The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, August 03, 1911, Image 7

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'MUD GUARD IS TELESCOPING With kThie Device One Can Have His Machine Equipped for Good or Bad Roads-How Made. A telescoping mud guard for use on 'bicycles has been inven!d3 by a Flor Ida man.' In clear weather the parts can be slid into each other and no body will know there Is a guard on Telescoping Mud Guard. the wheel. Most bicycles nowadays are made without these mud guards over the rear' wheel and cyclists do not carry them for use in occasional emergencies. With this device, how ever, a man may have his bicycle equipped so as to be prepared for good roads or bad. The guard comprises a fixed casing under the back fork with two telescoping parts, one of which receiVes the other, and both of which slide into the fixed part. Along the main casing and the second one are small openings through which knobs on the parts enclosed in them pass and -hold the whole structure firm. There is also a longitudinal spring which operates the parts and pushes the Inner ones out when they are re leased. IFE ON ELASTIC EARTH ever. sore-own That Shores on Opposite Sides mak of Tidal Basin Approach Each you Other at High Tide. Cai, .L hi - *seems more rigid than the ust ~o n. ut scientific men tell us that it bend na'tckles alp. preciably under the pull of tle libav nuly bodies, says the Youth's Com vjtanion. Careful observation has also shows that the shores on opposIte sides of a tidal basin applroach each other at high tide. The weight of the water In the Irish sea, for instance, is so much greater at that time that the bed sinks a trifle and consequent ly pulls1 the Irish and Einglish coasts nearer together. The buildings of Liverpool and DublIn may be fancied as bowing to each other across the channel, the deflections from per-pen dicular being about one Inch for every sixteen miles. It has been shown, too, that ordinary valleys widen under the heat of the sun and contract again at night. We live not on a rigid, but .an elastic globe. TO CLEAR SNAGGED FISHHOOK Device Can Be Put Together With Taper End of Curtain Spring and Stock or Old Poie. A device for unhooking a snagged fishhook can be madle of the talper end of an old curtain spring and a stIck or old fishing pole. A part of the coil Is Clears Snagged Fishhook. straightened out andi a ring bent on the end, large enough to pass over the rinkers. The ring is left oipeni so it 'aln be placed over' the line at any point. The remaining coil of the sprinlmg is slipped on the cnd of the sti lkl and~ fastened. with sicr'ews or staples. VTe Illustration shows how the device is applied to the fishhook. What She Remembered. "We'll, lmy child," said a strict pa rent, on returning from church, "what (do you remiember' of all the pre'acher' said?" "Nothing," saidl he, gr'avely. 'neow, rmember' the next time you go to c'hur'ch you must tell me some thing ho says or you'll have to stay Indoors and study your catechism, Ne'xt Suinday the little girl came home all excItement. "I remember sonme thing. papa," said she. "Well, what did(1the preacher' any?" 'lHe said," she cried dlelight 11ly. "Now a collec tion will be takey . Johnny Want\\ i Calf. A little boy was v\ \,ixious to have his uncle give him \, tie Jersey calf. The uncle said: "Joh. ile, when youi want anything ver'y huac-h you should pray for it." "Well," said the little fellow, "do0 you belIeve, uncle, llat (God w~ouild give mie a calf ifr should pray for- one?" "Why, of curs," sid the geood uncle. "W\ell, uncle," salid the boy. "give me this calf i nd you pr-ay for the other' calf." BOTH WERE INSPIRED ALIKE Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Maupas. sant Had Same impressions of Lonely Schwarenbach Inn. ';Ie Arthur Conan Doyle once walked uv 'he Gemini. lie was much im l ,Lvd by the desolate appearance of ''io 1iomfy looking Schwarenbach inn. Her%, it vemed to him, was an ideal :ep A Ich a novelist might locate :t Ator% it::,'stery and crime. ;--t- ikd to invent a story of ? ' x(id 'line suitable to the t ' )11 dmEit. It was a story of ml?: . tih ir - of a long-lost son just !n" r' wars, by his own fathi:., ( - - keeper, who did not re ,o after the deed was doi .ed to kill and rob the ranger who passed th - ney in his pocket. "The very Sir Ar thur, and he n e hill cheer fully revolving - ,bid conception in his mind. 