iwy$ t, ' < '* \' 's'.i: $S to ! v * OTS || j PES r? t t* ? ? ? this la: tSONAL ~1 " c SOASTJfiK MEW6, APRII k . n i tt, IM. / \ ry 5 / UK uoiouaw i ma . has been appointee carrier and Burrell substitute. ?Dr. E. F. Rice, 8. 0., will preach th mon at Wingate ne: 11 _?- i_ i? I1UU ?> JUUWB ur. J B- f I rural mall la on a visit 1 I ML. Jones, Mr. Jake I ' ville, was in of Kershaw, rjhe goa> a ,e annual ser- Qf Landsford, U Sunday at of Hei le Hall Mod. tbursd*y i" ittendance is Mrs. Llo 'aimer King, of the w I, is attending court p lis week. ? md Mrs. S N. Wat*th Springs, spent Lancaster. yd Moore, of Fort /nuwiii^ many gut 'rices always guars "Your M hi vaiues in otner ? inteed. oney Back if departments. You Want It 99 > * desired. ? There was consi throughout this secti nesday morning. Oj as to extent ot dat crop. II.. xi r> r?,i Lawn, is vii iderable frost ^r* an<* ^r8, ion last Wed- Mrs. L. Sh )inions differ for an extent nage to fruit in Florida.? Miss Ractu Li i. .on .1. _ siting her parents, , J. 0. Elliott. urley lelt Thursday ted visit to relatives Cong Fort Mill Times. A. jl Steele, of Creen, ^ r^^1< Willi regational Meeting in the It. P. Church Tomorrow. B A. R. P. congregations 0 J OL:I i. mi ams-Hugl lies Comp O 4 1 I any. ? iuib. il. JT. IVU is in a Charlotte he treatment, id improv ly that she will prob to return home nexi ?Miss Nell Porte ed late and had on /? i t uiusoii, who v/., ih me spital under Mrs. B. F. 'iug bo rapid place, ably be able jyjr^ ^ ' week. senting the r, who enter- Society ot Ne ly a limited thi? week. guesi 01 ner cousin, AlcDaniel, oi this t0Ket' purp( , ter oj rauvenstein, repre- , fc r> ... ?hari ^o-operutive Pub. , -tr 10 O \ w York, was in town , churc >9wr nuu OIU1UI1 Will mce tar here tomorrow lor the >8e of considering the mat? calling a pastor tor the tw< $8. The meeting will be a dock, a. m., in the A. U. P 5h. !iney h Garden ire Diana >" are D. M. FERRY and Flower Se< ara it & CO'S. M eds I neia iu wuicn to wc ' 9,104 votes in th State's voting co closed last week.?] ?Rev. Q. W. Bel marie, has accepted i to preach the annu; >rk, received Mr. J. W. e Columbia bja< formerly ntest which town this iershaw Era. office a pleas k, of Albe Mrs. W. J the invitation ?ra ]3. Duu al sermon at gpeotThursd Vincent, of Ooluin- Sped of this county r was week. He paid this A 1 ant call while here. Ordei . Roddey and Mrs. lap, of Rock Hill, morn i r . . pasto lav in JjancaRter with al Sermon to the Junior Or tr Tomorrow. 'pecial sermon vothe Junio r will be preached in Graci odisfc church tomorrov ing at 11 o'clock, by th< r, the Rev. C. P. Carter.? " i The Best is i * C To All Interi A The season wil \LWAYS the C <:sied in G < 1 soon be on, therefore \ heapest \ \ vill appre the closing exercise i Institute on Sund; May 12th, at 11 o'c roe Journal. ?Don't fail to al tertainment tonight the auditorium, for , of Waxhaw Mr. W. J. Ci ay morning, ily. :lock.?Mon- Mr rp ^ known surve .tend the en- section, was i (Friday) at callers at tbi the benefitol Hav. - " The J mningham and lam- ^ day ii fSecrcst, the well in a yor ot the Waxbaw churc among the pleasant Tin is office last Thure- |y in\ . ? A I runiors are requested to mee jir hall at 9:30 o'clock Sun uorning. They will marcl body from the bail to tin ib. a public generally is cordial rited to attend tbe service! , m ciate your pt ! 