The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 16, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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c> Letters From i T? plicririn A rut Rn Abroad. f'V''1""" that they w?i i^iiosl. The iin<; nf An- v jis If) t 1 Lli j LAiNOAC splinted 60 lifelike these tld Iri^hten away a the pi figures were so ar- cmld vnrcss ideas, and a cation mat MEWS, MARCH 1< beliefs of the ancients from ctures in these tombs, I not overlook the cotnpli s tlni mi "lit result it 3, 1907 YOUR fj? ? n) ** ; cient Egy BY A. M. ST (Copyrighted, 1W1C, l>y R NO. 12. pt ; complete l?ist life is written ACK ; worthy < f not . p. Mfy > t'?e cajlle' sent ation*. t lie god-< wl ed was uni< or.v oi ti e lvinn's' litimei im his t< 1110. I: i- i Oppre o tl?s?t 1 he doR afrul | reunit not in these repre- visit I Their conception ol fcnirpr: nch they worship every\ iiie. Tlie earliest find ii jes II. ( he Pharaoh o* tie ssion) should undertake to o with his mummy and rehe scenes of his lifetime. L*es wnuld confront him .vhere. IIis body he would ? the Museum at Cairo. He ? IIW 11MB III IIIIIIIIIWIII I sin When the Qtiee made her famous v Solomon, she was 8( at his wisdom and scale upon which he things, that she ex one half had never n of Sheba Ejeyptains wo isit to Kintr a later perioi > astonished i?rnis to the the grand ater they tin was running always repr claimed the with a bird's' been told. a human Ion rshiped animah; at could I they gave human sent o ir gods, and still tin?: h lited the two, and find tl esented their god dead ( or a beast's head on the E II ? never a human put c not get it without the coil f the Khedive. After getimt-elf together, he vould tiat all of his gods were ir had been imprisoned by Egyptian government and )n exhibition as ancient We offer below for youi appeal to all who want t We Are nor running a CRUSH ? item quoted here not no r consideration some pri o save money on their pi > Not Cr >ALE, but we will forfeit w in stock. We make the J ices that should irchases. ushed $100.00 for any following prices It is pretty much the with one coming to are astonished at w! We have been hea wonders down here i but we have merely preheudea. Only i same way head on the b Egypt. We sphinx (witl lat we see. 'lie body ot a I ring ot the King a,,d ?ot fill our lives, worshiped the r half com- her of these the sight ot discovered an iird or beast. The curios i a man's head 011 own t ion) represented the $2 50 a god. They also would s sun. Quite a num- he lef tombs have been gone, d opened, and the would . it it I l_ ities. When he visited his omb lie would have to pay admission fee. There he find things pretty much as t them, except his mummy When he came out he [ have to give an Arab I 1 > ? _ 1 J! A _ _ until withdrawn: $5.00 Overcoats at 2.9 coats at 7.50. Men's Suits from 3.98 54-inch Broadcloth, so Wide Taffeta Silk, bla 54-inch Ladies' Cloth, 20 pieces A. F. C. Gin 8 ; 7.50 Overcoats at 4.9: to the best in stock at 9.1 Id at 1.00 and 1.25 yard, i ck and colors, at 87 cents 42 1-2 cents yard, pfhams and Linen-finish C 8; 10.00 Over00. low 85c yd. 3 yard. "hambrays, 10c. them can give any correct idea of what is not alone their int eur and beauty \ them so interesting, the purpose of th< Nearly all of the prir thing like a Egyptian g< they are. It excavating, rinsic grand- may throw ] rhich make past. There i but rather near there al ?ir creation, visitors exam icipal rights electric light. overnment is still "oacK Future discoveries custor much light on the he wo is an electric plant paid t ready opened, and to Luj iue the interiors by photo A novel surprise being a .. f ? it ( U n troirnl sneeeu, in ooeuience 10 " n that had grown up since rked people so hard and hem nothing. Crossing over cor, he would see himself graphed on post cards and sent all over the world by Inpo ob tlin full no/ n'hn nn. Solid case Cotton Blar 1 Only six of our 6.00 V Men's Odd Pants fror 5.00 For $3.50 Krippendof Sho< T nrl i I? inn QV\atjcj of ikets at 63c, 89c and 1.23. Vool Blankets left to close n 75 cents to 3.48 pair. bush Shoes at 2 es at 2.98. 