V -% Report of.County: For Quarter En< Supervisor?? SStJlS 408 Dave Gel? 894 Lancaster line March for uperi THE Li, ?????? Iff? 84 20 ymtt Co, road tools 160 ' bridge work.... 125 ,,*y Pub. Co, blanks "ver ntendent of oduoa- sava NO ASTER NEW8, APR] A Lazy Liver be only a tired liver, or a star . It would be a stupid as well ge thing to beat a wea ry or star [L 10, 1907. ?d as ved . 8 31st., 19( No of In whose I obeok. favor. ol 3C6 J T Hunter, jr., sa constable 363 L J Perry, salary rrvisor P Hunter, salar fall snnnunt w UOQ )/. 404 J M Polk, 898" W M Ash and work Mature 406 L J Perrj 'claim. Am't visor... larv as 411 Tlie 140 i o tools . . . . as su- 436 Joe M Ca' 22 22 P*lrinK y and 484 D F Happ, y i fA no 449 J E Nesbi .: 1 75 mBn lumber and work 2 51 ^ tr ley, lumber, nails * ?r 10 60 dras salary as super- Indie 33 33 body h-Jones Co, road worl 23 97 orga itben, lumber and then bridge 7 10 qulcl , lumber 20 00 Dr. t, road tools 5 70 haa . uecHuso ne laggea in tils work, eating the lagging, torpid liver 1 eat mistake to lash It with static drugs. A torpid liver is but nation of an ill-nourished, enfeel whose organs are weary with c c. Start with the stomach and al ns of digestion and nutrition. 1 in working order and see 1 kly your liver will become act Pierce's Golden Medical Discov So 1 PcopI lied M. Put iow ive. ery es Suppl y Co. 368 H P Htogner, woi office 869 The Bank of Lam oourt claims, pa up ders, etc 364 Dr G W Poovey, pt tern 371 Dr R C Brown, physioian 372 W m and J A Carnei istrate and constat id for 440 Western 1 65 ^ U?'weH,fr ,a,tpr 453 D VV Hen ?er or- 464 ? W Mob onoi 71 istrate... ist mor- 447 Spr|n? .B ^ 00 cantile l^c county jin Mm 43 75 448 Pr s, mtK. \n 'una?y >le 17i50 450 J .A. Hya mianmriBP Union Telegraph troul am 80 oraa drix, making fill.. 30 00 gtorc ley, salary as mag- Inc? 17 50 ,n_ s ankingand Mer >, road tools and f? . 23 76 oore,examination ' 5 00 tt, salary as oom- fo?,, a or "??i vviuiu) cures oi "11 ble" by Its wonderful control of ns of digestion and nutrition. It 's the normal activity of the stomt sases the secretions of the blood-m [lands, cleanses the system from ] us accumulations, and so relieves of the burdens imposed upon it Infection of other organs, rou have bitter or bad taste In the m< >oor or variable appetite, coated torn breath, constipated or Irregular bow iver the 1 SBeeu 5rnifue, rcls. y' "* itlfu/t^Sl "v luono 37o u r ncarnes, lumi hauling rook 374 W Q Caskey, buildi ment 375 J M Caskey, salary oner 376 Dr S H Ezell, post n and examination ir 377 Wm Hays, lumbei work 378 J H Caskey, repa bridge /|R1 1* tJ ^ 451 1 H Snij ng abut- ,ik?) d01^' ' ... 10 00 452 Brld*ef,A as cor- ,-K 14 58 4o5 Macl lortem 8tEbl6f.... lunacy 10 00 ^ JPH?nt< r and natio . 3 25 467 L J Perry irinc penses... . 2 00 468 J T> Nesl v 4U ^ pes, lumber and headl 8 10 imaw ; Mackey, bridge perhi 61 20 ttaroa key, 6alary aa con- of w< 19 75 tin? sr, conveying lu- you i 1610 Goldl , stamps and ex- VaT 2 90 on bit, lumber and veak, easily tired, despondent, freqt aches, Daln or distress In "stn&ll of ba In* or distressed feellnir In stomi *ps nausea, bitter or sour "rlslnjrs it after eating, and kindred syrnpt ;ak stomach and torpid liver, no m will relieve you moro promptly or c noro permanently than Doctor Pier en Medical Discovery. Perhaps c t of the above symptoms will be pres le time and yet point to torpid live isness and woux stomach. Avoid )read and hlsr>iiits ~~i 35 C/ '.t cxi, oms edl:ure ce's >nly * sent 1 r or all " )escrlptio s the big line of n. i 379 T 6 Williams, lum repairing bridge... JM W J Williams, putt tiling 381 M L Thompson, 1 work 382 J F Maokey & Co, < etc, for paupers 383 R R Ormond, witi Funderburk arbitrt 384 RLLyles, lumber. -iwr. t u i> b6r and 8 10 469 W J Bail( in* ln 8 00 460 WSBBrUc :*? visor 53 40 4U'JE nl?' IMS in treasurer. "ion .. 