Agricul hp if* i. n.. 't*w. '{^ ^wx^/V % 'it ' , . . tural Depj >1lL T_11. ~ I Hmu trt Pa . THB LAMP irtment w mern ??fcOQ ir* fnr Vnnp \A7nrlr ? ASTKR 1BT8, APRIL ' n't muoi took garden. bat of your garden? Fa , a 9jk rule, are novr get tic busy to bother with tl 8, 1S07. r- dA ,g JE? TUtl lip* Becau 7. 7 lacking cough continues ~jr<^.^b_exhav it*.-. j,'',' ' +++++? ..ted and 2 ajI aa /* iwu minute ub Farmers Shoul( Healthiest Pc orld?ISThy Not? HID 1B1&S. "v" lw ^ Stock i be the ople in the Progressive are They April is tl the year for They are us I:?: t. It V AW* ? v/v*? WW gar(1< in the Spring. mau: $nd i Farmer. 8mal le hardest month of end 1 the farm work stock, negl ually soft and out of Part . m a jrl t an," ana tnat is just wny i jj farmers have poor gardei An insufficiency of Vegetable 1 fruits, etc., both in qualil variety. We are given 1 ecting this very importai of real farm work. T] 7 OA# /taKKanm n/\nr nnnrl c 80 Jlf xl yuur puw as Take 8' 2 ^ build# up ai I* A It contains Ox Bt i prepared that it . 9 *" e ox* vi rwHwncp wewci ScotKs Emulsion id strengthens your entii d Liver Oil and Hprpophc is easy to take ana easy DRUGGISTS i 80c. AND 41.00 ucu. y>, ; ID f re lyttem. t uphitei so X to digest. A "Farmers oughl healthiest folks it but the fact is that physician has the b practice of anyone. The doctor was i said the farmer fol i to be the n i the world ; coats are lor i the country i? *arm, ani est all-round preparation " tute the 1 right when he farm. No ks ought to bo quiring a ' J: without a n< pi' Li a 111 wum, (ueir w???j ig and the weather tenti i the breaking and a?d of the land consti* han< Hardest work on the aboi man thinks of re- Qitn race horse to work tons *riod of t.r?inino or Cent r ovv uv tw uvou o ton. Cultivate frequent U9e fertilizers with a lavii 3. A mixture as follows will 1 it right for them: 100 ponm site of soda, 200 pounds eo eed meal, 300 pounds 16 p acid Dhosohate. 100 noun 3 cum ds he Greatest m ut m milium imuiuuu i Think of the pur might have to drii the fresh air and p have always withii The air they breat] untainted by ai thin pr that, noma rum uisotiov, r, e water they Prepara(ion ik ! Look at stop to cons ure food they "training" a their reach ! prepare the he is pure and hard work iy dangerous spring croj W.wfipm ttiA suddenly i , but few farmers naur iider the necessity of ljOO their work stock to dres m for the extremely will of putting in the crop as. The results of ncreasing both the Ti * r ~' r iate potash, at the rate 0 pounds per acre as a si sing. This same mixtu do for many other gard >8. illitian's Mild Monds. of ever w ::The A. are daily receivi mm* finnds witnessed in Lancaste ]. BROOfl ing their Springi and ask vour in r. A CO. and SumSDection of city man and good farmer's bouse ou? from the many i work such havoc neighbor. Most of the sic farm is due to ign< health. The work and f< ;ht to be free fow weeks defects which horse c J to his city indigestion, contracts so skness on the out of coni orance of the work. A 1 ?ed during the first of spring are that >r mule suffer from ^ loses his appetite, ?re shoulders and gets dition to do effective 4 ittle care to slowly ^ s Moments When I Peeds on Angel Cake. ast Sunday afternoon a par entleinen met in Senator Ti . a. i.i xr them before bu ie Laces and Embroi :y We have the best lin ill- goods ever shown in l? _ Pt?i/?Ao ?*o r> rri r> rr ying your spring ? j ideries. Lawns! e of these 50 pes. 27-in< the city, worth 8c, our i 5 pes. 40-in. r joods. Lawns! :h Colored Lawn, jrice 5c. White Lawn 10c. simple laws of he disregard of those these might be poi farm house the wh try over: Keep the source supply clean. lalth or to a aud gradua laws. I wish aid feed, a sled in every imalingooc ole wide coun. work befoi of either hii i of the water apparatus, increase hit lly increase the work nd thereby put the anil condition to do hard ver* e requiring too much 3 muscles or digestive a JL11* would very greatly .. , : the i capacity for work nrn i b ruoiug at me normanc , strangely enough, the cc sation did notdouch upon t ro question, Mr. Rooseve e rights or any political top Tillman directed the talk shams and humbugs of mc lif?. nnrl.innlnrlv amnnv t 110 i iiV/CO laiigiu^ xivyui Z 2c the ya ilt, to 35c the yar d? Millinery I 5 pes. 40-in. Ii rd i 2513CS white r ings in figured, d. tea, at 10c to 2 r for Kver ndia Lawn 121-2. nercerizedWaist, striped and dotI5c yard. ybody. . Do not permit tl the house to bec< Do all you can premises clean, home in filth. Eat only wholes pared food. Hosts ie drains about (aurlt?K tlie ome clogged, whole, to make the To those Disease has its gotten their leed and ou ome well-pre- vi8e that tl of farmer folks course whi< i i season, taken as a clas ' who have already ^ref work stock off their re^( t of condi ion we ad a(*ni ley now pursue the ')e^1 ;h should have been ^ * depl 1 x-?