?===== =m LOCAL DOTS J\ ? ?Cotton brought 10.75 cents on this market yeslerda\; cotion 8eed,30 cents per bu-hel. ? Bom, Dec. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. 1). N. Bailev. of Drv Oppot ? , . ? a son. ?Mr. Rufus K. Sadler, a well known citizen of Rock Hill,died last Friday evening. ?Mr. S. T. Blackmon has ' opened a fruit stand in the front ' f part ot the Cauthen barber shop. ?A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McManus, of the eastern portion ot the county, last Friday, Nov. 30tli. ?There will be services in the Episcopal church next Sunday morning a* 11 o'clock, conducted by the Kev. II M. Marshall. ?The Southern's depot here is draped in mourning us a tribute of respect to the memory ot the late President Spercer. ? When cotton reached the 11 cent mark last week the staple rolled into town from till direc tions. Public Weigher Nisbet weighed 1440 bales in live days. ?The ladies of Carmel church will serve a hot supper the night of the 14th instant, at 7 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church. ? Magistrate W. F. Hudson, of Cedar Creek township, turned over to the county treasurer Monday $82.30, amount of fines collected by him for quarter end ing Dec. 1 st. ? Mr. John Everall, son of Mr. E. Everall, oJ this place, and Miss D >ra MeCorkle, daughter of Mr. \V. A. McUorkle, were married Nov. 25th, by the Rev J. M. Pardue. ?The A. M. E. Conference meets in Lancaster this week, convening today at St. Paul ^ church, of which the Rev. D. M. McGill is pastor. Bishop L. J. Coppin will preside. ? Mr. Kdmond Blair Bivens, ol Monroe, and Miss Grace E. Aus tin, of Wingate, were married last Thursday. The Rev. B. S. Funderburk, of CheBterfield, per formed the ceremony. ? In the list of recently elected officers of Jackson Lodge published in our laBt issue Mr. E 1). Bowers appears as Junior Warden, when it should be Mr. W. S. Langley, our informant being mistaken. ? Gov. LIey ward has made re quisition on the Governor of North Carolina lor J. II. Lance and K. O. Lambert, t he t wo young white men charged with the kill ing of Hen Hood, colored, in this county some days ago. ? Mr. G. VV. Barnhill, the old Confederate veteran who has been traveling for tlie past three months with the Jethro Almond Co's moving picture show*, has returned to Lancaster and resumed his work as shoemaker and repairer. ?A young negro named Mc-j Dow was arrested Saturday by Policeman Sowell for stealing a J pair of pants front the Funder-j burk Company's store. He was| fined $10. by Mayor VVylie, which was paid. r t i THE LANC^ PERSONAL jj Mr. J. L. Poag spent Saturday aud Sunday here with his I ami ?y. I kjutjiiii o. r. Hunter was in! Monroe last Saturday, on ollieial business. I Mrs. Eugene Funderburk and children are visiting relatives in Chesterfield. Miss Lizzie Connors is visiting her sister in Columbia, Mrs. J. N. Spanu. Mr. C. L. Catoe, of the llaile Mine section, paid us a pleasant call last Saturday. M essis. W. T. Gregory and J. M. IJood went to Columbia yesterday morning. Miss Delia McGuirt, of Tirzah, N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Pardue, tliis week. Mr. and Mrs. R E. A. Iluey, of the Jacksonham section, recently visited in Waxhaw. President Charles 1). Jones, ol the First National Bank, spent Sunday night in Charlotte. The Rev. P. B. Ingraham, ot East Lancaster Circuit, returned from Conlerence Monday night. Mr. Benjamin Clyburn, who is teaching school at Westminister, visited Lancaster, his old home, ttie past week. Mr. E. R. Horton, of the Kershaw section, was among