The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 05, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Agriculture CJ r n ouggcsuuns iur jl/cccii Farm Work. Progressive Farmer. Any crops Unit yet remain gathered should he gotten i once. To remain in the t longer will tesult in deter tion. The early frost and continued rains in October t ed great 1< as to our pea and tonseed crops. It will be part of wisdom to save all peas possible, though mam them are unsound. Peas be scarce and high another 3 The farmer who has pea plant and to sell will be f< liate indeed. * * * It is now loo late to so v s grain with any degree of ceri ty of making a lull crop, y will pay to sow rye on llie on which we intend to t thai increased yield of corn year; also for spring graz The roots ol i he rye will liiei fill the soi 1 with millions of gry mouths taking up the i hie fertility which would 1 out during the rainy spell winter and be lost if the 1 were left uncovered. The will Hold this fertility and it to the corn crop next sji and summer when it will b badly needed. * * Rather than have no whei all. it mav be well ev*?n no sow a piece of well prep land il tins is done as <[uick] possible. Willi a favorable ter tlie results may be sati: lory. It is now too late to winter oats. It will bo b to prepare laud intended tor and sow in sprints oats in ruary or Match, according P cation. The Hurt oat and Rust l'rool are both good sp oats, especially on good 1 We do not know the name o oats that will make a good on poor land. It any one < please advise in ! * * % In localities where fall winter plowing is pract every nice day in Rece >uld lind the plow runni e good two-horse chilled disc plow, set to run ,ji e deeper limn over befo: ?,er the holidays there ma "Mich good weather thai of plowing for some I avy clay lands a < omw will he worth i n it will be next 'arch. * * * ho time to fix u bibles. Make ,rm for t he stoi aks in the roofsi food to carry < winter when dry than whe) .ie weather. T , for many reano he manure possib j an extra quantit} { ..??i corn field next spring, must feed I he st ick, ho di waste the manure. Fertil will f>e higher next year than are thin; besides, many p< aro going to buy more than to put under cotton and pos some other crops, (jet ahet THE L il Department. lber these people by saving more farm manure than ever before to supplement your commercial ferti'izer. The results will justify the u'? work required, in at * * * ields December is the hog killing iora- month in many sections, as it the should be. Iiogs should be fat aus enough to slaughter before the cot- very cold weather set* in. It is the always better to kill hogs in methe dium cold weather than to wait y of until cold freezing weather. Ilogs will intended to be killed should not rear, be fed for t wenty four hours bes to fore killing. They will butcher >rtu- much better for not having been ted. We cannot refrain from makmall ing one other suggestion, and Lain- that is: be sure to clean the hea ls et it and feet well. Many men just land give the feet a twist and the nose nake n kick or stamp with the foot next and expect the women to do the ling. rest. It. is so much easier to rally clean well when you are at it. hun- * * * solu- We prefer to kill one day and each cut UP and salt the next day. a f\i I T _Q tllonf U A f oolf l f in iiaU o \/i v; ou |'i^ uvj v/i omij u ia iiiuun land cheaper 111 ah pork. Salt well rye and put away in a box or dark give place where tlies cannot reach it. ring Mr. Troutinan's recout articles ie so in The Progressive Farmer have so nearly covered the ground that we will make but low at nestiins as to curing the meat, w making sausage, etc. The meat tred i should lie in salt troni four to ly as bve wcoks, and then be smoked win- lowly, without heating, until sfac- the job is thoroughly done. Tastes sow differ as to the degree to which eller ' should be smoke 1. II for famoals 'b' u-e, then smoke Ihe way you Feb- like best. If lor m irket, study o lo 'be wishes of your customers an 1 smoke accordingly. As to rimr sausage, we suggest that you and. weigh all meat and also the soaf tho 80,,iuK. Then all your sausage crop will be seasoned alike. Two does, pounds of salt to one hundred pounds ol meat is about right and other seasoning to taste. . T..aiao .i;ivar !.;? v. "o'* 1 miuwi All una rra|JCVl. r ur iced ins,a"oe* 8?me want a good deal ml>or w''*'e others want none , Some 6ausage so hot with