'll' II stra'ght /aw ?? smart 1 deed. Made of dian hite and drab. Pretty I a1 U rv n rv r? n -v *-v ??r? i r* t long enough t/ljf ^rve a strictly 4K' front. A very /( ittle garment lond cloth in exc< lace trimming is a c in garmei while the UkLZ excelled; /,liV priced ga sedingiy fashionable i bsolutely perfect fitti -4. C 4 - 4- C J its this price, shape is not n many high x rments. It is n design and ng at every l j ? J _ " v T V U? UIVV having a lirsl-c system before while. THE PRICE OF C 5 Indira! inn?? Ill U'UlLrtOlCl Q uu? :laps electric light they will i a very great fall l lire system is _______ ment, as OTTON NEXT SEA- pT.i.'.T"?' Andereor nnint 1 r\ a irnni] StHJlfP ll ^ IV * O tv/ UO UW|<t1U IU(1| cli not let the enterprise >Ufih. The warehouse i no longer an experiit b success has been fulistrutod at a number ol in the South. The IV i warehouse, lor in- qj hs nrnupti In Kn nf i? H_l liuat 3UJjpUlH-13 111 The Price he Lady / [erit Mark A 111 i every pair mm num. pun 1.00 I erican Lad) it. oiippoi ici> ai nuii Price 1.00 anc ' Corsets '< ?iiiini i? linn or ii biue. I 150. he Lady [ erit Mark 1 everv oair price for cottc There will don I demand lor the before, owing in the number constantly inc lor cotton ^ood >n next season.? ealculabl i .1 i ? ol ^1Ht c( be a greater from the i staple than ever t|ie Ande to the increase 'fj,e a,j of mills and the of selling jreasing demand warehoug s. The following bv-ly , *,l e benefit to ihe farmers )U?ty, as will be seen ?" following, taken Irom F irsonMail: ^ vantage to the fanners ; their cotton by the je system has b^en stnk monstrated within the _ Copies / Suppl; LANCASTER i y Comf L, S. C. _ - J 1. >any t report recently Bradley of Ala much to encoi ftroworn : "The latest number ot new 1905, and tliei made by Consul ,ow . . , . Last In ncheater contains m down irage the cotton Many of ty decide figures as to the price. T mills built since led them r capacity, have stored th __ 1 rni 1 ? *T! weeks ill the price of cotton as low as 9 1 2 cents. U the farmers of ttie conn- oas 'd not to sell at that pe "hey owned and control- , selves, and tney simplj' n> eir cotton in the wareI 1 . . ! I I 1 - ' HOSE LANCASTER CONST BLES." nder the caption, "Those Lji iter Constables," the Camd o])le says : 'We hasten to assure Hro C< rs of the Lancaster News, tl tailed to note Ins remarks A- towns and tlie peace < the county doing all in- been done in the waj en pressing blind tigers. T seized in Lancaster as s ?n- the Mammett report ref 1,1 was seized by the polio i ii officers of T & O that hi s 7 of Rup. (Qii n 4 lie liquor ^ ^ * liown by ^ 'errel tn 5^. L 0 ol tins I . CO'S. ;ility ligar JUM Ui'IXlt? II 99 new nulls, 1 of 8,865,998 mills are nearly will he working add au item tov of the cotton m ing season snindles consul mint. i I lev give hih laving a capacity better pr spindles. These bave con y all working, or few weel this 3ear, and &old at pi vard (lie question I 11 1 2 cei irket lor Hie com- to -flO pe * * * Twelve could ha> ne a bale of col- expense < i ueciueu 10 wan lor'tln ices. The better pric9? rej ie. During the past j10 ts most of tliem have|cjg rices ranging from 11 to W() its, an advance of $7.50 j(>8 >r bale over whut they cjfl re gotten last fall. 1'he )1 holdinff the cottonl 3 i- sue of the I ancft*ter Ne erred to. Had we done wever, tlie force ot our cri m on the whole conditi uld not have been appreeiali sened. We based those cri ms largely on the Hamuli >ort, and whether State iown. ii we imsiaKe notws * 0 ly none ol it, was Qap t : state constables. Nei 011 | State nor the county ha 11 y any expense whatever i n" forceinent ot the prohib ture ot the dispensary 1 . t Ita il ioi\An3<i?i? I /\?? ?certain am j j j ; tured by I . t,?, it her the I 1 s been at I ELI. 11 the en- Yes, it is diflei itory lea- will pleuse you. aw rince I I I * A I E ,S *ent. Quatility Calls