T he : LAN" * ^ ^ CAS1 fER Ne^ vs VOL. 2. NO. A Fearful Swept Farts of ?k ? 32. SEMI-WEEKLYi I Storm. N The Nel Three States endorsed t I.ElXjfcK J 852 IAN ews in Brief. braska State Senate has he position of Roose- T] REVIEW 1878 CASTER, S. C., APRIL I Murder of J. L Millei he Young Man Shot ENTERPRISE 1891 o. 1907 bits. He whs a me A. R P. cliurcli. E engaged in railroad and i ? . o i V PRICE?FIVE CEN' >mber of the The Si Le had been work since TTnimia ii'nt rs PER COPY. tate Capital. ftnl r* Ia-? t ? ^ < 1._. i.l_ ?A INUITlDe Four Town Wrecked. New Orleans, score of persons day by a lorn ado, A - OAA : 1 r iviuea ana velt in his is Partially riman,th? Jim Stoke Barnwell, April 6.?A days ago, 'ere killed to leged "Id which swept Jeems, w controversy with Har) railroad magnate.... >s, a worthy negro of was murdered a few presumably by an al tdian doctor", named ho, accompanied by a Killed on a Southern T hy a Drunken Negro?1 ticulars of che Homicid The Burial at Shiloh ? day Afternoon. Mr .T T. MilUn n ? 11 i i?au oopiemoer. rsin ?Je jg gQpyjygJ Jjy ] ar" Mrs. Hettie Millen, t lc and one sister, Mr. T fun- of Bristol, Tenn., an Millen and Mrs. J. C Riverside. W JU1U lis mother, Civic Irr wo brothers gue?Elgl E Milieu, Week in d Mr. Ii. c. Advice tc !. Sistare, of D. Carri< ci icuiuiicni uy uic iprovement Leatit Fires in One One House?Good > Lancaster's R. F. ;rs4 uyor ouu miien ac Louisiana, Missist bama. Parts of fo devastated with d ing $50,000. The property, crops wires throughout Til a tnrnarln Itai ru8H poriionB 01 uo^ro wo 'ippi and Ala- haul the ] ur towns were try. . . .Fi lamage exceed- the civil v wind damaged day night and telegraph Soldiers' I its course. by one of i ara n at A IpYnn. or?7.Pf1 aiil man, nirea otokes to All 3arty across the counve Federal veterans of ki I ?ar were stabbed Friwhile asleep in the ar Iome, at Dayton, Ohio, iheir comrades who was trf V. /Irinlr T_sx w tt VVtJIl K I] d popular young man of unty? was shot and insta lied I ast Saturday afternoon unken negro named Butler )well, on a Southern passe iin, on which he was actin gman, in McDowell eon u w 11 ?? this Every lady should L.itlv of the ArK? Eed Sa Book. It tells you "y a different ways of pre ' Mc- mon. Ask your gro( nger ? . ? g p Veterans' Meeting ni.r urdav to F.lprf n Mr. Edifo wS Spriof^n thirty-nine we wl" have paring Sal- weather. jer for it. ,4A Trip A ?? was Riven by Next Sat- ment League plfXYotoe f/> rr., . . r: It seems as if otcome yet but that some more wintry round the World" the Oivic Improveon last Wednesday. dria, La., soon e this morning, kill sons there, proba juring 13 others. 1 light it neared t river killing five j son, La., while a ifter 1 o'clock men, Dai ling four per Connors, ' bly fatally in- ed Pullen Soon after day- Perry, a n he Mississippi N. C., lai lersona at Jack Kennedy, t Bavou Sara, boy, who " uiilin, X YVW Ul tilt) pid Caile and Joseph ( will die... .A man namshot and killed W. H. yo lerchant in Franklin, st Saturday... .Julius a 12-year-old Charlotte left that citv some time )rth Carolina. The news o ath was a terrible shoe ung Millen's relatives ends in .Lancaster and < lere. A Rock Hill special in ^ y's Charlotte Observers "7 1 " f his Reunions. ;k to and Reunions to be he! else- bia, S. C., May 7th, Richmond, Virginia, Ion to June 3rd. Don't ives Ko ? Everv veteran w me trips wei biles, carriag homes select d in Colum- represented d 8th and 9th; United State May 30th tries. The h you want to J. e Poore v in the mint. p;_Li c re made in automoes, etc. Different ed by the League lifferent cities of the 8 and other counome of Dr. and Mrs. fas Japan. La., at least half t are reported killei one fatal injury at The tornado ne Careou, Mi8s., wh erty damage was peared about nooi i dozen others ago with ? 