- v '" n b that had recently acquii it wealth. His remarks, >rted, would have made tirable sermon that could ha 1 delivered from almost a pit. Mr. Tillmau especia lored and condemned t . We have the goods e Miss Minnie Pardue is if pleased to show you tl an you your millinery ve _ . "y Dress Good; Uy he 5 pes. Brilliantine 5 and at the right prices to > in charge of this depart irough and with pleasure per cent, cheaper than yc s. Shoes an 4 in., 49c. When you please everyone, ment and will be e and ability sell >u buy elsewhere. d Slippers. are looking for are not as caretui should be. Avoid exposure you get wet, put damp garments, at dry yourself the fii do. TP i f here as they | IVillUWOU tt feed to abo to storms. If ration and off the cold, Auction in id thoroughly this for a f ret thing you gradually i have the an .1 ?-I' -J- ?x I and work nf t ursi. rveauce me ut one-tenth of a full *ira( make the same rethe work. Continue ?' ew days, and then 8ef* wlic ncrease both so as to imal back on full feed h tliA onH r\f ulinnl :tice that bo many men h )wed of deserting the partr their earlier struggles a ling younger women w )m to share their newly.i ed wealth. To my mind," said Sena< ad 1 pes. Champagne Bi 40 inches wide, at 49e , 2 pes. 36 in. Peaude n the 1.25 grade, at 98c. hb 2 pes. 36 in. black gi bc Taffeta Silk, 1.25 grac 5 pes. Deer Skin Su tor in. wide, price 15c. rilliantine Shoes that fit purse both at Soie Silk, ^ f0r our eel ry Shoe for mc jaranteed wood Shoe fori le, 98c. I guaranteed. 1 iitings, 36 j ,us stuff that ting broad, ry canal. and keep ii rmer that had are only ne dry sulphate of iron Anc J the shoulders from |t, b, use a properly fit ^ firm leather collar ^ ' t. clean. Sweat-pads cessary or beneficial I sleep thefcither at the too ohn Anderson, my Jo." Those are my sentiments ( y," said Mr. Tillman soft] r a brief interval of silencehat a world of trouble a ?*f a nU n ttrAnl/1 V-v a nnnaJ ? f t, R. Martin's cement \ fered total destruction, ^ bravest and fiercest y I the livery stable ot i). ' and the Salisbury-Spei Ul| way's gas plant. - o vork* Ruf Lv.I.ancnster V.( Oiumiiii, ?o this Wo- " Charlotte, So 44 Cheater 44 Kichburjf.. . A 44 Uasconiville A puz ? Fort Lawn.. caption at V oni&ii cook CON NI health i? Chester? Houtl h mumt_ I4'1??* *n(l Carolii ?ty u on am 4 00 pin Ry ft 2ft am 6 SO pm ... 0 30 am 8 00 pm ... 10 20 am 8 24 pm .. .10 80 am .. .11 00 am 8 41 pm .. .11 80 am 0 00 pm iy. 2 16 pm CCTIONS : nern, Seaboard Air i)a & North-Western sense would have 1 of his trouble bet much les9 danger, given them a cl Vincent, in Farm a Dock Coffee disagree witl does! Then try Dr A'hooj Hon1t.ll 1M A nloV lelped him oat drams each ter and with sulphate o if he had only water. Shj fiance.?E. L. using, nd Fireside. Xhere i8 year when i li yon? Probably it . . )'? Health Cottoe. tant as in t it cnmliinntinn nl !. l 1 of acetate of lead aud b f zinc in one pint of Obs ake the bottle before city was no other time of the and grooming is so impor- the lie spring. The hair fire A t I A - A 1* J alisbury special in Charlo erver: The section of t known an Monkey Bott< swept by fire this raorni , but for the effective work two Salisbury and Speiu companies, great propei f tft ed of having commui lie phoid fever to twenty 5111 sons within the last hi According to l>r. 1 woman is a living er factory. She was stri< the disease six \e..r r~? kaiI ways. liCttted tY- Lancaster?Sou Orrs, Knox, B? ' live per- are Hag stops for Orrs, Knox and ( x years. ^or q'ra|ng Noa. II ieiizel the typhoid ,f;!' Teachers I thern Railway. Roomville and Grace Trains Nos. 14 A 17. ?race are flag stops 5 A 16. # A. 1*. McLURK, Superintendent. Examination. parched coreals and nulfl real Coffee, remember, Health Coffee, yet it? mutches closely old Java Jf yonr stomach, heart, atlnd Coffee drinking, t It in wholesome, nourish It's nice even for the yuc by Dennett Grocery Co ? ioug, aun i Not h grain of , in Dr Hhoop's ly, and the flavor and taste , . and Mocha Coffee. COrnbin? to or kidneys can t reHHarv to 1 ry Health Coffee. ce88ary 10 1 ing, and satisfying condition, a ingest child, bold , ... is more 1ik< t collects in u ream- aam profuse sweating all key render grooming no of c (eep the skin in good sevc nd without it disease inge Bly to occur. into laKewoukinave resulted. M( Bottom is in itself a paradi olored people, but there a >ral old wooden frame buil i that have been convert utilities, and they went )n covered, i now f He has been devel??j in i } 0 germs all the lim . "* immune herself, is ? source of coil lag o I in come in conlucl. ,10 TJ eV, I *?]\ nation will be nel tVpi* ifl lieffinnii k *t 0 c A l? l 1 A|?riI I fit h. Although Coilllt constant Lancaster, 8.C., 1 :> all who ? Do you take 1 ?r Teach em' Kxamild at I.anoaater C.H. 'clock a. in., Friday. W. M. MOORK, y ttupt. Education. / ilarob 16. 1907. A ^he News? %' '