' 1 Agricult m? _ a ? a ^ ural Depa L I if Kao Kaan THE LAN* . . the in Lrtment? is, if i ly ne< frtiln A f V* of ITinn'o n . > 0A8TKB NEWS, APRIL aportance of giving the ool iistance. My ezperieno jrou get a big yield it is high ;essary to have rows frot 10, 1007. " : r,IITTIl :T. fojl* 7 ''ile Greatest f U. AVV1 RAY x nc Advantages c the Best Varieti* ton. Progressive Farmer. During the past i fifty varieties of cotto ii jrmnung mv 5S of Cot- Improved ha largest yields ed. Other vai bly well adaj of the State s seven year* ^ ExceIsio] n hay0 been DeDDer.. 1b>, 1UUUU VUHU XVIUf^ D IQ JJ ii always given the ^2 to of all varieties test- 8talk. rieties found tolera j8 jiar )ted to this portion chop( ire Dozier'slmprov- t0 d0 r Prolific and Cul fathei iroved. especially on anc c? > leec ana cut ic out iroi 30 inches in the drill to Bat this is one thing tha d to get done by cotto )ers, for most laborers wan like most farmers, just lik r or grandfather "or some 1.0 ar IIf nra miiat nrin Q 1/1/ 1 1 Mi l it ever wi The A. J Ja OTA rliilw rAPAnrii 1 ill M J itnessed in Lancastei [. 3ROCMN nrr tlipir Qnvinor c ft vim M/l CO. inH Sum tested at the Edgai Farm of the North ( partment of Agricul at the Red Springs forty three at the I In these tests, we ha varieties to produc< combe Test the mQr; , Carolina De- ???? Iture, thirty Farm, and redell Farm, what is it that ta tve had some *????" -nd qQic| oclds? Mothers 9 over 900 qoicWly answer Cough Byron " ? ?r v*?v v open clayey loam tb08e tion i O. B. Williams. ? W? stes as pleasant as maple _ kly relieves coughs and who have used it will Mr. "Kennedys Laxative The pleasant oold remedy AOV ?? V lUUjJV V things our personal attec f we expect a good crop. W. A. Simpkins. ike Co., N. C. A. B. Ferguson's Los bv Fire. O Ut V* ViUAljr A UV^Vi V il ' mer Goods ; them before buy Laces and Embroic ts We have the best line ng Aus ? and ask your ini ring your spring g ieries. Lawns I i of these 50 pes. 27-inc spection of [oods. Lawns! h Colored Lawn, pounds ot seed cottc acre than other less It has not been strati find that a certain f have maintained thet near the top of the yields. If farmers i or t Ito r >11 more per that expels the ( prolific one.. Ige either to tains no opiates, ew varieties nselves at or Pays to Us( list of large could be invtorn nvnli fin T"* 1 sold through its laxative >wels. Conforms strictly and Drugs Law. Con- f>Q Sold by Crawford Bros. . . ? , its co : Plenty of Fer- *40 v tilizers. Mr. H in th< destn ^ ? ? ck Hill Herald : A barn an ntents, consisting of aboi irorth of corn and fodder, o i. B. Ferguson's plautatio a River Bend section, wi Dyed by fire about 3 o'cloc goods ever shown in 1(j Prices ranging from " 2c the yai n to 35c the yard 18 k the city, worth 8c, our p 5 pes. 40-in. > 5 pes. 40-in. Ir rd 25 pes white n ings in figured, 1. tea, at 10c to 21 rice 5c. Yhite Lawn 10c. tdia Lawn 121-2. lercerizedW ais,tstriped and dot>c yard. UUUuU I/*J gii/n tuo i varieties of cotton, v; ble care the average cotton for the State be increased 100 pou with the present ferti methods of culture. 