The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 10, 1907, Page +5, Image 5

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1LOCAL I ?A 12-pound g the home" of Mr. ai ??___ JOTS ^ J PE ^rl arrived at Mr. T. 8 3d Mrs. n M mnnl. .1 Yjaic !R80NAli ? 11 I . Garter visited Van ~ lnoabtkk mtwa, a^b j/jf//7/y . ^ :IL 10, i*o7. //I/I/t/O % 1 ). <~W #9 "/ M 5 71 V .. Harden on last S 7th. ?The patrons of school are request the school house i afternoon at 4 o'cl< TU in i ~ " J VA, iUO p la-day, AP?' Mr. Err terday alfcei the Fork Hill juP t p ed to meet at day8 )n 0o UM Saturday Dr. Edgi days in Vii as? wees. ? ieec Moore spent yesrnoon in Ohester. gi I. Payseur spent a few ^ lumbia last week. 1' ar Hinaon spent a few 3^ giuia the oa9t week ? m V 700 yds. Figu] 678 '? 000 " " red Lawn, reg " << << ? ular 12^c, spe 10c, 7Hc, / u=ciciy icial 10c. 8>ic. 5e. 4UOHJ will O0 8 Episcopal church morning at 10 o'cli by the Rev. R. M. --Paul Orawfori than, both colored, ty at the cotton no lervices in the next Sunday , Ma )ck, conducted ...Wn' 's Marshall. Wy|,e" 1 and BUI Na- . M ' J-1 hadadiffloul. ^a"?hter 11 ill. Saturday Tlllm,,n ud6 McKeown, of Fort 3^ visiting Misa Juanita r. Amos ia visiting her a Cheraw, Mrs. D. L. 0 Men's all-w< beauties, r? These are correc Showing many g )ol spring wei )gular $15.00, t styles, made rig food values in oth ght blue Serg< special - * ht-in, oufand out ter departments. 3 Suits, $12.50 -right. evening, in which t, stabbed in one or t not seriously. ?Last Sunday wt at the Pleasant G Baptist church in the purpose of whi( he former was ^r? " C wo places, but U?f_ *a the Jtiill Keeori is "rally day" .J 1 i , Ua*? 18 Vl81 Irove colored and Mrs. J. this couuty, .u * Mr?. J. I 5h was to raise M. J. Twitty, of Kershaw, 1 city Friday.?Rock i. L. Mason, of Atlanta, ting her parents, Mr. F. Gregory. Poag and her sister, '? ? . . Prices always gu; "Your \AI:l aranteed. Money Back LI.. ? & * if You Want ? I A. 4 It." money to repair th< collection amountei -Mr. W. D. ( known young farmi Roads, presented ui last with a large rij the first brought e churoh. The , t i to $70.82. lotlelheP< 3aakey, a well r Br of Jones X , aWQ' 8pe n a J Lancaster, s on Saturday J? strawberry, Cashier M to this office First Natio lay lor, visited Char?at week. E. Jordan, of Fort ~ ?ut last Saturday iu bia former home. r anley Oroxton, of the CQl nal Bauk, visited rela- .. *?11 vival Meeting in Progress Wee/:. rhe congregations of the id Baptist church and G M<9lll3-nu< < r!ce ) ThftV gnes uonr ' *_ A to 5\tan ipany. this season. Mr. fine patch, about 1and the vine9 are f ?The colored church of Lancaster the 10th anniversai torate of Rev. N ? Caskey has a ^'-v?8 'Q U? -4 of an acre, ^ay* ull of fruit. Mrs. Bett Presbyterian ^ere will celebrate of Mr8- A y of the pas- wee^? J. (-J ro a or Tlio Mni> /I i_ o ? me ath Springs last Sunthe ;ie Scruggs and daugh- Ke haw, were I he guests for Ibert Blakeney last n?1 vie TJ 4 _ A'/* inoaist church are holdit ies of meetings this wee i former church. Dr. Ric< irshaw, is doing the preacl the pastors, Rev. T. A. 1 !7 and Rev. O. P. Carte*, ies are held each night at In/.). 1 /I >R ? 1 ""J k in f _ U.?,g | "Alwoys Relii It) Garde 7 45 1 . " V WIUII able" are D. M. FERI in and Flower; VI CI I u HY & CO'S. I Seeds | exercises will begi and extend to t stant. An elaboral has been prepared sion. ?Mr. J. L. Ont< llflllft] Tricilnr Uin " ^4V?p?? uiio. v# in tomorrow Monday fro he 15th in- ter iu Rich te programme ^er8?Dfor tbe occa- Mm, M. liock Hill ; ent today a en had an un- nuptials. I.. H K i. uarier returned m a visit to her daugh- CCI burg, Mrs. K. E. AnI)e J. Perry went over to yesterday, to be pres. *n< t the Craig-Simpson ize urc ?uu me meetings itinue through next Sunday ath of Mr. Henry J. Sims. Mr. Henry J. Sims, a own and highly esteemed n of Rich Hill, died last lav night. of npoii ms\tii o W1" % The Best i 1 well \\ To All Ini cit- ? seasoti Sat- . , m ciate you s ALWAYS