N| K , ^ ^ liL ' i /\L,? Euioroit .\|?i ti ; ;. i m i .?> | ,i??. ^ f w "(-(Jill, (iCtT tit/ ir , . . Vl?r ?ft oi ConsrenK of 'iar?l? a. 187?) / /( A A A .s, s. (; />AY;\ - ? - - -- ? -V ? /o/fl ' Number 32 PA reenville Sc "A merry C hauov New Yi 11/ ens County F leberal patroi enabled me tc one of my years. YOU appreciated. I hiring 1911, Il'Mry McK Wo >tl, I shall our best servi continuance c: / I am, Yc A. K. End. G " VIore Goods 1 1T IT We thank Customers fm (hiring i 91 o, 'Purr. Fresh 1 "You ^et Wl1 and "One. pri madi* lots ol I I loping to urc of scrvint and wishing \cw Year, V krovvrc vJ ' I 1 ! w ? i V ! ' > i; I 1 f i } 1 I 1 > l > \ i < i r * i , lass, ( 'a kn, 1 if>1 lor ( 'h rist mas Mour. It is 1 Ik A hoai. 100 |)oi 11(1 (" )> - you 1 ) (> 11 :'1 n r. I) our ! I'(;r ( I .. J J , k i m i s (;1 < \ ( w Lo. oi.' Sli Sizes, Full 11 n a ps etc. W. :7>, : ,k \( t RK mtli Oarolina,. Christmas and a ear" to my Pickriends for their lage which has > make | <) j (') most successful iv i i:> i with the help of Benzie and Burt try to ^ive you ce. Soliciting a >f your trade lor 911 >urs Truly. roenvllle, 5-4. ?o. ror Less Money" N ivSu our friends and * their patronage ) I'llJ4'S, lat Vou (ali lor c.e. to all lias friends tor us. have the pleas> vm i c i 11 rmcr i r> i i } J-> ' you all a happy remain,. Very Truly. Plus niui.rv. a ?i ?\ v ?i * * n i ' T 9 * if' yon \v nt 11i<_> is, Loa I or I>111st!11 Try 1) in and 1 < : us ti irist m ;is K n 11 \ s j-i n . / w I 1 I i i i i () in (> m I ^ OCS j list ?M ri V(M I, a (; I) ry ( i < m i( I -, II Ml ! -rC5?ti(fTk i, !i i c!?>><* an ! rr,n l u we expert to make i \\ <; tli: r tricn is ;\>vi < u lii.c.ra! u mj- t \ ar ami ! < 11 r i! I'll. ,.i r fill! I - ( Ti fi zz'rv-$ tii M H 1 IJ v,'^w^ m II T: V, ' v A1 S i. . . . i; ,t\ j 3 .M I Pick.Ms ? R. L, Dt -- _- W_ f/ 4. ? FAI^,NG T? teDYNAK,- ^ ?1 >!fe. At talVlLLE, S. C. "R ' " rWIt |. o . - urt > Uunconi'i" mi. i >: r "it m ' :ihii i?i -a , "T ' Oil ' 1 at H >>. m. ^ WDER COMPANY DNSTRATION of Blastina *D 1 Itti DYNAMITE" Blasting) L. permission to make this iperty. Farmer |TJ. 'are invited to attend. sv ..ijj .'Vlij.*. C>) ACE OF id cat!i ol th -in have been well 9i i ;i banner year. r<> Lli:mk our st > i rs lor the .\?< \ i r ui/ the h:il li in im merit .t con . .air.e t r ! ? : 1 ? i "-% rf > ^ v- '^sarf- "at r; Merchants o M J)|p 1 A Y ! . i ' ' I" % & IfMt & ^ "iW IS W & J . . ?. J , :ji. V>i u joining fifork ivis Proprietor * THREE TEJimwu * Matthew 22:15-22; 34-46.? [rr unto Caesar the things that arc Vacst arc God's I HE Fhnrlsee.s and Saddncees of onr religion. They had formed n trust / rarely made an attack upon each o.tl directly opposed. The Pharisees acidic Law, and believed In a future life by ved In a coming Messiah to exalt their '. The Sndduceea bellevetl nothing o ?"I'lnir tllft IkOSf Critics. Tliey wen; iuaum6 ? existence. The Phntisees opposed .7 * -n. but criticised them, and showed ,n k and holy in the keeping of the ipathy with the poor and less pr was lucees opposed Jesus becaxtse, fi *? ?P. But even as a fraud tlu*y w the pe. only thnt they perceived thn disturb. ufluence which they fen red Empire > >?