The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, March 16, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Lanc Semipu Wednesday: :aster News. Weekly. Speakin iblished dllCtioil s and Saturdays interest; THE L. Cotton\Figures. I ig about colton, its pro and consumption, it is ] iim to note that on ad ANCASTER NEWS, MAB library Association Pres Good Program. Reported lor The New#. Last Fridav eveninc the :0H 16, 1907. iTbli As acmurph1 i Co.,* At Lan< E Lancaster Pul Charles T. C SUBSCRll One Year Six Months :aster, S. C.t vices b ,yThe York oi Wishing Company. ,ional Connors, Editor. ported 1 1906 cr? PTION KATKS. *r*v, 2, the J 91.50 , 7ft points. eing received in New s 1 Monday that the Na- i Giiiners' association re- I 12,716,000 bales of the I op ginned up to March g >rice was advanced ten il Yet that report indica ocialion gave ail entertain n the spacious and elegi umished office of Judge i. Jones. The following ;rainme was most happily lered. Roll call was responded t menfc mlly ? The Wila ;o by C] I SUCCESSORS TO )x & Gibbs Gi harleston, S. C r lano Co., tort'u DioillDs 1'aysbl ADVERT One Inch, first inse x quern Insertion 50 ce longer, reduced rater Professional curds Business notices, 1 Lost utul I'ouud, un tlscumnis not exceed each Insertion: I cen tlonul word over 2-"> w j " ted a 13 n !ti advance. mid'llin ISIXG HATES. lor 1 1 C rtlon. f 1.00. Each subseiuh. Kor three months or Nilie I. iu?, per year, 112. of Htl 11 'ranBient Advertisements, , il other classified never- COIt'Hl t llnjj 25 Words, 25 cents for ta word lor each addi- (Jompar rords. ,000,000-bale crop. Good q g spot cotton is selling t ents or better. t years ago, the knowledge L [,000,000 bale crop sent I >elo\v 5 cents a pound. atively,an eleven million o [uota'ione from favorite aut >y the members of the Ass ion. Mr. Jofin Green then r< eautiful selection from Dr. )y ke. M iss Leila Gregory next red the audience with the bi hors ociaVan YEAR seasons on goo< *?v- land ar righl and sa; AFTER YEAR, in favo ; and in unfavorable sea i land and on poor land, 01 id on gray land, on clav ady land, on COTTON, C( rable sons, i red land )RN, Obituaries, Trlbu' thanks and all ma' te nature to bo charged Advertising rates h on application. Brief corrosponden interest Invited. No Correspondents It. B. J NO A. COOK, Skc J. M. KIDDLE, J it tes of respect, curds of IJillB Cl'O r of u personal or i>olltic;il for. ?*. Cess Of ( ly the column mtvdc known ?QQ Q()Q ce on subjects of uoneral . , 1 responsible for views of Deeil lflS tion, tin WYHE, Pkksiubnt. ( :'Y. und Thkas, ly Wltll , uusinkhs manaokh. etnployi p was then as far m ex s mnsumption, as a 10,- T -bale crop would have t t year. And, in addi- r e farmers were absolute- " lout organization, were 1 ng no business methods, i] picy rec tafion, "My Sis Joan". Mrs. Ira B. Jones he next number 011 the prog ending a humorous sele< A11 ?y liny at the Metro pi "his was well reeiey^d and In [y enjoyed. *f!. _ 1-1 i.. ? ter's TU15At took ;rani iS Our ?arthave b( % * * I l J(JU, WHEAT and OATS I Fertiliz een used and put to every } ;ers con Entered us sccond-i fcl the poslofHre ut C Of Congress of Marel Saturday, > THE DIFFER! DRY AND , cluss mutter. Oct. 7. 1P0>, uneuMer S C.. under Act 1,01C] C0| ? ket. Tl larch 16,1907. m,lls fo1 __________ were I hi -NCE BETWEEN A I,luy " A 'WET' TOWN" about 41 in the vi O 11 II u III 1 il 1 i > UU.IUK* \j\f ;ton to steady the mar- g lie takings hy Northern r< r tlie season of 1897 98 1 B largest up to that time, gcregated 2,211,740 or v 1)0,000 hales more than n oar nrovions Th? t 1c_ ? miss luoiuivre in ner u racious and graceful ma acitedk,lle got left and 8( Coffee, sandwiches and ir rere served by several df lisses. "Mysterious Bund rpt?a f linn K? suai ceivaui nner j^s , hundre ',,!d found ' chanict lints lin,y wmm-m * le,. Thirt\ e test, each year s use con superiority and value, v ids of other fertilizers have wanting. When materials il condition and a record of r-Fivp 1 firm;hilst been , meover r pare Twenty six persons apjx recorder on Mo round dozen 1 gudty ot dn outdid the ne i willi the recorc weeks previous tlirl nnt nmlra or twenty-seven ingfi by ?ared before the ; l 1905-U > inday niornuifi. A were white men, ?nly ldc jukennete ; they crease ii groes. Compared the Sou' 1 ot Monday, two t) cons when the police j ^ ii i, nvwA. I 'I... I * ' I? - ? Northern .-pinners for J voro 2,340,468, again of si ;,()0() biles. So the in- a i consumption comesfrom s h and Europe. The South n umption in 1808 was 1 bales, an increase <.f M ..uvuwuru on ohn Greeu who acquitted 1 elf admirably in the roh uctioneer and made the a: access financially and nIT > nich merriment to all pre* Mrs. Brown, Mra. Jones Ira. IVrrv had this mAt iur f/ iim3 of for hor de a ed, oui rdcl t,le bes lent. the w vi need and -tintri Sold exclusi ? ? V -m-r * iestly made goods are cons r fertilizers are without c t all-round crop produce] rid. Try them and become of their superior value. ivelv bv? ider- # loubt rs in con preceding Satu court, ttiis com It represents t tween ii ? dr town.?The 81 That's a pr< meat in favor < !i ! . llil ilii i\ i i r^i *' 11 Hit! I v % _ rd.,y for Monday's liticn is s'riking. I-?a*t yea he diflVivnoe b<' 2,371,22 y" and a " wot than ele a'e* bales in 3tty strong ar?u- ing greu jf piohibilion, and j Soutli tl I over the previous year. i? ir the consumption was ? !">, an increase of more rl ven hun 1 re 1 thousan 1 ti eight years, and show- n ter consumption in the ' t? ian in the North. j b \ charge and. to them, i real measure, is due its suci 'he interest manifested *uly gra'ifying to all tlie inters ot this most laudable irprise. The next meeting e held in April, and with ;H TBe H pro- J ) en *will Mr-. - eath-Jones jancaster, S. G. Co., ii is an me mo cause it comes of one who is i liibitioni-t. I> istic of the edi state tacts as h hew to the line full U- Iw.r,, re significant be-1 Up t?? from the able pen Anieric: n??t himself a pr- Co?t ?n e tit it is character- a'rg regal lor of The State t?> million e finds them, t<> evidence i, letting the chips st0eUed, , n - the present time, the I ?n mill takings, and the N x; or'ed or on shipboard, k te a lit'le more than ten ? hales. Tnere is nowh 're o ' of mills being well a , except with the c>tn j 1J 'ay? our Miss Lilli;?n (irou Irs. G. I> Uarron and Mr. ins as a committee on ramme the put)lic are acs I a fine "bill ot tare'' of \\* II are most cordially invit< urtak e. :ory, | Hi lo' ULE ^ * S! ' surprising, he should e in effect that greatly imprc during the city niunity fiom tl It is a famili ,u . it is hoi j moner g therefore, that j ners vvil nndidly concede | | tr?00,Oi conditions were them to* ved in Columbia during t 's recent brief im ji0t less le sale of liquor. ? even Ml* roiilfliit''1" !??? iados. American spin 1 actually need at least ^ >0 hales more to carry the new crop;Kuropewill he same period ask lor than 2,500.000 biles. 1 i with a 13,000,000 halo s "wenty Two Greeks Drc ed in River. Reading Ual., March 1 'wenty four Greek lahi lart?Mi to cross the S.icr;?ii] I iwn- 2 Drers iento i'fjr ji M I prohibition is small towns an tricts, but thai forced in cities, perience certai to such a theor city with i's 111 ?? | ri up, W t! good enough foi 000 bale |<1 the rural dis demand it cannot he en Columbia's ex-1 When nly adds no force a dozen y. It the capital losply ?r anv t}ii>ii ;iinl-i iii time to ' tire going to lull l,UU0, ri s short of supplying the n ? The Slate I 0 in one day in Columbia jj white men become help _ "fighting" drunk it is consider whether our iver in ;i boat at I'itt this* a oon. The boat caps zed am t the men were drowned. ' rere employed by the t.dniar l'itt railroad. TliiV.' Wo On#* I . 