the eresied in Gardei will soon be on, therefo r patronage for anything1 ! Cheapest \ zing: C re will appre- a in this line. m ?v'oavui ai? iiin , night?a big, fat 'p animal was first obs into a window, but i being made to ca walaed leisurely a isters, jumped to th went under the hmi uuuie mono ay Mr ossura. The _ caster, is 0rve pee"n? Supt. T. I upon an effort vU]6 N()w j, tcli him, he long the ban- Mrs. A. e ground and ^een vi^itir bia. CoL W . McMackiii, of Lan- wa visiting his brother, wa i. McMackin.?York- a Ira. coi R. Banks, who has ig her son in Columilliam Ftorilra *aiii?n Ha J O--- r..wU.MVl,,rtt s a son of Mr. Jeff Sims 8 about 46 years old. He good man and enjoyed lfidence of all who knew I i leaves a widow and eev Idren, among them Mrs. J mmond and Messrs Fran it no V and & was i he M Opposite Firs him m National Ban eral m Y. and - Fresh Arrival ? A. W. CHAN! Ill The Old 1 JJU Original m ?When w? no some days ago tha Weaner, of the H section, had ripe Ft her patch as early a we expressed doubt o ni* /\il? .n ? A ? L * . , . , ed home Fi ted the fact it Mrs. J. A. Mr- and eath Springs Kershaw, ;rawberries in dauSbters .8 March 28th, Jacob^?n a> as to whether Mrs. Fra AUIU1 II riday night. '*a( , Foi Mrs. L. Hirsch, of nQ( are visiting their La, in Lancaster, Mrs. a| , nd Mrs. Myers. nk Hartraan and chil jk Sims. The burial wai rk Hill church Sunday a an, the Rey. T. A. Dabnej acaster, conducting the fu services. inicide near Rock Hill. A _ - % * -% ? s at will be in R fter- day to Miss Julia Si /, of of the charming youn rier- that city. The ceremc performed at the h bride's parents, Dr. Simpson, at 5 :30 o'cl ook Hiii to Busine rap9on, one ig ladies of DVAll No ... , thia head at tht >uy will be A word for orne of the not>ce to be < . ,, words, and Mr.*. I. ====== ock in the LOST?Last I ss Notices. tices inserted under ; rate of ONE CENT each insertion. No sounted less than 25 ""ridav in Inu-n nf .a_ ?"jr wuuor pabuu II could show as good seems, however, tli patch of Mr. J. L. ' Cut, was a week Mrs. Weaner's. M that he plucked rip. his patch on the 21 i ttie county areii spent a record. It caster the j >at the berry atives.?Oa Todd, of New 80n> earlier than r. Todd says Mr. Johr e berries from day in Oha: st of March, ford, who, several days in Lan)ast week visiting rel- wa irolina Citizen, Jeffer Stt bes 1 Crawford spent Sun- gtlJ rlotte with Mrs. Craw- ga as previously noted in hn * negro named * red Bari 8 shot and killed near li II last Sunday by Mr. Beau irgi8. The negro had t iting his wife, and upon irgis remonstrating with 1 rnett attacked him wit I fa tirlmt?Aairv/Nn Ik if O A nott afternoon. iock The Rev. Walter l,orl brother of the bride, )eeu ate, assisted by th< Mr* Rogers, of Rock Hill Ilm? and his bride are exp h a rive in Lancaster ton ter, two black p from E E. Clone Simpson, to offlcewill offici- rFO,H 8ale?e? Leghorn chicken: S Iv0V. Mr. Will keep yonr Of . Mr. Craig 41 pfitpd (a W4MTBD-B. .tea to ar- qni0it an(j ,n iirJlt. ltoyal at once. lnoies, wrapped in paper i*8. Reward if returned :rs from pure stock Brown ?, greatest layers on earth, jg basket full. Price $1.00 \ Clyburn. y to wait on table. Must telligeut. Apply at Hotel Dr. PoteaVa Visit U Dr. Poteat, pres: man University, p powerful sermons Baptist church of L Sunday, the one in and thA Ot.har in th The News, ? Lancaster. that oi^ , ident of Fur- ory reached two :_ il n* . Mrs? Lp] . . D. Blaken iBncaster last the moroing BeD1t0D' of lA at the Jeroi is visiting her sister in 8hc Mrs. J. C. MonfgomDe toy Davidson, Mrs. E. 1 ey and Miss Louise Kershaw, are visiting P^a me hotel. Thev were a ^ i,?? "?idiuuj;uii iur. OlU >t his assailant. ath of Mrs. W. 11. Taylor. lira. Clementine Taylor, < Mr. W. H. Taylor, of ce, died last Saturday, a mgering illness. She wa TK18 - ? , Kurly Store Closing t< Montltiy. As previously ata svife columns, the early s this season begins April ifter Monday. From tha 18 a Sent. 1st stnrAu a/ill ? Early Grange > Benin next Bced at Mackore FOR HALE?I ted in these itore closing Duniap. 