8 Court Proc Continued fron forearm, in tbe lei eedinirs when Brid) CCUIIlgS. in fhe opp| i Page One. O. VV. Reputation tt shoulder and lence, etc. TfciK LANO zes turned and walked in d >site direction. turi Mackey for defense: had i of McDow for vio- ling bad and that of Brul- D.j]i ASTER NEWS, MARCH lirection of my home. A led heard McDow coming. ! turned corner and was ai across street towards me. ed mv con and shot at hi 16, 1907. 8 1 He a*. m1 1* 1 n 1 a few nhot were 01 his leit leg above i utatiou o' McDow gerous, etc., ImJ. utatiou i.s good. Bridges lie was in McDow. Dr. >V. W. Fern .1 3 II ? n the inside of good, the knee. Rep x. SI tor b^ing (hyi Last tall, a Bridges' rep- wantod to Had warned dealings wi danger from me to go at ey or some nell : Attend niat he v I ^ He lehane, for defense: whe bou' Octobor, McDow ^ei know if I had any nf)t th bridges. Then told j . ad borrow some moil . w tiling from him and lould be there and . . . v i t li i vi was about 14 feet from i n I shot. After first si e was so much smoke I coi see good. I shot three tim ot to save my life, believi as in danger. Tf|e third si t off accidentally. Do L' 1 uimnH it at At n Mn tir : reoni ild Ml ok. ng lot n't i's ?nppi; ????? t-ct utntJitotru. tit? my hospital at K after he was shot, uremic poisoning. lUfion of urine b shock ?Circulatio was entirely des'rc to amputate the a shoulder. The bon v?i*3 uiwugiib ved and I had }ie couid ge rm at I he left property, es in the right wiiai he w} ana ttwu i couia v no one would know bout it. I told him kuo ?nd wouldn't do any- that hat. He said il he tal t ridges out of the way Mel f his (McDow's) wife's in I Told me it I would do ^ f mted me he would do i ross Examination : Did i w Mcl)ow had to be iu to1 day. It was purely accidc hat I was In town that di )ow was about even with i 'earle street when I shot hi ew more" steps would ha 1. A. II .t\ I J cq ?; UJe me itifulSSe ) # /I O M M J yonc) wri6t were re secte time. At this point Hi The Defense the iff John 1'. liunler Court J F. Gregoi named and each the bad reputation d at the same my practict he expecte( e State rested out jn }e8S id called Slier T. ,ir ? and Clerk of Dr. W. S. ry in the order Reputation testified as to 'encR< etc., of Me Dow as Bridges g0< A*ti ? .. .1 1.1 aii ti fioil rv ~ _ ?, . , urui i lor lo years Said 1 to put Bridges light .... than 6 weeks. in e Moore, for defense: of McDow for vio, was bad ; that of ^ >d; attended McDow, l l- t / \ 1 olio n? kt It i ?> n t It o . igni flicuow upon me. itit (1 gun nhown him as one Bil McDow with. Gun offer vidence. DEFENSE CLOSES. ase submitted to jury withe jment. Counsel for defen posed to the State to subr he ed is >ut iee nit xot/y766C// ? the big line of lO V IUICIII , dangerous, and at reputation of Hritlj speot. W. M. Hunter, testified as to the tion ol Bridges am tion ot McDow. fied that in Sipt. Uii I'uiv in itllii : ^ioiiduic\i p i to the good one McDov re* in this re It was load' cartridges i , for Defense, last shot# good reputa ,hat day. , iI bad reputa- drinkin a ruriher testi- . , . .. dav tor a last year Me iniui nuwn ii latiu ?o liir | II G v had in hip pocket. Soli ed. lie had live extra was in hip pocket. Saw won McDow was drinking 1 told me he had been c^ai quart of whiskey a w*n week. There was a 'ibe i i . . info case without argument, l citnr agreed, stating that not his custom to doso^fc Id in this case, lis honor Judge Dantz rged the jury at length, afi ch they retired, and after ( rating 15 minutes return ? ititii r t ii' i t K ?i i' 1 /? t /\ r \ he >bt ^Cbk ter 3eied J_1 A ILKS > A 1 Dow cariied him u iio? and locking him that he would lets into John 1 that Britlgss wai wife'* property, t had listened to I would have killed p into his or > j ceased" at n us Iriends he .... . years a^o ; < Budges lo-:<; * . i ii . ? in the evein lo ana a cup in his Gui Bridge?, defendant: *H ^ was my brother in, . ? case ried my sister. I)e- j ay houpe about seven , law came to my house late ^.j luL'. His wife a short L i lyuu i i n mi a vri uiut ui 1" Ity." The cane was finish >re 11 o'clock, fter tho verdict in the Bridf the case against Kul es for violating dispense was called. Iiufus plead ty and was sentenced to mat came ied We shall jes describe iry e.J They are. 3 to our store y . not attempt these for we ' here in quanti 'esteraay. to fully cannot, ties and ago aim nave avoa Ale Dow was sober Witness conimun threats to Bridge him to be 011 his g J. W. LI. Weam defense: Heard Mi lite of Bridges, would never die Lieu uvn oUitS. j at tliia time. time be,or' icated these h?',se? s ami warned house. Hei ;uard. tor, I don't *r, witness for out with ins l'Dow threaten oil iiis ghoul Said that lie "Doc, -what satis-lied until i,;? t . I in or e had come to my r|< eased walked into the ., , . - .x the urd his wife sav, Doc- r ? for want to go. He came j -wife, i put my hand n?