4 The Lancaster Nev Semi-Weekly. Published Wednesdays and Saturda At Lancaster, S. c., By The Lancaster Puhlishina fomnar Charles T. Connors, Edil SUBSCRIPTION KATKS. CT One Year Six Months Three Months Payable In uUvuttce. ADVERTISING KATKS One inch, tlrst nsertion. fl UO. Kach hi quent iu?t rtlon 5 words. ih com each Insertion: I cent a word for each i tionul word over - > word.OMtuarles, Tributes of respect, card thanks and a l matter of a personal or poi nllirt. I., h.. ..,.1 f..r Advertising rates by the column made Ui an application. Ilrief correspondence on subjects of _'oi Interest invited. Not responsible for vie correspondents K. I. WYL1K. l'lti.sii?en* JNO A. COOK, SKt:'Y. and TltKAs, J M. HI IKJl.K, Ju , llUMNKss M.tNAin Entered its seeonoa"velt'tf r.?c?nt, action i . ? uismissinn irmn uie army III companies of neuro soldiers, Senator Penrose has cot ahead 01 h m. Jus, as soon as Senate convened Monday Se tor Penrose introduced the lowing resolut on: ' Resolve 1, ihat the presi ienl tvque-ted to communicate to s'liaie, i not in ompatib e \v t lie public interests, full in! iii'ilion he inn., up m the re s order di mivdn-' fr< m the n tar\ serv e of tin* I" lited Sta three comtunie "f the 'lbven Fifth regiment of infantry. I fed States troops (colored).'' Senator T brum's purpose 1 a shrewd one The introdnet ot such a resolution by himl) miner.itic Senator ? woi have obviou-ly placed his publican colleagues in a 11 embarrassing position. Ther no doubt about a negro bein; flie woodpile this time. THE COTTON GUOWEUS' ASSO( TION?THE AlEETING SATU?lO/t A-< will he seen hy otlicial tic*1 in t"d iv's paper, the Con ' 'otton (Jrowers* Association ? *! here next Saturday, for (se of reorganizing i jg il legates to the meet *^jate Associ ?iion, to pliunhia t he 2nd ol n 'die stite meeting i at'S to the (iflit ji, which meets in I .yAla., January 1' session three da1 has been regardei ounty of tlie assoi ^th Carolina and r farmers are res< ..in the reputaiion <1 and deserved. r , generally in t Ids cou op 1 roven their loyalty to J jociation, they stood by it c ing its darkest boors, and r that the organization is fin established and bearing g fruit, we have no idea ihtit t are going to allow their zeal ; interest in its welfare to abate President Jordan, ol the Sot THE J ?rn Association, in an address tfrgi. g the farnieis to a tend the approaching meetings, says: "To maintaiu the power and vs etliciency ot the Southern Cotton Association it is imperative that these meetings be fully attended ! \\\r I lia ?\or?nl/\ niwl ???/\?' KfJ 1 Iiv UJIV4 I lie uunl men ly' thiii can be secured elected as tor "'hcers 10 th* various positions '; to be filled. Indifference or inac ~ tion will seriously cripple the f) Vl efliciency of the Association 111 * "> Association is in need of funds to properly carry on its work and it is earnestly hoped that ai til 1 the county meetings the an ! sSr.r nuai dues will be promptly p ud ?? up. The Southern (J0H011 Asso (.IUS (nation has saved millions ol 1-for hilars to the S< ulli in the past uuu two years ol its ex'Stence, and it is of should receive the loyal and pa llllAl triotic support of all the people nown j in the South. In the meantime stand pat for higher prices and v*,,r sell the balance of the crop as slowly ;s possible, t'ontinuouj storms, trosts and freezes have :K cut t! e crop to a supply inside ijuate to meet the demands ol : the cotton trade lor 11)07 and prosen* prices are too low. Let us have ;i great rally of the peo MtG. pie at tlies.e meetings and with renewed hope and courage, deep. ly thanking an Almighty I'rov idence tor the blesumts which the Sou'it lias enjoyed for 1 lie ood past two years, cement oui ml- Hearts and thoughts into a closer enl bondage of unity for the ma'erial and moral upbuilding of our dearly beloved country.*' ?? . . ~ i ,, Aiuterson to nave gas,' say; ree . I a headline in the News and Courier. Must he going to tap Iioek Hill. tliej na The whole state mourns the death of Attorney General Lerov j F. Voumans. Eminently <_1 is' ! t inguished in liis profession, the the |, , . , i law, an orator for manv vear? *tth : . - . for- without a peer, a patriotic citizen e,,t and puh'ic ollh'er with a loin lili- recor i of conspicuous and iiivalu ites j able services rendered the com i'v- monwealth. South ('arolin > dee? lii I indeed smtain an irraparabh 1 >ss in the death ofCeueral Yon was mans, ion j Mitrrini/r of it I'ojuthtr Yoiuii < 'ou/tlr in ./rjfi'i'son. j Id j?(1 Mr Lewis Horton, a prominen iosi ( younu merchant ot .Jellerson, ant e i* Miss Ethel (ire^orv, the charm ? 1,1 i iuir voting daughter ol Dr. y tin ^ lie v. K. .1. lilackmon, r? I Fori no" Hill. wiil /.Iictis-Unit. the! Mr. \Y d-y I.tiea- and M s> ami llattie Dent, daughter ol Mr ing liohert Gent. both <>l the (Jolioi be Mills village, were married 1 a*-1 iext Sunday, by the lie v. 1 . A Dab will ney. The ceremonv was nertorin eral ed in tin* public road near I'ri dir- "?us 7 th,! Old Man Rawlings and A1 j ,ls Moore Hanged Yesterday. ciu-! Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 2.?Gov we Terrell refused today to inter olv-, fere in the case of J. G. Haw i so lins and Alfred Moore, the lat The ter a negro, both ot whom art nty : sentenced to hang at Valdosta the Ga., tomorrow lor the murder o lur- tlie Carter children, more than iow 18 month ago. Jes^e and Miltoi mly Itawlins, sons ol J " "" t lit* is now suffering. In corrol ij oration ot this version, it is -aid . I that an examination of the bod . showed that Hood had been she in the back with u shotgun. More 3 over, Lambert stated that h was going to Monroe to give him ; selt up, toil he has not done k | and, though Constable Croi started after him immediately his whereab >uts are >,till un ' known. ' Heath at Mr fa/in Carrot, ah t Ijirrit Acrost* Statr I iar, Mr. John Carrol, a well know: citizen ot North Carolina, wh ; resided just across the s'ate lint died suddenly last Thursda nioht as he was returning hom f from the Woodmen of the Worl i \r~ " - i jjujuiu -? > (HiwyiK. lie was 1 .; his buggy, accompanied by Mi Hutchison Helms, when rich - en. Mr. Carrol was about 53 yeai 5 old and leaves a widow and Ion . ! children, t wo sons and two daugl f ters, Messrs. Thomas and Joh i j Carrol. Mrs. Fred Kcseah an > Miss Carrol. Mr. Thonia , Carrol is a resident ot Lancasloi ' being connected with Iho firm o ' W. M Ksl ridge Co , grocers ii I the Springs Block. R< ad?The News. lER 5. 19J6. : Vovnnki For this month we have a li everybody that is looking; a make will hold good until fi | Dress Goods e 3 pes 44 in. all wool Suitii ,, very heavy and worth 50c,: cial for this sale s 2 pes 5G in. all wool Suit I never sells for less than 50c,! t cial for this sale d 5 pes 5G in. all wool Br< . cloth, positively cannot be r ched for less than 1.00, our price only 72 ? 1 s Silk Specials 6 pes 3G in. Silks, come ir the best colors and black, a ' bargain at 1.25, to make u sale lively the price is only. .! I: bT When it comes to Shoes, \ s anything but solid Shoes, an ? have the price that means n e Clot hing? i Our clothing business is bo ing. Never before have we such a selection of clothing, v best cf all, we have them at e ces that will induce you to 1 We guarantee to save you n j ey on every suit we sell. ej MILL 0 A word about our millinei - have in this line, and when 1 vinced that here is the plact K. e # 4 -v 8 Ml But do not listen long e Mackorell's 5< One-half gallon Wate 10c ; Lamps at 10c ; tlx box Writing Paper 5c ; on. Just come and see Goods, just come and lo look?look?and if the | everything you want, fail to get you a guess i $15.00 in Gold in the m< one guessing nearest tlx $5.00 for second nearest (again. J. B. o TWENTYONE?? JEWELED. I IV j ?i i /# ./ illu I iy m V lll wATrHF^jJ] On a , V* (I i and you r jsented, vou can bring them I Still >< $1.00 Solid Gold Ri n | DON'T WAIT they may r (j Plain Solid Gold and Set R low. As a friendship gift, 1 lady ever has too many. I *' ring you get, whether a $1.( ?1 1 have them all prices. B. C. P. S.?Just received a lot ed Dishes, very cheap, in a r Bargains! st of bargains that will appeal to for real bargains. The prices we irther notice. I>el?vv we quote a few: Cot-toil (iru /dH ngs, 5 pes Cotton Plaids, just the spe- thing for children dresses, has 25c. been a good seller at 10c, spe. r cial for this sale G l-2c. 1 case light Outing in pink, 39c ^ue an(^ neat check, positively a 10c seller, special for >ad- this sale 7 7-8c. nat" 8 pes light Percales, very desale sirable for shirts and shirtwaist, l-2c special price this sale. . .7 7-8c. I ndcrwcai' i all Children \"est 10, 15 and 25c/ real Misses 15 to 25c. Ladies' Vests,. fliio 1 c:kp wort li 90p snppinl 10n llilDI - -?> . 1 89c. I See our Vests at 25 and. . 50c. 101 ~ ve are the people. We do not sell id when it comes to the prices we ioney saved to the purchaser. Ladies' Coats. om- We have just received anothhad er shipment of those 15.00 coats and that we have a special price of pri- 12.50. If you want something my. cheaper in a coat we have it. ion- We have them at all prices from 2.50 to 15.00. d NKKY y. We want t ? show you what we you get our prices you will be coni to buy your hat. I Vl / H I ) ok, Listen, [ nough to miss tie bargains at M : and 10c Counters 1 r Pitcher at 10c; Syrup Pitcher M ^ e Dover Hgg Beater at 5c ; one M a box Fine Paper 10c and so m can't tell you all. For Xmas I <>k around, and stay, and look? ^ >rices suit you, BUY. We have M All kinds Xmas goods. Don't \ it the Jar of Almonds. Will give M >nth of December ?10.00 to the M e number of Almonds in Jar, and % Come once and you will come % MACKORELL f I! Meet the Price in any mail order catalogue 11 Grades of Watches have the advantage of getting the home; so if they are not as reprei back. Ask to see our $'2.U0 Watch. iave a Few n?s l.cil?But lot last till Christmas. Mv stock of '" .n^r. ir> very complete. Prices very the RING is preeminent. No younjr will save you money on any style )0 Plain Gold or a $75.00 Diamond. II( >1 JO H of Cups, Saucers, IMates and Coverpretty decoration. I