Truth Highest Ideals of Honesty Received Lovers From Mother By ISABELLE HATCH O'NEILL F "women are poets who believe their own poetry"-.-and fe will be inclined to quarrel with that definition-does it n( follow that a woman, thoroughly convinced that what she saying is the truth, even though man by his logic proves it. be false, cannot be called untruthful? A woman is guided to truth largely by her intuition; man by his logic. To woman the modern world is a neN strange thing. She grasps neither the meaning nor the nece sity of law, business, philosophy, politics, mathematics. 'I her logic is only a naine-a man's way of looking at thing In her own mind woman envelops her acts in a bright ilnd ideal atmo here, and thus often sees a high motive in what a int would call di onorable. It has often been assertcd that on the witness stand a woman wi lore lightly commit perjury than a man. This, however, does not pro :1at she is dishonest. It' only shows that a trained lawyer is more clov -Ian she, and that by his art he forces her into false positions. The reason why women do not always fell the literal truth on the wi ess stand is because they neither fit into nor understand the conditio: -hich surround them ; they are out of their sphere; they lose the re leaning of the wvhole court proceedings. Is a woman's standard of honesty higher or lower than a man's? is a question of commercial integrity. of common .husiness honesty, the an be but one answer. And that answer lies in the comparative numb, f men and women in jails for crimes against property. Women do not deliberately steal. They do not deliberately misrepr ent goods. They are not embezzlers or defaulters. There could have be( ,o necessity for a pure food law if women had sole charge of manufactu ng foods. If w'omen are not innate lovers of truth, why does religion appe nore forcibly to them than to men ? Why do women outnumber the m< in the churches? And to whom, from mother Eve to this day, h been intrusted the task of teaciing the young? Is possible that two-thirds of the human race, from ti dawn of civilization, could have instilled into childrc the honor and truth which they themselves did n obey ? No matter what may have been said or writt( about women not telling the truth, the fact still r mains that it is at. the mother's knee that childr< learn truth and receive their highest ideals of hones and of life. I am sick and tired of this modern fo that childen should be taught to amu e" cthemselves. To my mind it is just. an e cuse for selfish motlers to salve th< troubled consciences. 4muse No, you nee( not tell of the evil to LO ~kkJ~t~ child of making it depenldenlt upon01 othe Its O~vn for ami1usement. lFew children hlave 1 sources of their own andl if an older pers< wvillI not help t hem out thle poor little to have a stulpid Ii mes of it in the years wm( By ROSE GUION they should be the hap~piest. There's my Bobby. I play withl hi every' (lay withl never a thought of the mi ery I am laying up for his wife. His wife should he glad and1 than fuil to amuse him when he is toiling and slaving for heCr. if she hat. to sacrifice herself the more reason that Bob should remember a mloth who was never too busy or too tired for a romp with hlim. The oth~er day a redl-hot lecture was read to meT hy the president our mother's club wh'len she caught me blowing soap bubbles with my sman boy. She assured mec that I was spoiling him utterly by not allowing -i to. contrive plans for living hlis ow~n life without help from others, an tried in every way to make me feel that I was a back number mother wl hlad not thle best interest of her child at heart. if Bobby is not going to be as good or as happy a mall because Ih mother rocked him to sleep occasionally and would play withl him wuhem ever he asked her to he will have to run his chances of not turning ot well. AB for the romps, I enjoy them as much as Bob does. It. brushes ui my wiits andl limbers my bones to keep up with1 my small man. There is a lot of good ill mlodern ideas5 of b~inginig chiildren lip, hi some of the ways in which womieni carry thlem to ,xcess make me almo: long for tile time when we women wer~e jiust unst ient ific mothers wit only love to guidle us in bringing up our little ones. I don't believe eithler Bob or Bob's wife to be will ever revile h mothler for thle jolly hours may boy and I havie had toget her. If they shoul do so I do not care. __________________________ An unwise son maketh a mad father. No one is too 01(1 to set a bad1( examnpl 66 ~ Mental laziness leadls to intellectual dIr rot. Under theome stage performances are worthl g< Fl~tiiiOne