ss* vV; ' v-:: v jjBS.: ' ' V > 6 Letters From HV A U AT \ Vr S\ '/ " i -T 7 oftyn V.: 1 *VV \ * M * . ; Abroad, p * of (he Jews i thurthatFoi 1 A PV THE LANC The sorrowful wail ty-ta it Bebron shows fur- and < rtune sometimes puts soldi ASTER NEWS, APRIL J ro lamps which burn nigh lay. A small garrison c era is stationed nearby, an Vv'. & 'vV.v LO. 1907. d I P ??? '*4: ^ M~? Jk " ^ (CepyrlKhted, 19M, by I NO. 16. That is indeed scenoe which one n down in the old citj It carries the mini t. F. Beasley.) the "bottom Sarah had at hope of offe'p ~ . she still soui an aff-?chnp lay witness ProI,ch h" - of Hebron. POB9ibl?- T J ecroes the sed Abrah"r rail on top". When one i lained that age wheu reasc ring waa'abandoned, arme rht. to move the re- othei rreniiess as far as Th o that end she licen- mani n to obtain her cliil- a 'ari ..... n f u i s on guard all the time. Tfa in for the presence of thei id men 1 will explain at at r time. te ?pot where the Savior < cind was born is marked b ge silver star in the cent* i/liiio morKlu olaK t.onriKc ? rui iu J? / I. We , Hal y 3r ur V/Uiiveii have opened a new store at n Street, opp. P. 0., Lancaster, S. C. tence ) chasm of centuries the covenant made Abraham. The sigh tic one which wc heart of stone, for it of love, sorrow and i When Abraham ' and recall* bren by her by God with Bl"' "B 8(,nn it is a p*.he about be raid touch h aa,urttl fBeli ;?, itself, and si ; is one b:>rn . . Ilagar with religion. ^ , ter Sarah wa was a si ran,.,1 ?f.*U .. K. Egyptian handmaid. 1^ as her hopes tfere realized, the very Hicd mg of a wife asserted (g le no longer treated 0f thi kindness. And af- Ker s miraculously bless- move ~K.. i i ,.i.i V 1U1"< S/?V? OlKUi AU in Lalin are these word? : le Virginie Maria Jesus Christi natun est." [ere Jesus Christ was boi 9 Virgiu Mary.) The mai wherein he was laid wf id to Rome years ago an 'where our pal j* 1 an. Tons will receive careful d all are invited to call. By these signs a yon may know M and will find fa CinAAti VW I attention ger and a sojourner sons of Hetli, the great sorrow fell i the death of Sarah, ey which was curre merchant, he purchi of Machpelah and b i rv 1 t/ii n u amon? the ? shadow ol a "8"' sh6 ?"e ipnn him in liltle W,m With mou. loved lBaac at with I he lha" a d" wed the cave 'olerate, and uried therein 8end lhhmae * .. . into the wile nu.v uu?9 in hoi uiu place day caught the rude Mari ael mocking her be- 8ub9t . That was more oriiiii roted mother could cave I she made Abraham tHpeg 1 and Hajiar away Dan]( lemons of Kpeiahnh.i. ? t d in the church ot bant a Maggiore. There is jitutod manger where tli nal was. The walls of tli are decorated with beautifi itry, pictures and other 01 ?nts befitting the birthplac ri..j r\ : i.: i_ f.._i By le ie (These j I dealers r. j TheyJ ,e I quality i _ vliVA in every city machines are never sold t ?only from Maker to Usei ire now sold at lower prices considered, than any othei Fi i'iy o r. >? tne ooay 01 nis wue. he was placed bv he and Rebecca folio later the mummy j brought up from E| with his ancestor?.. Leah was laid. (I T^imhol doanu ai\ tl Aiterwurus r side. Isaac Sl?rVftli?? ? wed. Years to claim "? f Jacob was ?"d heard b EV pt to sleep and Promise By Ins side Zre*< nali"n dis beloved >?"n fulfill* i.? countries of " ^ U1 n ' nd death were about ^hat e little outcast, but for u is cry, blessed him that d to make ot him a occur . That promise has i, as the cities and j8 jj1( northern Africa and the I uri.u,. iiisniicnyriy ieoi one is hallowed grounc le very place itself suggest something wonderful one red there. it unquestionably, Jerusalei a most interesting place i tolv I.and In it.? naenptalim j Needles ai ;a Of 5 ;e , _ Sewing Mat : SINGER S I u id Repairs for all iewing Machines chines Rented and Exct EWING MACHO MaKet ranged , fE C0.\ "Vi U1V?V|'U VII VI near Bethlehem). When Abraham, of God,"had finishec his body was laid t" pelah by|his sotisjlf mael, who'not only father but aDDearc UI^II YYaj western Asi "ihe friend ln "umlwn 1 his course 8rel,t ,n ' rest in Mach Powerful, .1 iaac and Ish ' igion. 