1. There was ken in a i Jackson. from a bo: xt appeared at last Saturc ere great prop- a young n done and disap ed Saturd 1 near Selma, es Price. J tl)( t horse dealer, was tahalf-starved condition '10 c car in Philadelphia w lay.... Willie Redish, nan, was shot and kill- |Q, ay, in Colleton by Jam The latter is said to ?f e following particulars ol micide: 44In conversation with C axwell who was on the t the time of the killing the ving tacts were given : Conductor McGuire had ch the train which leaves Ma ' the ty is invited to each every veteran is invi apt. at Lancaster, C. H., rain to elect delegates to and make any arrang will suit the old bovf arge ? , J rion Comrades, be on I ? jciigui/ ureB place, and house is very iled to meet been the case April 13th a boatding he both places Twice a day ;cments that alarms were i ' was thought band, at 10 ftfi hv an alo/ in one week in one stranee. This has at "The Palmetto," >use on Taylor St. for every lew days sent in. At first it to have been caustfviA 1 X La. The inhabitan ing clouds rise in they crossed the i was reported kiiiec Alexandria, a ig nna kabi! -utt experience. Win ts saw whirl- have insi to the air as Price was i iver. A negro Sunday. . i near Seima. troit uiiliii town of about in New ^ had a fearful Ansel has in the tornado GK Lee, w lilted Redish's sister. Wfl captured at Blackeville ot . .T. D. Buhl, a De. ?c uuaire, dropped dead erl fork Sunday... .Gov. da pardoned Dr. Maxey ho has been serving a f30 5 p. m. for Rock Hill. Mi is his flagman. A large cr negroes from the construe >rk between Marion and R fordton went to Marion Ss y and 4,tanked up," the t is wp.! ! IP.hHAH u;:!]. .,o VVV/U O oze when it left Marion. y?i \ ? _ii j ^ . illen o'clock. owd W. G. A. Pc tion Com'dr. Camp D x:e utli * I r\ iir r * Vi, *t . UUIICB. AUI I rain APriI 4- 1907 2 .? . . T" ove the noi6e father, Dr nvid lightning tou....Sa ch sights as an 19-year ol ;ain passenger Allen, Jr and over. A killed in K ice in the penitentiary tw for the murder of his be, . H. J. Lee, of Darling- wfc tmuel Lord Allen, the ?d d sou of Mr. James kn of Charleston, was ^ ummeiville Friday af- |er lu^isoweu ana cordis L o negroes from Rutherford gan to raise a "rough c lenFlagmaoMillen remonsi wiih them, finally havin ock Cordis Long down. C :Guire came in and was tr; quiet the trouble when J McDowell arose imm >? OUg, (luaUiry. of which verj lit I ton, t*"8 oountry, "^4rgo" is a ] >1 wherevor this Salmon has b< ar? ? . . g" A Shocking Ti apt. ving Mr. Henry Irvin I [iut* terday in Runav sont . m. m 1 'iwuiuu iu- ? .tie i? known in be and doubt household word wn introduced! dealt with. 7~ Col. T. Y. 