Hr & President George H. Cornelson, rigl ments as Clinton's Board Chairman dui n % #. rcuucii vi Chairman of the Board, Robert M. Vance, was honored by the Clinton Mills, Inc. Board of Directors at its March 13 meeting for twenty-five years service as Chairman of the Board. The resolution of appreciation for disting uished service was presented to Vance by President George H. Cornelson. The resolution, inscribed as follows, was presented in scroll form: WHEREAS?Robert M. Vance was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors on December 20,1958 and has provided able and dedicated leadership in this capacity for more than twenty-five years; and WHEREAS?Upon the recommendation of the Chairman, the Directors of Clinton Cotton Mills Inc. and the Directors of the I = Maid of Cotton Visits Cli Engineering Departmen Skilled Services i1 KI& \1 ? it, presented Chairman Robert M. Vane ring the past 25 years. UllUt? Kt/v Lydia Cotton Mills Inc. on January 1, 1965 consummated the merger of these cotton textile manufacturing companies into Clinton Mills Inc.; and WHEREAS?Clinton Mills Inc. constructed the Bailey Plant in 1966 in order to manufacture polyester and combed cotton fabrics made from blends of synthetic and natural fibers; and WHEREAS?The Directors further diversi fied the textile manufacturing operations of Clinton Mills Inc. through the acquisition of Elastic Fabrics of America of Fort Washington, Pa. in 1970. Mid-America Yarn Mills Inc. of Pryor, Okla. in 1973, and Clinton Mills of Geneva. At. in 1977; and NOW BE IT RESOL VED, That the Board of lLA3UJL|UULUHi l nton Summary i -pages 2, 3 t Provides Raleigh Rt March tages 6,7,8 Wm 1m *?** a e a scroll recognizing his accomplishiAAini-?Ar< rVyillLUU Directors, as an expression of the admiration that we feel for Robert M. Vance and in great respect for his leadership as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Clinton Mills Inc., does hereby approve this Resolution of appreciation honoring these significant achievements; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That this Resolution be spread upon a separate page of the Minute Book. Adopted by the Board of Directors at Clinton, South Carolina. March 13. 1984. Clinton Mills directors include, in addition to Vance, Emily Bailey, Rose Montgomery, Mercer Wise. George Cornelson. Thad Williams. Bailey Dixon, Claude Crocker and J. R Swetenburg, Jr. 9lan Descriotion ?page 8 icognized by limes ?page 12 I c 5 .c o rV ? Nr v> J i i i I s? ^ I -5 ? ? 1 ^ i h g BL O a t s r cn -J ? O ? Jim Coleman Coleman Named Assistant To VP Of Manufacturing Jim Coleman has joined Clinton Mills as Assistant to the Vice President of Manufacturing, according to Vice President of Manufacturing, J. R "Dick" Swetenburg. Coleman had been associated with Mayfair Mills for the past 24 years. He received his B.S. degree in Textiles from Clemson University in 1957. Prior to moving to Clinton from Pickens, he was active in the Chamber of Commerce. Rotary Club, International Management Club and the Planning and Development Commission He is a member of the Presbyterian church. He is currently residing on 304 Centen nial Street