80 loved their diulike ,or" :d to cherish modern i a luUy attest?great j, great in war and eartj lie propagation of a t,he ? beit a pernicious, re med; intense was Sarah's Qf th le little progenitor of pass( A.rabs, that she plain- Xt he the most sacred place o i. It is dear alike the toJev christian and t ie Mohan in. It is the religious cent< e world. The holy city hi id through many vicissitude is been partially destrove ? 1 7. ? ? i I I ill m YOUR (3 J A. A for each Jother a br< Bat, iu the process the descendants of braced u new religi upon hate, and wh nature of a ^pruiest old. This religion itherly love. ly told 1,6r of after aKea. mael should Ishmael em- dear iit,le 1 on, founded 01 Kale KrllK licit wat the Tortay lhe a.u? tnael are in ItllO they planted aud 1,aac'8 husband that Ish- more not be heir with her razec isaac. But the mills driai 1 out strange grist. eri it descendants of Ish- 0j }r; possession of Sarah's Qf th tomb, and will not Whe > than thirty times, an 1 to the ground twice. H i once plowed it up and sov down with salt as a mar s contempt for the religic e Jew and the christian i) Christ, from the Mount < .liAit U >8 of IfrDRTU Bin in Canaan|by the sword, and they a!: themselves of the p itself. Into their p? sed the cave of Mac round it was erected and fifty feet high, power of the even aUow 1 so Po??e?*ed Proach the 1 romised land t^ie'r as',es JsseHsion pas *''e ihpelah. A- Chri8tianf I a atone wall not a!,owod and within ure' ac I heir posterity to ap- 01iV( cave which contains belo\ without a forfeiture t]lat xix i, like the Jews, are fulfil to enter the enclos- wher icount of this and ntter 38, beheld the beautiful cit v him and wept, he uttere memorable prediction (Luk 13 4) which was literall led some thirty years lab 1 Til us, the Roman genera ly destroyed the temple an y We oner below for yoi , j appeal to-all who want ;We An jr , nor running a CRUSH ' item quoted here not n d until withdrawn : nr consideration some pi to save money on their p 3 Not Cr SALE, but we will forfeit ow in stock. We make the rices that should turchases. ushed ; $100.00 for any following prices the wall and over t erected a mosque w dicated to Moharami natical Moslems r< tomb of Abraham as shrine, and they alio enter the sacrad inc l a r he cave was Ul,lt5r re?8,'i> rhich was de to 1'1(* Holy ed. The fa- If' is eight ee everence the ^e,T1? ^1HS 110 i a most holv m?d?tion8. iw no Jew to a,nd 'he Peo] , , chief interes loBure under i niTisa tiiiT lh, very lew tourists ule v Land visit Hebron. 9t0ne n miles from Jerusa- mem hotel and no accom- Arch The town ia dirty Rr,mi pie filthy. The town's iures t ie its past. >een A It 1/ \f Alt I? I VTl/Il L'nT .11 vhole city, not leaving on > upon another. In con oration of the event tii of Titus was erected i e, and among the many pi< carved on the arch may b one of the seven golde $5.00 Overcoats at 2. coats at 7.50. e Men's Suits from 3.9 11 54-inch Broadcloth, s ; Wide Taffeta Silk, bl ,e 54-inch Indies' Cloth n 20 pieces A. F. C. Gii Solid case Cotton Bla 98 ; 7.50 Overcoats at 4.{ 8 to the best in stock at 9 old at 1.00 and 1.25 yard, ack and colors, at 87 cent l, 42 1-2 cents yard, nghams and Linen-finish < Lnkets at anrt 1 99 )8; 10.00 Over.00. now 85c yd. :s yard. Ghambrays, 10c. penally of instant around the inclosing children of Isaac as their scriptures an their unhappy lot. their love for their g chal ancestor, that T\1lf I V It It ?\ / In 4 h MX ueatn. 15ut r wall the seirble, read Nearly m d wail over bron and JeI So great is hem- 1,8 I>"1 reat patriar- ^',e PeoP'e a 1 hey eagerly than ?f i. ii descendants mviwi iniuAAoi" oanuj ING- Af id way between He rusal 'usalem lies Bethle- instei )ulalion is christian. woul< re lighter complexion build her natives and are pavei of the CrnsaderH place ie8llCKS. ter each destruction of J< em, those who rebuilt agaii of removing the debrif d simply level it over an on i he ruins. Today th went of the streets in som s is ninetv feet above th Only six of our 6.00 1 J* Men's Odd Pants fro ; 5.00 Foi d e $3.50 Krippendof Sh< e Ladies' Fine Shoes at 2000 yards heaviest a Wool Blankets left to cios m 75 cents to 3.48 pair. rbush Shoes at ^ >es at 2.98. : 75 cents pair and up. veitrht Sheetiner at 6 cent< e at 4.25 pair. J .48 ? vnrH tu^ii iinuuD LUIl hole in the wall in they may feel the Their humiliation i and their lamentati< nature of a religious the powerleasness of ham ean criv? nr? Iia jujiii a siiiuii order that They "re ?'