8 Th Another flood Man Gone. t Mr. R. M. Kirk, Useful Citizen and Confederate Veter- 1 an, Succumbs to Attack cf 18 1 Pneumonia. \va OWI Mr. Robert M. Kirk, whose critical illness from an attack ot pec pneumonia was noted in our last issue, died Friday night about rec 11 oVock, at his home in the' ete Elgin section. Tne news of his j>os death will be received with j | much sorrow throughout the ce(j county, for lie was one ol Lan- ajK caster's best known and most jj0 ( deservedly popular citizens. He per was a man of sterling character jyir. and affable disposition and made pie friends of alj. with whom he t]ie came in contact. The greater ollt part ot his lite was spent in farm- ,uu ing, of which he made a decided pec success. I Mr. Kirk was a son of the late tha Kiggart Kirk and was about 00 | ]ia> years ot aire. He leaves a widow, j tlie who was Mi-s Margaret Marshall, eni and the follow ing children: Mrs. | bee Joseph McCain, ol I'mty; Mrs. \ vea Burrell Knight, Mis. .)ohnSmall, ipH iMrs. Broadus Hinson and Messrs |llu William and Samuel Kirk, of ^)t this county. 1 Mr. Kirk was a Confederate j)OI veteran, havinc served during the war as a member ot Capt.|0f ; Crawford's company. He made cjp .... 1: ... ..a .. rt 11 CAVri" 11' 4CV.W1VA ?l SUIUICI . j ,,{ I He was a con-is'ent member of 1( v ti?e A. 11. P. church, holding at aip the time of his deatli the office ,j?j of eider. ol i The remains ot Mr. lvirk were ,jn] buried at.St.Luke Saturday alter- 0j noon. |c|u News in Brief. R. At 2 o'clock last Sunday afternoon all trains on the Southern's immense system stopped for 5 l minutes as a tribute of respect Sta to its late president, Samuel mo Spencer, who was killed in a Pro wreck Thanksgiving dav da\ M. F. Goss was shot and killed he Saturday in a store in Durham, itei N. C., by J. B. Harris aba Gordon DuBose, for mer president < ot defunct National Bank at Bir- ing mitigham, Ala., has been sent to ing penitentiary for 5 years, tor mis- Tin appropriating bank iunds is \ Congress convened last Monday. 19C The Masonic Grand Lodge anc ta . . . ... V>uth Carolina will meet in I 'J isfcon next Tuesday der 'ev. J. T. Miller, ol Parks- pla s stricken with appendi ling w I nnbia Saturday, while He #'eth dist Conference, all ~en to hospital ami hat Geo. E Tay ; ten per at Clem-on Col- no\ unday Oper- s\v( Matt ox, who was in ing block signal sta i .riied with reaponsi he " . reck on the Sou'h- t he hia la-^t week, in bv ,enf Spencer was one! .;ns. Mattox. however, ,n prove that lie is notirA for the tragedy j wr> ?"I'lle United States Supreme as i Court has decided that liquor tak shipped trom another state dm- ot I not he seized in depots in South Th Carolina. There must he actual bee delivery before seizure can he! made. I Do T3E LA> ie Funeral of President Spencer, of the Southern- I gB An Impressive Occasion. IJj I Washington, Deo. 2.?All that I S nortal of Samuel Spencer, late >sident of the Southern Kail y, whose tragic death on his n railroad on the morning of Jr inksgivinii Day shocked the . \ >ple of two hemispheres, was 1 to rest this afternoou in the eiving vault at OaK lliil Gem- 36-ini ry, tliere to await final dis- 1.25 val itior. 36-in< jong before the hour announ- 1.00 val for funeral, 2 o'clock p. in., 36-im nission to the churcu had to beaut if' denied to all but the closest ( lessai price 1. sonal and official friends of ir. . ly-iiK Spencer. Hundreds of peo- leading stood outside the edifice in and l.Ol crisn December air through- _ C the services, paying solemnly 1 silently their tribute of re- 45-im t. iots, col t was peculiarly appropriate ffa.lneJ;1 t the body-bearers should . i.i. 50-ini :e been selected Irom among popular colored porters of the Southllaihvay. All of them have ? n in the service for many ^ rs?several of them nearly a lime?and all of them were New n i? i colors, >\vn persona'lv to President . ' stripes, \ucev' . , Blacl following the body came the very go lor.uy pallbearers, all of 50c eac m lmvci i ii .i I unit riffirMfi! Irwiiii! IP!*,.-! Mr. Spencer. Tuey were prin- I chief f< ally presidents or hi fill ofticials Ladk lie railroa Is of America, and ^ C{ vasnot' or proxy, thoy represented ^ te one-third of I lie vast wealth H he I nited States. E. II. liar ^ tan, a life time triend was one the last to arrive at the ! We < ircli. I R: A. Adams again Receives Death Sentence. iValterboro special in The SI te : R. A. Adams, the fans manslayer ot Colleton, was utrlit to Walterboro Wednes w night from Columbia, where ^ had been coniined in the pen- H itiary since his recapture ait a year ago. 'entence w<.s passed this morn"by Judge Purdy at the open of court 011 R. A. Adams. 