11 < ?%.?. i 22; ;j(j lhey N e w Our Mr. the very be Hood has just arr st selected lot of it ived with lules thnt inhabitants c maintain pra' for a short tunc do so indefinit enforce a prohi can't Charles to do likewise? ail SUCCO.SSlullv 'aws i -tic ?l prohibition conduct why can it not A "plan ely ; ami if it can Pears ;l * hi l ory law, why ; of ,1,e p n and other cities'rnen slaw I lurch a^ secure the decent public < j,',' of citizens are adequate. 1 drunk" doubtless ap i< ifnall cfTense in tlie eyes iolice, but when those m yer about crowded -treets, ; women, and are *? r any ease of ('ntarrh that cannot b I liy Hall's 1'ntarrh Cure. F. J < HENEY a CO.. Toledo We. the undersigned, have known heony t?r the last If. years, and b in perfectly honorable in all but an miction s and tinarxinllv able to it any obligntioi s made by hi* linn VValdinR, Kin nan A Marvir Wholesale l>run ists, Tolet lbili's Catarrh Cure is taken inter lilur t!u 11 t\r\r* ?l.o ? e our- has baen sh p } j son. Twe elioVe > sinenH carry wmm . Extr< nally, lipped to Lancaste nty-six head of i Mice Mi r this seajles Backset to ] Columbia, M to the News an proposed new < a. 1. ~ e 1 r ! ex posed i the liarn Edisto County, hibiiion j that digi arch 13 ?Special manner d Courier: The shocked county ot E li-t<>, lorced to to the view of children, f lr? ifulnesa 01 such an exin ureat. The same men ti< ace themselves in that ? without regret, would be at the notion of bring work in public aa pun- i n V M?'"M WIWU BUU lli r faces at tho system. Testimonial! se. I'rice 7 "> cents j>er bottle. >ol I druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con >n. STATE OF SOU HI CAltOLIN/ corstt ok i.ascastkh. Id the Probate Court. l>y J. E Stewiiian, F.-quire, l'rohatu I1UOI1N V7y all mares hi stipn- tO I2 50 p( ? matched tes broken. A Come one, it four, weighing )unds each. Sev ims, each an every J so a few extra ni come all. Thev from 800 eral nice one well ce mares. nrr? Vi tu uf ioruieu in Orangeburg am ties, receive*! a at I lie hands of Lyon today, w an oj?iuion Unit an election was it f i! I / , ,1 1a alnfi )tu pang ol Aiken, j is h mom. el Lexington conn in public serious backset but to w Attorney General ne dread hen he rendered i fines beii the petition for curb the defective in that | more efTc ? -li-? 'I - They may be drunk j 1 without compunction;*1", ork in the streets would fill! If the very lightly 12 administered tail to ,in dl drinkers, some other m< ictive system will have hf.rt:ah, w. h sowkllit to me, to grant hi in Letter* of Ad ration of the Fatale of and effect H of )WK!.Ij leoeaaed. TUKSK AUK THEUEFOUE to oiU nioniah all and singular tlie kin it Creditor* ot the Hail '1'. L. SOW I o'd, that they be arid appear I >, in the Court of Probate to ho hel ncaster Court ilouHe, s C., on 'I y, March I'dth, iliat. after utihlic made and lTlUSt l)t Irai n- 1 t.l. last opporti 5 and I ed team. dred | ;V,oV. ths best yoi Id at ! 'ue?.i .ifinn J e sold. This ma) mity to select a nic rhey are a little 1 11 have seen. - '? ilV-.1V/ be your :e matchhigh, but i?ucvi l/U 91(111 the new county Court houses failed to give tl as to population a Hie instances 01 10 e v lines from the ftnd because it Kphra te required facts of wife n I. sentence on a trial.?The State. u" hIji ? ha i ira Kinard, found guilty lurder at Saluda, was d to life imprisonment. ] reof, nt 11 o'clock in the forenooi r>w ciuisc, if any they have, vrhj 1 Adminiat ration aboutd not he nr*i 'iiven under ray iland, ihia f>th d irch, Anno Domini, !yt>7. J. K. 8TEWMAN IVibate Jnd| Vlarch lat, 1907. ~ Gregorygo. Ml 'Hood Live Stc ickCo. ^ ! t 1! iTOj'VlJfi':- .uu- a ? - ? ?, V . --J' L ? L\ 1i?;.i;