j ^ LOCAL E ?Cotton brought market yesterday. ? :7 S Death of A(rt Mrs. Car: Mr. Frank V 11c on this of Mrs. J. Wednesday. THE LAN 9. IFrenn. Item ry Wrenn, wife of ^renti and a daugter A. Thompson, died * 1 u u Mr at her norm* horo CASTER NEWS, MARCI s from The Chester Lantern. L. L. Reading arrange* 3 16, 1907. _ Aid Solicited for a Large of Orphane. The ladies of the N! chnrch are preparing to 1 ^ ^ Family j Buffal() Ljc lelhodiet I send a Vjrin^C 5 k Springs r Ale ?Mies Bleeker Rock Hill, is visil here. ?Mr. Shelley Id Mill, spent a day or week. Af_ A w Lindsay, of pneumon iug relatives years ot husband aud laile. of Fort 1>erw H'" so here this m West,,d? Grand Hull ia. She was about a ^ol age and leaves her [ one child surviving ^oar< emaius were interred 11 cemetery Thursday. 01 et* ed V U of the Kniahts of Ml o id Saturday evening an< immediately 011 the Sea 1. We learn that the amoun 3 traudulent dealings discov growR larger, having reach 2,000 or more. v James O. LI all. ot the l'nn uua n# i no .cjpwnrcn ur * during Kaster week. A * suitable tor the clothing t dreu ot all ages, such at stockings, hats, caps, 1 chiefs, cloth etc., will hi f illy receiv. d. This orphu . ot the chnrrh i? t?r?! pannage nvthing I Digestive Tonic, . .. retic, Invigorate ? 0'll isfies its standar i shoes, landker Whole ? grate- P-E P ] m I a raily 0. .. Strength preserv Laxative Diuis, Satd gW~ 3>C. Black PER. ed in the grain. ?mr. a. j. \j .McAdeuyille, N. week. ?Mi98 Jaunita \ ing Mrs. Dr. J. E. umbia. ?Mrs. E. C. < uulap visited i'f/thla*. C-, the past a special ter Lodge N Vjlie is visit- thias will be Poore in Col- Ha'l over 11 day evening Carpenter, of Chanwllor Hani meeting of Lancas- *n o. 59 Knights of Py at tli > held in the Castle clian le Post Office, Mou- wa9 j J at, 8 o'clock. Grand 23 yi M. Rutledge Rivers mer die of Lancaster county, wa wn yesterday, and ealle e Lantern oflice. He ha ged considerably since h a school boy at Lowrysvilh pars aj:o. He is now] a far and the father of sever s dent upon us lor I hoir f( ci clothi 11 ir and we hope i s fulness and prolusion of e son will he manifest in t q her and value of lhe d< . All articles given shouk t to tlio parsonage where i VIC I'v 11 )0d and A T.T --S the joy. . ,, in quality as v l lie sea J he num Coming under 1 niations. i u . oy ottering you ; 1 b" se"' tiie formula aro, bhav will PICE /oil as name. the head "new n surprise you i full pint, with jnd the neck of Monroe, N. C., v here this week. ?Mrs. John D this morning for C visit to her cousin Miller. T . of Oharlesto isi'ed friends ^ Thorn and D. D. C Wylie left Qf Chester > !olu\nbia for ? every Knij, i Mrs. S. L. earnestly r this meeting f* * ,n, Grand K. R. S. child iwell of Fort Mill 1. 0. Z. V. Davidson Woo vill be present and after jht, in Lancaster is ejs 0 equested to attend ?f j rt as it is intended to oniy Iren. aj.T. W. Brice's barn, s dward, was burned Fiida noon, with about 800 bush t corn and a large quantit odder. It, happened tha one horse was about th be received and forward* ^ proper time. Mrs. T. S. Cart Mrs. R. E. Tui y t Business Not e I ? ? ?=== >! Ut Uie: C ? T Surprise Toui< er- at 15 ( rnipseed ' Genuine? ices. Bull Di ? itoe Ketchup. ients. jrham rn~i ? iiuv. o. m. preach at the coi the first Sunday ii at 11 a. m. Mr. H. A. Dal ? Hill, was the guest McMan is and farai iL- A i'aruue will n;tve a tnor inty home on of the Lodg< a each mouth ism a new * T> . Blqln Count )ney, of Rock of Mr. G. A. The Cou ily of Dwight M organi Oi.i. /-V ugh reorganization built 9 and give Pythian- origi itart in Lancaster. The ? $2,0' ?ilf No. Mi. anco mcil Jr. O. U. A. that zed at. Elgin by burn ling, and it was saved. Th 11 of the fire is unknown loss is estimated to b 00, and there was no insur It will be remembere MaJ. Hrice's dwolling wa ed about a year ago. ?4P- A 11 Notices inserts e this head at the rate of ON t A WORD for each insert notice to be counted less e words. " LOST?On Main street cm d week, gold locket engrave Reward if returned to me r* News olllce Miss Marian.1 FOR KAI.K?k