2 THE CLINTON Published by and CLINTON and L Clinton, Si Calvin Cooper The publishers of The come items of interest fron your reporters or to the ne 4 " I PRESIDENT This is the first issue of c made available to all employ It is your newspaper, writter we hope it will be of interes first issue is like a new-born official name yet, but we kno you will make, a good permai next issue. We wanted you 1 details of the contest are giver The purpose of this news together. Fellow workers in 01 on in the other one. You will friends and neighbors. You \\ entire operation of these planl U'llrL' Wo QfQ on be here, serving as an inspirat gives us a fresh outlook on our g. We hope this newspaper will blending all of us together into will result in a spirit of cooperd in any other textile plant. SUcu 'Seutey ACCIDENTS? e workers in the older age group e accidents." statement, and many believe it s. however, we will find it lalse. natifMiallir ? ..V.v.unu>ijr OIIU HI een doing a job for awhile are inected with it and form unsafe familiarity breeds contempt is today and see if you are doing yourself if that is the best way? ill surprise you the number of nd the number of improvements work. Each time you make work but most of all it helps you and *JE S CLINTON PLANT are an active s this photograph shows. Mrs. Coopon are the energetic leaders. Shown an Terry. Phillis Ginn, Lena Gillian. Frances Harris, Melissa Burdette, son. THE CLINTON-LYDIA NEWS MSk Clinton Plant Dear Sirs: We want to thank all of our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy and beautiful flowers in the recent passing of our beloved A. H. Parkman. We also wish to thank the Missionary Society of Calvary , Baptist Church for the meals , and we especially wish to 1 thank the doctors and nurses at Hays Hospital. Mrs. Martha Parkman and Family vtAVg A Mr. and Mr. Ralph Nelson, J Clinton plant, a son. Ralph David, Jr., January 28. Mrs. 1 Nelson is the daughter of Mrs. Milford Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 5 Nelson. Clinton plant, a daughter, Elizabeth Inez, January 23. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stone, Clinton plant, a daughter, Pamela Jane. Mrs. Stone is . the former Rachel Gwinn. Pvt. and Mrs. Keith McGee, a daughter. Barbara Lynn, j Jan. 31. Mrs. McGee is the former Maudine Yarborough. ] Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Kuvkendall, Clinton plant, a bov. < Duane Allison, Jan. 25. Mrs. Kuykendall is the former | Louise Durham of Laurens. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Bagwell, a son. David Benja- 1 min Bagwell. The D. W. Bagwells of the Clinton plant are the proud grandparents. 1 Bill Evans Retires j From Clinton at 52 By Effie Mae Downs W. L. "Bill" Evans, 52, recently retired as second hand 1 in the No. 2 spinning room, third shift, Clinton plant, due ( to ill health. Mr. Evans began his textile , career at Woodside Mills in Greenville at the age of eight. In 1912 his parents, (he late Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Evans, moved to this community where he immediately received work in the spinning * department. After a number of years as sweeper and doffer, he was promoted to section man, and < has served as second hand the noct 1^ tm.n'K U ^ I 1 IV# yccu a. lie Ikta J^l veil J 40 years of service to Clinton Cotton Mills. Mr. and Mrs. ( Mrs. Evans will continue to make their home on Bailey Street. Folks wouldn't worry so 1 much about what others i thought of them if they'd rea- ? lize how seldom they did. i 4 U? 0 ' e. l^i UHHHBHBMBfl GUARDING THE SAFETY anc at the Clinton plant is the current picture, left to right, are Jack Bli Mrs. Annie Evans, Andy Hames an NEWS FROA NO. 2 WEAVING, 3rd SHIFT By Mary Ellen Cannon Friends of Harold Rice, son )f Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Rice, A"ill be interested to know he low is stationed in Austria. We had two birthdays in iur department in January, VIrs Buddy Ledford on January 3 and Mrs. Dot Landford in January 27. Mr. and Mrs. Cassie Toye and son visited relatives at Myrtle Beach. WO. 1 WEAVING. 