8 - V * ??*vj r W . #r j THE CLINTON WOMANS' C the many groups which held th at the Clinton Mills' community THIS IS THE LARGE GROU grove Hotel late last month to p veteran Clinton Mills night si active duty. in, ALVIN Wh'tmire. son of Mr and Mrs. Marvin Whitmire, Clin ton No. 1 Carding, was 15 or January 14. In the ninth grade he has been neither absent noi tardy in nine years, and hasn' missed Sunday School in tw< years. THOMAS, G and Jane, 2, art the children of Mr. and Mrs James Harris, Clinton Mill James works in No. 1 Carding Third Shift. T [fir ^ ^ESf ujfe.*' _ :. ?. V IV :LUB. shown above, was another of eir annual Christmas dinner party house. P which gathered at the Mary Musay final tribute to Manuel Sanders, iperintendent, as he retired from B A \ ^ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Windsor. Lydia, announce the marriage of their daughter. Patsy Deane, to Pfc. James L. McCauley, of Ft. Benning. Ga.. son of Mrs. Mci Cauley and the late Paul Mc. Cauley, Rt. 3, Clinton. The wedr dina took nlace Dee. 25 at T.urait t Ave. Baptist Church. Laurens. > with the Rev. A. R. Greene performing the ceremony. its i 4ajL.^i 3r H PATRICIA Gail Osborne was two December 5 and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Osborne. No. 1 Spinning, second shift, at Clinton. HE CLOTHMAKER (LI.\TO (Cont'd, from Page 7) Mrs. Ray Godfrey . . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Richey and family of Iva visited the Henry Campbells during Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Poole celebrated their 42nd anniversary December 30. Mr. and Ray Fulmer announce the wedding of their daughter, Jean, to Earl Godfrey of Simpsonville December 20. They left for a honeymoon in New York. We welcome Bob Nelson back to his job on second job after two years in the army. Cleo Lusk visited his sister at Walhalla. W. M. Rochester attended the funeral of his brother-in law in Whitmire Dec. 20. Cleo Lusk was off a day to kill a hog. He was back the next, greasy and grinning! No. 2 Weaving, First By Grace Wooten Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas arid guess everyone made their resolutions (and has broken them) by now. Was Santa good to you? The battery hands got a Christmas present from the mills, more batteries, but I've been told you get use to anyt Vi i m f f Will Ifc. Nell Canfield had a visitor during the holidays, Pfc. Charles Wilson of Ft. Benning. Is it serious, Nell? The J. E. Braswells, Sr. and Mrs. Melvin Huey visited the Ray Braggs in Joanna ... Mrs. Hester Ward and daughter of Lancaster and the Curtis Carters visited the Thornton Meadows during the holidays . . . The Freeman Lanfords visited J. D. Hutto in Livingston, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bagwell had a houseful of guests for the holidays: Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Armstrong and daughters. Pam and Rnh bie; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myshrall and Penny and Beverly of Augusta; Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bagwell and David. (Note: Annie Mae is still breathing and didn't pull her hair out, she's had it cut.) Mr. and Mrs. Cole Blease with Evelyn and Nancy spent holidays in Elizabeth City, N. C. with DCI and Mrs. Tan Windsor. Evelyn said the only thing missing from their holidays was Gholdie. Charlie Barker spent a few days in the hospital before Christmas with an injured back but he is back at work DONALD Pearson will celebrate his birthday Jan. 21. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Pearson, Clinton No. 2 Spinning. N PLAN! and had a birthday Jan. 6. Reckon the birthday had anything to do with the bad back? Mrs. Dora Leopard was in the hospital at this writing and by the way, she ran those looms 100 per cent the week before she went to the hospital. We think she'd better slow down. Mrs. Dock Dover was out with a cold and we hope both she and Mrs. Leopard will soon be back. Mr. and Mrs. Orville McGee observed an anniversary Dec. 21 and the Nathan Cannons had theirs Dec. 23. The weave room No. 2 was suprised and shocked over the disappearance of Mrs. Isabelle Hooper's billfold right before Christmas. At first we thought someone picked up the lunchbag it was in by mistake but it would have been returned by now with the $30 it had in it. If that person needs money that badly, let us know and we'll see if we can't help you some way. Happy new year. No. 3 Weaving. First By Edgar Norton All of our news is in pictures this month which will be found throughout the paper. No. 2 Weaving. Second By Tony Hughes We have a new loomfixer, W. E. Doolittle of Greenwood. Glad to have vou with us Willie. James Pages wife has been ill but is better . . . Inez Smitherman's children were sick during the holidays but had a big Christmas anyway . . . Lois Brown is out sick, hurrv back to us. The Fred Wvatts spent part of the holidays in Spartanburg and the Roscoe McGinnis visited Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Tobins of Ocala, Fla., the Fred Hennings of Adrian and Mrs. Buddy Sexton of Aberdeen, Md. spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Braswell. Mrs. C. E. Ivey of Ware Shoals, mother of Dick Ivey, visited her children in Clinton . . . Sorry Earl McCullough didn't get home for Christmas . . . Santa gave Gertrude Henderson a pretty fnr PV?rietmne rlirl \rt\i\ kiss him under the mistletoe. Gertrude? I had visitors over the holik-t \ I JIMMY is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dean of the Lydia plant. JANUARY 15. 195? | r xkws 11 days from Knoxville, Tenn t My mother, Mrs. C. F. Smith and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. C. fl W. Reep and daughter and the Bob Butlers and children. We said Earl McCullough, m who is in the marines, didn't get home for Christmas, but ? he did get home in time for New Years. I First Cloth Room By Dorsey Turner Mrs. D. H. Mobley of King- " stree visited her sister, Mrs. Vashti Ledford . . . J. W. Ledford of Chester visited his mother, Mrs. Vashti Ledford . . . The Alfred Reeders of ? Newport News, Va. spent the holidays with the Cleo Wal- " lenzines. Miss Marion Mitchell was hostess Dec. 23 to a Christmas party for her Sun Beam band at Calvary Baptist church. In i a beautifully decorated room, games and singing were enjoyed followed by refreshments. The Billy Snelgroves visit- i ed the S. B. Snelgroves in Saluda . . . the S. B. Snel- | groves with Don, Famine Snelgrove and children, Gary Allen Hughes, Mrs. R. M. Sullivan were dinner guests of the Bill Snelgroves. Rev. and Mrs. Ray Fowler and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunaway . . . Mrs. A. C. Whitten of Seneca spent the holidays with the Thomas Prathers. I Birthdays: Your reporter, Jan. 3; James Dunaway, Jan. 12; John Walter Prather, two on Jan. 9; Mrs. Fannie Parrish, Dec. 21 and Myrtle Wallenzine, Jan. 21. First Carding By Brooks Dunaway Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Simmons and family spent the holidays in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Scott and daughter of Union visited the J. C. Lowes. Ralph Bauknight of the marines spent several days with his parents, the J. M. Bauknights. Ralph returns to Jacksonville for a new assignment. The Marvin Whitmires visited Mr. and Mrs. Chevis Slieh near Ninetv-Six . . . Miss Neely Ann Bigham of Winthrop College spent the holidays with her parents, the John Bighams . . . Miss Catherine D u n a w a v of North Greenville Jr. College spent the holidays with her parents, the B. F. Dunaways . . . the J. D. Littlejohn family of Duncan were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Dunawav .. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lowe visited his mother in North Carolina . . . and Miss Ruth West of Buffalo was a visitor of the Brooks Dunaways. "Teamwork is the cure for overwork!"