'agedy. Columbia thi Mrs. L. C. billed Yes- daughter's, ft! /ay Acci- Mrs. John lebs will be severely Williams was in 8 week. Payaueris at her Irs. J. E. Poore. D. Wvlie and Miss heavy hailstorm general discomfitu portion of Alexai the worst of the 1 cut a path throug] part of the tow quarter. About a 3 1 I VI added to the ternoon bv re. The main wild horse idria escaped ern Railro iornado, which Federal co h the northern in?5 illega rn, a residence $15,000. . score of homes train collic rn i TU - r being thrown from a a? i. . . .The Great Noth- tin ad was convicted in a ?v< urt Saturday of grant,1 rebates and fined !? A tro ..A street car and a mc led in Charlotte Satur tin fl deliberately shot Mille 3 forehead, the shot being i er Capt. McGuire's should og was the negro who seei be rowdy of the two, anc uble was anticipated f iDowell. C'apt. Maxwell t ?re was strong talk of a lyi aent in ear x owi n in ired era. "enry Irvin, a med young farmer who li 1 no T. It. Small's place e rom met witli a horrible d J9^9 day morning. As he Jaunita Wyli Lancaster aft well known fche Capital, ved on Mr. The Cotton ast of town, gociation me eathyeeter-jMr. johu T g was return- wag pre8ent. ie have returned to er pleasant visits to Seed Crushers' Ast here this week, tevens, of Kershaw, were aeraousnea, ? aged and altoget buildings were wi ing several busim freak of the wind section of a house passenger coach, k ~ J ? .. 1 ? : ? [>u were aam> me her about 100 mor, Lee IN recked, includ- named Wj e*s houses. A ribly injur drove a small merlon, th into an empty cited over wedging two i? related naivrn nf f conductor or me ror liig lartin, and a passenger ',01 die Howard were hor- ' v ft ed... . Negroesof Sumlis state, are greatly ex an alleged miracle. It an< that a deaf and dumb bla hot OAmmnni^ir J 1, out wiser heads earried ur and tlie prisoners were s turned over to the authori Rutlierfordton. The seen > killing was above \ >untain in McDowell Cou d that county will try ick fiend." I'l n, waiKing What abc Ar- Samuel County R. I ont of them Decoration le rear, hia holiday. Oraa ted and be into the State n started in uieets July 4t and about . The fou"h i} n , , Atlantic Bas >ut the Lancaster D. association? Day is their next -nize, boys, and get Association, which th. season of the South e ball season will uuuxco ttiuiuni in gether. In the w town the tornado < and small cabins 'line about nine nv eral houses were h Pineville and ifij nnrt.fiH Tha hail rl UAiiiunuiv tu- "vb4 v "4 i oods about the (>r two a^? jut down trees word': " rain down in a narrow rp iles long. JSev ter jounty down over at hois^ cai uries were re- lp"ta lor I id milr?h dam. *?ir. White ?mwv V/VUJuiuaibj a uaj ) spoke the following we The Lord is going to ja, fire and brimstone" J. Geddings, of Sum, was bitten by a mad t. He has gone to At er 'asteur treatment.... the ford Thompson is trr.v- tftl m. uc icmniuo ut inr. Ml re brought to Riverside i y morning on a special tr J alter funeral services < sted at the home of his bri in-law, Mr. J. C. Sistare > Rev. J. Meek White, v CP II t.f> KililftKl ohnrnl. ]|0f| v"v ?U?"W VilUU 1UI , aho dashed off, follow ajn^ after the tleeing lrviri ,on wagon. Being unable mules, Mr. Belk hollo Irvin, who was betwe '? -v teams, to get out of t rere Irvin turned his heai I i^.i. u?I.;,1 ui j 1,w,VBlcam be opened bei 'ing rapidly ed. Laneasti i roule and Columbia, w > to stop liia castrian" whc wed to Mr. con, Ga.,we en the two looking to his he way. Mr. the pennant, d round to Keep the b r j__ fore this is publishrian is 4,rooting*k for hile ''Former Lan>se letters from Maenjoy reading, is i home team to win >oom up and Push T _ A age to crops. AtJ&ckson, Lf asylum was wreck of about $20,000. to three female others wereinjurei residence was bio elling frorr . in a wagon i., the insane through L ed with a loss two. . . .T1 In addition ciation w.i inmates many v'"e next d. Mrs. Leas' lir? , federate wn down and i ? i Manning to Canada