7R nonfo nniv ar\rl iir? ; at 4.25 pair. t.48 were the products oi gion. They show the gle of the human mi the future and to w< higher power that ri Perhaps they did th could with the lights V\ > t I li/>nA n rt / J M/\ ? > A i \ 4 ?1 [ ireir ren- mei.m "ir early strug- very bottom c nd to fathom ! O&thei of I arship some Oppression,) lies over all. hries of Wine e best they "Ot have beei before them; prised if Sal ..</) frnnt.pd trip V D tit All lilt? )f the tomb of Seti pres6e he Pharoah of the He v I met, Col. F. H. peoph iton-Salem. 1 would no a much more sur- He w< i himself had con- disap] ('nl Fri^R wprf> IIo\V? IIVIO WO UkM\J I V?1V f* fl ??" I id the Hebrews in Egyptvouid find a new race ol a in his kingdom ami one worshiping idols. 3iild find that his gods had peared from their places, ver. he could hnv Dlentv IJilVUCO JL 11 It UIIV/^O ot 2000 yards heaviest \v 2000 yards 6c Plaids i Job lot Men's Fine 2.( Big lot I^aces, Insertii Get our prices before tee to save you money. I 1/ VVUU7 ^Uli MIIU Vt|/? reight Sheeting at 6 cents it 5 cents yard. )0 and 2.50 Fur Hats at 1 igs and Efnbroideries at ( you make your purchasej Yours for business, i yard. .48. }ld prices. 5. We guaran beautiful in ruin, pr< their religion and were false. There thought in Egypt. It is a singular f: cient Egypt's architei ami r?nintprn dpvnted !? K1 /11IU *11111 i ? ' avethatboth Mis. Fries, ^ 1 their pods Miss Mary Lf is food for Mr. A. H B making tiie act that an beautiful dali cts, sculptors sixteen men, tViAir t.alnnt.R leisurely and I ? liss Eleanor Fries, of the >uise Bahnson and stores ahuson. They are he wc Nile voyage by a grand labiyeh, manned by erectc and are taking life were i luxuriantly. We popul 7 ? ? I ?f m on the streets or in the at a reasonable price. Bui >uld find that all of those temples which he hac id to them all over Egypt in utter ruins, and the once ous cilies in which thej Fundert 5 I t ' Time is the >urk Conn Thief ipany "? r? almost entirely to tl tion and decoration pies or tombs, or to nected with the one Evidently much ai given to the worsl strange gods and to lie construe- accepted a of gods, teni- take tea with objects con- and spent a ] i or the other, ning compari ttentiou was 'his side and dip of their and loved oik the lite be- Dixie. kind invitation to stood i them on their boat, ot the most pleasant eve his ca ins experiences on the D talking of friends 'l he p bs down in far away largei erect* had been wiped off the tac< i earth. He would fine pital city, Thebes, undei ebris and rubbish of ages jreat temple of Amnion, tin >t structure of the kinel ever id to heathen god. he would of opportunity and de 1 n bnnk account and lei on the road to a great* f The sooner you i on the habita of thrift ^ will your accumulatio Start an account All deposits made on < [ from the tlrat. Your j I ft y h breed danger. Some day : your surplus earnings accum prosperity. Why not do it form the bank-account habit i and economy, the better for ii ({row. , in our Havings Department jr before the fifth of the montt iccount will have careful atter you intend to start ulate and place you now? ind sret a good grip you, and the larger and watch it grow. 1 will draw interest ition at yond the grave. < have to be able to r? phics in order to they lived here an expected to live hei in the mountains on desert, down at The dne does not wrestled mi sad hierogly- tion of know how The tomb * d how they raoh of Oppr eafter. Over to visitors no the Libyan cleaning it oi bes, are some mummy ha LJCH WITH Til K QUKS- *ln(l 1 immortality. still 1 of Rameses II. (1'iia carvii epsion) is not open ^ie 9< w, but the work of ^he v' ut ia going on. His Shesl 8 been removed to boam lestroyed. But he couk read the inscriptions ant igs on the south tower o ?cond pylon, which recordi ictory of Sheshauk I (callet iak in the Bible) oyer Reh< , the son of Solomon. (Thii J The Fir f I 3 i ? st National B -ANCASTEK, S. C. ank ?? ym sights worth all the to Egypt. Cut in tl for many yards ar tombs. Each tomb slanting shaft, coi series of inclined pli ed by rock steps, ha cost of a trip the Museum le solid rock carvings and e the royal royal tombs consists of a gious beliefs mposed of a were shared ?nes connect- their times, vingon each much with at Cairo. From the Shesli paintings in these ?