'I. -i a strange thing happened, says Travel and Explora tion. After dinner, in the hotel at Leuker bad. lie picked up a volume of Mau passant's short stories, and he found that the French author had not only been to the Schwarenbach inn before him, but had actually located there a story practically identical with the one which lie himself had just de vised. JOHNNY IN TIHE GARDEN. Johnny's in the garden, Digging with the hoe; On his brow Is m1ois ture, On his cheeks a glow. No hi e Isn't planting Generating germs; Johnny's in the gat-den Digging fashing worms. NOVEL MACHINE FOR BATTING Apparatus Is So Arranged That it Will indicate Power Baseball Player Puts Behind Bat. Weight-lifting, machines, punching machines and those that show how nard a manh can hit with a wooden sledge will stand no show in pu-bllc favor when the batting machine hert Novel Batting Machine. shown conmes into general use. For this last-named appIar'atus wvill indh cate the batting strength of the great American putblic, which is composed chiefly of baseball fans. A tall shaft has an arm extending froem it on which is lpivoted a revolving bar with a ball on either' end. A cable winds arouind a dr-um on the bar and passes over- the tot) of the shaft andI down the other side, where it is attached to a weoight. To use the machine a man faces it with a bat in his hands and gives one of the balls a swat. Thlis causes the bar to irevolve and winds up the shaft. If the ball reaches thle top thie hit is a home run. If not, there are spaces to indicate whether it is a one, two or three base hit. CONUNDRUMS. Why is a pair of skates like an apple? liecause they have both oc casioned the fall of mani. Why can a blind man always s~eo his father? Because the father is al ways apparent (a parent) WVhy can you never expect a fish erman to be generous? hlecause his business makes him sell fish. Why did the Hlighlanders -'o moet harnm at Waterloo' Because every man had one kilt before ti'c battle. What ailment is the oak most sub ject to? A corn. What is odd about a horse's eat ing? He eats best when he hasn't a bit in lis mouth. What city is drawn more frequent ly than any other? Cork. What C. 0. D. Means. Tommy-Mamma had a lot of things Pent home11 C. 0. D). today. What does C. 0. D). mean ? Tommy's P~p-C. 0. D., my son, means call on dad. AeDMRT NEW SAFE FOR MILK BOTTLE Ingenious Apparatus That Is Destinec to Balk Petty Thieves-Opened Only With Key. It took two Michigan men to de vise the milk bottle safe shown here but between then they contrived i most ingenious apparatus that is de stined to balk the petty thieves tha steal milk bottles from doorsteps New lVilk Bottle Safe. The safe is a box just big enough tc hold two bottles, side by side, and i divided into two vertical comn part ments. The door has a spring loch and the key is held by the house. holder, the milkman not requiring any. in the fact that the milkman needs no key lies the feature of the device. In the botUm of one coi. partment is a trapdoor that strikes the lock on the front door as it h, pushed up and opens the latter. When a bottle is placed on the trap door, however, and a sliding bar ad justed just above the bottle to pre vent its being raised, the milkman can close the front dor of the safe with the assurancq that no thief can enter. At the side of the box is a hook to hold any extra bottles. VENTILATION IN DAIRY BARN Some of Essential Points In Gecuring Proper Amount of Fresh Air in Cow Stables. The essentl'al points in securing sufficient and satisfactory ventilatior In stables are, according to the King system of ventilation, as, follows: Stable walls and ceilings should b practically air tight and non-conduc tors of heat and cold. Doors and windows should fit well. Fresh air intakes should he noi more than ten or twelv'e feet apart King Ventilating System. They should have the outside opening at least three feet below the insidc op~ening, with the inside opening'-ai the ceiling, provided wIth a valve oi shutter. Foul air flues should be air tight andi non-conductors of heat and cold( They should have their lower op~ening~ about one foot ibove the floor level and with as few bends as p~ossilc paiss upwarid to a height of at least twc nty-five feet, andl should alwayl be twvo or three feet above the ridgi of the roof or of any near-by roof1. ir building these flues around a girt os plate thIiey must be enlarged in pr~opor tion to the size of the ob~st ructilot passeCd. REGULAR TIME FOR MILKIN( Job Should Not Be Performed