the many other ta lie worshiped in heaps of fallen st< and (here a stand part o( a wall, , ; . \ .. . ; ?r raples at which ! The Thebes, all iuj very can .1 l I scalds it thoi unes, with here! it a sun bat int* column or! f'1"1 if ,lcr cl .. I butter that i inu all of tile a churn. Ii _ THK bA > Farmer's Wife infill about her churn. She roughly after using, and given li to sweeten it. She knows liurn is sour it will taint the s made in it. The stomach is i the stomach and digestive lNOASTEIt NEWS, MAR 11 7;""r " c - -* ? ?T -r, Cfl 16. 1907. run ***"y 'T~ -fvp/r II P r i jiwuumoin granite eel with which I these heathen te and mutilated. ' , pressor would woi become of Thebei called No). BU| of t Iim A iy> a! of.i/v , I : lwlu uuinuv fltlie.i o! him- cesses wlilcl "e ornamented churni"s of . then that if nip es, broken makes foul a im.q ? Thoovilol f. til opnder what bad breath cause . . , the puro cur > ('ii the Bible iuation of d t doubtless one ?ak?"S? o tracts are performed proh nro exactly akin to tho butter. Is it not apparent tills stomach churn is foul it 11 which is put into it? ' a foul stomach is not. alone o in the mouth and the foul d by it, but the corruption of rent of blood and tho dissemtlsoaso throughout tho body. (loldon Medical Discovery our and foul stomach sweet. ft x We bi weetseeeannBL*,-:. elieve, is somethin (T innct' /a*7?rukrwi ] t I* I T ijli< i iuu there would expl repeat to him "Behold, I wi! multitude ol No, raoh, and Egypt, and their kings," The very nexi v a ini.smouarie.s' "uoesiorti I ? . * , j and sun batl ?ii 11 it all a I'd rcmovos ovoi Hie words, Tnt; In 1 ' pimples, eru 1 punish li if? | sores, or o .... i < in humors ordl , ?i"d of I ha- if you ha> with their nod* your nu!uthare weak nr (Jer. 40:25) and despond< ore* i dizzy attacks 10 stomach what tlio washing i do for tho churn?absolutely ry tainting or corrupting ololiis way it cures blotches, iptions, scrofulous swellings, pen eating ulcers and all seasos arising from bad blood. ;o bitter, nasty, foul tasto in , coated tongue, foul breath, id easily tired, feel depressed mt, have frequent headaches, i, gnawing or distress in stom apprecial your attc few mon tes occasionally: intion from the stc ths about winter o etc., to ^ v^vv_l \ uuu \ therefore we cal >re talk of the past oodsat Cut prices / j count to him for t of Luxor, which amid the ruins of temple.Wand afl be inhabited,^* ii old, aaifch the Lor TIIK CHANOKS Til \T ouuiu ;n:. OCH, COIlStlpi he present city or hi Her appetite, (lie s'ands on ami able number his idols a,hI erwards II shall STMmi II flift ib.xro ,*r The best a " ne a?ys Of enee for the il " (Ar .on \ andconditioi . v*???) of load I n u 11 nri. is i art.' all thqsover; .tod or irregular bowels, sour ings after eating and poor so symptoms, or any considerof thetn. indicate that you are m biliousness, torpid, or lazy tie usual accompanying indfyspopsia and their attendant ts. gents known to medical seizure of the above symptoms us. as attested by the writings eachers and practitioners of 11 schools of medical practice. PRE! that are ir feelings ai TY New Sj 1 better harmony witl nd approaching- sprin iring Goods < our present brighi srtime. > t might find w back. He would find walls of the Kan lie dedicated to th I still standing, and presentations slu ~ "n.ur.sivs Have bootl } 'KRE IIr ? combined in O coMk Discovery. ' will be rendil If you will l? ? pari of I he ^/.S'copVo leseenni, which egod Am mo file carved ro- of the age sa ) ?V 1 11Jf llio ir!/^ ! ri " skillfully aiul harmoniously Hr. Pierco's Golden iltdical That this is absolutely true y proven to your satisfaction it mail a postal card request . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for f his booklet of extracts from I medical authorities, giving all the ingredients entering d-famed medicines and showo most eminent medical men y of them. We hav Spring Gc * beauty, st1 Ladies' and Vici I the comin e received already )ods that v*crc bou< yle and quality, some Imperial Brand Oxfc shd, representing all g seasons. quite a lot of new ^ht with an eye tc ' of which are? >rds in Patent leathei the latest shapes foi tory over the Hitt On tlio interior p* see himself return his pods for the v would iind 110 trn and only a vestige upon which he lav ? r* v'v* ites at Kadesh. don he would whlcl: f"r ins thanks to t,le l>lc"ur( ictory, but he ",ro,lf :e of Ida gods K'"ls a,,<1 v | of the temple |,!c"'re' w ished the snnil* m lasl' 1 ' the Isle of Philao and nishes to tlie visitor 34qne pleasure of row:h the temple ot false dewing tl*oir ghostlike hile the waves around ipon the altars where Silks, P Lawn, Wc still other In The broideries which ha 'ongees, Eolienne, Cc listings, Pique, Mac things we will not n Notion Departnien1 , Collars, Belt, Bags, ve ho On 11,-v :>mo Suiting, White Iras, Ginghams anc lention. t?New Laces, Em Combs, etc., all ol ^?A ? 