1 taken at three and on* .rrogressive rith reasona- A very in yield of seed cotton growe could easily tilizer to use inds per acre ly be detern ilization and acquainted v rhis increase who carefull; e-third ceute H nnn nf tliftir r aruier. o # . , Salui iportant thing with jj t rs is how much fer. But this can oulined by those beat srith their land and < , . " o I y study the condi* Honov arril W? all know day morning, and Amand z is in the York jail charge setting fire to the building. New Pure Food and Dm K.?w. are pleased to announce that Foley and Tar tor coughs, colds and luc s is not affected by the Nation La lYXllIlllCiy (i We have the goods a Miss Minnie Pardue is pleased to show you th ? you your millinery 25 j lg ?' Dress Goods IUI J^VCI nd at the right prices to ] in charge of this departr rough and with pleasure )er cent, cheaper than yoi Shoes an< y uuvoy. please everyone, nent and will be and ability sell x buy elsewhere. 1 SliDDers. per pouud, would three and one third lara. This is consi< conservative estimal would result from the the more prolific va Edgecombe last yea sell for over that as a rule million dol- used by mos! iered a very present labor te of what raise more to 3 planting of tivate less ac rielies. At 200 pounds i r, Excelsior 8-3 3 goods t< rare r ) there is not enough opf***" " reooinu t farmers, for with and ad conditions we must the acre and cut- Arre reage. I have used J to 2,000 pounds of Ne 3 the acre and found Mykc ooa and Drug law as it contain** i or other harmful driwi*. and v uend it as a safe remedy tor abildrc ults. iunderbillk Pharmacy. sted for Taking Bath i \nother Alan's Tub. w York, April 5.- Charlt )ly, who says he is a niilo] io 5 pes. Brilliantine 54 1 pes. Champagne Bri 40 inches wide, at 49c. n 2 pes. 36 in. Peaude ? the 1.25 grade, at 98c. 2 pes. 36 in. black gu 3b Taffeta Silk, 1.25 grade r. Fv r\no in., 49c. When you { illiantine Shoes that fit purse both at 3o'e Silk, for our cej , ry Shoe for mei fFqq wood Shoe for k 5, J8c. guaranteed. V 4-i r%r*c3 V>\ I " ire looking for your feet and the same time, ibrated T.D.Barn and the Sheradies. All shoes V\th US it is a Prolific. Culpepper's and Russell's Pig over 180 pounds of 1 more than goou ave cotton of that sectio were grown under tli dition9 of soil, ferti] i Improved | in every instt iii AvoragwJ | luost I clears int per acre where I UFed irage native we should be u, when all that our ferti le same con- pay for. We lization and analyzed in e luces where I used ?ud h d mcr* mnnov than La., ^ least. I think, too, charg careful in seeing the si ilizers are what we stole i should have some ed it, very kind we buy, to M lis home is at Shrevepor svas held in $1,000 bail on e of taking a bath. Ho ha ime excuse as the man wh the loaf of bread, he ueec but that made no differenc agistrate Finelite, and li ' %J JL7CCI kJIYlll kJUl t, in. wide, price 15c. a ? d 22 yards 32-inch Sea is ? 20 yards best Calicoes, 1- 2 doz. handsome pleate ;e 2 doz. white Linen Skii ie Llli^Oj OU "Feat to Fi jiand for reds and blues, for d and ruffled mer. Silk P? rts, handsomely tailored, o fnlKr it the Feet." 8 1.00 1.00 stticoats.. 1.00 nly 1.25 cultivation as far as i ble to obtain and them. It must not be however, in this com: the man who produce one-third to one-hal t was possi- and when we maintain dients and dc ing it much c overlooked, ly as good if lection, that ready mixed. )s only from don't ruin la f bale per can, buy the ingre- sent ] our mixing, mak- can ti heaper aud certain- the ti not better than it is a sec< the li ND ?y PLOWING TOO WET. COUllt liitn to prison, where h >ke a bath daily withoi rouble of climbing throug and story window to get t ub. koly was discovered in th ry home of William K e ,t Three Doors South I New Postofficel*"* ? ,c % ' * 5.1 mvvn n a itvt n n L\AkMJ[ y L J. BROOM