v?r " '^v >>*:v"/ f i? ;' 8 y THE LA i 4 N0A8TKR NEW8, APHI1 mmasi mm mm .. ... J . -> . ' ' : ' .- 35 ''* '*** ' 'V 'f L 10, 1S07. _ mm mmmm - 7A- r v- ? N ^x>/\ v : ' " W *,; . > SPR ING 1 HAS ARRr m, SU I ins Our 0 swellest Price fro 0 SPRING CI line in town, m 85.00 to $ iOTHING jr Greys and >25.00. i st arrived, i Plaids are ind we have being worn, , beyond a d( ana we ha^ >ubt, the re them. v;:' - % DRES >S GO ODS -I 1 1 Our many 110 I Dress Goods velties by ex Department press. Conn \ is complete. ; in and see t We have ji hem. list gotten ii ti a good OllV Mill i ii orv n Tl Mil iahiiio* was m -LINE] nifp a siio^esi RY s. If vou ha ven't bouarht vour hat u jl come am n JLUXXAXJ.X V/X J J|# 1 look at ours nur " ^"*"0 1 3. i IT Lfi A rrii-T ?/ I \ XT ri '.ft i T %/ \ J The Entertainnen ?Charminq I i a j t Friday Nigra delightful. Presentation ot s0i0 w?s ai 1 k.. w JLiUJJTV Miss Janie Johnson's rtisticallv rendered, as D( JL XX rJ LETTER TO J F. HUNTER. Laucaster, S. V. ear Sir: Hero's a talo with thre V ^ ^ J Without Labor e or ik_7 vV and Economy "juirid/M n r Talent. The anticipate* "Miriam's Crime Friday night, Apr large and enthusi greeted the gifted tho nfirfnrmannp r imr~ u? M.umi wag alao Mr. R. E. 1 melodrama, 6jyeiy encc 3," came off il 5th. A very Deaih nf astic audience -Mr. ./. amate&rs; and Mrs. Isa rinrfi than met Mr. .1. E. the baritone solo ol four Fi Craig, wlto was eflfu- ce,Ki jrtwl KUIU )reu' Ioum i, ^ M _ ther Mrs. Howell, Wife of ^ttei K. liowell. N ill ?. . bella liowell, wife of h Rowel 1. of the Taber- ?00<: tullH tO It. rofessor Ir\ine hiiH an Academy, 2 burg, Penu. He paints the tloori iner vacation. It tised to take 'JO of paint. There were two paint st e, and he used to buy [one year ot next year of the other] 9J gallons ; r year ow he paints Devoe; <>0 gallons; difference is a saving of $150 a yeiu . (3. Fallon was oue of those deal I man; but he wouldn't take up Do kI(.r_ none can be rich; . money, but liave yo Rft|. this moneyV oreK No matter how a bank account. Il in many other way* j any expense and ca " as if it were in your [j.rH being lost. Come ii t1 u. /-v rr: with both none need be poor, u a bank account for the cai Hinall or how large your inco will a?aiat you in the practice i. You can open an account i n have the use of the money de pocket?without the chance < 11 and talk with ua about it. Or NI 4- i m I 1 You work and earn re and conserving of >me, you should have of real economy and ^ it. this hank without posited just the same if having it stolen or J rt 1 m the high expectatii and the King's Di ed a handsome su 'Miriam," Mrs. was at her best, ai cult and delicate tion. Also, Mr. T an of the crowd, nacle secti iughters realiz atternooc, ill. The star, of the dist VV. E 'laylor, was amput ad did the difTi- at the Ilo< part to perlec- the malady S. Carter as ago. T so w on, died last Monday '"'V11 of cancer. On account ot ti ;ase, one of her feet {jjj ated about a year ago, lmH wart zk Hill hospital) but w reappeared some time re turned to ineotner, > a uoya. on has found it necessary to get n p it to compete with Devde. lie got te eight honest paints. lie has a I ware store and is doing an excel Iware business; but Hoyd, ot con the run on paint?he's a little li > man. e don't care how little or big a ma wants good paint and is active id. 10 Yours truly, ,,u iiit; ri ;ood one bi? 1?;I11 . irsc. rt Plyler Bi and w I Have you been to s i t n a i 11 I o L IN dllUIldl I LANCASTER, S. C. ros. New ! ;ee us in our New Marke A A t 1 -JcXl lt\ Market. t on Main street ? "Huffin" was rare nolds, Mr. John < niirable. "Biles, Williams, wan rounds of applaus laughter. "Scum Craig, was true