1 ji - . , of conquered nati< which ho probably children of I real visit to Memphis Noph) would still him. i\ot only where he woisli >?? hml upon ,"C"MS" *''n r required the . lil"'Pt!l to work. A '"s "le an i (llible n one 1 'a more surpriee "ot be ",di the temple n iped Amir,on. ?,,08fi <""" ice arose. "haps, 1 am not treatcieot Ezyp i tug with irness. They should ?ed by tlie lights of to lav be that their gods uals as their earthly shelves an c - wj/v.u^U 1 id on the counters foi )ur New JV emu piacea in tne r your inspection. lilliner. Isi? aiiu other god which ho erected , hie statue of hii * gone, his idols goi ken statue lying j he would find the owl the only inha .3, and before ",r'n and a gigantic mar. t,1"t wa inself, entirely "orhlli'> t,: le, and Iris bro- ll,8,r minl in the dirt, but rePrc8?"^' > bat and the they wo,sl bit ants of the revealed themselves y, and did not in lac! ie animals themselves. 1 demanded a visible tion ol ilie being that liped. To us their reerleetly foolish, but to Miss Ph a woman 1 elps, from Phiiad< i of wide experien 1 1 ? ? -lphia, has arrived ce in the milliner) onco Famous capit A new light wool his mind when sh< "Kor Noph shall dosola'e without a (Jer. 40:19). stroy I he idols, an it. _ * ;at of Egypt. ",Bra " w d break upon n,,"v0' tha awn f he words " be waste and art" and s ... inhabitant." h,1<1 s,"d' ? will also de. Ih"us d 1 will cause gospel VI * 1 Q l? Oi is a serious thing. Wo i' a people who were 1 and so smart in the oiences, should have mil absurh religion, amis of years later, was resisted at Ephe ussines< every pa; She will this comi 5, stylish and stric rticular, quite an a be pleased to me? n unity and discus :tly up-to-date ir irtist in her line, et all the ladies ol s the latest fash tut-ir images io c -n (Ezek. 30 :13). Proceeding on do Ueliopolis (the Or lie wouM not reen where Joseph nia a daughter of the Tl.., 1.1 ?_i . .. ... se out of Noph. i lie temp) wn the Nile to '>aUl "'eaC . of the Bible), Knize I he city ,l,e Acr0'>( rried Aeenath, 0 priest Of On. *" Hn'1, 11 . . II n ndretls = i- inimical to e of Diana. When > he 1 on Mars' Hill the was in lull view on )lis, and even the phil f Athens were heath-1 lisputod with them. B M l O'i rj .> *'? .. a i m ions in 1 * Spring ai kV VI 4^. ?-i dil 4k r** lead-Gear for the ad Summer. li i coming- season, 1 ? ? fii -mo wu - *! oneu would be the onl ject, and by it aloi cafe where the z the Son st^o 1: a be embellished an often worshiped At V to.. I>..i HK ,ui kgypt , .v familiar Ob ne could he lo-| m*nt 1,ad real temple of I"'"1 l>f!r,e'' temple whicl, ithe true G d in which he ,>e ln"ru the Sun god. J'"'^nieiil tii . tiuiis it we ft UK* I ll\V H| 31-a, the polishe 1 Ito. Hi a I'anlheon ol ^0'ls uted the followers or ? >d. Probably we will q charitable in our!** of I he ancient K?^y p-; ~^== will lUilir > . 14. Xo. 16. 7 00am 4 00 pm .. 7 10 am 4 60 pm 5 05 pm ... i 3;> am 6 30 pm * Oo am (i 00 pm IIy 10 4n am S 15 pm 2 00 Dm 3 'In am V-. vyoi deities were wors would also learu I aors on the Kgypti not baliove in son aud had scratched walls, at the carvinir a n?w set < i la ftuu Ulllt1! ' biped, but be "L"?- T|u" hat liia suoces- m"ke ?"? s an throne did heothena " ne of Ida gods H"K Bi<1 thorn off the to the,n' aarao time the'n8el < at Assuam, if l Ml i lAu liorn J p to ?:irhts down here ! sympathize snore with' f today and snore wilin sending tiie light They cannot free without help. Kgvpt. DENTIST )ffice in Springs Building ice Hours : 8 to 12 and 1 tc Sunday Hours, 9 to 10. Ask Central for No. I Money to Loan. Driving and Saddle Our livery establia > 6. going to be second I the State, and don't y 32. it! Come or send to ? you want the best, i livery service. Horses. hment is ;o none in " Chester ou forget " ulchbup^,, Hascomville . US when " Fori Lawn... ip-to-date Ar " Camden, So } ( ON N \ koOni>. No. 15. No. 17. liy (> Oo am 4 rise would be To remove a c< dern progress which (WUwhi ancient idols ??goon for t Lou^h .Syrup serected a dam is mo?t quick] lich backs the 1 1 ' 1 in N , loam "igh you must get at the cold farm lie cough. There ia nothing the r hie us Kennedy's Laintivo and 1 he liquid oold relief that $l()rd Uros. ittve made arrangement* with par ew \ ork ( Uy hy which I can liegot 1 h?r live years on improved cot *. in sum* of $300 oo and upwards ate of 7 per cent, on amount* of $1 over, and 8 per cent, on snm* leas t| " No brokerage or comrni*Hion cl Only a reasonable fee for ah-trac If. E. WYLIfci, Attorney-at-Lnu ?- HEATH-ELLiOTT HI ton " at i* OOO hODO.j digests what >011 eat liHii overcomes Indigestion, which Jar* r'er ?t dyspepsia, It is made t of formity to the National I'm Drugs Law and is soul on a g r, I'lfto. hold by Crawford J Ill C PH Chester?wouti JLC, uUa Line, and ("arolii __________ Railways. Lancaster?Sou and ijniekly Orra, Knox, Ka is a tor< run- Hre 1'stops for in strict con - t'rrs, K ox and < o Food and tor Trains Now. If unrantee re- j. Bros. "em, Seaboard Air ia it North-Western them Railway, scomville and Grace Trains Nos. 14 A 17. race are tla>f slops A 16. K V. I*. MoLURK, Superintendent. '