b) Tired, Dirty Farm Hands, Just In From Field. There is much loss in milking he cause of having this wor'k (lone b)y tiredl and dirtyi mil kers, but thle mier doing the work are not to blame 10o being in this condlition, says a wriit e in the Kimball's Djairy Farmer. The come from the fields with their clothe covered with (lust andi perspirauon0 atnd as sooni as they have their suppe commence the milking, Is it. any won der that it is often only half done? I farmers would make it a rule not t compel the hellp to do milking out (: seasonable working hours they wout experlence much less trouble ini se curing help. Theo milking should b) made a part of the day's work and nic an addition to it. Many farmers. espi cially where only ten or fifteen cow are kept, look upon this job as a sid issue; that is, the milkIng can bi done when they can't do anyt hun else. The milking is as imiportanlt a any part of the work, and whethe you are plowing or harvesting, maok your plans) so that when the tim comies to milk it can be done wit hou any delay. Again, the best result (catnnot b~e had from cows unless the are milked at regular hours. GREEN RYE FOR MILK COWS May Be Fed When It Heads Out and There Is More Nourishment in It at That Time. Creen rye may be fed as soon as it Ieads out; there is 'ien the most nourishment in the stalks. Cut when free of dew, and let it wilt a few hours before feeding. Feed small quantities ptt first. A half forkful may be given to each cow after the hay has been eaten. When fed thus there I Is no danger of bloat or hoven. The feeling of green feed to cattle should be In the hands of a careful man, and not given to boys or a careless hand. Attention to this rule will frequently save the life of a valuable cow. Horses at work should not be given green feed, as It Is liable to produce colic. Cows should not be turned out to pasture too early. Wait until the grass has made some growth, and there Is some nourishment in the grass. Before turning out to grass give the cows a feed of hay or straw first. After the hay is eaten they are turiied on the pasture. For the first (ay or two let them graze, one or two hours. When the cows are accus tomed to the change they may remain out all day. Experlenced dairymen feed a small grain ration throughoutI the grazing season. If you are getting Ii* cents per gallon for nilik. It will pmy to do this. EXCELLENT QUALITY OF MILK Jersey Cow Is Unsurpassed for Beauty, Utility, Profit and Superiority of Product. The milk of the Jersey cow will al ways be in great demand with the critical consumer, because it contains far greater proportion of nourishing solids and rich, highly flavored, but ter fat than the milk of other breeds. The man who investigates the ad vantage of the, Jersey cow Over thei dairy breeds will generally invest his money In a .ersey cow, and the pirofits will demonstrate his wisdom. The Jersey cow yields as mue. profit as two or more ordinary cows She is healthy, vigorous. and costa no more to keel) than an Inferior cow. Prize Winning Jersey Helfer. The milk from the Jersey cow is 30 per cent. richer than the average cow. The Jersey cow is unsurpassed for beauty, utility, profit and excellent quality of product. Gilded Milk. L. Horton, one of the biggest retail ers of mIlk in New York state, is charging twenty cents a quart for sonmc of the milk he sells. The milk is priodlucedl by the owner of a farm at Newburgh, N. V., andl cleanliness Is Insisted oin to an extent almost unt believable. '[le cows are wvashedl and wiped with spotless linen, and whelin the millk is obitained it is handled as though It were champagne. The milk is sold to the "gilded rich" in New York city. Oid Cream Is Bad. Deliver the swveet cream as often as possible, at least three times a week ini the summer and twice per week during the winter. Wiral) a heavy blanket around the can to keep thu cream from freezing oin the road to the creameiry or cream station. Duiring warm wveat her soak this blanket In cold water to keep the cream cold. ad1( cream will not make good buiitter. D~a Irylig is thle miost p roinent biranch ofi faming. A lit tl IlIaxativye feed s hould( ho gi ven at thle time of freshen ingt. .Alilk cows must have ana abun danco of water or they will tall off' In milk. A cow that milks foir only fIve or six moniths is seldom a profitable cow. I irregularit y andl too much geiierns osity in feedinig the call are often i d anger-ous. r\When your cows do not pay for their feed, it's time to change the feed - --or t he cows. S elling the prioduicts of the field to ,the wws and1( hogs is deliveing their r lo the est imarket known. - If there Is a niotlceabile fallinjg off in f the imilk, see if a change in the ra > t10on cainnot bring back the flow. ('Cows like miolasses and as it makes 1 othe liifeed taste good, natuiiral' & aids digestion and Is a good tihing to feed. When calves5 betgiin to scouir skip a tfeed ori twvo andi tl'ey will generally -comie arounmd all iight In a short, timae. 