1 90 463 " ? Hort AU vOa ....... 464 J P Hunt. * .... 7 w> othei ?y, salary as con- Medl 15 00 use u ie, salary as oom- Tin and clerk 18 75 hollc , salary as super- nal r 66 66 ikmon, salary as " 25 00 wr|tc on, salary as audi- euro 25 00 Do ir, salary and iail eomr BUHL'S Indigestible food and take the "Gol cal Discovery " regularly and stick K in til you are vigorous and atron*. 3 "Discovery" Is non-secret, non-a , is a irlycerlc extract of native xne<3 oots with a full list of Its ingTcdli od on each bottle-wrapper and attcs r oath. Its Ingredients are endoi L-xtolled by the most eminent, med irs of the aire and are recommendet the diseases for which It Is advised, n't accept a substitute of unknc irmi t.lnn fnr iVila nctm . UIJU den > Its 'CO I IcI- ^1^. jnts ? ted ^^^B psed ^^B?^ leal 3 to ?wn -i_l_ _ i. _ ilk; A a 5 ?V.'V A J AM liai I, IUI1IUC1, c 886 A E Small, damage 887 C (J Gregory, rep road and bridge... 388 J A Hyatt, salary missioner 389 Crawford Bros, m< for oounty home.. 390 William-Hughes t ding for county ho 391 J F Gregory, salarj clerk of court to horse 15 00 4ft. v airinjc 466 ' n ru\ 8tAIl]p8, . , as coin- 466 J 1 Hunt as com- stable.... .dloloe. ino ar county ho d < ... ?.v.. ivi Vino iiuiroutlUU LSOWN COMPOSITION. Money to Loan. ave made arrangements with pai 3w York City by which I can liegot for five years on improved co <. in snma of $300 00 and upward: ate of 7 per cent, on amounts of $ >ver, and 8 per cent, on sums leas 1 mac cam We shal rties describe ;iate j? They are thab ?... e to our store 1 not attempt these for we here in quanl yesterday, to fully cannot, bities and 893 W B Bruce, salary minsioner and cle 894 The Lancaster Pub w?ftUinr and lob ^ 398 J D Glenn, lumb hauling 396 L H Steele, repairii o97 K L Iilackmon, ru and pauper orders 398 Dr G W Hill, poat tem SOU Dp It M Pntt? ?T*n TkCOm" 18 75 '0ner . Co. ad: 471 O W Mac work 85 5S special de ' Y ' J T- Harti 0 r &nd of kirn Q qi 8t?blc, ?ilf bridge Wrju,' "J 7? M 474 SYSgS tnor- 476 J K?tewi _ ^ in lunacy ..... 6 00 476 Dr R CB =j, nninrj( ?s cor- $100( J 4 58 god key, salary and title. puty 7 00 in. salary as con " 20 83 Ison, salary as ? 6 25 a, repairing road 3 00 man, proceedings 600 rown, post mortem I 1 >. No brokerage or commission c Only a reasonable fee for abstrat K. E. WYLIE, Attorney-at-La' Feed and ! n j t t j?* qualities w. tion in lunaoy 400 J H Neale, lumber bridge work 401 LPSHammond.pt ting in tiling and li team 402 R L Lyles, buildi bridge 405 T Y Williams, d?*r to team, wagon, et? 407 J E Blaokmon. wit _ ^ anil exam and* 50(1 669 J a Hyat ? missioner ...... 670 G F Pays " . bridge .. 7 an 671 J ? tJ"hei in"' * 7 60 672 Dr T J St * lr?a in lunacy 15(X?wjb? ** _ . ? I! n " v hn ne'aa ?? 674 H B (.75 J I) lll?n. ination in lunacy 10 00 I 1 t, salary as com 6 25 eur, repairing S 00 T r, lumber and work 2 77 T rait, examina* 'on LilV< 5 00 adjj orell, mdse f. * i: me fin "r11 y. repairing bridge 35 07 My n ! Ilim Kaw o r?ress Gc >ods. pay bills and paupe ders 408 J E Blackmon. n< paid Bank of Lanci 400 J M Courtney, lun and work 410 J D Hinson, lunit: repairing bridge .. 412 W F Hudson, salar magistrate 413 Bank of Lancaster, nt>?8 nnv hills anil r ates' 354 40 676 S'p Hunt ]ber , 11. 681 J J and ij a,ju uaw irk 14 DO er, conveying uu P 12 25 also rown, salary as Bian 31 59 , building bridge 3107 toe, repairing jn q 3 10 J ey, lure of team rt,lu G 00 StOC i A Roberts, mat?- at. n 2, ana it win oe my endea1 lease my customers. I v run Feed Stables :onnection with the livt guarantee to give y( k the best attention if 1 5 m all nbi )ur / eft * the new shad PS, LACES A LPPLIQUAS, es? ND per orders 414 R L Lyles, lumber bridge 41ft J W Viok, repairii bridge 416 J I) rtistare, repair abutment 418 Bennett Oro. Co., w bucket. 