jrnnil in ill OIIiUlVIMi' u under k cent Try a package ai tion. No of lis r than 25 01 llb 1 ? "Far oil' in Asia's si e day last Foremost of ail Bu 1(1 "*Y *' " 'Tis very hard to Hi Jhnson Ht where aught but ( pare. I U <2 A lao luuacco. nd l>e convinced nerits. inny lands, II I>urliam' stands, id a place his smoke sets the i/ue past week. ?The new britlg over upper Camp c public have been i since Thursday. ?Mrs. S. E. Pov bia has returned 1 ouiio wrgail . . , ^ast Mondaj ;e is finished . ,, following o reek and the ? . Winn, C,: ? crossing on it T u TT J. b. Hagn Harper, F. ! vel, of Colum Treas. lome. after a Ifutr vv uzer .j. o. w 119011, r night, elected the (licor8: Rev. \V. C. U. Bailey, V. C. ; is, R S.; J no. W. S. and R. W. Porter, mess Anse C* Y17; ?.. r /"! ns^Mi Assault Near Dillon. lumbi i, Mi?r. 12.?A phon age from Dillon to Go1 ;) today says the negro wli llforl Mi ao I'!'*"* one 2-horse wagon. Apply Hen net. LOST?Between residenci Williams and L, M. <"o's sto gold spectacles. Finder wi q ably rewarded. \V. McD. 1 JU~sT HKCKIVKD! -Car locorn, same kind bundled l?v ni? q at b'l cents per bushel. Oliver num. to w. p. Come and get the above article s of t. y lieve you will b( Mm! ith 'the frown than compensal -?: done so. Res i'l of ear 3 last year. tr a w r some of any of js, when we be- / e much pleased lase and more ted for having pectfully, TTANflF. week's visit to her Mr and Mrs. A. J. ?Miss Sarah IJ: week to take a c nography and type Praughon busines Kershaw Rra ? T T f parents here, W. Stogner McNitich. present the Ilton left lust Council me nurse in ste- April 16'h, writing in the s Co'lege. Cotton Vive !*.. f ?? mil rtiiu. (J , vjr. v,ww"' were elected to re- ,hor< councii at the -State !}51 is etins; in Charleston, cl next. thou Ion t (it Jiertt/ittto. * !n?.1-^ . l?eer ^ V* 4U IOO X. I I t I 11 < I 11 II Co ayescerday whb caught tod a is way to the Marion ja large of deputies. It is mr ght at both Marion and Di iliat there will be no lyncl The negro lias not y< i identified hv Mi - > ir | ? WAN I ED Custoiuets for the y i Irish Potatoes grown tryumpl all kinds J It. Mackoroil, FLOW Ell POTS hv the tho sizes. J, 1?. MacU ^ TTrsr RECEIVED? \ car loi 1- Oats, Heath-Jones < 'o 3t ONE car load j-onl'ry wire, ho^ fencing, just arrived at 1> ?-??? >v v best need ?rj..0 qij i, lllissnnu inc Uia Opposite First nnaiulri, nli orell. wl of 8eetl rtf c r? Sale of Perso garden and I A J ? unrtt (iro liV Ail Mil I VJJ Original National Bank nal Property - i llsirHifli ?The now B* "Ebenezer," near stone, has been co services, for (lie (i be heM in i( next ? a. m., by Rev. J. \ 1)111 H?I" ptist church. w?rks of ou 'he corner she w mplefed, and 000 col ton I rs? lime, will noon- A 8] Jundiv at JJ a passing f. Pardue. cotton on tl fnrm vr 11 Q rn uiK spiennm \va er r sister town ot lver- " S ould have had a $20,- tUGI lire Wednesday after- m( n park from the engine ^)ol< train set Ore to the ?e large cotton plat h'U' , irara I t TOO] es have been gcemvhwig l< ity-four hours, and excit t is stil high. Gov. Aiipi e to the sheriff's deputy i ion today and ordered tl ill to the scene at once. 2S as have been ordered out >. " j oer.v < uiiii'iiiiy. "* j Early Bliss Potatoes and all P I Garden ds at ll.-nm-t* Groee 6? j FOR SALE?Klorodora Li j* 1 ? otton Seed. < otfoil sells j Price $1 00 bushel, or 7oc b ie I nushel lots, at gin bouse. > . I had at Heath Jones Co.,1 a ?|and W. B. Culp's, Lanoaste j0 I Bros. A ? o.. Heath Horinn. -J 1 PURSUANT to< vaiieiit K of bate court, I will st ry ?'o. j of Lewis T. t'ole, m 1 on t lie 1 li day oi M injf Staple 10 o'clock, a. ni., all at 20;. lb erfy of Miss Mary osliel in 25 consisting of house eed can be milch cow, etc. l\ rues Pros., .1. M. < r; Mobley March 5, 1907?2w s.O. Ad arder of the Pro*11 at t lie residence ear Pleasant Mill, larch, beginning at t he personal propK. < ole, deceased, hold goods, a tine mis of sale, cash. ' ASK KY, Adm'r. 7. ?An error apj announcement ot Copeland's death j which we have be > to correct She was * 3 days old instead seated. reared