The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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The! Hock of I THE LANOASr ki II PER NEWS, DECEMBER lorcaalili 5, 190t. ! Comnii iv. lit Ch 3 esler. Clotl % ling, Dr V ? c y Goods A * ? CONSISTING ( i9 Shoes, ?I DF ?? i Gents': V 7 " w" Furnish IVIVV9I J ings, c J at Slaug] >N MAI] atered Sale Pr 1 j- in i etc, wnicn is 1 N STRE ices, is still gc 11 * - - being sold at tl iet, la: >ing on. They he same stand NTCASTl have decided I BR, S. C. to move nothi ng away, Men's 2.25 Dr lenge 1.49. Men's dress ge 3 50 kind, challei Men's dress fos kind, challenge r uuu win sej ess Shoes, chal- 100 pail 2.50, chall nuine Vici Kid, 100 paii ntse price 2 39. lenjre pric : calf Shoes, 3.50 50 oven )fice 2 48. nrir li aDsoiutely e1 men's pant?, Rold at ' 4. enge price 1 60. 4 5 pantR, sold at 3 50,chal ( e 1.99. an jnatfi. Rold at 7.00, chal- pn a on verything in tl 25 young men's Suite, bo!< 0, challenge price. 2.1)8. lienta' coate, fancy trimme (1 4 dollar value, challenge d 1.98. le store, regan 1 at One lot American fc sets, sold at 1 00, chalh d, 3 5000 yds 3 4 domes! 1.79 challenge price 4Jc 1000 yds canton Hani dless of cost. leauty cor- One lot dress *nge GOe. challenge price ic, sold ai One lot dress challenge price n?L snlrt nt ! 5000 vds ?ni poods, sold at 15c. lUc poods, sold at 25c, U>ic. 'Oil fri ncrhn tri ortlrl Ladies' Bluche: at 2.00, challenge 5000 men's whil sold at 5c, chnllei 100 men's Suit challenge price 3 f * r oil grain, sold 50 over* 1.29. lenge pric t.e handkerchief? 25 bovp' [ige price 2c. at 2 00, pr a, sold at 9.00. 25 boya' 97. lenge pric M/MAI joats, sold at 8.50, chal- m* e 4.60. l?r ' Suits with belts, sold < ice 1 30 10 1 Suits, sold at 3 OO.chal < te 1 80. ! at it~I r? ^ /ni Jne lot sample pants, ta ule, 6 and 7 dollar value, cl ige price 2 08. [)mp lot children's hose, sole \ challenge price 7c. Jne lot boys' suspenders, e 10c, challenge price 7c. 11 or 10c, challenge price 7c ml- j 2000 yds checks, s challenge price 4jc. 1 at One lot ladies' black at 10c. challenge price lold One lot men's $ hose challenge price 9c. at Go, challerge old at Gc, 5000 flannel? challenge price hoae, sold 5000 yds on 7c. challenge price , sold at*c, Sale closen l)i Look for the 1 price 5jc. tf#?, solil at 12c, Sic. tmtr, cold at <?c, 41c Bcemher 1st. fellow Rign. Use the conn of the saving the roof abso turned loose * D L&l INU ?? mon sense with whicl chances ot a lifetime lutely new?not a pic for this Great Sale. r JVE A 1^1 io i nc. I fi nature has cndowec Remember the cla ice of out-of-date mer Bargain Flood Gates _Ufc.lN UKrl I vou. Come and sec J ss of Merchandise of! chandise in the store will open )RTUNITY; with your own eyes fered you?the best tl A mighty avalan -NOW and be convinced tl he land affords. Eve che of majestic ban lat this is one rything" under ^ains will be V/IN Big Store for periment to New York. Negroes?Ex-! Tha? will be Made in inebriety person. It ard reiuri i o i euro the worst case of Fl ?'v?'r alllioted a will make the drunk\ to fhe thoughts and I r, . ,L1, L/ agman Hammond Hun Rock Hill. t in i oarvinir kt it'e from 1)? ' ('out and cut away the ! from the i-creon on the 11 .v 11 - i- > 1 EK, S n??ath his Florida Negr< i mouldiip en Iront iloor. . c. Des Fight?SevShot. iN ?"