419 J P Hunter,conve] lunatio .... 94 40 iatrate an for J A Houz .... 13 60 ing (coin l ig 683 G W Him 1 50 repairing ing 684 H J Mack 4 50 repairing rel 1 685 M C Howi .... 40 686 James Ke ping hauling . 10 51 687 W J t ren (1 constable 18 3U e, putting in tiltax] 11 00 son, lumber and I * bridge 4 00 ? ey, lumber and bridge *2 00 _ ere, lumber 4 32 p id, lumber and G 5H ishaw, salary as J Very respectfully, as. T. Huntc 'ianos and Organ: At Factory Prices. arriving l!! rapidly S / daily. Easte: r approaching is your time. r season now 42U J w mmivan, Keep county home 421 M C Bowers, build: bridge 42*2 J 1' Hunter, salary jail acoount.eto 428 W M Moore, salary tfupt. education 424 J K Hlackmon, salt as treasurer 425 W B Bruce, salary commissioner and ing constable. 84 HO 688 N B Cobs ing 689 Kobt. Hoi .... 46 BO cerf convt and 690 O tt, meals for ju- < V 7 00 1PI* Jli pu r\ f foam 11 ' " ie us at once for our special p lyments on a l'iano or Orjjan. buy either instrument, throi on >fet a standard make, one t last a life time. Write lalone's Music House, COLUMBIA, H. C., for catalogs, prices and terms. >]?!) If hat I . S< Be our Line c clerk 426 li J Perry, salary supervisor.... * 427 H H Horton, Malar; auditor 42# J R Hunter et, al, c inff road 426 J T Hunter, salarj constable 460 J L Barton, salary constable .... 18 75 lumber ai as * 695 Haskell 1 ... S3 33 bridges. y as 096 (,'ook-Est 18 32 orders. .. lay- 697 N M Puri 121 00 698 ,J H Conn 1 as oners.... 29 18 699 M L Walt as work 10 41 700 The Good ><1 work 8(H) , lailey, building 715 0 00 7,G * ridge Co, paupers ( 800 717 . ?ley, lumber \ 4 CM) , Roads Machinery 7oo Hn,assessors J W Welsh, assessor SV C Thompson et al, assessors ] I W Ashley, lumber ami bridge work i VVm and J A ' arnes, magistrate and nonstable. ..... 2 II II Morton, salary and damps 2( ,1 K ItlRcl'mnn nnlnpv ur.mil 4 00 2 Slipj 1} :46 7 50 I (! 00 >ers for Ladies 4.11 IjPWlH I it U( II Kit, Orl llooring 482 K L Ly\es. bridge I 488 M C Bowers, hridg injf 485 Haul Vaughan, dit< road 487 Dave McKenna, sa work 488 K F Robertson, Iui repairing bridge.. 481? G F Pavseur. stark "Ke I ?;o, drags 1H?8 701 W I) *t flooring 10 HO bridge .. :e tloor- 702 J H. Hob 10 08 work filing 708 G II Colli 15(H) work nitary 704 W .1 rtni] . ... 25 bridge... liber and 705 J I) Hiata 5 00 706 J K Blacl linir luin- inpfimri< crapes 84 (X) , arnes, building ~.,i 137(H) , insou, lumber and 7.?.> 4 00 72;"{ ' na, lumber and , 5 (K) 72.| pea, repairing 200 725 re, bridge work. . 1 50 vmon, note sinkinmmlmliin r.'.trwi iiA stamps, etc, ' 8 I> K A .F K Hall, magistrate ami constable ] I F Gregory, license ll VV M Moore, salary and stamps g L .1 Perry, salary as supervisor (] A It Robinson, bridge lumber ; li. J. PKKKY. 7 70 7 M n 9 00 a 100 t( ,066 r5 00 nd children. Ti o style, fit and fin hey are up ish. ber 441 .T W Oraig, team ai 442 J Ft Brnzell, lutnbe pairing bridge.... 443 .1 M Caakey, eala oner 444 J E Htewman, pro in lunacy MR J L L'aakey, hire o road 44ft J H Harr, repairi 1 GO 707 J E Black nd plough ? 00 H. R. bon >r and re- 70n L C Houj 3 60 gle, et al ry as cor- equalizat 14 58 700 J O Portt ceedings 710 L C Houj ?00 711 w D Uasi f team on 712 D H Wils 5 00 713 J A (Jaut ng Gills 714 8 D Tayl iuion, interest on ... ds C A C R R.. 8,200,00 VV (li and K H Linaccount board of ion 25 40 rse ?r et al, assessors, 10 00 fh et al, assessors, 18 00 orH' ery et al, assessors, 6 00 no ? on et al, assessors, 4 00 the I hen et al, assessors ft 00 pnrf or and Wade Draf- eu a County Huperviso H. Hruce, Clerk. Kennedy's Laxative Congh ?Jy dren like its pleasant taste, and ir jive it hearty endorsement. I on I piates, bnt drives ont tho cold thr< bowels. Made in strict con formi 3 Food and J)rngs Law. Hecomm nd sold by Crawford liros. I III I , III ran. 1 Peoples i My ft Illipiv I ? jl ?;