8 1 Opposite First i m National Bank J 3 ^ itronage for anything in t 7resh Arrival L W. CHANGE ;his line. m * I The Old 1 Original m the King's Dauchtei not only get your m P) of pleasure and fun mt the same time be he] ~ noble cause. ?Favorable repo to be received her ra. Yon will onoy's worth #1 J* E' ~ , but will at e ate Cot [ping along a ^mpAnied occasion of h this weeK. rts continue e as to the Capt* A* I at int Smith, president of ton Association, was Ne?ri a by his wife on the ^ is visit to Lancaster years McManus, of Lan- near ] ) ciiurcn. t Killed Near Fort Lawn bi Live Wire. derson Harrisou, a negrc lived in Lancaster severa , was killed by a live wire Port Lawn last Wednesday 1 The Cotton Growers' Me t Kershaw Wednesday\ The Cotton Associate > ing in Kershaw Wednes 'a decided success. Tl 5Tchants closed their ston Business )n meet- ?^A1I Notice# flav wan thie head at the rat< y A WORD for eacl ae mer- notice to be count is in or ^?rcl" Notices. inserted under s of ONE CENT i insertion. No ed less than feS condition of Mrs. Le who is still in a lios timorej undergoing She was reported 3 being stronger, b more cheerful than 1 for some time. ?roy Springs, cas,?r? spent pital in Bal- sIiaw last w< treatment. *er? ^rs? J. V yesterday as a'law ^ra. righter and Mi8Se8 Ida , she has felt the attractiv GK A. McMat several days in Ker Anotl jek with his daugh- quart Vylie Porter.?Ker- to th< Powe ind Docia McManus, ^irr' e daughters ot Mr. t( lus. of Dwicht. vis- ^old ' her colored man bet liim & er that he could not climt i top of oue of the Souiherr r Company's electric poles sou succeeded in netting tc )p of the pole, but catching L)f the wire he was instantly aer 10 give all who desir< so an opportunity to atte dresses were nude by Pi Smith, of the South Caro sociation, and President of the organization in Carolina. Their remarl . 1 * 1. ~ i: ? ? ^II 1 i 0(1 to do Early Orar.ge and nd. Ad- aeed at Mackorell'a resident FOit maLK?Rhode for hatching, $1.25 for lina Ah Red chickens. $5.00 Moore, l>"?1'" North FOB 8ALE-On. g driver and farm ami Cs were Apply to S T Blackuioi i it Eearly Amber cane i Island Had Eggs 13. Rhode Island per dozen. R. T. ray mare. Good rial?-perfectly safe. q or T M Hughes, ? Mr. W. D. i this place, reported berries in hie patch not quite so early i Weaner'a patch, whi in Wednesday's it K QWa viat^aH rirv< r,, , , ited relatives hambers, of * tlon this wee ripe strawon April 1? Rev. and I as Mrs. J. A. Vanwyck, S. ich, as noted the home 01 isue of The on South Ch k KAeeiao am FIA. iu the Primus seo- killed k. Client lira. R. E. Sharp, of ?/? O., are visiting at t Mrs. W. L. Epps, fjgj. urch street.?Spar- of 'jp\x ,.1J i b7 the current. er to Have a Ilanyint/ it me. addition to the several mur ises noted in the last, issue e News as buying heen triec IIIC IU1CH IUHUWBU in l heir speeches here I day, as reported eluewhei 1 The meeting was foil the starling of a move ' organize a warehouse cc j several thousand dolla 1 promptly subscribed. uy tnem nun you a pint or q . Juice, tor your health i the next j ft Mackorel re- THIS BANK solicit owed by haaia of mutual helpfu ment. to ? _ _ .. LOST?1'ocketbook impany, on uay roatj> betwe .rs being ored church and W ward for recovery. T anAajitA. 