The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, April 06, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Happenings in lifP' v ?% The Belles Coul *v their Spring Hal . ' i . Georgia. in ,om? p" e'sewher? to dn't Show !'Clit"g the!.r THJC Li ta of this stare and >o, are carelessly neg. own welfare in fail, e suitable mail boxes til 00 the route near iNOAaTKtt NEWS, AP * feMM?*' "-v. v*1, :V. . ^ A'yV *' r RJL H, l?u7. ^? I PATTERN, Si'' ?r4 iWK , fv'-v**, - r'i VV- . J**" PRICE. % * *?wu 3 iviatcn: ?Tribute to lat< Beckwith ? C Failures and Di Numerous?"Wh F. D. Routes 1 Discontinued ? ai rrogress their place8 ' Rev. J. G. routes are Commercial simply bees vorce Suits patrons on ?y Some R. comply with have been does look Lancaster maQ w?uld Iu some places the being discontinued iuse a few stubborn the route refuse to these requirements, like any reasonable invest the small Ql JAL ITY f Merchants Lit* risers-Other Ma Mr. Editor: The dieappointmout amo: of the city yesterda: Easter, they had mac sral Adver- a^ounfc n0c Lttcrs suitable ma the advantaf 're was great delivered at ug the ladies many 'imes y. It being the trouble 1? great pre- *Very 8jlort essary to provide a il box, inasmuch as ;e of having his mail his door daily, would compensate him for and expense, in a me. But some peo The firs ing of a pi considerat t thing that attract iece of j^oods is th< ion is PRICE, and s a person in the bi ; PATTERN ; seco third OtJATJTV uynd paration to come < "swell" new spring when they looked < morning and saw th* drifting over and la ^ began and the wind v like, March *?going i: if xi )ut in their pie wou,a clothes, but ?Pen the doc sut Sunday ,hrowainev > rain olouds ^ave been b( ter the rain a r?laP8ewhistled cold Until the i out like a was not a *'8' kick at haying to >r to have their mail ery day and seem to >rn stubborn and had aiu yesterday, which pason," we have had J .? In the s shoes, clot permost it in view be second, to election of our sprii hing and millinery, i the minds of our 1 :ing to get somethii make sure the pric ig stock of dress goo< these things were 1 buyers, their first obj< ig pleasing to the e> e was rie^ht. and thi ds, JPect re; rH tiuu, uiey realized were ? doomed to ment. Macoa continues < ward in the line of pi are now very patien for the new millior ohi no ohnrvo l%! a that they "i disappoint. ^armers their work, ( to move on- fil?8h?d pla rogress. We ^armers aay < tly waiting dryin^ UP or dollar ma- tomerfl are C( . , i . . to htiv liftlo ury weather. The 'e caught up with tome of them having ntine:. The truck their vegetables are ? the stalk, their cusimplainingof haying lrnn?t? U ] I _ _ t the quality abled then the time question c not in va 1 m / test, which long e: n to determine. It and thought spent >f WHAT WILL PLE in. Our fondest h o ~ y Kperience alone has i is needless to say tt : on this all-importa :ase the people u opes in this directi * "I en lat mt ras on """pa, buc uiv t the big new union stalfon and a few o dustnal development confidently expect through before many One of our promin lawyers. Mr. f! nnnor ounsi note J, - ~ i passenger bae9 ?nd ?tli 'ther big in- e'ab'09' l'le s, which we co,1I'8e3 ?r? I to see put of the f"rm months. frown !hat w ent criminal er" are buy? ri.? at high price " LI iv umj IKBUBU CaDer "shrunken" veg wells and water *oing dry, and some ers are wearing the on't come off. Olhng more fertilizers, s. and nronnrinar fnr nave been please the county as above me get a liber t T T realized. We feel majority of the pe to pattern, price anc ntioned, therefore al amount of your [ confident that we c ople of this town a i quality in the goo we hope and expect )atronage. an nd >ds to tf f ^ way, figured bo proi the famous Rawlingi months ago, spent a New York, attending Harry Thaw. He w nected with the trial but merely went as n "vj Ujr tliu # w ninenfcly in a scase a few 10 haTe at lh few days in whlch UI" : the trial of " lot of them as not con Macon, Ga in any way, ' a Rnpp.t.fttnr ' i r *"h 'vi i th*m tliey expected e llrst of the season, ortunately, the way do every year, rmer Lancastrian. i. we wis for today, notice. h to call your attenl tomorrow, and ne Short Lei tion to a few speci; xt day that are woi ngths. lis th / perhaps with the ii getting some valuab tion thereby. We regret exceedir of the death of Rev. with, formerly pastor shaw Methodist churr itention of at 'le informa- Anothc if?ly to hear Washingto J. Q. Beck- dent Roo?ev? of the Ker cally denied ih TTa woo tainad in a Ia it Again ? Calls :r Man a Liar. ,n? Apr. 3.?Presialt today emphatithe statement cont.l ft I* T>ff KltaK a/1 ll. 2. 