The Lancaster news. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1905-current, December 05, 1906, Image 1

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The ] VOL. 2. NO. 17. SEMI-WEEKLY. Uen. Voumans Dead. poi'ueI,bv to be Umtei 1 Mie district The Distinguished Lawyer Mr. Yom and Brilliant Orator Passed in 1:01,1 tlie Away at his Home in Col- by h ! In those stal 'IV umbia Monday Morning. him?elf?. t r + tion to la Condensed from Monday eve- alike ning'E Columbia Record: Ripe! i)ii the in years and wi dom, honored j Townsend, i i _1 i i * - - - - hiici ueioveu uirougnout 111s lieneral Uu ^tate, for his public services and Youmans i liis private worth, Letoy F. Y'oli- Accepting 1 mans, attorney general of South entered acti Carolina, passed peacelully away ?the lam* early tliis morning, his tired Mr. Qunter head resting upon the shoulder ing of all tl of his devoted wife, who has ant. Succe been his companion in the truest Mr Youmi sense for more than half a cen- cliarire of uiry. office. LeRoy F. Youmans, the pres ent attorney general, was gradn- J TheMcLe at'-d from the fS null Carolina] college in 1852, and was admit- riage ted to tilt? bar in 1850 lie enter ! ed the military service in the; Port Mtll war of secession as fir.-t lieuten-1 Observer* j ant of a company of mounted I wedding e ri tie in n, Ironi S.. Luke's parish, j,MWM Miss of which .John H. Screven was i heram? Ihe captain. His service in the army Ciistavus N continued to the close of the war, ",e home o! at which time he was a lieuten federate sir ant in Company F. of the Third WHS "'eeon South Carolina cavalry. Though lnum*? pair elected to a .?eat in the house of plants. At * representatives in 186*2 and m|,s* 1 i'ik ho^ Lanca: LEDGER 1852 REVIEW h LANCASTER. S. C., Di President Cleveland j AnfllXllV ill I d States attorney for of South Carolina nans sat on t lie bench Mob of Two Hu circuit and supreme ecj Men Entei pecial appointment. I Commit Gre tions he so acquitted . . tions o jjive entire sati-facWVPl's Ull.l 1 it 1 iru til u "J ~ . | Nashville, Tenn. resignation ??i Mr. I town of Princeton in 1905, A'torney vaded at 1 o'clock nter tendered to Mr. by 200 masked rat lie post of assistant, disarming two p the appointment, lie taking possession < vely upon his duties exchange and terr antable disability ot i/.ens by firing liur necessitating the do- fret fire to the toba* ie work by his assist- of James G Orr A eding Mr. Gunter, Stegor, which wer lis had sine had troyed, entailing; the business of the (than $100,000. ' were also dynannt ? . ? was permitted to es-Thcrnwell Mar- sce"? "e-tructio rr t T\/r-ii ' Alter ilie nioh I : in Fort Mill. . . i?s work i lie mem in tlie direction <>1 special in Saturda\ V riddling the front < Vt ihe prettiest home with bullets as the ver witnessed in this f|,-c department t lulie Earle Thornwell was unable to rem bride >t U v Richard ..tber than tr? *iop IcLees last evening at spreading to adjoii r the bride, on Coil In addition to beii tel. The entire house I imiv.Qiim., ...? ~~ nviovuicu ? Ui U llll led in chiysanlhe- piece < f cloth cut n-. f- rns and p' tted ?v tobacco lea'. 1 BXictly 7:30 Mrs. (' was herdd-wl hv tl *an playing tl.e beau- pistols, and when er Song,'* ami Messrs had been arouset r, of Columbia, and doors or windows , of Winnsboro, un- dered to remain ii vhite carpe' Irom the The two polieei parlor door. Then deprived of their jes Thornwell sang placed under guai ,ly the sweet song, on duty at the From this 'he music change were comj ?d to the suggestive and the building i Mendlessohn's Wed several of the inv i Keys. .1. H. Thorn * - ? of the t.ri lc, and J. Five Men Kille of Orangeburg, took mite Explosio; i in trout <?f the hap- . . , A special troi On each side were . , , . V?i., says: laids and the grot m-- . , A report reachei the immediate leit f a reliable source 1 le was the m ?i<l ot ,, noon tnat tive met is Mary I horn w ell. J . , foreman and four > bride, who gave her .. . . been killed by a lie right ot i lie groom , . .. ,, dynamite in a cut it man, Iiev. r. (?. . lug was being dom Dr. J. II. 1 horn well ... struction work ot I the beautiful ring . . era railroad, sevei isted by Iiev. .J. L this place. Orangeburg. i he report state -i. r w/r a blasts had been li Guilty of Murder. men, thinking all . \a., Dee. 1. Mr- returned to cut, w niter, charged with j whoHe iU8ert had I ?f her hush u?d. whom . . . > expioueu, resuitui it l'ulaski, \ ft < in :l 0j uii iite men in i several weeks ?