1; The Lancaster sion Roll for tl v * ? T*n?? M County Pen- S Stamen, ie Year 1907. h?n?< gle, Belan W.Terry, l iir ? * THE Li Lancaster; J. B She- Lam aster; William T. 81h- hure ; W. H. Stegall; W. Jane Lancas'er: J. B. Wil w.i INOASTER NEWS, B^AY saster; Jan? Twilfcy, Oah it; A. M. Walters, Dwighl > Walters, Dwight; Jan to U ? iV. o 1 " 4. 1907. s Plyler Bn os. New M 3 arket. ral Jones : Blackmon, j A ton, Dry < T . Dry Creek; Lancaster. KJge; Ma 5 B- Ridge; E. J ^axahnw ; Lewis Rachel Cat J. P. A. David Davis; Nan J. H. Gardner Rphtm^n n 3ailey, Elgin; Sarah Lancaster; E. M. Bar- any oi ^reek; E J Barton, ; M. J. Baker, Flint il boa .rgarot Bailey, F.int T. Caskey, Lancaster; an?l 'I oe, Fiat Creek; C. H. icy Dunlap. Lancaster; *ud L a.an.. XT? ^ * cold or a cough take Kennedy's Lax ough Syrup. It is BEITEK tin ther cough remedy because its lax rinciple assures a healthy, oopiot i of the bowels and at tho same tiu Is irritation of the throat, stregthei onchial tubes and allay intlumniatie mucous membrane. Contains Hone 'ar, pleasant |to take. Chll Iron lit onforms to the National l'ure Foe >rug Law. Sold by Craw Bros. *" Phone No. 148. LU >? ffSSSZf ? W s "T1 3 j! THE BANK OF jriyier uro he Old Reliable." = LANCASTER, Lancasi tners. tsr.S.C. & Taxahaw; Seab< Taxahaw; Britio Creek. class c, G. W. Barohill ^ Belair; L. P. C Owen Gregory, 'i Hunter, Flint 3ru McManut*, E. Uorton, n Parker, Flat drix, Osceo White Blul no. 1. caster ; Ma: ; H. J. Collins, J?" Jf? Jordan, Belair; p,??'erPluI nxahnw; W. J. K ?8' ' Rid,m .1 II Robinson, kiuuci, i>e>V t/Ul') ij. TV/Tot Kershaw; M. A Henla; Elizabeth Hagler, ff; S. L. Lindsay, Lan ry McGuirt, Vanwyck; K< ntgomery, Lancaster; i10t , Hips, Flat Creek; Mary aj Jnile Mine; Mary L Lancaster ; Martha wor ring it Hot for Blind Ti gers in Kershaw. srshaw Era: Cuief Hough i an the trail of blind tigei u. By some very shrew c ho caught up with Bustc CAPITAL.. i- X SURPLUS . ? Loans made on R yl Collections given H * Per Cent Interc 8 ^ pounded every thr 1 V Your business sol sr 11 +V- 1 ^ 1 $50,000.( $50,000.C eal Estate, at reasonable n prompt and careful attent ?st allowed on time depos ee months. icited. The oldest, the la )o. U >0. ^ ites. A i?n. gS its, com- ^ irirest and ^ Huey, Lancaster LincLay; Frederi caster; J. R. Lni W. Maloiie, Lj Miller, Flat Oree lips, Lancaster ; Creek; L. F. 8 Snipes, Tradesvill If Ml * ; J o. Hudson; "oMnaonv ick Lucas, Lau- I^T\ L B?s, Dwighi; G. i, tncaster; O. J?""nel'!"e. k ; W. T. I'hil f?ancy Wn Alex. Steele, 1,6 W7nn'' troud; Phillips ci e; Charles Wil- R g Lancaster; Nancy E. Wi'l lancaster; M. A. It. som< icaBter; Jane Sistare; weel Slegall, Lancaster; \y ght, Oakhurst: Q. Sal- , J. K. ( fort .ASS C, NO. 4. . vest* (lison. LunnnstPi"- So lerapoon dealing it out t ? of carnival crowd lat t. hen arrested Buster denie charge but on being arraigne rial before Mayor Blakene srday morning he pleade i/ioLiAjii^tist ?