'l'e sliio enabiles thle dlalrymian to El keepl more livestock oni Ithe samie numIi e hmei of aci'es and1( at less (t.' in feed z and lbor. s Never take a very young calf away mr from its mnotheri and lput it oni skim n mIlk. Taperci it off frmom whole ilk to e ski:-uiilk gradually. S lvery dairiymanm iihould011 conduoct h-, 5 business in such a manner that he catr y' say to aniy man: "I am a dlairymnaL Iamid I am jiroudl of it." SOUGHT BY TOURISTS Valley Forge Is Rich in Historic Associations. Whizzing Automobiles Now Bring Groups of Patriotic Sightseers to This Scene of the Revolution's r D;:-kest Days., Philadelphia, Pa.-Through the love ly wooded hills and up and down the ialleys which give the name of that ilstoric spot, Valley Forge, the scene )f the darkest days of the Revolution, o rushing and whizzing nowadays the :ourly automobiles bringing groups of )atriotic tourists from all the coun Lry What a change in the spot and in the i)eople since that time when Wash nglon and h ip suffering lerogs amiped among these picturespe 1ills. What a gap between those foot Sore, discouraged inen and the pleas ire-seekers whirled in luxury through lis great national park. For some eight niles the motor 'oute circles about over the flne park roads, and on every side the natur a l ,harms of the beautiful scenery are lianced by the hostoric associations. \taniy memorial tablets have been wected, marking where different divi ;Ions of the army or various con nanders were stationed. Here and here are log cabins, reproductions of .he olden huts, and standing on the )Id sites. There are lines of the old mntrenchments to trace, and much else >f interest to a student of military iffairs, but the automobile is toc ;wift for study of this sort. The \lemorial chapel, unfortunately, does aot lie on the route taken; it requires, nd well deserves, a separate trip. One does, however, pass the old ;chool house, built by Lietitia Penn in 1703, which was occuplied by the Con- I Inental army as a nospital during the vinter of 1777-1778. The flag floats a >ver it, and a group of budding clti tens, who ought to devel remiark- f ible loyalty educated in aml a shrine >f liberty, flock out for recess as the tuotor car passes. But the central point of the trip is, )f course, Washington's headquarters. I rhis plain old stone structure is a fine examiple of the sturdy buildings of Colonial times. In its simplicity and Washington's Headquarters strengaftha it. shanames the flimsy w'or-k of moderna comntracitors. Thme lnter-ior is v-ery in terest lng. Thec t wo main roomas on the ground flour openf from ho widle paneled hall withi ample smnail-paned windows. In but h recep tiona r-oom and1 ofilce the walls are adornmed with p~ortr-ai ts, ad valuable relies in cases and in the oldl-fash ionaed chimney cupb~ioard attract the eye. "Grandfather's clock ticks in the corner, and an old1 gun fills the open1 fi replace. Across an open passage through which sun and wvind have full play, is a wing containing the quaint old kitchen. While this separation of the kitchen fr-om the main bod y of the house has -owe advantages, thme modern housewife would certainly object to the unnecessar-y steps it occasions. And she would doubtless be at a loss to get a meal over the fireplace with its hanaging hooks and pots. From the pump room adjoining the kitchen a steel) flight of steps de scends to an under-grounad panssage, only lighted fronm an opening ha the lawn above. The other- end of theo passage once commnamicaltd with thae river and thaus afforded a mans of refuage andl escape in case of surp~rlse by the enemy. That, end haas baeen closed up, btL the ci-ous investigator can descend and walk alonag theo (lamp, dark passage, with thaoughts of tne dlangerous days when such a so cret way was d1eemed necessary. Thae bedrioomas on thle floor- ablove are very at triactive in thleirm qaaInmainess. They hanve beena fura- Iyihed by