- ? < uui'il guiliy of inur- Great Excitem< second degree and Tow 0 18 years in prison. Del Ulo> Texas, (Jauthorn, one of t led in Alabama fon.^, 9lK.<)p i jal ' rime. was fllu?j dm I i" l<*, Ala., Dec. 2. ulny three m'les i ii, a negro, ^riinin .1- wiili ^ bullet in hi 1 a white woman on i js tiie second mure! here today. Brown tjHyS }lll,i the entir commit the crime jjy excileci. Seve man, who shot him, i working indepeml o his escape. Later Hangers, who ha> ound dead at his out. Bloodhounds used. 1S(j4. lie never availed himself' tRul "Flow of flie exemption from military j I Bake service, which ?u h election af- J- Fnlp forded. rolled the \ In I860 he was appointed by !>'tar to the Governor Orr to he solicitor ot ^I ss ^ril?< the Southern circuit, was after- very sweet wards elected by the legislature, ''Answer." and held that office until dis wa8 cliongc placed, in 1808, hy the institu- drains of tion of the government organiz- 'l'n^ march ed under the reconstruction acts well, fathet of congress. R McLees, I" 1870 an effort was made, in j,1,eir the "Union Reform movement," py couple, to drive out Scott and his party tlie bridesn in control of the stale govern- men a,,,l ment, hy a conciliatory and tbt^ bru "compromise" policy Judr/e honor, Mif R B. Carpenter, a Republican, fi'9ter Bie being the nominee for governor away. At t and Gen. M. C. Butler that tor was tl,e be' lieutenant governor. A thorough ^Vordlaw. canvass of the several counties performed was made, and Mr. Voumans service, ass di<l his share in stumping the McLees, of state. In 1872 Sir. Voumans located Woman in Columbia f r tin* practice ol Roanoke his profession?having for aome i Harriet i\le years previous had ins i ffice at i the murdei hdgefield. In the campaigu nt1 she killed a 1N7?> he took the stump for the quarrel s Democratic ticket Ik adod by wasfto 'ay f Wade Hampton der in tlie In December, 187 7, on the sentenced t resignation of dame*. CnmiDr ! Mr. Youm ins was elected I?y the Negro Kil legislature to the otHce of at tor-1 Usi ney general. He was elected by Huntsvi! a vote of the pe plf? in 1878, and Caleb Brow re-elected in 1881)?having in ! ly assaulte each case received the Democra 11jie Creels tic nomination. During his ser , . was seen t? Vice as attorney general matters of greatest importance to the' a P?'icei people came belorc the courts lor 'M1' he mad adjudication. he was f In 1885 Mr. Youmana was ap home. T ( STER B76 ENTERPRISE J 89 J ECEMBER 5. 1906 Kentucky. j -^n?ther Fatal Wre< _ Killed and Many ndred Mask - Town and verg????'. Vl? Dec aster tell to the passe at Depreda- traill on tne Rutjrtnd near t liis station tod a t heavily loaded graVs Dec. 1 .?The i m?vmg slowly on a do . Ky., was in? j cr^slied into it rroni this morning f"ree women pass'in Mi, who, alter e^her hilled outright ( >olice officers, t0 death in the fire w ?f thetelephone ^owed, fourth has sin orizing the cit i11 j11 riea, and at le* idreds of shots, persons were seriously ceo stem merit s ' Co. and J. A. Fa*al Quarrel Over e entirely des a loss ot more Quincy, III, Dec. The buildings quarrel today oyer rec< ed and no one theatrical performance approach the Lagrange, Mo, Constat it. Duyall was shot and 1 and completed Constable James M K her?- rode ?w?y Orion K. S:uart. an a Ilopbiusville, fatally wounded, wl ih d 'lie postolfice lard, an actor, was sl ot :y passed. l'he the be dy and the arm u; ncd out, but and D.ivall were l"v\ lor any service I trunks claimed by (Jill the rt mies Iron: aldson, ov.nor cl theslu ing residences. and Milliard are allege ng masked ilie begun the shooting, their breasts a - ? ? ??? in the shape ot Serious Charges heir approach Young White b discharge of Laurens. the people who 1 appeared at Laurens special in they were or- News : The prelimi 1 their homes held here today in tli men wore next the State against 0. . weapons and bell, the white man, d. 1 wo girls with breach of trust < telephone ex- rant sworn out several relied to leave bv former Senator O. vas guarded by win. Campbell war b< 'ders. i for trial at the sessions j Campbell ?as h clei d by Dyna- store ot Goodwin. The n in Virginia, is purely circumstanti n Clinch port, j what was in and what should have il here through 1 ^'.V* a ate tins after yo???while man,of Ji n, including a! shi'b was ""ested to loreigner.