The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 05, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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* The Baptist Convention. The w What Nearly $160,000. to be Raised ?.Mor the Coming Year for Different Branches of the Church el W ork?Committees and Trustees Appointed?To Extract iva-?a. ~ atxcci ucxi x ear in urange-1 er's repor cent mee Spartanburg special in Satur> Winthrop day's Oharlotte Observer: The was ' next Baptist State Convention ^8latar? h will be held at Orangebnrg, be $20,00 ;; ginning ou the first Friday before ant* t*ie M the second Snnday in December, un(*er P 1907. year' viz: Th? nrnAoJin.. *1-- ? t25.000 n * j/? vj1 tilt) V_/UQ * vention today were devoted main l*on e 11 ly to hearing reports, though ^?vernor eral And there were some interesting discussions, especially when Dr. C. 8'10V>n sal C. Brown of the ministers re- *or a lief committee severely criticised l*,e board what he termed "indifference" ^"8 m toward infirm ministers, who, / ^^eded when years had oome upon them, *n ^ie ma ill or fnll*> were kicked out, church choirs being largely at fault he said. *?r.a. ^et The first matter taken up was tra*u'ng ( the report, by Rev. W. R Lide, mon 8C* of the committee on apportion meuts. He announced thai funds for the year had been divided as t^ie follows: Foreign missions, $33- ?ary arra 000; home missions, $22,000; for many State mission, $30,000, Connie made accc Maxwell Orphanage, $20,000; co^e808 f aged ministers' relief fund $50, anc 000; current support of Furman, f?r higher $2,200; ministerial education *?r y""-1 at the thelogical seminary, Louis ^a8t year ville Ky., $1,200; Bible work, lalive con $1,500. Dr. David M. Ramsey Propriate* reported that the trustees of Fur ,or ^ man had decided to send out a "38.90, ai field agent next year. on'^ Dr. J.A Brown made a report Hre more on the Connie Maxwell Orphan- Odrolina V age. The suererestion was nmd? cation, ai for the establishment of a sani- help a"d tarium for old ministers and tho?e do tl)0 b<>. who needed medical attention. I)er capiti The following trustees were ap- r?lied anc pointed: T. V. Walsh, ch i the girls ( O. C. Brown, secretary and trea- ^ee^s tha surer; E. H. Rhame, W. M. Gra- this ^rav v*" ham, T. E. Uinson, B. K. Wilier al,owed and D. W. Cuttino. in the 'ac Ministerial education, J. A. now exia Brown,president; William Gold- tion8 for smith, treasurer; I. W. Wingo, Kirl8T. O. Lamton, E. S. Reeves, H. There T. Cook, F. M. Satterwhite, C. ^or the d B. Bobbo, J. A. Brunson and ^or the I C. C. Vaughn. board tlii Furman trustees: J. B. Earle, and well i J. A. Fant, VV. F. Cox, J. M. many b<> Greer, W* C. Miller. has been Connie Maxwell Orphanage: lor its gi J. N. Brown, J. K. Durst, IS. B. student Ezell, W. IJ. Hunt and R. N. shown by l'ratt. Mr. Erwin voluntarily re dent Phy6 tired Irom the board. tary office Trustees Greenville Female are thirty College: J. A. Brown, B. M. sistants a Shuman, A. A. Bristow, J. W. cers- On Gilant, J. R. Ware, J. O. Gough *1Vd stude J. VV. Quattlebaum, A. 0. Scar- an^ 208 g boro,0. P. Wray, J. H. Whar- >s caused ton, W. B. Oliver, R. N. Pratt, quhing a and J. R. Aiken. lar course An impressive sceue during the session was the obituarj* ser- Death C vices held in memory of the de- well K parted ministers during the year. cheste The Convention adjourned , , i? i i a lyi color ' mght. Sabbath body was Had a Close Call. morning "A dangerous surgical operation, in cemet volving the removal of a malignant ulcer, hh large as my hand, from iuy daughter', otT while hip, was prevented by the application of XT ... D liucklen'a Arnica Salve," nays A. C. Sticklea of Miletus, W, Va "Persistent use of the Ward8 a I .*?alve completely cured it,' Cures Cuts, Ilurns and Injuries 25o at J F Mackey.Co. at the Sol Crawford Pros., nod Fnnderbork Pariracy, r ^ druggists. 