finger in thme pie is worth a whol iD~'9 handl in the soup. To avoid falling into a financiaul pi keep your balance at tihe bank. By A W. ACYUnsolicited advice is seldom relishe< "Shovtent Phllosophy"* even thloughi sugar-coated. Natumre does not intend a man to 1 readly for the scrap-heap at fifty. Half the pleasure in life comes from knowing how to enjoy our enjos mnents. "By their fruits ye shall know them," but it. is best to look belowv tI top layer. "Eternal vigilance is thme pirice of liberty," but many people (10 n< have tihe price. Ihaving a sensible thought occasionally does not make one an intellei tual arc light. Some who would go to a horse race in a showemiof pitchforks are kej sway from church by a heavy dewv. (Copyright 1911, by Jsepn n3 nowlcs GREAT TEMPTATION. is 0 a '0 g. Aunt Dinah-Ephrum, dat ole Cunnel Leigh is got some of de fines', mos' lubly young turkeys I eber sot my 3- blessed eyes on. Dat am a fac'! Uncle Ephraim-Yans, honey, dis chile knows it. An' I on'y got 'ligion two weeks ago! An' jes' two days ' oefo' Thanksgibbin! Dinah, Pse mighty )r fraid I's goin' to be a backslider, shuah as youah bohn! ~' IN AGONY WITH ITCHING al "About four years ago I broke out with sores on my arms like boils. Af ter two months they were all over my If body, some coming, and some going re ttway. In about six months the boils r quit, but my arms, neck and body broke out with an itching, burning rash. It would burn and itch, and e- come out in pimples like grains of wheat. I was in a terrible condition; I could not sleep or rest. Parts of my flesh were raw, and I could scarcely bear my clothes on. I could not lie in bed in any position and rest. In about a year the sores extended down m to my feet. Then I suffered agony with the burning, Itching sores. I could hardly walk and for a long time I could not put on socks. it "All this time I was trying every 1 thing I could hear of, and had the skill of three doctors. They said it was ewena. I got no benefit from all t his. I was nearly worn out, and had given up in despair of ever being cured when I was advised by a friend to try Cuticura Remedies. I purchased Cuti - cura Soap, Ointment, and Resolvent, n and used exactly as directed. I used the Cuticura Remedies constantly for 3 four months, and nothing else, and was perfectly cured. It is now a year, and I have not had the least bit since. I am ready to praire the Cuticura Rem d edies at any time. (Signed) E. L. Cate, Exile, Ky.. Nov. 10, 1910. ie Although Cuticura Soap and Oint y ment are sold by druggists and dealers . everywhere, a sample of each, with 32 patr o bc!:, wVl. milled free on ap plication to "Cuticura," Dept. 21, K, a Boston. sTheir NatIve Heath. e- Dr. Eugene F~uller, presidlent of thte Americana Urological associatilon, caid at a duiner in New York, appropos of ts Independence day: 'n "WVe must all try to be as faithful as George Washington was. I ant afraid we htave not, of late years, upheld thte a reputation for truthfulness that George s- Wash ington gave us. I am afraid thtat we have published to the world, through our yellow press and by other ameans, a good many tall stories. 'r "Thus an English teachter once saId to a pupil: "'Whtat is a nmiracle?' 'Please, sir,' the little pupil an Il swered., 'it's something that happens in America.'" Sincere but Awkward. 0 It was at the privat~e theatricals, and the young man wished to compli ment hisa hostess, says the Boston Transcript: "Madam, you played your part t splendidlly. It fits you to perfection." "I'm afraid not. A young and pret ty woman is needed for that part," Psaid thte smiling hostess. "But, madam, you have positively Sproved the conttrary." ro DRIVE OUT MA LARIA Old th 01stanard GRo Wi T ASTHLfal CiiJ Oi.Yuko b1L yo"are t aig. l e r o r a u a i p n l y p i dr o n nv r oi l a ands t r rnuls upeta sst'a . Sold by aul Prudential Reasons. "So you are going to send your cook off. But isn't her name Ara bella Gunnn?" "What's thtat got to do with our getting rid of her?" "Ilut, my dear' boy, isn't there an ordInance against dischlarging A. Gunn within the city lImits?" Fort COLDS and GRIP flicks' car'elntu. is the best remedy-re c lieves the aching and( feveriahness--cures the Goid uad restor'es normal conditions Ii's liquid-effects immiediaely. l0e., 26c., and 50c'. At drug stores. Pan demon Iurn. "Nature knew w"hat she was doing 'whten she deprived fishes of a voice." "Ilow do yeou make that out?" e "What if a fish htad to cackle over every egg it laid?" - Srs. Winslow's soothing tsyrup for Childrey, t'ething. softens the gums, reduees inllamma tion, allays paln.curea wind colic, 