to ! bernard Key- Mrs. Ro jlreen, was ad- alted chris " Mr. W. T. ble disposit greefed with ners. She e and roars of suffering w ley," Mr. R. E. christian I lite. ''Daniel," loyal mem well was a lady of extian character, amia- ?? bion and pleasant man ? bore her prolonged N ith much patience and fortitude. She was a ,er Oil her of the Methodist, his r ? in'. >' - c. ?v. New Yor inciister Mercantile Co. Hells our pu Notice of Discharge. OTICK is hereby given that leraigned; as administrator of ites of B. F. Miller, Emma A. J and John A. Miller, deceased, 1 the 20th day of April, 1907, m tinal return and settlement ii not, you snouia coi lint. we are to serve you. want in Fresh Meat* fact we have almost; the ket. We also handle ^J1? summer. will ake as Phone No. 148. ne to see us just to see r Let us have your order 5, Fish and Oysters, Poult anything to be found in a ICE and shall be glad t< Plyler B low wen prepared for anything you ry, Eggs, etc.?in n up-to-date maro furnish you this rothers. Mr. Will Johnson its kind. "Mrs. Maud Gregory, wj cal landlady, hih in rendition. The all gifted lar beyo and the play wou , was ideal, of She was a Ruby," Miss Henry Ro\ 18 surely a typi- years old. 1 very realistic she is surv perloimers are five daugli nd the average, and 11. M Id have been Caskev, M daughter ot the hue p'r'^ veil and was about 65 for Besides her husband, Est ived by two sons and . J JiHI ters, Messrs. W. A. . Unwell, Mrs. John ljil rs. Hampton Snipes, < li administrator and apply to bate Court for Lancaster Cou his final discharge. L. C. LAZKNHY, Admr., ate of It. F., Emma A. and Ji A. Miller, Deceased. icaster, S.<\. March 20th. 11)08. >etf/ Hi mt Storm Motulai/ teriioon. ^uite a severe wind and r i tie n?> ?hn ~y 0J,y Af- To Nc ai" Arrnunf Low R; >rfolk, Va., and Rettu dnu/n Tpr=f.pn^pnnial ates irn, FYmwitinn extremely credita and before any an MrsWT Williams ble president of tin ters" is to be corif the brilliant succc first play put upo ble anywhere, iVlrs- K >v dience. TaWor anl ,the indefatiga. Hi-'Mn , yesterday. 9 King sDaugh- J iratulated upon ... * Foj tins ron 993 Of this, tlie ulioald insist ... . , ,, Cure. No pc n "the boards luWis him! n . i artcer, airs. i'n# 11p sto: i Mrs J. M Carries. (j . ial was at Tabernacle not bio - - ers ikou mother*, mi *1 other*, "f>3 f>n having Dr. Khnop's Cough ly i >isou-marks On Dr. Shoop'g i >ne in tin medicine, else it ., U.. .... I..I.,.I I .1 . It 111. rm visited Lancaster betwi and 7 o'clock Monday alt >n. Several shade treos w wn down, limbs lorn ofF o , fences pros! rated and cbi rs damaged. One ol the Bt* oaks in 'Squire Moore's yj b snapped rdF a few feot ftb< (rran nd A ii'nrtrtn 11/ao Llrv ..... n VVU Mil i UMllIVi st-ll i Via Soi Lm- . . , Reason, Pixtv <1h ?te- A commencing Ai urd . ' Very low ratea hinds in unifor \tr n JP V fT II Jl VI VVIIIVIIUINI jthern Rs ,y and fifteen day tickets ( >riI 10th, to and including 1 will also be made for militf in attending the exposition M/l pV'4JIIIVIIf lilway in sale dailv Mo v. 30,1907. iry and brass by the band ol tni Themusicii progr ed by Mrs. G B B enjoyable The m it, did between most timely. E the choruses of t s town. r* not only mfe, amme conduct- ri>?t i>qow 1 remedy. Tnk< arron was very y0nr children usic, cominp as J/ "* the acts, was poison marks specially were "n th? .w!lfe *' , r J < onuh Cure, he young men other. Sold i Vint it ia said to l>e by thoae >eat, r truly reimrkablo cough ) no chance, pnrtioub rlv with ^li . Inaiat on having Dr Khoop'a ,1 Compare carctnlly the l>r . ;a with others and see. No there! You can always be w? rle by demanding Dr. Snoop's rp Sinijily refuse to accept any . jy J F Mackey