in the (jre,j kales. Mrs. John T. ing at the ti *s to her age minutes ful ten requested ^10 pla'forn 83 years and ever, the ii of 81, as was ^ie 8cene water nlavi " u . c ov i uiai 1111II* The wind was b'ow ^ar' ;,v,~ i t Dirl line, ana in a few ly half the cotton on s" n was ablaze. IIow H iremen were soon on cers and had atreJIhis ot with tiff nvflp it?H liiirnimr arrei The nearest company is ; ington, in adj miing count) [EKIFF TOO QUICK FOR MOB. aleigh, N. C. Mar. 12.?Oil are on the way th this cit i Nathan McCleary, a negr< sted Jit Dil Ir?n ft 1' f> i dr^ss k..j. Mcllwain, I.ancs nl i iDid You E y rranvcst?! jeweiex stop o what ister, K. 8 ?????? :ver Feed to think w a strain I JVPfV on your 1^1 VI y and Stables ?Citizens of A work trying to get build t tie Wade Creek and Lancasti run from Wad< Brown ereek and t< the Cheraw and liisou are at cotton, and up stock to the tire exti aboro, Brown porary of!i< er Kailroal lo ll,e wefchei , , ai)out 150 bi esboro, down . , A ' . ing to the d ) connect witb town, was Lancaster.? loss amoun in a short time had a nguished. The torn- a 8C' 3e and shed room ot ed t( were destroyed, and s]ier ales of cotton, belong- ;ugt liferent buyers of the i , J norl burned over. 1 lie ted to nrnhn.hlv.SMfi ,ssault upon Miss Pitt ma tool teacher. A mob pat he > lynch the prisoner, but tl ilT pot on the train with hi as it was pullinp out for tl h. lie prisoner was taken i " ! f/W i r! watcl ic \V WATCHEsJP out oi m woulc u> i gine in as many days? | certainly go to smash. hn 1 nr?f ( rontinir xrrvn?? >irof i to run " three or ears with il? What 1 onen< 1 become Livery Stable oi team en- adjacent to the It would hcit ^e patrona You are My turnouts ar ' date. nnd it will 3d a first-class n French street, 1 jail lot, and soge of the public, e stylish, up-toho m\r Monroe Journal. ?lie v. E. M. quests us to annf church conference at Hopewell churc] cuit, at 2 p. m. on He desires as mam or $?20 per I , suraace. McKissick re>unce that a ^ II u , ^ , ?(Jaroln Will be litH'l W|1) b(J ob,( I., on hi. eir- 18th ,t the the 23rd inst. appropriate T C\ 1 f in mam. _ , J r? bale, covered by in- I^?y< was ? atta< ia, or Calhoun Day olini jrved next Monday, with Graded School, with tiar\ exercises. An inter- be c 3'teyille, N. (J., where 1 placed in jail, hut fearing a 'k by a mob from South Ca ?, SherilF Watson si arte i the prisoner for the penite > in this city where he wi on fined temporarily. ?*w ti J V/U1 YVC4L. ie to impose on it in this1 LI1 member, my business i for watches, and my costs nothing. VII I l^UL ' ivay. Re- to please my cu s to care a'so run oplnion Feed . min connection \ and guarantee -v)* stock the best ; at mv stables. VMV4V.U > V/l stomers. I will Stables vith the livery to give your attention if left bers as can to be prepared to pay c sionary assessment ?Mr. Samuel Hi rather suddenly about three miles ^1 f * n - ? ...V, e8ti?g pro^ , present and p|red ttn(, , ... their mis- Readin?B) , songs etc. imphrey9 died grade. The ] at his home north of Ker- ?Mrs. 0 ;ram has been prewil 1 be carried out. , . r? leclamations, essay?, Something by every public is invited. Spe< ?? c: 'tis \1. McMurray and has ee Delivery For Chester rial to The State, hester, Mar. 13.?Chest' a good prospect of an ear %>< Your Ey< lv come in for a lot of at \ | Very res; [Jas.T. >C STATE OF SOI * COUNTY OK >use also. In ,he Pro pectfully, Hunter JTIl CAROLINA, LANCASTER, Imto Court, snaw i?h[ oaruraj was buried at the burying ground on Humphreys was si hours. He was 87 and left three chili and two daughters ly night and cnuaren, of Laurel Hill the family < Sunday. Mr. r?y iniheJ ck only a fe^v years of age Too man, Iren, one son pend on tl . Mr. II um- carrying the Clinton, are visiting plav/ >f Mr. T. W. McMur- Stai acksonham section. Post y young people vou under my 1 March, Anno Poniin .1 HIGH. March 6, 1907. oi rroonte, to he 'curt House, on the . next, after public** ook in the forenoon, to iey have, why the said hi not he granted, and, this 5th day ot i, 1907. I. E. STEW MAN, I'robate Judge.