plow pepper as to remind the average ].t t person of the Jap's attack on ?e I'ort Arthur, while others want v not I on'-v :I traf,e. Suit your household will "r y?ur customers in this respect; lime we'"l1 the <jumtity ot each inlav's >-,,vdieut ami there will be r.o much ,ur,^rr guessing as to quantity. Kel - '^ |X ' seasoning well with the meat before grinding; then the grinding will mix still further? lt belter than is possible in any p the , J . other wav. them * * cli ,, Now is a good time to I set out i. It me strawnerry plants. Sot out Ht"( k at least 1,000 plants for an ^iey ordinary family. Have them 11 of three or four varieties early, his is medium and late. Do not reMs serve all your best laud tor cot'e* ton, but take a part of it lor your r f?r fruit trees, vines, etc. You ? * o not Attain, have you arranged for i/ers putting out cabbage plants as they NvaH sti'^geated in last mouth's . "Suggestions?"' Now is the ''' ' time to set them out if you are <>V(,r to have earl v cabbage next spring sibly Manure the land heavily. Do id of not bo stingy with it. ANCASTER NEWS, DECEMBER Til IE above picture of che man and fish is the trade- , mark of Scott's Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is .sold in almost all the civilized eoun- 1 tries of the globe. ( If the cod fish became extinct ; it would be a world-wide calamity, because the oil that comes 1 from its liver surpasses all other ; fata in nourishing and life-giving i properties. Thirty years ago t he proprietors of Scott's Emulsion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can 1 take it and get the full value M the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott's Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate , people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. * S?n<i for frca anmph. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists 40?-<ll VUAMt. T1KKT, SIW TOBK 50c. ami ft. 00. All tlruptKUta. "? ( Notice to Taxpayers. ' The Treasurer's Books Will be open for the collection of taxes without ' penalty from October 15th to Decern- " her Slat, ltMMi I.KVY As FOLLOWS: [ State ? Mi lis County 5 " Special county l'a " Constitutional school tax . H " Total over county 14 la " Local K K. tax (villa Creek 5 " " " Cane " i .. " " I'leas Hill J " I.OCA I. SCHOOL TAXES. District Nos 5, 112, 4tl and Jones X Roads 2 Mills District Nos. 2 and 24 J " 12,17,2:t, at?,4n 4 " H8 5 " 14 5^ " 40 ... 7 " All taxable polls $1 (10 J. K BLACKMON, <,'ouiity Trea-oirer. The World's Best Pianos, Superior Organs, fur the Home* or the Churches at low prices and oil easy lerms. A MOOD HOLIDAY I'ltK.-KNT ran he liad either of a piano or an ortran on easy terms at a special price at M AI.ONK'S W rite at once to Malone's Music House, COM M III A, S. < for catnlojfs, prices and terms. Livery, Livery, Livery! Though doing a rattling goodj livery business, we are determined to do even better. Our present stocks of Vehicles and Horses are being supplemented by handsome new carriages and buggies and stylish Driving and Saddle Horses. Our livery establishment is; going to Ik; second to none in the State, and don't you forget it! Come or send to us when you want the l>est, up-to-date livery service. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE GO. : Tho NOU/Q ,)()hk.Jo1) Printing j 1 llu lluIIU for others. Why J can't we do yours? ?????? L 5, 1906. rSPECI I .50 I ) I SAI [ Furnit ? Clothi i Under I Big stock to selec * miss this opportu I always guarante< 1 Your monej V if you want 1 { Wiiliams-Hi CASH SI f COTTON HAS Ti TUMBLE I To keep up with the < us cash, I am going to figures for your consid Magnolia Best by test?$2.00 per s; dard weight. All groceri Cooking Stoves cheaper cheapest. When it conic them too cheap. And 01 astonishing the prices \ don't mind getting down buy notions. Hats?If yc ably surprised come to se CLOTH If you want an odd co; jacket and all this kind c will amaze you?in fact, c Think of an overcoat, t from $2.00 to 54 00. Come at once. J. C. Ed in Bennett's O] 1 At S AY lire, I i wear f :t from. Don't 5 mity Prices ? 3d. I i back 1 ughes Co 1 ORE. J Wk DOWNWARD * f >taple that brings make some close [eration : Flour ick, 98 pounds stancs at bottom prices, by 52.00 than the I i :s to shoes, we sell i dress goods, it is ve make. And we when people love to >u want to be agreec 11s. ;ing it, overcoat, ladies' )f goods, our prices lumfound you. lie very best quality, wards Id Stand.