\V 1 01*K , 1 )e story building at Forty six' b stro avenue has be? t lie Metropolitan llealty company opened about iM? c. ?The Four- tllS(es ot I the corner of iOVed th? el R"d hiehth pvovitl d n purehnHed by appetite I . Me.c nit le Ji'ul i,,ate(i b\ , and will be atui :?ti?n iy i next ?s ft tniaginftr) .1 i >- e - - 1VU lis childhood, when ho i luxuries nature ban on for turn and when his , iad not becomeeontam. , . . W!l false, cult ivatt d tastes , fro dayt la'se desires and ' pleasures. ?uiv in11 i li-ram. Mr. S. IJ. Hammond, a II ign the Charleston division ol allien), stepped in an <>j dor pit on the pavement lit of the lvock IIill Supply ( no T..un-day and ^u-tai C.. l : -. i . - * ' % * ii" iihtii riililMII'il a I>it in I lie door, readied 1 inn , ' . Mie inside, turned the the . , I ok and threw haoh pell As he stsr'ed to enter in , , blheJ, armed with lit jo's . revo'ver, lired two she ned both millPt< InrliMltrr ill ne 01 mass .is arm in JaokMmville, key in the SeTe" "egroei tlie bolt. whom w>" llieti.e house ? K"""n.i ruw ai ir fallier's nt of Us at him. Ile"rif,|t"' 5fiV? i.;d k?,i? ci{.V t his morn in Kla., Dec. 2.? shot, throe of is tlie result of 1 i ah?#?j| niir all ray, nil old loud, at n miles from this iix. Those fatalIv w I Iiirut cm tjj i colored people. / first enterprise c siarted on a lar; North, although pauy is now opoi i'lainfiekl, N. J., fir fiKt uhl iuli m? it I 3 jinn ujiiik lor It will 1)0 the The old >t the port over iie scale in the tlie same com- Anderson Htiun a store at One ot as well as lar^r- farmers u i ii Itnlfimni'o ? , t'Jl t-Time Farmer All Right. Intelligencer. l^r the County's old time tH was in our ollice yes ,,e % ? . . ie iii1111 injuries. lie loil on r<l pavement, breaking one d I r li'iim one shoulder ba< s injuries were at'onded . T. A. Crawloul and h lint: alont: very *v?*I), hilt n 1 iid up lor several da\s. IHll L-IWit\ ? I - I l"> ? lilt' ** #"> Bripps hesitated for i jl and then kept on The 1*^' three more shots, ev (i . taking elh et and Hr pered baek tr d fell do n *o i ;ui I > , 11 moment "'""",ied are Child tired Aloxnnclor I'r ery bullet ""<l|ey. 'hey a it-Ts stuff- l,ere ,or ad on the other four woui neuroes ohurged fhnotiiig have \ Lester Branson, ime ftnd James re in the hospital nent, as are the ided men. Seven with doing i he lepn arrested ai d v Mil., and S ivann The Metropoli and Realty eomj: tal st< ck of $1,0 ln-arly 0,000 s*oc tered all over tht Its officera are sc ^ ... viiuviv) lurutty <1 ah, Ga. things in tan Mercantile question .? >any has a capi "Eleve 00,000 and has all right, :k holders scat gent condi 5 United States, "but I ca line of the best 1-*?* tiics in 1111k111 annul general the cotton f? toon popped up !ll> n cents lor co'ton i> l,u I suppose, under pre. itioit3," said our friend, A n't make as much nion . \ f i rw. I ... 1 . _ ?**?. II ?IWV% I MC [J I he 11?f open. hut it was ]>r I)' uncovered hv ehil ir -n pi S on the streets. Young Heroine--Girl K Man who was Advanc: Milt' o!?- Attention, Cotton C ny l'he members ol the Cotton Growers' A ills ami the farmers gener [ng j take notice that the ih are in jail here growers! ?p ol her with a fern ' Southern of <*ueh armed saociation, t'1(< war hegan. ally, will ?,le ot the negrt ^xt regular ft,1(l his tongue The climax came . jjro Htrikinu an- j ce picket. Friends r> themselves and The jawbone of ?es was shattered shot off. known men of tli t lie stoCp hol.lerstliem are officer* ? are practically nuniHterH in Gre and eminent j other sec'ii lis of ? ? - uj l?l< * ll?*v e race. Anions welnt cot ?and some ot cents. Ij of t lie company our troubl all the colored it used t ater New York third wiift >reachei's iron) jiy, and t the country. in nrice. I" n-c llU" ill I U'l'U IU ton was six or seven ibor is at the bottom ol es. 11 n just hall what ,o he in quantity, one* t it used to he in qual- j. ^ wice what it used to he . (1 n However. I'm jl m!<I into House with Carvi Knife. i'hornton, R I., Dec. 1 licl Sin'ill, the 13 y i loiter ol Sp??ci ?1 Poli^en I meeting of tin* Linens in^ Association will be !i e<?nrt house n?'xi Satin 8<b, at 11 o'clock, a. j There will bo a co ,,1,1 organization nt this rue lan a large attendance is ter county ? Summons clav, Doc n (Complaint , . STATE OK HOI re e'in?r, ard court of Co therefore r ( harlfxton Live -y for Relief" not Served.)