The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1917-1918, November 10, 1917, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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EXCELLENT" I VI ADVERTISING |? MEDIUM ML VOL. I. NO. 20. War Fronts More \ (By Associate War Front, Nov. 10.?More 1 co; ding to today's reports fron ing feature of today's news, grade front in Passchendaele nearly a mile was made, captu: tives on front, 2500 yards by The Italians report having their armies across Piave river disengaged from the enemy. Berlin reports the capture c 20 miles from Piave, indicati begun an offensive on the Tr outflank the Piave line. The German troops which c northwest of Rhims were rep Paris statement. It is reported that Moscow 1 tionists. The situation is rep( : o: British Attack Pa, Farm and Ga (By Associat . British Front, Nov. 10.?B morning Passchendaele Farm some points. Operations were for limited objectives which v 10 o'clock. Enemy Checked in Italians Cross Destroy Bi ? (By Associa / Rome, Nov. 10.?The eneim Valley, war office announces, in Tesinn Basin has also beer to Sea, Italian rear guards c and crossed Piave river, bkr them. : o Loss of Life on Finlan Of Unauthorize (By Associa Washington, Nov. 10.?Adrr r\-P f V\ /\ 1 rvfin A w\ /\i*i /in 1 mtam -i i LJIC; IUBS ui -iviuei ivjciii uvea 11 attack on the transport Finlai ering of boats. Big Mass Me Hi I)r. A. W. Bevins, who ha: army work at Camp Wadswo dress here in the court hous packed and the speaker was hearing. Mr. -T. A. Sawyer, co ization to raise $35,000,000 f on work among the soldiers, i great campaign will begin Mc fuller account of Dr. Bevins Ruling on Jewelry Tax. Washington, Nov. 9.? Distinction is made between watches to be used only as timekeepers and those for personal adornment in a ruling toda3' by Internal Revenue Commissioner Roper, definite jewelry taxable 3 per cent on manufacturer's sales under th r> Rpvonno \ nt WntnllPa in mat jl 1 bracelets and all those bearing jeweled ornamentation are classed as personal adornment and are subject to tax. The same distinction is made for garters and suspenders intended for ? utility or adornment. Included in the commissioner's list of taxable articles are "vanity," stamp and match boxes, cigar and cigarette cases, lorgnettes, yinaigrettes and eyebrow pencils. ^ '. V'' < HE 1 Reports 1 Optimistic ed Press) optimistic tone prevails ac- j. n the war fronts, outstand- } Newspaper of British Belarea where an advance of . ring virtually all the objec- * 10 o'clock in the morning, succeeded in withdrawing after the rearguards were >f Asiago on Trentio front, ; ng that the Teutons have * entio front in an effort to 1 1 mdertook serious advances A ulsed by the French, is the ( i ias gone over to the revolu:>rted quiet. J sschendaele lined 800 Yards < :ed Press) i ritish troops attacked this , . 1 1 1 HAA 1 i ana pusnea ouu yarns ai i * carried on 2500 yard front cere virtually all gained by , j do Valley; Piave River and ridges Behind Them _____ ted Pi ess ) Y has been checked in Ordo Hostile thrust at Broson 1 checked. From Suzegana lisengagement from enemy ving up all bridges behind d Result d Lowering of boats ted Press) liral Sims cabled today home i an unsuccessful submarine id, due to unauthorized loweting ild Saturday 3 charge of the Y. M. C. A. rth, delivered a thrilling ade today. The building was given earnest and attentive i___ i. e i i tuny cnairman 01 mc organ'or the purpose of carrying ntroduced the speaker. The >nday. We hope to publish a ; speech Monday. 58 Years Old; Dies in Chair. Raleigh, N, C., Nov. 9.?Walking calmly into the death room, J. A. Terry, 58 years old, convicted on the charge of having killed .John R. Stuart, a prominent Guilford county farmer in the fall of 1916, was put to death by electrocution this morning at the State penitentiary here. The killing of Stuart is said to have been the outgrowth of bad feeling on the part of Stuart caused by a civil suit instituted against Terry by a member of the Stuart family. Insanity at the tome of the crime was offered by the defense for Terry. Remedy for Asthma. Obtain from any drug store white mustard seed. Take one table spoon full at bed time every night. Stir the seed well i.i honey or molasses and swallow them whole. if. i ^ . 