the numerous pleasant callers at tins otlice last Saturday. M essrs. W. .1. Hammond, of Heath Springs, and E. II. Horton, ot the Kershaw section, paid this olliee a pleasant call Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. Tillman, ol t M.... i uiiciuw, who nave been spending a lew clays in Lancaster, their old home, returned to .Cheraw Mod day. Misses Ida and Docia Mc&lanus, ol Dwight, have gone to Koch Hill to spend several weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. McManus. Mr. Ernest Dowdle, a student ol Clinton College, 8. O., who spent Thanksgiving day at Mr. \V. 1). Jones's, returned to his studies Saturday. Messers. T, M, C. Mosier, of L'rimus section, and J. E Be 1 k, oi Tradesville, were among the numerous pleasant callers at I this otlice Monday. Miss llallie Cloyd, ot Lanca* Iter, who has been under treatj inent at the Magdelene Hospital, reiuniwu io tier home Thursday. ?Chester Reporter. Mrs. F. Howling, of Reids* ville, N. C., who lias been visiting relatives in Lancaster, left yesterday tor Heath Springs, to visit her father, Mr. H. \V. Mobley. ! Mr. Sam F. Massey, who is now teaching school in Union county, N. (5., spent Saturday in Lancaster. He was accompanied by his young triend Mr. Carter. They paid this office a pleasant call while here. Mr. Herbert Ferguson, of Corsicana, Texas, nephew ot our es teemed fellow townsman Mr. A. H. Ferguson, and Miss Rosie Jackson, also of Corsicana, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. lSTER NEWS, DECEMBER 5, 190t. FIHEE\ II Beginning Our Entii We mention a few items and 50 prices in order that those posted wear may know we mean business: -5 . 5 pieces Schoolboy 15c Jeans 19 oe at 12 1-2 cents. Jot 7 pes Our Hummer 20c Jeans only at 16 cents. 10 7 pieces Buckskin 25c Jeans a* ^,r>l at 21 cents. In 5 pieceR llome made 30c Jeans All at 25 cents. A1 5 pieces our best 35 cts Jeans Al at 30 cents. All What 5 6 good Lead Penci 10 balls best Sewin kerchiefs, and 999 o1 tion. Come quick and < FUNDE N. B,?Don't forget the fact that w have advanced as much as 35 per cer Dr. and Mrs. (i. W Poovey I ^ and ilie latter's mother, Mrs. M. j -j E. Cauthen, Ijave been spending | a tew days in Ridgeway with.tbe doctor's parents. Mr. I). B. Mehalfev, a voting! 7 * r~ | Lanca-trian who has been living! in Jacksonville A to ! - , .11.., 1 (.-tui II CU | to Lancaster Monday. He has accepted a position at the cotton ! _ ^ mills. AC Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McManus,! ol Rock Hill, win have been, s. '* spending some days with te a-! tives in the eastern port ion of tlie county, returned home Monday. They were accompanied by Mr If and Mrs. Wm. B. L)eas, who will remain a day or two in Rock Hill. It ii*l{ A Marritiffe TotUi// at 1 >tnllei/. 'pjl( Miss Eula Mae Funderburk, at Ca one of tlie pretty and attractive next daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ol th Funderburk, of Dudley, Chester- publi field county, is to be married to- tend, day to Mr. Charles Moss Duke, of quest Chattanooga, Tenn. The cere- youn mony will be performed at the} home of the bride's parents, at i Sule* 1*2:?'10 o'clock, by the Rev. B. S. *Mi 1 Flliiderbiirk ' 141 1 i muuu \ Miss Funderbu. k's brothers and 'he b sisters in Lancaster, Dr. and Mrs. ;he S Eugene Funderburk, Mr. and were Mrs. B. (J. Hough and Mr. Ben- P?rU jamin Kunderburk, will be pres- satisf ent at the wedding. The young wise, lady was at one time astudentof ,W() 1 the Lancaster uraded school and Court she has many friends and admir Hank ers in this community. Pa,,y other broiif