500 yar blue and g to go at 5< iooo ya 15c qualit; One big ds Cotton Voile in >rey, worth 15c on : the yard. rds pretty neat figui y, to go at only 10c lot 36-inch Percale i light colors of pii the bolt, while it la? ed and striped Madr; the yard. at only 7 i-2c vard. lk, 5tS as, certainly a splendid f earnest christian ai friend. We have n another minister who so much as we did Mr aod we greatly depl timely death and >re?cher, an morninf purj ad a loyal written by E ever known Sidney Webs m we liked *n the latter Beckwith, 1905. In Mi ore his un- the statomen svmnathize the request o "vv * pu ^uouou (,1110 porting to have been J. H. Harrim&n to tor, of New York, part of December, r. Harri man's letter it is made that at f President P nrvao_ I 11 oo ya: a good bai 600 yar close out 3 Big lot : shirtwaist ?? ? rds Dress Gingham rgain at the price, 01 ds 40-inch White it the yard only 10c. 25c White Madras, suits, going at 15c 1 WW J s in desirable patten nly 8c the yard. Lawn. 15c nualitv. A ^ . can't be equaled f the yard. ns, to or deeply with his berea of whom he was i fond. The most common < in this part of the si time are bankruptcy divorce suits. We mt * ved tamily, velt he, Ha: exceedingly raising a fun< used in carry: occurrences ^ePub!ic tate at this Action ot 1 cases and raen^? ^ie ^>r? have nftvflr a^adeliberat rriman, assisted in i of $250,000 to be ing New York tor :an party at the 904. This statesident characterizes v e and wilful untruth I A i>mall lc an extra v; Rememl kl VI i^AniAia >t English Long CI ilue, 12 i-2c the yar :>er, Pattern, Price ai iff.? oth, beautiful qualil nd Quality guarantee >4*1 _ MH ty. :d. known them to be q quent, here or any\ before. About a d concerns have gone ruptcy in and near tl year and number? of small towns over the uite so fre- right it irhere else, terized hy an ozen small more "8^ * into bank- ^ae9ted Mr. ] lis city this d?har for the others in Pa^8u of 1004 ' state have should be charac- lit even shorter and vord. I never re Harriruan to raise a > presidential cam- c M St IV nimiMri rder in Florence?Neg aw Mill Hand Kills t lanager. u irra ii rro Mr. Smith and 8truc! die the head, crushing th inflicting a death bio iilie ton io? All persons w? of the late Tht ipaiiy, ebtorsS Creditors indebted to the estate )s. Ij. Sowell are herehv done likewise. The divorce suits seems to about "nip and tuck' bankruptcy cases. We notice that Lan terprising merchants tising more than form number of Colored Boy be running with the Monroe Joi a colored bo} caster's en- Mr. Tip Helm are adver north of town erlv. Thev Rf) h?Hlv oni 's Horrible Death. p\ and irna' : Newt Moore, man r? fell on the saw at Mill, is' mill, seven miles four i, yesterday and was brut >- Hint 1*? /]!?J 1 . I m orence special in the Nt Courier: Mr. P. P. Smi ager of the Singletary Si , near HofTmeyer's sto miles west of the city, v ally murdered this mornii Liioyrt as soon as h< ;W8 his dastardly deed m th caPe into the woods i aw ^ia3 no^ keen fieen sin re Mr. Smith was fro ?as v'^e? N. C., and was as? teemed. 3 committed "ot,!'ed to "?a dernigoed ; an ade his ea claims against warby and """ dulice. April 1, 1907. m Fayette- ?????? highly ea- Notice On account ke payment to the und all parties having said estate will prei attested. W. H. 80WELL, Administrator. to Overseers. Of thft llAAW MTnanaa evidently realize that, it is the merchants 1 tise extensively that t gest trade. It is notat in this city, where I peruse the columns 0: papers, looking for ba J J VU| , as a rule, night. He w who adver* ing the lumt Set the big- saw on true )ly the case himself to pi the people foot slipped f the daily ward on the rgains, and ine at lull sr>< n Hint Ilt? Uicu JH81 loin as engaged in push- was >er away from the has i ks. As he braced LI ish the trucks, his mill and he fell back- ting saw, which was go- Smit Thft K/\il xr nroa it ljioya, a negro mill hai the slayer of Smith, and wade good his eHcape. oyd was employed about! and he was slow about g to work this morning, fl h reprimanded him nb' id, ? .. - .. lie Eight Dead in Tex the Fort Worth, Texas, e? In removing the debr dr freight trains on th lit Kan-us & Texas Kail - for team* and l publio road*, SIS Wreck. ' ,omnr,'??ioneri meeting, passi pay any clalraf ( April 4 parties oontrac is of the two e Missouri,- Apr"2-m7-; road wreck- n. the use of stook on the the Board of County >. at their last regular ed a resolution not to i of this nature unless 5t with the Board. L.J. PERRY, County (Supervisor, at. .Li. P /* < j nearly every concern i tail business, as well many of the wholesale use, liberally, printer Patrons of the rural i ? *' m doing a re- hurled off t] as a great picked up it i concerns, gash about fc 's ink. had been cut i mail routes the intestines ?? u\r\Aj nan 11# lie saw, and when Nc was found that a the c mrteen incite* long morn in the side and that cantl were cut. turn >thing more was thought iccurrence until 1 iter in ling when Llovd, with hook, an implement u-ji ii ing logs, slipped up belli e?l ;it Hot Lei Switch, of y* lerday, tWo addi 16 tlt'iitifitid bodies were i by workmjD, or ihese n.ake the t< "d a result of the wreck , near here UW51U1H t ionn I nni AI1 Parties ii nal uiii- Mary K.Cole, found today to rn*ke pay not undersigned, claim# against Hal dead as n?t!^e(t toprei Lancaster, H.C soiurs a treoitors ndebted to the 'estate of deceased, are requested snt without delay to the and all persons having said estate are hereby sent same duly attested. M. CAHKEY, Adror. March 19, 1907.