9?.f? UNIQI DAILY EDIT IT\nn\I Q n ?ATITDnAV 1 Vi^lV/11^ t ^ I m. M. j J Vo New Develoamei Regarding l/pieai (Hy Associ; ted Pi Washington, Nov. 10.?First re] Vmba.'isacior to France on lphea\ ere I >.a\y but added nothing to ne eceived. ; o: Congress of Soldiers and Cabinet (By Associated P Petrograd, Nov. 10.?All the vorkrnen and soldier delegates an ;o hove named a cabinet composed hen adjourned. The cabinet is hea premier; Leon Trotsky was made vill serve until the new assembly t ilected. One cabinet member chos s a laborer. :o: industrial Workers Badly Ordered to i trsy Associated r Tulka, Okla., Nov. 10.?The wl naked, badlv-beaten members of t :>f the World who were taken fro: tarred and feathered last night by of Liberty" is unknown today. T never to return to Tulha. The pc the work of the "Knights.' : o: Desaulles Trial Set For h Will Allow No Sen (By Associated I New York, Nov. 10.?Justice Ms Court, who presided at the trial pf for the murder of her former Saulles, on November 19th, ann would be free from sensational fe; will be barred. : o: General Brumbaugh Revi 82nd Divisioi (By Associated 1 Atlanta, Nov. 10.?Governor Br and staff are here today to witr 1l?,000 selectmen at Camp Gordon ticipated in with Governor Dorsej reception of Major General Eben Eighty-second Division of the Na Berlin Reports Rumors o Peace Offers f (By Associated Copenhagen, Nov. 10.?A Berli Hamberger Fremdenblatt report! stations on the Eastern front Y radio messages dealing with an confirmation of the statement th ready offered pcciee or armistice. Mil'ion and a Quarter in Paid bv rail River (By Associated Fall River, Mass., Nov. 10.?Ca to a million and a quarter dollar record, has been paid by Fall Rr ing Company for the fourth qu? nounced today. : o:? Fair Weather Repo For i (By Associated Washington, Nov. 10.?Fair 1 temperatures predominate over for the week beginning Sunday, forecast issued today. .* L(- ifiir . SI T1 IOIM NOV. 10, 1917 nfs S irel in Russia ress) Dorts from American ral in Russia arrived pi ws dispatches already to fl b> Workmen ai / of "Bolshevik" JJj ress) p,, Russian congress of e reported unofficially entirely of Bolshevik, ded by Nikolai Lenine C< foreign minister and ipproves or another is en is a sailor, another W Beaten; re Tulha Forever ress) hereabouts of 14 half ^ he Industrial Workers ch m the police, whipped, J!1 a band of 60 "Knights a) hey have been warned 00 dice force is watching w tii lov. 19; isational By-Play l>< 5ress) 11 inning, of the Supreme ni Mrs. Bianca DeSaulles m husband, John L. Delounced that the trial TDK K iLuies. x nucugi ajjiiei tt ( t( ii iews " n National Guard Press) s umbaugh with his wife s less a review of about v . The review was par- c r, Georgia's guests, at a ^ Swift, commanding the itional Army. if rom Maximalists Press) i in correspondent of the s that German wireless lave picked up various armistice, but has no at Maximalists have ali Dividends Cotton Company Press) sh dividends amounting s establishing new high ver Cotton Manufacturirter mill year, was anrted III Next Week Press) weather with moderate South Atlantic States according to the weekly [MES [fata Fuel AHmini< To Check (By Associatet Washington, Nov. 10.?In an ofits at a reasonable margin day directed the State Fuel illy check the prices. The insti / retailers to the local comi nount of gross margin charg rices are made the dealers mus ? the concerns doing business. INDS TRUE BILL w AGAINST HERRING Enr ise Comes Up For Trial Next 1 Monday in Greenwood. A . P. Beard, Former Editor ol "The.81" sau Scimitar," Found Guilty ol Cir- s eulatinq Mailer ol Seditious h,e tha Nature Against the ofr Government. hoc moi Chiof of Police Milo II. Evans and ev. J. 1). Croft, who attended United ;ates court in Greenwood this week, ., .1 c ii OUK >ing there in the case ol Herring, larged with seditious talk against ie government, returned to Union riday. A true hill was brought in rainst Herring and the case will ime up for trial on Monday, at which ' la me Chief Evans and Rev. Mr. Croft ill return to Greenwood to attend ' ic trial. While in Greenwood they attended le trial of W. P. Beard, a newspaper "at no* litor, tried for writing1 and circulat- ' ^ ig matter of a seditious nature gainst the government. Beard was >nvicted upon three counts and will u sentenced before the court adjoins lis week. Beard was the editor of. le News Scimitar, a paper that made lany bitter attacks upon the govern- ^ lent and upon public officials. City Purchases Truck. Yh J dei The city of Union has sold its mules j aJ. nd purchased a "Little Giant" two- L in truck through J. E. Tinsley. Ow- * ig to the high cost of mule feed this , R ill be more of a saving than using 1 agons and mules for hauling. Little Roy Has Accident. Vaugli Palmer, the little 8-year-old Pa on of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Palmer, was lightly