> peace and unfavorably I Jesus, tlii 'in Jews. So while tne jsu Thy tn Ion wan for different re tmle, *'1Iosi dry of Jesus into Jen minds of th 'ie Son of David," tl common peop *s. Hut In the Sad strife with the become so aroused (he people from The l'hiirlsees st words by putting Teacher, niul, tc They reasonod 'on. "Is It lawl little dUIiculty in h would siij I'llato to put him to nrrested as if if,i m ;is answered as never hefoi The tifully clear we see it to he that the of the lineage of David, but that r will rocoivo through hlui, in due time nlso the blessings of pnrlteipntlon in Messiah III the flesh will thus hec-on; earthly life is t this end, sought to catch htiu in his \il to give tribute?" , It is tint unlawful, they would have a louder of sedition and thus compel d further that if Jesus should answer ir ho would thereby alienate the sym" - ? !?? lows hold. mnim:" aner imu, i... .... y, jis God's Kingdom, must not pay oukl bo irreverent to do r.o, excepting ully they endeavored to ensnare the rut 1)fulness, saying, "Master, v.v know ioy sought to impress upon him their ie would toaoh the light, the Truth, at best the way of God in truth'." And ving. "We know that thou regardest, ltended to ensnare him. but lie hypocrites?" Why bo 20 for i'io day iaijorer. corvo ,> .' ?^?i?v?Kkod, "Whose is H1,SvV vN5> V Jesus replied, e Caesar* \ things that -oos w? 10 tr i V>w w? catch ley wore for all oi' (In (he minds of the common peo| i, tried to entrap tLc Great Tea Seven different brothers in turn i she did. To which of them will . mt ask. To which will she be w? . for neither Jesus nor the Jews held 3Us taught the resurrection of the d* he Sadduceos aimed their sarcastic qu answer: "Ye do err, not knowing th You do tiot understand (lie Scrioture id you are ignoring in your quost'on tlio\ iiiTection time, will he exercised i nd will V ! situation. Then the Groat Tea< her protvould (gradually) attain to the rc urrccIsln?; up out of sin and death c<>ndition8. \ marriage," but would foe sexless, us nro auil unanswerable question of the Sad- \ is exposed. \ .aw endeavored to entrap tlie Lord on a \ the Divine < '>iuman !menis. nvUin;; which \ 'i'h:- Cjveat. Teneher promp!!.' divided lite ig to the Law (1 >ont - mdiuont. 1 xhalt lovo thy noirvjibor i;s . .Ml On n? I .aw anil tin I'iv phots ' it could lion of tlio I.iwV 11 IiiKI r left to I'O. uriftoos, "What think vo < f dalf"Tho Sou of Davlil." Tho ') i thou ilrlt (propheticnllyi oal liini !. v-i.vlnj(. ion on my right hand til! ' < thino i callotli him Lord, how i* i op for tho Pharisees. The her ut thoy could not ansv.-r hi* iiwiuM<..u,l.,l #,. i I./. II,. I i*H I i I . 11< I 1.1 t I ill l VI II s purposes woro not fully uc< I In ivn his tlcsh, sacriflciall.v. Hi > r isod honor and Immortality. "far flu, elve that in (In- days <<( Ills was Ideation lie is David's Lord in ivkl . not only resurrection front i !. hut i tho Messianic Kiagd >111 uier of tho son of tho Me?> ih <>; ul v lioso lee for t lit? whole v. or l. in ! ?nvId fathers shall ho lli <-dh'.j< im thou lie earth." I'siv '.".in i *' \ "an .1111 \ / / Iflt, / r)tn / hart / *