1> * - - aart of Welsh Grape 4 sake or for BacraI. s your business on a In ess. lank of Lancaster. containing $11.85, en New Hope ool. T. MorriB'H. ReRichard Ingram, March 28th. Mr. O his plants began January. Fines Collected las 'Magistrates, hambera aaya Mrg> j g blooming in Dfth, Ga., wh. a while in I - tiyes and fric t Qitarter by Thursday ni* Miss -Teruf tt,u- in Cli Withers, of Savan- Gus ] a has been spending o: Lancaster with rela- posed >nds, returned home rende jht. fo be l .... . . Henr ihn 1 fAuditor [ester last week, the case o] Lee, charged with the kill f Lucius Jones, was also die I of. A verdict of guilty wa ired and Lee was sentence* hanged on Friday, June 7 y Milling was convicted o f The Popular Melodr "Miriam's Crit i will be presented at the f School Auditoriu uaiii'dnirr, AUUIC r> . ~ makk MONEY-Y< ama, will earn you 4 per quarterly. The I na " LAND hURVEYINC IIV9 accurately. Apply to Han> F. Masaey, Lnnca Graded just received! oorn. name kind hand rD ?t 80 cents per bushel. 21 >nr money with us cent., compounded 5an k of Lancaster. I done promptly and i News office or to ster. S. O. 3t. ?Another oar of ear led by me lent year, Oliver O. Black The following ma[ turned over to the < urer fines, etc, colle for the past quarter then, Kershaw, $4c Phillips, Lancaster i $200; W. P. Caskey AAir-< 4 P gistrates have of ;ounty treas- 4 . ,, oted by them of : J.T.Oao- of th'e pl?c6' 1.40; B. F. k' 3?tton Mills, tAHhur Robl Lancaster, tf 11 atterr {ill School, was the tjie John K. Blackmon, a day or two this jrreai is now visiting Mrs. ^ nson, of this vicini- ^ews en wi ipted rape Had sentenced t< euitentiary lor 30 years. fc Fowlt*. was recently noted in Th< that Anderson ha? a chick lth .'our wiu^o, four le^s ant 3 Friday Evei April 5tl B for the benefit of the King's Da mon. TlTlcy FOR HALE?Floro Cotton Heed. Cott Price $1 00 bushel, i I can be had at Heath P* Bros., and W. B. < Mobley Bros. A Co H.C. Address K. J _ caster, K. 8. ughters. it dorft Long Htaple on sells At 20c. lb. it gin house. Heed -Jones Co., (ernes Gulp's, Lancaster; Heath Hprings, . Mollwain, Leo #091.10. The foregoing flgi , ( the fact that the ' t ^ *ra ^oing tkeir 1 'f"v tora of the law are c ing made to toe the the good work go on mi98 JUIK ires evidence throp, and h< magistrates Louise Oakc iuty. Viola- from Rock H ertainly be- Sunday wi mark. Let parents, Mr i. Gregory. i liregory, of Win- two ar college-mate Miss willi >9, will come over Bre:u lill today to spend tlie 1 th the former's that and Mrs. J. F. three the fc tails. i>iivv conies Uhesie u Ireak fowl alho. Mr (J. ii h eke, ol the latter city, ii o^se^sor of a young chickei is equipped with lour legs under the body and one 01 ack. r Popular Frices. Reserved Seats * General Admission, .... Reserved Seats on Ss i CRAWFORD BR< Doors open at 7.30. Advertised Letter ... .35c Mr. Geo. Aldri .....25c mill; Miss Josie lie at ^'V0lin'e? M Misa Mary Gilme Johnson, Mr. F. I C. D. Spake, Mr dge, care cotton Cureton, Mrs. r. W. O. Moore, >ra, Miss Uoxana J. Meshon, Mrs. . W. M. Watts. 1