| Ider and said kindly, ... :'s wrong?" He was I ' ; r., : tu i 11 _ I itIi8 or pay a line of $100. his wound up the business Sessions court and the jur< the first week were dischai he court of common pic open Monday. dualities. of ;)rs r?>ap T)rpc< s ^nnrlc he had killed bolh his lather. These made in Me Dow' Dow's reputation t F. Mac key for utution ol McDow Bridges good. ( threats of Decease< ^Ulllll^ III" Defendant and pulled his lhZAt* WMe me- 1 wen s oinoe. Mc- T . , , r . , i had and f< vas bad. m. . . ,, tion McDow defense: Ken- . . , . f across the c bad, that of ^ Oommuuicated ,er was.nial :1 lo Defendant i on' ' r.f 'nff v> we wim iiixii. ae pistol and pointed at t and got an old pistol allowed in the direcr and wife had gone core otton patch. My sis- vert sing a noise. I walked Talt to get my pistol to w}10 ing Girl Kills Man Entc ing Her Home. adaen, Ala., Mar. 11.?T uier's jury today returned 1 ict of murder ngainst Her on, a girl (ourteen years o i admits shooting E. II. We irhe J) a tie Id, st, in oil 1 ress Go fVift nnTnr csvt n ods. o which witness had era. M. Y. Cauthen of JVIcDow had. I hi good. Mr. 11. 11. witness ot a threat made against Brid, with Oscar Tune tried *r her mother's home h )t. /lien t lie door whs pari n, the girl put the muzzle iot pun into the opening a 1, killing West. Tune w tired at, but escaped. to AAA ^AA fist NET A as ujlic7 uc w ouaue S, LACES AI .PPLIQUAS, O W J. M. Sheliane an lor defense both t hreats made at
  • t at hiin lie hit niv Ma i times. My father is E r?, about >Ve threat- to II L ! M tckev, oi a eojiver . 11 11 1 iJOw f?l wlie's I w,wireP|lfatIMni jiu< r 111:111 I u Mr W:,H bad llc-pwt? o i (>l several iimi hat ol 1>i; bail it i le ? iri?minuoicat^?l 1 j W M IJ ii n del on s : > 1 v I <' \ ii 111 o u, / I. M IV V . : . * 1 ' * >f McDow for \ inleuce.!41,11 Had been warned was e s of threats IVI? t)>w ! 'au' gainst my lif. . W .1 imp warned me f'ronglx ;! nine t< r A L.Mobley, M V Sin t-'. Mapkev an I other- at t! ining t ? I) fr >m M ssoi i in Uiii'tn, S. I ijrht ?.ii suspicion of hei Moated in tho douh' lion t*'it* occur ! m this c ilay ni :hi. lell Coluni' i o'. no . Monday in >rnin W s. ' t ii i v> een his v\ if ;i 11 s iid t 'i .! t i, the c ins*' of i t^nci d to v 11. . i. I ifirt 1 I i, <(i i I n . i v\ iriic' 1 ' ' *'c' v\- v ( x;> cti law MiH I. it t , ' 0 / \ ) )>. (I n<*r I t'. r. ' r i! i. . a i\ in n f ! i t*,#. , 1 Dtp M>)OUt Ilim. 1 X M I ) \v : I I.! i! Ill ' ?jr*^ , to \ i (11 i a ;} > !;i -1 1 I 'TP f) . (' i. I ill ' ' I I I ( > i (J : \ f.| . ' ' I ; S| a m' rjn . i \ i it! til; c Danger Line for Koa< ill!, i;i . P.'I ire!l 12. sr'O.ll V . \ . ( i ?.?"; - >! * ( f I !? ird / ir 1 i ] , whilo ii' ,i? I lie oo.ii j v. , |n-?i J y u \y s i.l I Mo i' !o i ! - ( i f is. Slipp lie j It-: IV I) I lers for [Ladies I 'ndan' a ?. La b f->r violence *>i (i nes?e i - ti< > l i i first w aikin;. i ortli ?then turned are ed in opposite dire< was coming on be Bridges turned dov Ullfl LO /ll/J \l'?ha?if ;U T( p\liA\ > . ,*)< p Pearl strcel j __ ! Willi W. (i. h K ! < r 8 hoi c ?U ! fi?'g'8 i.-1! ' rial A" rv >idh 1 ah. "?*'* ?" V4?\4 "I site pavement, walking across the side Bridges was o ges commenced f with his gun. Mc B5 feet from Bridg , >??? 'Ml McDow was 8aw MclJoi streel to the th? "treef t n, when Brid- and walked iring af him of McDow Dow was 30 or i walked I pi es on Main st. j gnn. Turn iv was coming down ,n0( owards rne. 1 turned P"? I with my gun ahead ')()a to avoid him. As I l>rei Jt the cartridges in my 'dia ed down Pearle street on i lifted. Antagonism of t pie is responsible). The Si rd f'>r seven months of t sent fiscal year," he sai is made expenses and infer ts bonds." ;he ea S Peoples Hii|>plj Coi iipany "