cut on the neck by a broken c1( liece of glass from the wind shield ro vhen the car in which he was riding U1 ollided with another. The accident "J iccurred at the upper gate of the fair ?' grounds Friday, but was very slight. W: :?1 X To Preach at Monarch. th M Rev. Mr. Bowen, a returned mis- ro iionary from China, will speak for the ongregation of the Monarch Mcthidist church on Sunday morning. You ire cordially invited to attend this service. C. E. Mason to Speak for Baptists Tomorrow ei ? SJ C. E. Mason, a prominent layman bi of Charlotte, X. C., has accepted an n invitation to speak for the congrega- tl tion of the First Baptist church Sun- g day morning and evening. Mr. Mason o is not a stranger to tne people of n Union, having been here on previous occasions and they are delighted at the opportunity of hearing hint again. Bronte Club to Meet. The Bronte club will meet Tuesday v afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Carnegie library and every member is urged to be present as it is a very important ( meeting. Let Them Smoke. ' Previously acknowledged .$0.25 Mrs. Lucy T. Sanders 25 1 Miss Louise Fowler .50 1 i oiai _ r.iu.uu Just think of it? We have .$10.00 for the smokes for the brave hoys and will have $50.00 before you knowit. Please help us, friends. This money is going to carry a deal of cheer to somebody's boy. E. F. Kelly & Pro. sold to W. G. Gault the Owens place, one mile south of Union. ' Mr. Gault will move there about January 1st. ' Tf \ W I MEMBER t ASSOCIATED W PRESS 3c PER COPY s trators Prices on Coal \ Press) effort to hold retail coal the War Administration Administrators to care uctions called for reports nittees to get the exact ed. When complaints of t give detailed statements orld's Greatest Singer Lands at American Port ico Caruso. Famous Tenor, Kissed !:e Bier When He Reached the Cnited States Sunday. i message from "An Atlantic port" iday to the Baltimore American I: o triad was Enrico Caruso when t cached American soil once more t he kissed the pier as he stenped the vessel here today. Caruso has n in South America for six iths. The famous tenor was anx? to tret the latest news from the ian front, and made inquiries of lids who had come to meet him. onjr them heinjr Ciulio (latti-Casa, Antonio S'-otti and Andrea de furela. of the Metropolitan Opera ipany. "ellow-passentrei s ?.f Caruso said t . he was much moved and dessed when wireless news of the iiciii retreat reamed me snip, ill*. Caruso is in excellent health 1 ready to start his operatic enremcnts in this country. He apired in 40 performances in the on opera house in Buenos Aires. r. Aubrey Noland Scalded. VIr. Aubrey N'oland, i member of mpany F^. is at home on a furlough inn to a painful, although not danrous, accident. He was seriously tided in the face and about the neel: < [ J? en a pot of boiling water was aec;itally overturned a day or two ago Camp Sevier. Greenville. The side tne face and neck were blistered the boiling water and steam. cbuilding Homes of Destitute French (By Associated Press) Paris. October 2">.?Temporary reirs on buildings in certain sections the liberated area of F'rance sufli?nt to enable returned refugees to main in their homes through the liter, have been undertaken by the lreau of Reconstruction and Relief the American Red Cross. Work os recently begun at Croix, near esle, and it is hoped to complete e task in that village Molignaux and atigny within one month. The buau is also preparing plans for re f work in other villages. 'hurches Dismantled to Furnish War Munitions (By Associated Press) London, October 25.?Nearly all the lurch hells and organ pines of Alitian towns and villages have now eon dismantled and converted jnto mnitions of war. But the money te German government agreed to ive for these hells will not he paid ut, but retained and invested in the ew German war loan. Purely Personal. M. VV. Bailey of Kelton was a vistor to Union Saturday. Douglass Betenbaugh of Route 2 vas in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. Lucy Barron has returned fom a visit to Mrs. L. I). Childs in 'olumbia. Mrs. Barnes of Greenville is the aruest of Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. Barnes on S. Church street. Miss Lois Townsend, who teaches in the county, is spending the weekend with Mrs. C. T. Murphy on Mountain street. Dr. W. H. Perrin aiul Dr. If. R Pope left today for Cincinnati, Ohio, to stand the examination for the dental corps of the U. S. Army. ^ Daily Cotton Report, j December cotton opened at 20,f>7 and closed at same, liocal market, 28c. Reed, $71.00. ..-jQud