3 day fixed for his execution die first Friday in January, >7, between the hours of J0 . T 1 2 o'clock. in Phis case lias attracted consi- 1110 able attention. Adams was thi ced in the dock at the open- cai oi the court this morning. QIY| seemed composed and not at nervous. When asked if he 1 anything to say why the sen- Man i ce of t lie court should not v he parsed upon him, lie an- c0i?| jrelina clot" voice: "Noth- anci at ' who wh \fter the sentence was passed ^ r|i( n(j was taken hack to his cell in uot(jng j ?il, where he was later seen ju^ your coireipondent. Adams ked Ire Iv of his case and said j he was prepared for the Manr r-t. He savs that he hated to . Ill f1 11 1 ve his wile and five children, f. ,jlfir the expenses of his trial hud a |ian(j on all he h?d and only one er rtn(j , lis children wa? able to work. Mann iu ij nnl fl.n fi?jt i imo lio li ?i a ?? - ""v ? " the ri^l ?n sentenced other c, yon take The News? Subs? I'JASTER NEWS, DECEMBER 5. 1906. m E1KM ill! UilllUillll dish Dress Goods ai (Vant and Prices Yc SILKS. All wool Chiffon Pj u or i rp a? 4. a-11 &rey> blue and bl?ck, ch Black Taffeta Silk, and clingly, an ideal; lue, our price 90c yd. skirts, at 75c, 90c and 1 ch Black Taffeta Silk, Uoo,Mr ?.^i ? lue, yours for 85c yd. id y? d shadesg ch Plaid Silk in all the b!ut' brow green , ul shades and colors, for black at 50c ard id waists, 1.25 value, our 00 yard. . Plaid Cotton Sui ch Plaid Silk in all the colors at 45c, G5c, 75c They are the swe 0 yard. newest in cotton goo< and wears like wool ress Material. value for 18c the yard ch all wool shrunk Chev- 1 l?t Outings at 5c ^ lors of blue,green,brown, 1 lot 10c Outings and black, value 75c, our and colors at 8c the ya )c yard. Best quality Percale ch Broadcloth in all the and light colors, will v colors, at 85c yard. at 8c the yard. ffOTION DEP and stylish Belts, best'No left over moth eal in beautiful plaids and Everything brand nev price 25e and 50c. pair of extra heavy c c elastic and beaded Belts | oed hose "Jack and >od style this season, at j boys and girls, 25c h. 115 cents pair. ciioov MIJ line" Unrwii.-ov_ i . - ,, >r 5 cents. CloaKS Ior .Ladles js' and misses GolfGloves Children. ;"l>' . 00 Ladies' new, long Buttons, sizes 10 to ?, cloaks, in tan, blue, I ' cen^s dozen. grey, $7.00 value for osiery, Hosiery. :. Ladies' all wool Ker ; ill biuCk) tun ciud Cuot Hosiery line is complete. 10.00, our price 8.00. :arry the celebrated PETERS ! ccellent fit and finish. Your mor Respectfi PEOPLES SI] . JLUl Liij J kJ U Vatehes QYiQ\ CLOCKS, ^ j. JEWELRY, j SIL.VH.KWAKU, ' 'V. CHINAWARE, GLASSWARE, __ CAL INSTRUMENTS. fact, we have got al- We have got ?st anything you can to the wise is nk of and our prices forced to offc mot be matched Groceries at c BURN & ROBINSON. not for onc " Seriously Stabbed Jin Those Columbia. nbia special in the News to forget tllC urier: Charley Manney, know no tilll s stabbed last, ni scl son used their knives. OUT COS 1 S ley lias a wound under December, it shoulder blade, besides . Bennett ^.ribe to 1 lie News. I SEEK! nd Silks tha du Can't Re mama in Fine Sea Islai very soft 36-inch wide, woi goods for price only 5c the LOO yd. Good quality fle 56-inch nelette in neat p of navy 10c, our price 8c grey and Galateer Cloth washable colors, j ting's. Ladies' all wool vests and Pants g llest and Ladies' heavy ds?looks fleece lined Un . A 25c Pants at 25c. Children's ribb< /ard. lined Union Soil in white and 50 cents, ird. Black merceriz s in dark ticoats 65c, 90c a /ash well, | Black Heathe coats, rustles like ARTME ten stock. Ladies' short /. Try a with strap and otton rib- 3.50, yours for 2. Gill" for Just arrived, ] value for misses and child wear Hats in the and styles, at 25c ana me _ _ Furs, Fur The grandest Tourist Furs ever seen jlack and Now is your opp >5.00. were very fortun sey Coats this grand colle ;er, worth new Scarfs, Boas Collars,etc. Price 3HOES, guarantee ley back if not satis xiiy yours, iPPLY jnd-h :rape to have the money. ; sufficient. Now whil ir our entire stock of : ost to get the money, w loment have Who Ow ; little account due u e prices, hence we lis / cash prices, and now 1 ome and make settlem :1s now at cost for the c ppy. Only one more Lake I 1 at 52.00 per sack. Rei ALE closes first Mo Yours tri Grocery ( !) ' If m it You ;sist. id Homespun, *th 8c yd, our yard. jece back Flan- J atterns, worth \ yard. in all the good at 15c yd. ribbed Underit 75c. ribbed cotton dershirts and ?j.i n 2u colloii ueece :s at 25c, 35c ed Sateen Pet nd 1.00. rbloom Petti! silk, 1.75. NT loose Jackets buckle, worth 50. 10 doz. ladies', ren's ready-toleadidg shapes to 3.00. s, Furs. collection [|of in this place, lortunity. We ate in securing ction. All the i, Muffs, Storm is 1.50 to 15.00. id to wear, ifactory. CO. [OG T A word e we are selected e would e Us s. We ivc sold we wish ent and ash and car of 'lour liembcr nday in ily, io'py. p