dilffer-enit chaapters of the D)aughters of thme RIe iution with saitable1 antilquto furilturi o so they musnt look very muciah as I ley did( in thea hours whaen \Vaishingtona re laos-ed lan thla big " fouar-posler, or in the st raigtbacked chaiar by thao fire pilnce braooded over the perils of thec counitry. On the thaird floor, to wich. one' mu ast cli mb wila 1)ended1I head if a buimp is to be avoided, the bedroom, Is as cozily old-faishaoned as anythinag in the haouase. MAlah ie maighat be larofitably spent in looking over thein as, plans, etc., whaich hanag abouat thae walls of theo hall and the main aooms, butt thme lam tear"st of thec aveage tourist in such mat tea-s is soon giutt(ed amnd hae prefers to wvalk about thec lnan anda view thae houaso from every slide, or stroll down to the Schauyikill river' In fmout of thec headqumarters anad people thela scenae with thae figures of' Waushinmgton and hais veterans. Mail Horse Holds Record. l'ortlanzd, Or-e.--4. .1. 1llogel, rural malI carrier, own.<; aa mare that has ';avel 1 4,000 miles a the employ 'i the govenment rHEY BELIEVE IN COMMUNiSMI Bhakers Get Their Name Fror., thol Violent Contortions introducid in Their Worship. New York.-The Shakers are P >ody of seceders from the Society of ?riends formed by Ann Lee (Mother nn) of Manchester, England, abouti .767, and so called from tho wild and' Iolent contortions introduced by fem into their form of worship.j rheir official title is "The United 80 :ety of Blelievers in Christ's Second-I \iparing." The sect emigrated to \merica in 1772 and settled near Al-, many in' 1774. Their chief seats havel ieei at Mount Lebanon and Water A Typical Shaker. 'let, N. Y. They number 15 soelities n the United States and have a niei ership of about 1,728. The Shakers believe in spiritualism, oractice celibacy, and community of Poods, oppose war, refrain from oaths rd denounce baptism and the Lord's )upper. They are noted for their rugality, Integrity and thrift. In lount Lebanon, their largest con nunity, there are several families nade up of 150 persons. including 35 >oy; anid girls. The other societies tre made up In about the same ratio is the one at Mount, Lebanon. The announcement that they aro Pvinding up their financial affairs In 3hio and New York calls attention to the final failure of one of the longest existing of the many communistic ex periments that have been tried in this country. In the years following the American Revolution, more than a score of com munistic sects and colqnies were es tablished in the United States. Some of them appealed to the sensualitles and , sone of them were plain swin dles. The Shakers held out no sensu il or financinf allurements and - it.~it surprising that they have endured no long, except on the theory that their simplicity in living attracted re 'ults and made them the sole survivors of all these social experiments. With their passing will close one of the muost interesting chlapters of social experimenits in the history of any; count ry. ANOTHER SACRED CALF BORN This Makes the Fourteenth Which Has Come into the Chicago Zoo Zebu Fam~y. Chicago-Another sacred calf, the. fourteenth born to Romeo and Juliet,1 in the 14 years of their residence at' the Lincoln Park zoo, has made its. 'Lppearanlce. I Lundredis of persons, thronged to the zevu's pen to look. Li. the new arrival. "The Lincolno park zoo is getting a' reput at ion as ai breedIng ground for, inimnals, and we are supplying al Zebu "Juliet" and Calf. most every zoo in theo count ry with >ur rare speelmenstI5" said Superin-. Lendent ('y lI a Vry. "Only the other :Jay we sh ippedl a t we-year-old zebu to the WamshingtonI Park Zoological so elety at Mlilwaukee. "Althbough thie zebus have the roe ord, thec lioness and lion are slowvly gaining upon them in raising a family. Th'le lioness, as a rule, gives birth toi three at a time, whilh the sacred cow has oniy one offspring." The 't.bu is a native of India, where it is revered by the inhabitants. It is pampnlered and caressed, and to feed it is dleemed a meritorious act. Theo animal is used as a beast of burden aind can travel from 30 to 40 miles a day. Horseshoe in Pine Tree. Miilton, lnd--in the heart of a pino tree 18 Inches in diameter a horseshoe was found by M1. E. I lubbell when he cut the tree down. The position of tile horseshoe indicates that it waA. placed around the tree many years ago when it was a sapling and in time had been eovered by the growth ofthes wood.