< Til CAROJ ?r (bounty mmnn I'lr St<?ck The opening of store at Forty * Eighth avenue \ ploynieut for s> colored hoys an score or more n persons. It is t 1 flic department fashion* d ix'h street and guess I wi vill furnish em- *l"'M ne% veral hundred *n ,r * never he* d tfirls, and a TlierP is a ?l older colored |n my sun lie policy of the raised co ' "7 Le sort of farmer, ami 1 nl net along. My chi er tinted wet-tern ment ' " ves, ;iml mv cattle have kll n fed on western corn, ol I ways home raided meat ; [>kehoiiR8 and t lie home- , rii in inv cribs neier . otiard Smith, under an light i?t 'In* llou-e of (Jhiel lieo Kimha', eharged a ling Kl titer Brim;*, a resid Thornton. Special <>11 i 1 (?r Smit It t' y upon .Mis. Brings, who I e8( earnestly uesireo. i n p , f will also elec' (IH 'ir: ill, Slate meet inir, whiel out <'<>1 iiinl)iit on \\ Jan 2. 11)07. ok T. J. Strai ia?l ^oo. VV. J ones, Sec. e meeting j i-inuum, ajfi ill*.-, !<? tilt \v Hirtui 1 w i 1 l>o | 0 j J,,. | i,?f, nclan re?liiesil.jy, You are here l?> (|iiired to answer t it Ppaq action, which whs II, i i OH. onioe of till' (MeI Lancaster county, W.A,, of vonr miswcr ti ( mint i Kliam, ' t, Snmn * sumiuiT, 1m com' i this tl * k of tc , ami to1' i I lit' a. company, in all 1 employ only tho race. Fruit and In From What lo K Ih operations, to runs out. so ol their own if I 11 I could fe stock lor wl at wh' temperance. home." Fam< At. Th? mn.l I'm 'fixed' :* 11 ri^ht ; ,M * ot make another tiling an ied my family and my Mr twelve <olid months <>' 'r( v pot stored up at .4 , _ ho )us Strike Kreakers. w' mi MosiMt^'d by lu?r husba (I he and his wife recoi s. Hi* h 31 ii(i her three c sn ml (i I heir heme and \\ au^ini: lo si n i them 'o rne ef Mrs. brot] io lives In Niantico. rn.: . i< ? |1(j I JiUlUNMlWr, O. ? . 170 ved ' * _ A Year of Bloc rgio '>'ar xv'" l?i mi tlio lioajo oi F N. t iickt*t I lie K v., as .1 your of blood; win copiously Iroiu Mr. Tnckct death scorned wry Hoar Mow blooding from I ho lungs m cough had brought nte at c. I ,,n "i mihsrri tier h i Spr iiiR* Jiloi'k i n tcr, S. <' , withii >d- the eervM herei I (IK> Of Hilt ll 'TV it r rt'int inl'iTi .1 a), Wcr I hi* rompl t.t AHiiin'f. au>rexAi(l tin' l''a , h llow. .1 ho wju }l) 111y t,t the V lun^H that (}einaiul6(t in t lie ( "rSlS l?atedNove,:,be (leath'e door, ' hi i 11v t he I oi t I went y excliMK !e ; him! if y unit wit hin J 'iititl in thi> I" < mil t fur the t? 4\ Mimplaint. r 2, A. I>., HM)t>. K k n a 111 v w. * There in but 01 the drinking dii iind that is the The cure consiptp > e land arc Dr. 10 mire cure for |iv,r ??.i 1,0 sea^e or habit, I1"' ,ro ' rook riK>it on simplest of all. hominoho m . .. , Mtiokoy Co . ill eat'nir frmt". i,nri, i-harna Miini- I'lnmi'lft III HIP | Kin^'w New I.iff Pills When . (Vein on Ntriko, Ihey quickly iiblo, and the purifying work i. I lent euro for eonnti potion, ' id dizzincHH 'ifie lit J. F Me Craw ford Xros., and Fnndericy, druggists TO' i iii* itiirriionn, miring aeni'o of Mrs. Smith, Bri rivt*< 1 at I hi* Smith hoime i admission which used. Bri ires drew a hi I no when 1 hr^itti 1 k1111? l>r. Kin rovi-ry foi Consumption, a it I itiK result Hint after taking iiul W"R ri-Htored mi proven pennant-nth cured , Wits t??r Sore Lungs. Coughs mid ( Miickcv Co., Cmwforil Uros , ifJJP Lurk Pharmacy. K M N. w His. |.1(l i the astonish- , ,, four 1h>HIph I ! ' , . ' ,. it hn time has j 8' * ^ (inarantoeii * " 'ol<Is. at ! 1'- . ? , and F underStinsTlbo to nil ilPh Attorney a. egory, . t'. L.C. The Newa. (