* we can get tlie reli- came of the Kings, which w in by the people of ^ie ^ They had wrestled Amm the problem of a 8WOr( iauk plundered the house i Lord and of the King ain id away their treasure?, ould still see on the left o jug the form of the deity o ion, who is grasping th< 1 of victory in his right han< I ? A mt i II urs \ i side chambers for tl of the King's relativ times chambers for 1 with the King's cha end of the shaft. Oi the shaft and the c numerous carved tie mummies future life. T es and some- ''If a man l?is servants, again?" Thii mber at the Egyptians se 1 the walls of tive without hambers are let. The w and painted show they b he patriarch asked, an(* 1 die shall he live whicl s question the early ed cit sttled iu the affirma- woul the doubts of Ham aw?y alls of their tombs noses elieved in the im an(* 1 n whose left hand are cord l bind five rows of conquer ,ies of the Holy Land. H d see that those who are le as captives have the curve i, prominent cheek bonei the pointed beards of th i v ? i ?9 rni i | AFRICAN COTTON CROWS Guaranteed Analysis e Wr' Av^il Phos Add.. 9/? d w/', Ammonia 3% ^ .^.... ,.3^ e I wol n < iizers forma of gods, men, fish, reptiles, vei ments, boats, food, are so arranged and to show how the K thia world and how live in the world to beasts, birds, mortality of 3*els, imple- only believet etc. These but believed combined as ward the go ing lived in wicked. T] he hoped to resurrection come. why they en the 6oul. They not Jewfl 1 in the higher being, 'yphi that he would re od and punish the JerUf hey believed in the c< of the body. That is *?8y nbalmed it. Ihey had recor oi raiesune. ine niero* icn on the wall would te that Sheahauk capture *aiem about 930 B. (J., an Miaulting the Bible cbron< as revised by the Assyria dw, he would find that R : -1 f_ OQT ?~ Ofl ? Thoroughly * Dist ? "They Gro\ ein I Dry, Finely ribute Eoenh v the Biggesl orouna, t Crops." FINDS COL. FRIES AN TUB TOMBS OF T Although a serio is impossible to rep at some of their cri; tat ion a. One was a in a boat, on the occupant ok an '(lea thai hr kings. around the I us matter, it 'hody. J .res* a smile al1'' wa,er " ide represen- ^u'ure time s certain god Holi^ would i river of life, R"d livei" ! the soul hovored Ilout tomb and would visit ^ lence they put ft.od 1 the tomb. At some mau they believed the 8tan' reunite with the body reco1 i better world. For an(* .1 . anrt mm rr 11 uiu t/t* i u u !. At a glance lie would at those inscriptions on the r 19 of a heathen temple are ling confirmation of the fac rded in I. Kings xiv: 25, 2 in II. Chronicles xli: 2, Q Tlnntl Iahh h? wnillJ 1 G a IGe He >A -w m. 'I.T et Them From tath-Jcmes A oimr^T^ 01 t o. judging the doad a* for ferriage to a bei the aplicant had li a seat was given ; i transformed into a away by a baboon, trance to the torn * they applied inat reas?? Iter shore. It ,0 Preserve ved properly, ,ure(i mu if not, he was s',ow tl18* 1 hog and led were Near the en- ception of a b were large was immorl tnev toon great pains ? "** the body. Thf pic- ^P' imies of their gods CHrv hey knew their gods mon . They had no con temj , god of spirit that of tli tal. Ah I extracted tem eased with the fact that U ed form of hia own god, Ai ,on the walla of its own falh [>le, ia testifying to the tru ie Bible. lie would findt] pie of Luxor, the Kameaseu le 11 BD , Send Us im O. t Tour Job Fi ? inting ' .... .