-, had 1 warrant sworn out by o n explosion of er< of Whiiemire, in which blast- county, charged with e, on ilie con- cr,'P under b in lb the Soul Invest j to one of the most ] ral miles trom bandies in this county lars have not been lear s that several red, when t he Woman Sentenced t had exploded,! hen two blasts Gacls len, Ala., Idee burned slowly : jliry in the- Yolan le 1 K i? ihe death lo j.,y f >und the defen the cut. ty as charted, and 11 xe ""_ isliment at twenly-tli ;nt in I exas jn u>e p( nitel,tiftry. n* Degi: was convicted ol Dec. *2.?C. U i|ijr Aubrey Wonuck oi lie most prom- |)er > j , 1904. si this section, ? his bugsry t< - Hunting Season Fj I (1111 I ) '1 lilO. ! is heart. This i , , ,,,, . , Ohicaco, Dv c 1.? 1 h ler vmtinn two savs: Seven t v - tour <1 e env is great- ; , l 70 persons injured, s< ral mobs are ' , . ... i nous that death may lently of I he ro been called,thc r,>cor(1 ""be t,del,I are also being bunting season tbroiif country." % nnirc rmr- ? i-mvt?rive tcni lb Pfcll COPY. :k?Four fhe Methodist Conference. Injured. 1 _Ds Adjournment Monday n^ers of a Night?Delay|due toCreighRaihoadj ton Case?Lander College \. when a 1 train, Accepted. wn grade, .? ~~ . . . . 1'lom i esteulav s Columbia the rear. state. '1 I in-ne^ South Carolin i confer... , . ence lias not, adjourned. Bishop Inch fol- . ,,, ..... . j. j ^ A. \Y. Wilson has gone to the North Carolina conference and ^Vh're l ^ev* ^r- ^l}U'h J.. Carlisle has been designated as presiding ofTrunks ,icer conference. 'I The delay in adjournment is due to the trial of Rev. C. W. - *n a Creightou. 1'liis case is not yet dpts for a ended and conference cannot given at;at]j ,u;ll u-tlii ill-1 case is closed. >le Ilosea ?pjie appointments for next year killed aucI J cannot be made until the trial ''lion and ; ^mimittee submits its renort 1 u ""': The work ot conference yesterIv \ .Vil- j iy w |S yery interesting. The tlm-ugh m4iter which elicited principal Kohon | discussion was the question of ,n& 0,1'whether or not Lauder college ?ert Don should be accepted by conference. >w. S.u 'i* p was decided by a vote of SO d to ha\e (0 ,() accept {]le offer ot the college. Tlie principal opposition came from the friends of Colurnagainst bia college, who have no oppo Men in silion to hinder college, bill 1 want con fere use to be free fro in all indebtedne-s before under(freenville taking a new proposition, nary was ? . ' :l'r Killing in Mississippi. \. Cainpcharged on a war- Valley Park, Miss., December days ago 2~AM Mali, a prominent 1? (;00q real estate man of Chicago, was todav shot and instantly hill d over " ^ court. ^ NVes Yo,,nS? il "egr? Lis berk in the ''eve^ Young intended to kill leitimony W <i <?rul.b?, who w? ncoomal and is Plinyin? Mi'dad at tlie time of lie store l^e idling Young escaped and been in it. is being followed by a m >b, de- / 11 known ,f>rmmed to deal summarilyC ?ck Town- wUh him. J v , ' '' Englishmen to Buy Co*1 > ...o Coop & Land of Newberry ped h disposing V iv belongs New Orleans, Decemberl.? Drominent was announced to lav bv Onl ^ ./ . Purlieu- Welch, 111 charge * ned. Gould system immigrate roan in this city, I hat. tV o Prison. I wnulivM of the I.ano Mai.Chester Ch?!ton Association, who ha* 1 1 iu- a u,ur oi t lie $ cas. |,avt? j,r jc ,;; v - n11- acre * '1' : 1 uid each in Louisft, ice c{n& s|ssip|,j^ witli a vio^ ^ olamle j ,,mj shipping co'totrv murder- n)j||s jn Laiicaahl n Decern. chester> \ ? ^ Itol I Il-ilOI. I ? v> -IV v ?i, ? untiUlk atallties. tv negro, recovered a v?\ f^4 **. tli* Vorkvi.le court last re Tribune against *l*o Southern Power' leal lis and company loi $000 , damages for >me so se , injuries received while in "lie result, is employ of the company. Mes-rs ies for the Green 1 lines, of Laneas-ter, iliout the and T F MeI)o\v, Esq , < f \ >rkvillo. represented the plain'iff.