< air within. tic a,,d more is complete Mohammeda on is in ihe 8ag9li n""nl) service. In curi?,,a a,1 ' In tn t. pearl. It m ja?er, more interge- orl^11 prosperous than the * ns*. They are en- Th f in manufacture of put i beautiful articles in si on j coral and mother of with 1 ust do the heart of lie b ?al foundations. SOLOMON A IIIOII ROLLKR. e fine stones which Solomo n his temple, his own man md in the other structure which he beautified the citj uried manv feet heneat 2000 yards 6c Plaids Job lot Men's Fine 2. Big lot Laces, Inserti n Get our prices before l tee to save you money. a at 5 cents yard. 00 and 2.50 Fur Hats at 1 ngs and Embroideries at < 1 you make your purchase Yours for business, Ml vl/ Pakm .48. old prices, s. We guaran ~ terity who have r promised Messiah. MILLS OP FATE GRI1 GRIST. The treatment an the Jews of Ppiesli some questions re ejected the ?'(* "Santa Bethlehem, f si> strange ten 1 housarn tickle the litt d sad lot ot People, ne suggest nameH an<1 e trardinc the the cit >laus" pood to visit tlie p or there lie can find the t< rt things that will fore le folks?and grown and i Many interesting any i vents are connected the y, but the greatest (I. K resent city. The stones fc emplo were made ready be being brought to the site icither hammer nor axe no ron tool was heard whil temple was in buildin, huge vi:7.) Centuries la'er I UIIUOI I > T . b The do^ disappeared, to r owner called his dog hi ? gone. At the small hole g loudly for his faithful but no resoonse Fl? nr JUIW VsUIII o. Th? men worked for jt if ivus from the light of he railed did things on a g canine, sent 30,000 men o lino fa T ipdiiy years, shut out day. Solomon rand scale. IJe from their faini a aaa . covenant that the si ham should possess Canaan. Did it, era his seed or only tho Isaac? If Ishmael w in the promise, why scendants in posses! eed of Abra- ',,rf'st CPn the land of wherB Cl,ris brace all ol ,he oave "ltt" so through nativ,t*' an as not with. Iea(! fhnv" in . . . uativity. It are his nenon (-f lho damCoAaa ters in the place when it whs born. Over seen : iris the church o( the pl*> rl a flight of steps Bible to the chapel of the like i is lighted by thir- ment = tal. I he atones cou'd not b and no quarry found, pec began to doubt what tli said on the subject. But many other scriptural slate s, vertilication was accider An American gentlema ' i - -w r4 lool and began diggiug > discovered the mouth ( e cavern. With lighted en , sought, his dog. He fou - the cave reac!f a vast burdens," 80,00( ndles he 3,300 overseers n l 18.) There can b feel un- he oppressed his irry from was a high rollei an enor- - limlnr tlm sah iv,uiw each 0,000"that bore ) 11 hewers," and (I. Kings v: 1310 ?o doubt that subjects. He r in his day. I llilUot - t Holy Land and so treating the prostei If the descendants o! forfeited their righ covenant, then wh\ land be under a w< But those matters I cruelly mis- SglffSfi.1 rity ot Isaac? parched cereals i ? , real Ccffoe, rei Isaac have Health coffee, , ta under the "J***?" closely ! , , ii your stomach, r Should the stlnd Coffee <1 rii irse people? J1,'8 wholesome, it It's nice even for leave to the by Bennett Croc )r rthoop's Health Coffee. w^rt is a clever combination of p i ind niilH Not a grain of T e> member, in Dr Hhoop'a K? 111* ,yot itH flavor anrl taste . >1d in a small hole under th near the Damascus gate it nious quantity oI stones e inK ilie description of tli a by Solomon. The sigi e picks, the places tor the >- lamps, and unfinished e may still be seen. In th >. ground quarry large nui ? ? - ? -- -Vf? Viiv; "W14 answer- the temple area ' "se used and the place is is of the sight today. He j earthen of horses and ] I stones (I. Kings iv :2ft.) is under- ings against win< Tlbers of must have sxncr ...v ooi |mji null oi were his stables, an interesting had 40,000 stalls , 2,000 horsemen From his warni the old fellow IPHPArl ifa nart ; V.., -iL . . dt 4 4 I AlO