15th?next , roR 8ALE?0 driver and farm t date until Apply to STBla />1aOA 1 n # V% i.rssr and Eearly Ambtr carta ll's it bode Inland Hod Eggs 15 tor 13. Hbode Island ?.00 per dozen. K. T. 'lie gray mare. Good i animal -perfectly safe, ckmon or T M Hughes, Large and appreciaj lions greeted him o sions. He also prea Creek church in the And on Monday m livered an interests the graded school. V VTCU1UK,*<- # tive congrega- in 4 6 1 n both occa- Colu> ched at Camp a^" ) afternoon.? Mr. W. I orning he de- Miss Estell ag address at Lancaster, i BDend sevf for DuBarry last even dai mbia Record of Satur- ant is 8 i. Sowelland daughter 86V e, left Wednesday for ffhere MissKstelle will f o 1 )ral WAAku nrUh rula. ighter ot Mr. James Bosw i was 43 years of age. mrvived by her husband eral children. She was an lable lady, was a niemb< i Methodist church, and le arge circle of friends to orth afternoons at 6 o'cl She days excepted, we pr and merchants who have i es- a written agreement t sr ol stores as stated are: ayes Mercantile Co., Estr la- J. Blackmon. Cherr< """o ? mo uuiyonapin ocb Satur 'e""me' Th? THIH BANK . entered into basis of mutual i ;o close their i ?nnaat~? LOST?Pocketl Lancaster on Hfty road b idge Co., J. ored church an D ~ ward for recov v tv On R i u t>?.. t or quart of Welsh Grape ealth h sake or for sacra;korell. olicits your business on a elpfulnesH. The Bank of Lancaster. book containing fll.SB, etween New Hope oold YV. T. Morris's. Reery. Richard Ingram, A not her Hilling at Sallie Going) colo and killed at Great night. Her slayer her husband, Zeb parties lived in Lac tives befor Great Falls, sift, Ala., i red, was shot 8everal F?11b Sunday J' J ;?. ? :j a. U Citizen, Je is said to be ' Goins. The Misses It icaster at one^ ?*flter8 of t e leaving for Andalu- m vhere she will spend ren >nths with her sister a^t( L Knight. ? Carolina the fferson. tj1 jabel and Qattie Craig, he groom, and Miss Th nt Ijer untimely death, aains were buried Sur ernoon in West Side cemet ' Pev. C. P. Carter conduc > funeral services. e Craig-Simpson Xuptiala The 0. Hough, Healhiday People's Supply Co er? & Meyer, McOardei ' Bros., Funderburk Edwards, Bennett C Williams?Hughes C Broom Co., G. C. Cai To- Olyburn <fc Robins< f ? 3 ? i^anuanici j J\UU -Jones Co , make mone , Jacobson w?'l you 4 II & Allison i""1"1''Co., J. C. land hurvb Jrocery Co., o., A. J. ? rues & Bro JU8T REpEl ? oorn, name kind ^11. Hi. hi. at 80 centH nor hi "?c ? Jl Y?lour money with ua per cent., com pounded The Bank of Lancaater. 1YING done promptly and ?1 V to Newa office or to Lancaster. S 0. 3t. VED!?Another car of ear haudled by me hint year, lishel OlitfAr 1<I,aW. time. "Good for everything a and especially reoomm< That is what we say a bo bolized Witch Hazel 8alv< twenty years' of usage 1 the original. Sold by On iiaumo v/i Hill last ni ' i I . - riage this a > sal re 18 used for /-._*? j >nded for Pileg," Uraig and at DeWitt's Oar- Mr. Verner %. jThat is what arr^m mill ba? proven. Get ^ Will iwford Bros. to witness ocKect went to Kock ftht to attend the mar- ] ifternoon of Mr. W. D. Miss Julia Simpson. e Oraig, brother of the go over this morning tov the wedding. of day. [n accordance with annoui nt previously made in ws, our popular young fel rnsraan, Mr. William D. Oi the Heath Jones Oompt Cloud, ace- T ' m. This yimy Intitrm * ',e No ooe is immaoe from HOW *? JUHt remember that .] Care will stop the irregular 'Alg, any caae of kidney and I that ia not beyond the reac in/i Funderbnrk Pharmacy. i:on. FOR HALE?J at Yon. Cotton Heed, kidney tronble. Price $1.00 bus Foley's Kidney can be had at I ities and enre Bros., and W, Jladder tronble Mobley Broe. i h of medicine. B.C. Address oaater, R. 3. tf. Florodora Long Staple Cotton nella at 20o. lb. hel, at gin house. Heed lesth-J ones ('o., ( antes . B. Culp's, Lancaster; fc Co., Heath Springs, R. J. Mcllwain, ' 4^' 1 '