CI i 'he Old Reliable." = i V I ITM i M/nnrk PMPANY. ' ===== _ _ ^ acre, produces it ge considerably greate pound than the man a bale or more per a< ally costs him from o half to twice as much for production. A ? i.1. ~ 1 uerally at a Now jugt ? r cost per ing about plo [producing |00 Bet Th ire. It usu- done under me and one- u too oftet ' Per P?uuJ farmers thinl with their pi< J? 1 * , few words of warn- 8 wing land when it is 9,c*e ( is should never be morn any circumstances. i the case that the ,.Th( [ they are behind ^ict *' J Dr. K: owing and they say, siyUm I, at Deport lane and Hiyei Irive, at 1 o'clock in tli i?g. The Price of Health. ? price of health in a malarious di * just 25 cents; the cost of a box ing's New Life Pills," writes El , ot Nohuul, Ark. Now Life Pil ^ int. MM ut 16 CAPITAL. A SURPLUS ? Loans made on ] is- ? Collections givei ia H 4 Per Cent Inter 18 \ nounded everv th LAHUAolbii, ^ $50,00 $50,00 Real Estate, at reasonable i prompt and careful atte 'est allowed on time dep ree months aster, S. C. 35 o.oo. y 0.00. g i rates. f| intion. aJ >osits, com- ^ uiw sauuy or soils of Ihe Eastern eastern portions of that are well draii been found that R Boll, Culpepper's Im Edgeworth varieties mrtaf nolicfuplm Ban ay ioam ?YVell, I fcuei and South- sooni aild pic the Stato ft2;e my jftn tied, it has j}iey g0 ahes ossell's Big their Und; Proved, and OV0r 800n> have yield- itiable land rv rnfnvnu . ? ;* :ii ciwobc ss it will rain again" v,Kor wing will not dam- R"iran ? 1 harm d if it does." So id and almost ruin pj for it will not get ^ I have known ya- ^eaj almost rendered , schoc ) 11111'iirt new lite ui to the HyHtem. 25c. Hatiafacth teed at Crawford IJros., Fuuderbu acy, druggist. cnicked at Haile Mine, rahaw Era: Miss Par , of the Heath Spring )1. with a oarlv of ahm id K " m Your business sc rk 0 the strongest Ban! Igag^gM is Kerosene Spilt on Flo ?s es a Fire. lit, u. i . >licited. The oldest, the c in Lancaster county. or caus- Professio T?: i i. * largest and ^ ! ,/ nal Cards VV* UUI.IDIWUH/I while for the more c less thoroughly di lience cooler soils of has been found that proved, Culpepper' Edgeworth and Ex liflc generally do be -j j worthless by sompact and Wait untll y pained and ancj tjien pj0 llie hast, it an(j ]iarrow King s Im? hjre or s Improved hor8e> for tl celsior Pro- ruining your st. In the * plowing too wet. . i ^ . ,wen our land is in order r, . j . , Kutti w, and plow deep, nick< well; if necessary ga^U] an extra mule or ,, able us is better than in WJ land plowing when ty-eifcht members of tl rick literary society, pi )d at llaile Gold Mine la rday and had a most enjo time. The trip was mat agons. v/i'iuiuuin lAtrcuru ; ie morning at 10:15 o'clock c lo ti>e extent of $25 tlx 8t in the kitchen of the of Mr. C. It. Bethel, o sembly street. Mrs. Bet beginning to prepare h day meal and in strikin| to light the fire in her r ire una Dr. T. E. damaged e fixtures DEN residence Office in Emtiu f 802 As- posite First JN 'he! was Phone No. 8. er noon- LANCAS I a match kerosene WELSH, TIST. )ns Building opfational Bank. TER, 8. 0. northeastern tier < which are near tl limit of the growth c will generally be ton latter group of vi produce more satisfac on all classes of soi IUU well. of counties, * oivk your le northern )f cotton, it . , , , ', A few mor md that the . . ? ence to the irieties will ,, crop. Very :tory returns ?-? lis. Kind's fioo i When ? sure it COTTON GOOD DI8- ?ariy TANCB. pills do noi e words with refer- her* ?