solicited. Try them. ? <m. m ton a year, on the United Ki mills would, at consumption c or an addition tion of 1905 of countries prodi rics seem to ha the average, in has bee ugdom. Tiie new arid those this rate, add a ne.v in th if 730,000 bales, able to b( to the consump- their war 20 per cent. All More tl icing cotton fab- niers got ve been prosper- not have o . CO I n comparatively little, i who have needed mo e mean time have been cag jrrow it at the banks on rehouse receipts CU1 ban this, when the lar- mfl ready to sell they did jac to hunt for buyers. The wo iiny consianies tiiu ilie wo I not have hearing on the en meboily ^seized liquor in Lh ter county during the If arter ot Chief Ilnmmelt's i Tibency. One swallow doesi ike a summer anyhow, and t t remains that State constabl rked in a number of rminti i,no cict iuii i-e. caster. n- ^ kst nie mail you free, to prove plea ot my Dr. Hboop's Kestoral ? Ifook on either Dyspepsia, Th< I) t The Kidneys. Address me, Unci lie. Wis Troubles of th Heart or Kidneys, are merely s u deeper ailment Don't mak op iiion error of treatment is treutir in i,au. SJlil A that thirst and cool. Come, try merit, untilrfCt'o'r Our Refr Dr. Nhoop, , ?n i e Stomach, when *'e Will do ymptora. ot er consistent wi 0 tbo com- , ft I,, tIim ri unit make vnn fppl ? ill Ye want to keep the goods from igerator all in our powth the times, to lurnivl/ul ??>.. ous, and lor in months British tile machinery 'have been in what they may selves. Under ces, it would no to add 20 per cf r?r*n?iimnfinn r>f e past eighteen buyers ( shipments ol tex places, ai to such countries cotton. < creasing besides was all 1 nave built them- desired, thesecircurastan- It has I t seem excessive 'he warel; >nf. to the general cotton is raw Anftnn nr mailt nun ame here Ironi other wjj id were eager to get the tj1 Competition in buying hat could have been *' , , . , doi been demonstrated that ^ louse system of telling ?n immense improver thft nlrl 1nnu? hor.hov 91ft hout request being made f mi, on which ground a ninj< of them are reluctant to p; them, and so far, have n ie so." )ur esteemed contempora I labors under a misapprehe II Ita |1 * 'f 1) AUQ f QnoontnK of your nilment, and not the cai Stomach nerves the inside ner >r- Stomaoh weakness always. Ar *jd Ki h ys . a w II, have t' f ir J' or inside nerves. Weaken th Ot and you inevitably have weak > Here is where Dr. Shoop's Host made its fame. No other re TV claims to treat the "inside net for bloating, biliousness, bad h' complexion, use Dr. Nhoop's ? Write for niv free ltook oojv I line, wr.'nk pUrchase you ma V6H?DlOftns J id tb? Heart )r Alio.. ? Cold Sof ?wuiuvu iui cki \y ke in the way of t Drinks say, 3,101,230 I to the great 15,506,255 b *1 18,607,485 bale consumption foi The large crop 17,782,440 bale aales which added xard metl total of 1905 of from wap ea, would give man with s as the poflsible mercy of the year 1907.? men wil of 1904-05 was bales stoi is ; supposing the practicall v?w vrlVft ??y V/U ' I* II " " v led of selling at random sta ons on the streets. The V()j a few bales was at the grc the buyers; the man or Ih a large number of red in a warehouse can cot ly dictate the prices. th< ? % ?.. * v/ VIAVQU bles." The dispensary w :ed out of Lancaster on tl I of October, 1905, and sin it date no state or dispense istables have been at work ) county, the police of t Restorative sold by J F Mackey 'its he Mrs. S Joyce, 180 Hullivan moot, N. H., writes: "About CO bought two bottles of Foley's K It cured me of a severe cas " trouble of several years' standii in tainly is a grand, good modi heartily recommend it. Funde he I macy. Co ' White Diamond Ale, bottled by St.. ci?ro- eral Springs Co. ?dD*.V *:?? Good and wholes e of Kidney a m lg. It oer- /V yl# { ioine, end 11 M rburk Pbar-1 The Old C Lithia Ginger Piedmont MinPints 10 cts. jome. to , Chance )riginal. . *