Old-Timers’ Drop-In Old-Timers enjoy Christmas drop-in When 264 Clinton retired OM Timers came for their Christmas gifts, there were two surprises in store for them. This year, coffee and cookies were served to those coming for their gifts. Old Timers were afforded an opportunity to visit with each other as members of the Human Resources staff sorted through the hundreds of gifts to find the particular one selected by the recipient. Santa Claus, dressed in his traditional red and white suit, brought smiles from those who had completed 25 or more years service to the Company before ending their work careers. Many enjoyed "Santa’s visit” as they talked with those whom they had previously worked. Christmas music, a wide display of colorful decorations prepared by the Personnel staff, and an "Old Timers” Christmas tree decorated with pine cones, red bows, and packages wrapped in brown paper provided the setting for the occasion. Vice Presidents Claude Crocker and Dick Swetenburg were present to assist Old Timers in getting their gift selection to their car. “This was an excellent gesture,” said retired Old Timer James Crain. "Having this opportunity to meet my friends means more than anyone would ever realize.” As a Peggy Gilmer remarked, ‘Tm just grateful for everything this Company has every done for me.” Needless to say, Christmas 1988 brought many fond memories for those who gave a quarto - century service to this Company. (■ ClothMaker