> cultivation of the few farmers realize ^es' Bewurd, 9100. p. you need a pill. Uke a pill, and ,'n an Early ltiaer. DeWitt's Lit KiaerH are aafe, aura, antinfacU; The pilla with a reputation. Th t gripe or sicken. They are ac y Crawford Bros. alt of Chicago's Mayora ty Election. A~-;i O T>K~ - he cook stoye, a spark iry match ignited some kero *y had been spilt on the ,1(l in a few seconds flame veloped the kitchen, dwindled down to a boi ing some wood. The'w< od caught fire , ? 4 . ... from the I Dr. E. J flene that DEN "hade"4 ?ffic? in Spr but soon Office Hours: S SUnM and some ? . Hinson TIST ings Building. I to 12 and 1 to 6. urs, 9 to 10. ntral for No. 32. Improved, Shine's ll Prolific and Dozier' are three of the earli which have been where only a short g iod is afforded, they ally yield satisfactori * . vi Tho read at a of jXtra iliftrly to that the: "s Improved ,di,,Te thut Hcit! * iu all its RtngeH. est varieties Catarrh Cure iu t , known to the m tested and being a coDRtitut rowing n p r? ooDRtitutional t rowing per- Cnreig ukeD j will gener- upon the blood a . Hystern, thereby y. of the diieaRe, thin paper will be planned re is at least oae dreaded intetl mce has been able to cure and that ia Catarrh. Hall's pollt: he only positive cure now fkrtr,al edical fraternity Catarrh OI,^e ioiial disease, requires a night reatraent Hall's Catarrh . _ nternally, acting directly A. B ind mucous surfaces of the ,Jnt? destroying the foundation uate and giving the patient iJnnr it. 1 lie IIII iBe campaign in muiiicip ics that Oh lea. > hat* expej i in many yea: cl..aeJ t t with the eh < >n oi Fred ufise, the Rep-.h lean canvi for mayor, ov KU?rci 1 ift. hitt i ipiiii,. c m. i .1. (. si- men trying to pull the al the kitchen into the b rj. got it caught in the doc ()_ into llie yard and the Ik th< door was burned, department responded and the flames exljn Mrs. Uethel's hands w< /I ! Dllfllril ill trninir In n act yard Teachers E >r leading The next regulai facing of "atlon wm be hek m, b~ beginning at 9 o' I he fire April l?th. quickly County iRuialied. ore badly M . _ KntirA tn llnM xamination. r Teachers' KxamiI at Lancaster C.H. clock a. in., Friday. W. M. MOO UK, 8upt. Edmation. arch 16, l JK)7. arc ? r On the clayey soil mont, it will be (oue ness in maturity is prime factor. On Farm, during the pas strength by bail Of th? Pied- ?nd assieting na< j -1 . ,proprietors have id t hat earli- |,lTa powers that generally a JSJXfutJfl the Iredell AddreaaFJGl . t Hold by all Dn it four years, Taka flair* Fa ding up the constitution Lure in ding it* work The A Can so much faith in it* curathey offer One Hundred KODC case that it fails to cure and mi BHtiinonials. KODO HENEY A CO, Toledo, O tie reli nggista. 76c Nation nnly Fills for conetlpatiou by Cra did ate for re-Hectioo. >L For Dj8pt*|ihin ol?-*rn Hie r,totia< akes the breath an n*tet an a ron L in sold by dm# i ta uii a i^uara lefplan. It oooYorina ntri?*i l.s to tl al I'nre Food aud braga 1 r. Kreps an b1, suiut.il Jier work, Ihoug U1 jurit t? are painful. lie ? ?? Take The Newa. AtiuguiDii 11VIIW l\J l/VUI nds were AI1 per,?nt ind id 8116 re- of the late Thoa. L h the in- n?tifled to make designed; and a claims againat sal ? sent same, duly atl V, April 1, 1907. uiavicieuiiurs lebted to the estate i. Howell are hereby payment to the until partlea having Id estate will pre~ ^ ested. Wt* MI.WOWKLL, 4 Administrator. . \