^ Not into Fishing C B we have bought for yoi a buver.* We have all tl I early in the season we 1 ter selection. It goes ' than a great many othe SEEING IS B1 enumerate the many B; our Silks, Cravanettes, if it is new and yet low you even though you a ! Store to rest. Tell yo i IN THE DBT Outings, Flannelet Domestics and in fac ed greatly, will say to protected, we had oui which enables us to g To every customer such necessary appar H uecomes nccc^di _y iu ishment will cost lot m our patronage to get "> * CI if We have it by the \ best that are mam 1 Baltimore, Md., giv< ' fj? ing that has ever be VS remember, is sold b \ comes next which is * SHOT ! Don't mention it handle the best that elusive sale of four ted, namely: Drew old bald headed eay where-ever he soars V 'N. . DROP IN! j ^reek but into our Dress Goods Department an Lir Inspection. It gives us pleasure to show lat is newest and most stylish in this line. Ha\ had the advantage of our competitors in gettir without saying that we are going to sell these sar rs would ask you. ELIEVING, So come along and let us show ) argains offered in this department or attempt to Novelty Goods, Waisting, etc., but will beg yoi priced we have it. Our doors are wide oper ire not going to spend one cent with us. So w ur friends to meet you at 'he Heath-Jones Departmen FRONT fi^^ONTO] Y GOODS. NOTIO tes, Cotton Flannel, Cheviots, Complete?An t all goods which have advanc- this line. Know ? the public that you shall be and being in a p< r eyes open and bought early vanced prices. 1 ive you the same old prices. dery which we \\ we would advise to buy all iocto 25c the ] el at the earliest, for when it assortment wortl >r us to make a second replen- accordingly, s more and what we want is for SHIRTS in a the benefit of the pickings. manufactured b] so come and ins aOTHING. T ? 1 1 1 1 : car load and represented Dy tnc ufactured Strouse & Brothers, We have in b sn up to be thQ best fitting cloth- you cou^ withe en placed on this market, and gions. y lis only. Sncllenburg clothing International hard to down. of the best that SS ! SHOES ! bc bc purc line' for we are strictly in it. We are manufactured and have ex- Having decic of the best lines that are exhibi- thing in this lii Selby, Godman, Stetson and the reaus, Wash Si ;lc Douglas, wlio takes the cake big lot of W. < before they all MEN'S HATS, In all the up-to-date shapes, colors and pr will please you, So come and let your Crz covered. The Heath-Jones Co I >"tl s? *aN?3 I d see the many beautiful goods ^ our goods even to a prospective m / < ring bought our Fall stock very ^ g a biggw assortment and a bet- ? ne goods at a much lower price \ /ou what we have. We will not 1 describe the exquisite beauty of ? i to remember not to forget that 1 1 and a hearty welcome awaiting S hen up town DROP IN Our ^ t Store. i ? AS USUAL. I N DEPARTMENT. J ything you might desire we have in m ing what catches woman's fancy M 1 "* osition to take advantage before ad- m iVe scooped in 4,500 yards Embroi- ^ 'ill offer to the trade ranging from M ^ard. Some Embroideries in this m i from 35 to 50c per yard. Laces J ill colors ar.d of the very best fitting, J / the Merit Mfg. Co., and Lyceum, \ pect same. m )t INDERWEAR. 1 r ig quantities and some so wooly that M >ut fear take a trip to the arctic re- ^ Shirts and Collars, also United. Two M are man ufactured. Guaranteed to m n bosom and collars four ply. w FURNITURE. I "v> m led to quit Furniture we will sell any- 2 ne at Cost. Such as Bed Steads, Bu- ]g Lands, Chiffoniers, Bed Spiings and a g & \V. Sewing Machines. So come * go- 1 f mium be I 'iupaiiy. i