>anK i Very 'I To Norf CI | in Lancaster county. Low Ra oik, Va., and Retturn. tes huh, iviagin: J. m. caster; T. O. V Marlboro. class c, T. W. Aiiderso Adkins, Magill; Lancaster; By rum Springs ; J . L. Be tl -M- * ' Warwick, Lan rah A. Ada Vhitaker?from eriue Ada] A. Baiiey, No. 2. M. Baiter, o, Belair; J. J. Lanes D. L. Adama. n?tL Heatl i Adams, Heath Lancaster; 11, MajtilljM.H. caster; Ma b UlIt iras, Lancaster ; Oath m*, Lancaster; Susan . Dry Creek; Margaret lnS* Mt. Oarmel; R. M. office ister; Elizabeth Ben- pow ? Springs; E. J. Brown, \Ve ( Mary E. Bennett, Lan- -8 j tilda Beckham, Taxa- , y and implicated others,wli to have a hearing this more Chief Hough is a vigilai )r and is doing all in hi er to break up liquor selling commend the good work h oing in ferreting them out 0 Account Jamesto 1 Via Sou Season, sixty day a e commencing April '? Verv low wii wn Tercentennial Exp thern Rai md fifteen day tickets on be 19th, to and including Nov. 1 Q 1a/\ k/* ' 1 osition, I way ile daily 30,1907. nuncio, uaiie 1V11 Lancaster; J. M. A. Beaver; J. M. ehaw; B. W. Bi James M. Brou Springs; Harvey ( M. M. Caskey, 1 Cohen?from Yoi Sincerity ; John i ne; u. if. Bell, naw; Mar; Belk, Taxahaw; Mine; Eliz Bowers, Kor- burn, Kers :oom, Osceola ; '*?y, New ( ghton, Heath Dry Creek; Darter, Osceola; Creek ; M* -ancaster; J. C M." E. Ot "k; J. F. Carter, be'h Child* i.Caskev. 8. Clinmhn y M. Broom, Haile anQ a E Cook; A. T. Cly Blal< haw; Margaret Ca9- they 3ut; Hessie Crenshaw, M. C. Crenshaw, Dry D(J iry Carnes, New Cut; does lrnes, O. K; Elizajrd, Lancaster; Martha ,iur bands in uniform ? n STOP OVERS wi and fiteen day tic tickets. Eor for and comple 'e Southern Railway, it 38 ts H. . u.ow wc mnue iut military a ittending the exposition. 11 be allowed on season, si: :kets, same as on summer te information call on Ticket or write: R. W. HUN' Division t'assengi nd brass xty day tourist t Agents r, 2r Agent, caster; Amos Ct C. P. Oliue, Hail A. Clark, Dry Cauthen, Heath Coffey, Belair; 1 Taxahaw; R. T. I ter ; W. C. Downs S. A. Dsas, Ta: itoe, Taxahaw; re^ E. Du e Mine; Jamea Mary E. Creek; J. M. Elizabeth J Springs; A. S. L Estiidge, ^Villiain Craig, 'i8? Oakhur iunlap, Lanca->- Lancaster; ii Pleasant Hilt; caster; J. xaliaw ; D. I Creek; M u.uu.intci , Luitr^u- v;v,u " nlap, Pleasant Hill; Donahue, Lancaster ; Chu bCllis, Haile Mine; Z. Lancaster; S. M. El- g.y st,; Ilehecca Estridge, ,* . M. J. Elliott, Lan- * Falkenberry, Flat c'iur A. Funderburk, by . c. sain! m uavis, winte ^'u Pleasant Hill; A. Spring*; Jackson /j ^ Creek; W W. Fer Thomas F. F;ynn W. Gardner, K< Gardner, Kershaw ner and J. W. Ga G. W Oh?nr (ir, tt; F. M. Ellis, Tradesville: G Ellis, H eath i'radesviile Eubanks, Fla! Caroline < rell, Lancaster; Hannah G , Lancaster ; G. W. Gardn Jrshaw; Lewis an L. Hii >v ; S. G. Gard Hilton, Ta: rdner,Kershaw; raon, Cur< li rvoni 1 lo I I l-Tosrin D ; Minerva Funderburk, | a'tei ; Perraelia Ghent; mifig [iraham, Lancaster; ^ ordon, Lancaster; J. er, Haile Mine; Su ison. Primus; Grace ceiy< sahaw ; Martha Har- was Jton Store; Lucinda port* xL O _ ? o--? J"<= tue congregation was di? ed, and damaged slightly, rs. J. It Miller, who wa ling on the Irrnt step, re jd part of the current an injured seriously, but is r? ?d better this morniocf. JLJLKJM. ocs to Arr: t Our ] * . auu xri ive To-d VIr. Hood has just uies ay. Griffin, O. K; F. Heath Springs; Dixie; John M. I A. Holden, Kersh ton, Kershaw; S. from York; W. Kershaw; Samin Lancaster; J. S. y u tJ JLi R Hammond, Hammond, A. C. Hinwon. ton, Dwigl larper, El^in ; Dixie; J. ?w; C. C Hor- easier; M.