25c a bottle. Trhe man who thinks he knows It all never gets much of a chance to tcfl it. TAKEN AT A DISADVANTAGE Awkward Question Put to Witness Led to Hasty Exit From The Stand. A colored brother was charged w44b violating the prohibition laws, and one of the issues in the case was whether or not certain prohibited beverages were kept in an ice box iII the defendant's place of business. Jim Jones, another colored brother, was introduced as a wittness for the de fendant, and swore positively that no prohibited beverages were kept n the box that day; that he was in the place all the morning. On cross-ex animiation, the city attorney asked it the ice box was open wheu ho entered the place, or was opened in his pres ence. Jim promptly replied in the negative. He was then asked if he had been inside the box at any time that particular day, and replied that he had not. The city attorney then asked the all-important question of "how lie knew there were no pro hibited liquors in the box at that time." After considerable delibera tion and a mute appeal to the de fendant's attorfiey, which was very marked, Jim replied: "Fo' Gord, boss, I didn't know yo' was gwine ter ax me dat." Jim was hastily excused by consent of all parties.-Exchange. Have you read the new book "PRO GRESSIVE GOVERNMENT?" It points out the remedy for trusts and the dangers of the bank merger now in process c. formation. It advocates old age and dependent pensions and a government policy that will give the mass of people the bene fit of the government, instead of the special interests, and will enable each family to own a home. Send your name and address with $1.00 to Campbell & Company, Coffey ville, Kansas, and a book will be sent you. Agents Wanted. The Summer Toast. In all her business life the bit of work she is now completing has been most pleasant, says the free lance stenographer. "I have been typrewriting toasts on paper napkins," she said. "A society of club women who have planned to do a lot of outdoor entertaining this summer expect to use thousands of paper napkins, and I have had the job of typewriting a toast on each napkin. It is a pretty idea, and I tried to meet the charming sentiment of the ladies halfway by using a good non-copying ink, but in spite or that precaution I am afraid that many a guest will leave the lunch table with a purple ink smudge on her face." Lagging Behind. "WVhy are you loitering around here?" demanded the pollceman. "You seem to hnv no object in view." "I'm out walking with my wife, of fleer. She's about 30 yards behind in a hobble skirt,." A CIY FEELINGS, PA IN IN IIMHIS and all Ala larlous indications remioved by Elixir hinhek, that well known rem edy for all such diseases. "I have taken up the three bottles of your 'Elixir linhek,' and have not felt so well and entli-ely free from pain in lhmbs for five years. Please send me one dozen mnore."-Afrs. E. Higgins, Jac-ksonv-ille. Fla. Elixir Habek 50 cents, all druggists or Kloczewski & Co., Washington D. C. An Artist. ''You had to refuse the request of these men ?" "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "Were they angry?" "Not at all. I showed so much giif at not being able to oblige them that they went away sympathlz lag with me." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Signature of ~ 7 In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A rci4iwlme being better than rich- .it '. aooves us to take better care teniutations. V e n's Secrets S eman in the United States, z. "t*'-''s secrets than any other c .iese secrets are not secrets the sea.~I of suffering, and they have R. V. Pierce In the hope and expectati That few of these women have been dh pectations Is proved by the fact that ni all women treated by Dr. Pierce hav altogether cured. Such a record wouki cases treated were numbered by hund~ that record applies to the treatment of lion women, in a practice of over 40 yi and entities Dr. Pierce to the gratitude apecialists in the treatment of women's Every sick woman may consult Di charge. All replica are mailed, sealed any printing or advertising whatever, u out fee, to World's Dispensary Medical Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S FAVYOU A woman has about as much use for a man who dloesn't admire her as a fatted calf has for a prodigal son. Ondo'ped. Merwetboa & lwari, t~r'kvll.Toann Girl chums are almost as thick as a fat man. sink., a.a "RENOvaNE" Madta by An Eight Years' Walk. Hiram Davis of Newburg went for a walk with his father eight years ago. The father stopped to talk with a friend, and Hiram, then about ten years old, walked on. He was never seen after that until he walked in to his parents' home recently. The police all over the east were on the lookout for him, the Hudson river was searched and finally lie was given up for (lead. When he greeted his mother it was some hours before sho could be calmed. Davis had been out west.