Stamen?Kin u chase Mr. Editor: Miss Docia King c?n,a ed dc i was married to Mr. K. C. Starn- ,lt ^7 es, ol Camden, formerly ol Lancaster, 011 the 22nd instant. The iP'ooa ceremony whs performed by Til Magistrate II. \I. Fincher. Wo Wooc wish the happy young couple next much success in future lite. o'cloc A Friend. to att Camden. S. C. stalle IMS' Ml m Today, We O re Stock at Co dozen Men's best 50e Under .1 n?t received 20 at 42 1 2 cts garment. Knee I'ants, for thii d zen Ladies' 25c Vests at Wq pickfcd up 50 nts each. Oilcloth, for this sal > lot Ladies' 1.00 Wool Vests 1() ieceg 54 iuch cents each. hjj gkades< 1.25 kind dozen Men's Covert Coats ? . , c, OOo and 100 ' " CI,.thine we head the hat. 110c y?rd. I our $15 00 Suits at $12.00 l"fces J'' '"/j1 "j lour 12 50 ' at OOO Oloth for only ISO tl I our 10 00 " at 8 00 Big lot Trunk St lour 8 00 " at 0 00 escopes, etc., at yoo Cents Will Buy Is; 4 bars good Laundrj g Thread; 2 nice Ladies bher things too numerous ion't forget your pocketbook. Yours to serve, :rburk cc re are selling SHOES at old prices, notwithsl it. 1/ 0/ j ff ^ /? 'rt atm ( Big Crops of y can ^)(* depended upon fi % )j ' that has been liberally with a complete fertilizer 3 ? %nitrogen, 8% JSPHORICfer' phosphoric acid and 9?,, VAX . i -'* ' " |j?| Potai ' ^ i ) \ Just how and why 9?o < i H is necessary our booklet \ II I V CERN1AN KALI WOH I I I New York 93 Nnssau Street, or J ?J? Atlanta, Ga. -1224 Cand KJ ^ " SUPZ'" T'\"' """"' 1 Business I ere will be a biisket supper | tmp Creek Baptist church g^A\\ Notices , Friday niirhl tor benellt this head at the rate < ' , , | r.M A WORD for each e new church building. 1 he notice to be counted 0 is cordially invited to at- word8 The young ladies uv re- Koit ltKXT-smaii ed take baskets and the two miles from toVn. . good outhouses and v g men their pocket-books. \V. J . Cunningham, I.i , . ' " "J . , THE BEST SHOW <'"//-/ ?>?'* Sold. an 0pp0rtlinity t() see ite a crowd was ill town V?rs in Chester Open night?"Simple .Simon 1 *l \r ouln.-.l Air Tl^ A ' 1 ' -j, Dn.^.Ki ay. * no ??i l? v the same ronipai mds, however, advertised by | 'n, is 7^7 a Ion'' Ueritr and the Clerk for sale b>r t*? * p'?ynot offered lor sale, the Al.,. ?,.,i ?,r" es interested having made Ledger will piesse set , nary 1st all accoun actorv arrangements other- hands of collector. T.t The only lands sold were . EVERYBODY has racts by the Clerk of the simon " If you wn to I he same purchaser leaves here 7 o'clock /yr trip. tSeats reserved crowd. J>on't fail to j fmt'ii to .Wert ot Fork Hill. WHY ruin your eye v i 11 ii /i r .i buy good Oil a' Ma e Pork Hill Camp of the Imen of the World will meet ' ~ , In FoK.MKK KKVI Saturday ulternoon at 2 ; hera? All who are still k Every member is urged old Heview ?.n *?"""nt i\. livei.y iiiuui.ti i" ur0wi are requested to settle end, as olficers are to be in- old business must he i , books may be found 0. otllce. Kidd 5 H t I >ffer st dozen Bov s* * sale 50c. pieces Table le 12 1-2 yd. Broadcloth in I, at 85c yd. ide 1 25 Silk, ii woo] jjaaiea' lie yard. lit Cases, Telrow n price. t Soap, ' Handto men). landing same F. Co. Corn I rom land fertilized I contain- | avuiuiDic Sll of Potash ! v\\\ show. I IKS ? ller Building C Notices. naerteil under )f ON K CENT insertion. No ^ less than 25 M i two-horse farm Two d wellings, k'ell. Apply to ineaster, S. C. * ' yon will Y this sea?p*' * lion sr' I. 11 ?y t; 19 'pc 1 fr, ? k'o. 4 ?????? ? s when you ? an ckorell's? Ketl KW hlBSCKIiiulebted to the of subscript ion at once, as the wound up. The at The News le A Connors.