i. lie will likely pass ancaster in a day or a >( ?e State Medical Asso II meet in Bennetts coi ruepday... .Capt Jno. an< 'Wne, a gallant Con- j veteran, died at his Qj , * VIIIIIV/U l U1 I , the interment taking p )ut 1 o'clock in the afterr the presence of a large < irse of sympathizing frie 1 relatives. VIr. Millen was about 21 y< and unmarried. He wr uur- iuuk. utuiinix iiim,;uiu i lace tongue of theBeik w; loou ',im in ti)e *'eati rr skull. He died in ab<^01* hour. The traged; MU,S about a inile Irom to Chesterfield road, nea ears of Mr. Alfred Caskey n* Mr. irviii was aboi iSIie (11(1 the agon struck Columbia, uihing the . ut. hall an Ittites to Jnttn V occurred The South* wn, on the , ? ,, . nouiiced lis e r the home various point it 35 vears to the .Fames Lancastrian. S. C. Apr. G, 1907. I'Mtown tlxponition, srn Railway has anxcureion rates from s in South Carolina town TCxnoaition ? her daughter was s ed. Two negroes a nearby plantation from the surroun indicated that th bly more loss of li nuine in \j> leverely injur were killed 011 ? . ltest lrt 1110 | I, while report H muscles by ox , . tbfcm; yet a gi ding country to tbink boere was proba- stomach*. a? r bodies is so g< digestive orga i^"? stomach will f ..... we imv no 1 Diumoia our.clay nijrht 8on No ijrent restorer. We tire our . ercise and then rest to restore ' N rent many,of ns do not stop \jr v little rect we give to our t a usual thing no purl of our Hi! merally overworked as our DR. A tired and overworked hill ?ivo signs of distress to which mod until nt lust I ivuinmcii. WD i ot the late Marlin Millei rih Carolina, and was ra Lancaster county by his un . John Lathan, of Livers s tat her accidentally ki itself about twenty years i ile hunting, in crossin ii of an(* 'e?-veH a several children. He v s 1 a peaceable citizen ani d0? by all who knew hi ide. ? ? ? jle(j Mr. W. L. J'arks, w undergoing treatment IJill hospital, has ret ?? a rrrnut i i? innnmttn widow and The round tri vas a quiet, den and Roc] c^was liked in|J poinM_ * Springs, Iters ho has been bo the same, 5n the Rock ticket, $16.1 i. rned home 16 . ^ p tickets from Carole Hill aiul intetyen-Lancaster, Heath haw, etc?appear to as follows : Season r5; 60-day, $14.00; 55. low (O A| Most victimi of app who Are habitually c< f Laxative Fruit tfyrup cu Sktion by stimulating tl rino Laxative Fruit iianacate or gripe and in ant to take- Re-fuse sut burk Pharmacy. I ppenuiciiift. taken hold. I K-udicitin ttiothoso and if wo hoe< )D8tipated. Orino avoid further roa chronic eonnti- most thorougl le liver ImiwoIh. what yon eat Hyrnp doos not neenod root ai mild and pleaa- it to ita noru >Htitnt08. Fonder- KODOL ia aol It is Hold hen ndisiestinn is just ft warning fell i tho warning wo can easily consequences. KODOL in a loa l stomach relief. It digests 81(1 and given the stomach the nd greatly assists in restoring W? ?al activity and usefulness. Id on ? guarantee reliof plan. ) by Crnwfard Bros* iin ce his gun discharged, d striking him on the si e ot the head on which his s shot Saturday. Young Millen was a ma e character and exemplary O V?I-I f Iinj;iv;nw 1 IX the ame Argo Ked Salmon son and packed entirely I and not by the liuma n of t.er trying it you will ha- er. iicai tii. ~ There is r is cleaned for a pjcnic ( hy machine Red Sain n hand. Af- 8a]a(i. The use no oth- yOU how to j your grocer. lothing more dainty )r luncheon than Arnon sandwitches or the Cook Hook tells prepare them. Ask IP . * , s 9>