'Or tt IItin ) THE LANCASTER 1 ork at Winthrop? : the College is Doing ^ ley Wanted for Mod- I ool. I ? I t from N?w9 and Couri t of proceedings of re* I ting in Rock Hill nf I > Board of Trustees : deeded to ask the Leg> make an appropriation 0 for a model school, request will be made 1 same conditions as last that the board raise ind that the appropriaot available until the , the Comptroller Gen the State Treasurer be lisfactory subscriptions mount to be raised by odel school is absolutein order to make room in building for the regge work, and to provide ter and more practical if teachers for the comlools of South Caro ?ard feels strongly that should make the necesLngements at Winthrop reasons. The State has >mmodations in its three or young men for about 1 it has made provision ' education and training J or vnmon for nnlu 432. ? , according to the legis* mitfee, the State api, directly and indirect 3 boys' colleges $272,tid the college for girls ,784.50, and yet there girls than boys in South to receive higher edu id as a rule they need recognition more than ys. ' This gives $257.30 v for the 1,060 boys en* 1 $152.88 per capita for of Winthrop. The board B t this discrimination, | e injustice, will not be to stand by the people B e of such great need as I ts for the accommoda H the higher education of I were 907 applications 1 32 places at Winthrop 1 present session. The I nks the State did wisely E in makinir room lor ??I I ys as it did, but that it derelict iu its provision rls. The health of the body is excellent, as the report of the rcsidcian, who is the banir for the College. Ttiere | nine teachers and an- I ind nine executive offi- .Mil ie hundred and seventy>nts are taking cooking ^ tewing. This increase ^ I by the new rule reU students in the regu to take these studies. PfOfCSSlO >f a Chester Negro j-)r j p nown in Lancaster. J' DEN r i^aniern : nenry L.U- Ollice in Krami ed, died in Charlotte posit? hirst of paralysis and his I>h<>ne No. 8. brought here yesterday LANCAS tor burial in the color ?????? ery. He had a leg cut | Dr. E. J he worked for the C. <fc DEN Co., and was after- . .. . Office in bpr lligman at the crossing office Hours f f jthern depot in this city Sunday Ho iber of years. Ask Cei SEWS, DECEMBER 5, 1906. o uMr Furniture, Fm Bought before the advance to reduced prices from now until or as long as it lasts. Big lot Beds from i-75 to 5 Dressers from 4.00 to 15.00 Washstands 4.25 up. Suits ranging from 14.00 10 Chairs of all kinds and sizes c : K/r t_: r. - uuwiug mdtllUICd lLUill 1U.U Sideboards from 12.50 to 3] Matting from 18c to 35 csortment of patterns. Big lot Rugs and Art Squ; to 25.00. Big assortment of Trunks, cases at most any price you vva Mattresses any old price to l^A Cn#* ? 4 f ~ ~ 1? iiau l*ai LUdU UJ0K1 Tinware, Glassware, o: you can want in the har We are going to sell t between now and Janus if prices will move then tm-aslcr Meixai nal Cards |j,e pjrs| Nation, WELSH, TIST. DIRECTORS: ?I1? Building oplational Bank. T* V. ? ' l. i J. D. runderburk, twr s n 0' P* Heath? Chas. D. Jones, Ira B. Jones, . Hinson 5- ? McManus, R. E. Wylie. TIST SRJSStSc * ?? F">" Urs, 9 to 10. CHAS. D. JONKS, President. ntral for No. 32. e. si. ci 7 IS nilure go at greatly 1 January ist, >.oo. I o.oo. ; 50c to 10.00. o lo 35.00. j .00. ?beautiful asares from 50c Bags and Suit | int. I sun you. | ng Stoves r anything dware line, hese goods try 1,1907, i1. \ + utile to, al Bank of Lane Besides the well kno and ability of our boar* tors, we keep your noon, against every kind of loss, 4 this bank a safe place to u?., {it ? > our savings. We extend every courtesy and accommodation consistent with good banking. 1 $1.00 Up Solicited. R. E. WYLIE, Vice-President. IOXTON, Cashier. /