< H. Hargett? Mosley A. M. C. Horion, Millie Knig )1 Humphries, table Kenui Hiiisou, Oak- Fiat Oreek ettui opnngs; Mary PrimuR; Queen Oil- Wb?n tit; Caroliue llinson, bly at Martha Hunter, Lan j P. Hudson, Lancaster; enti e Jenkins, Taxahaw; lit, Lancaster; Melii- biiuldi iugton ; Jincy Knight, ( raw,! ; Marv A. TiBt.hH" CD ' your back actus it is almost invarii i indication that something is wron your kidneyH. Weak, diseased kit Frequently cause a break down ot' th system. DeWitt's Kidney and Mat 'ills afford prompt relitf for wea ys, backache, inflammation of th -r and all urinary troubles. r work anywhere. to Sec This nnd T.iffa Stuff. , Pa Manns; McK. Mil J. O. P. Neil, La Neely, Lancaster; Jacksonham; J. N cenham; J. E. Orn S. J. Ormaud, PI J. A. Patterson, f T. Pitman, Lam Itair, Keraliaw; J Price, Lai ncas'er; B. (J. Lancaster; A. F. Nesbit, caster; Eli: . Nelson, Jack- Creek; Elij and, New Out; cerity; S. easant Valley; Susan Ring ervil'e; A. Primus; A. :?ster; W. T. Ridge; Sus< ??-j ? *'??"? ivmnei ci. i couo nca9ter; Nancy quick, jajnf \I. E. Robinson. Lan-I . sabelh Reddish, Flatj*1"11 labeth Robinson, Sin- nt rt ' E. Reeves, I)wight; er. {stall'; E. A. Small, Martha Small, Flint r> in Smith, Lancaster. * trv east of the Rocky Moun ?. The cold was almost con ma except, for brief interval layer soot warmer weath ianos and Organs wavgwij H Fine Fr Capucin, 4069, the I stand the present seasor yyy MiYW MUUU1 ench Stal Imported French Coach i at the Ktnhl<=>? fV?^ I uu. Ilion Stallion, ^will reitus; ii. M. Pol G. W. Phillips; J Flint Ridge; W. ^ Primus; J. T. Rodj M. D. Rodgers, 1 Robinson, Lancai Steele, Lancaster; John M. Stroud, Ik, Tradesville; Elizabeth i I. W. Powers, R. Stover, E. Robinson, Sweat, Dwi gers, Vanwyek; Belair ; M. itelair ; W. R. ter ; Flora i iter; R. J. M. ter, Mary S W. R. Steele; Strother, La Lancaster; O. son, Jackso Snipes, Lancaster; S. Kershaw; Elizabeth \vrit< ght; Mary L. Slagle, of pa J. Stogner, Lancas- J?uy( Vnn Sinclair, Lancas- wni 1 mall, Flint Ridge; N. J| incaster;Ellen Thompnham ; Mary Threatt, f, - o At Factory Prices. e us at once for our special pin ymerits on a Piano or Organ. I buy either instrument throng! >u get a standard make, onetha aat a life time. Write alone's Music House, COLUMBIA, B. C., or catalogs. nrln?? ?nS Capucin is a superb foaled May 28, 1902. B n vados. Sired by the G< hf by Galba, 2d dam Gasta< t If you want to rais* Heath-Elli< T a n ? ' WX l/IIt Ullli animal, bay, star, both hii ;red by M. Foutaine, Depai wernment Stallion Tyrol, doure by Gastadour. i fine stock, now is your op )tt Mule Com it-isigneu. nd feet white; rtment of Caldam Fugitive portunity. pany, If I o. O., April i zt>, iyu7.