3rd SHIFT By Mrs. Izell McAllister The Clarence Motes and >ons visited Mrs. Leroy Btarnes in Spartanburg. Mi's. Izell McAllister and Mike visited her parents in Mew berry. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mann visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Couch, in Greenville. The B. A. Hamiltons of Lafayette, Ga.. visited their iaughter-in-law, Mrs. J. T. Hamilton here. A welcome to Gertrude Soires. our new emnlovee * ' 1 J ~* The Clarence Motes celeDrated their 15th anniversary January 29. NO. 1 WEAVING. 2nd SHIFT By Mildred Campbell The Joseph Allmans visited he Oze Coopers in Pelzer. Mrs. Ila Hughes and children visited her sister in Enoree. Walter Adams and family visited his son in Cross \nchor. Eunice Wilchel and Gail visted in Joanna. Mrs. Lottie Hayes and laughter from Miami spent a veek with Beatrice Dyer. We are happy to have Mrs. Vera Littlejohn working with js now. THIRD CARDING By A. J. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hamrick md Juanita visited Mr. and VIrs. C. T. Hamrick in Greenvood. i no Linton Coopers spent i weekend with the Marshall Stevens in Greenwood. We were sorry to learn that Ben Woodard's brother, Coley, >f Newberry, passed away January 24. SECOND CARDING By E. C. Moody The Ray Godfreys visited lis parents in Greenwood . . . Joe Clamp and Ellison Howird with his son of Ware Shoals visited the Ray God FEBRUARY IS, 1952 U! || r fl 1 assisting employees and officials Safety Committee. Shown in the ^ItaIv Mrc Ranna Mao Rrac tirnl 1 d Luther Dunaway. A CLINTON freys . . . Cpl. and Mrs. Clarence King visited the Ray Godfreys and have returned to Ft. Benning. Mrs. King is the former Miss Kiyoko Koizumi of Japan . . . C. M. Poole is recovering at home from an operation . . . The Arthur Clarks of Clinton visited relatives. the W. I. and D. C. Clarks, of Wilkesbury, recently. Pfc. and Mrs. Bobby Nelson of Camp Gordon visited the Henry Campbells. Pvt. Billie Hyman of Camp Gordon visited the W. D. Gilberts. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Morrow of Greenwood visited the Kay Fulmers. James Lyda celebrated his birthday January 8. NO. 3 WEAVING. 3rd SHIFT By Mary Huffstetler We are glad to have Henry King back after his illness. Bud Carr had a birthday January 23. and Ellis Huffstetler had one January 29. FIRST CARDING By John Bigham We extend our deenost wm. ? 411 pathy to the family of Mrs. Evvie Wright who passed away January 4. E. O. Wright and Milford Wright live here in Clinton. John Frank Hancock had a birthday January 25. We wish you many more. Mrs. R. P. Harris of Jackson St. has been sick with the mumps. Jack Wright of Sloan St has been ill for several days NO. 2 SPINNING. 3rd SHIFT By Effie Mae Downs We had two birthdays here this month: Miss Allen King January 27 and Mrs. Carrie n.ui T < n ucn i January 1. Wo are glad to have Mrs. Sis Samples, Mrs. Mattie Flinn and Mrs. Carrie Boll Poteat back at work after being out sick. A number of our people have been shut-in lately and they are listed in the "How's Your Health" department of tliis paper. NO. 2 SPINNING. 2nd SHIFT By Mrs. Lois C. Harmon ..? ?-i ' > i yv e ui ?_ iiii^niy giaci 10 nave these new employees with us: Violo Odom, Margaret Chilton and Mary B. Steele. Friends of Miss Grace Ficklin are sorry to know her brother. Mac, is ill. The John C. Harmons ac(Continued on Page 4)