-New York Sun. Harold Knows the Signs. Five-year-old Harold's older sister was in the habit of making a good many demands on him. Usually her requests for favors, usually the running of errands aronud the house, were prefaced by what she consIdered subtle flattery. "Now, Harold," she began one day, "you're a dear, sweet little boy, and you know I love you-" but Harold cut her short. "Well, E'thel," lie said, earnestly, "if it's upstairs, I won't go."-I.ippin'ot t's Magazine. The Supreme Test. 13rownly-Is Jones contented? Townly-I should say so; I never heard him complain of the way his child is taught in school.-liarper's Bazar. MILLIONS ef usiRSYRUP EUXIRefSEN FOR COLDS AND HEADACHESh INDIGESTION STOMACH. GAS AND FERMENTATION, CONS'nP BILIOUSNESSWITH MOST SATISFACTORY F CALIFORNIA FIG SYR IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GEN1 OF FIGS AND ELXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS, IN MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSI CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZ OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH, WHEN YOU SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA, HE ING TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOI GENUINE. MANUFACT1IRED BY THE CAL! SYRUP CO ALL , .JABLE DRUGGISTS K THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT I FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUI NOTE THE NAME PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSSNEAR THE BOT THE CIRCLENEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACI GENUINE - ONE SIZE ONLY.~ TOR-SALE B DRUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE 50c PER I SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA If LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AN~ ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE FOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND C CALIFORNIA| WINTER Oldest and Best Curs I A generaltOn ico O0year arsenic Orother poisons, no bad effects, For sale chants. If your dealerc ARTHUR PETER &. CO., Ocn CH ILLK He Knew It. Tomnmy-D~ad, what is meant by the mother tongule? Parent-S-sh, my boy: Don't start her! Work is not a man's punish ment ; it is his reward and his strength, his glory andI his pleasuire.-George Sand. wvho has perhaps h:eard man or woman in the of guilt or shame, hut been confided to Dr. - on of advice and help. appointed in their ex nety-eight per cent. of e been absolutcly and I be remarkablo if the reds only. But when more than half-a- mil sars, it is phenomenal, accorded him by women, as the first of diseases. .Pierce by letter, absolutely without I in perfectly plain envelopes, without pen them. Write without fear as with. Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest., LITE PRESCRIPTIONj *COJi th yus ne botU.e SPOHN MEDI0A, OO,,e Ian Vleet-Manui~fd Drug Con. Maenj Sliced Dried Beef Old Hickory Smoked Highest Quality Finest Flavor [a scaled alass Jarn at your arocers Aak for Libby's DEFIANCE STARCH- t:"".. --other starches only 12 ounces-nno price an4 "DEFIANCE" 8 SUPERIOR QUALITY. oha~elor tno fena chas PATENTS reoec= i 1.B i" FAMILIES are 'gFIGS -"& NA AND SOUR ATION AND ESULTa, GENUINE] JINE SYRUP CRUPULOUS ORDER TO OF THEIR YOU WISH. ASK FOR IS PREPAR. JWISH THE CENT, OF ALCOJOL FORNIA FIG "M 6 ,,MM VMMfn& -os I7's mail NOW THAT -.-. - r is MAANU. CO ONLY CA.NIA FIG SYRUPC FOM. AND IN s CAG..OF THE emUttA0M% 'I1-A:RC PICTURE OTTLE. OF PACKAG. I ESPECIALLY ADAPTEb TO TI sOF D PLEASANT GENTLE AND EF CTIVE, AND) INCREDIENTS. IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL. LD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTA. TiIE GENUINE. FIG SYRUP CQ SMITH'S UoI n al' ForMalar s' success. Contains no Un like quinine, it leaves by druggists and mer :an't supply it, write to oral Agents, LouIsvillo, Ky. bTON1C NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE 72 South Pryor Street, Atlanta, Ga. FOR THE TREATMENT OF DEFORMITIES ESTABLISHED '1874. This InstituteTreats Club Feet, Diio cases of the Spine, Hip Joints4, Paraly si.t, etc. Send for illiustratedl catalog% e n h laett otarintnt, edt. Onin ad M n seat. son.FJM Vo' itA. W. N.U.,ATLANTA NO. 29--111.l I(t te tr er . e ote r iet n A o he bloo pot de rea senur onoaever b ot 2 waetaaset lietteeGshn n l. n.,~ ectths, Tenn Pricer $1.00t Vsycha. rt