The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, August 26, 1909, Image 4

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m:kes Laby nervous and fretfut and stops ga:n in weight. is the bert food-medicineforteeth ing babies. It strengthens the nerves, supplies lime for the teeth, keeps the baby growing. Get a scml bottle now. Al DrugOsts Cotton Baskets Galore A sight that attracted a good dal of attention on the public square on Friday was two wag ons loaded with haTnper bask ets. The wagons had frames on, and on every standard a pile of baskets, stacked one within the other, like hats in the old game of "pull-over hats" projected hizh up in the air. The baskets were a little wider 4t the top than at the bottom,t with the bottom somewhat rounded; the general shape of a! ilerby. minus the brim, Some of the hmkets were made. of( white oak splits, lgut most of( them of pa.-t-oak and qther caks white oak being very hard to ind now. The baskets were well made. The makers are Messrs. Stock man and Stockman, of lower No. 9 townshif. They startcd two wagons to town w*.th 114 ba-ket;, but thrt e were sold before they reached here. 'I h others found a ready sale in town, most of them, if not all being taken by the Summer Prothers Company. The Messrs. stocknian have made more than two hundred hamper baskets for the coming cotton crop, and are still at it.-Newberry Observer. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and Fou feel dul. bilious. cor stipated' take a doze of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before retiring and you will feel all riht in the morn ing. Sold by all druggists. Resigned Eleven OffiCEs. Mr. D. H. Ellis, of Columbia, representing The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, was in the city a week ago in the interest of his com pany. HIe is a native of Hamp ton county, and for twenty years has been one of the most prominent and best loved resi slents of Allendale, where he re signed upon his removal to Co lumbia a few months ago, elev en offices, religious, fraternal and municipal. Quite a strong article from his pen appeared simultaneously in the Christian Advocate and Hampton Guard ian not long since, in opposition to the whiskey traffic.-Bam berg Herald. In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to ge't Chamberiain's Cough Rem edy. There is no dange.r from it, and re lief is sure to fllow. Especially recomn mended for coughs. C< ids and whooping cough. &ld by all druggists. Good Roads Prescription. At a recent meeting ot the highway commission and road supervisors of Baltimore county, Md.. Dr. Chat-les L. Mattfeldt, one of the highway commis sioners, wrote the following prescrip tion for good roads: Good stone On good grades, Over good b>ase. Dry and well packed, Rolled and rolled, Oiled or tarred And properly draiaed.1 Dustless and wate.iproo Success will follow. It will be noticed that the letters forming the begInning of each line spell "good roads." Do You Get Up With a Back? ( Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. 0 Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer'sd Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be-t -cause of its remark able health restoring Swamp T .Root fulfills almost . every wish in over Il\ jicoming rheumatism,i :pain in the back, kid 4j neys, livcr, bladder Sand every~ part of the ~ . urinary passage. It corrects inahility to hold water and scalding pain in passiiig it, 1 or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up) many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar zengement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to1 findoutif yoUhave kid ney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmner & Co., som <- n Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-doular size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake )] but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. XRilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad drss llinghamltonl,N. Y.,on every bottle.1 Bhake Into Your Shoes Uen's Foot Ease, a powder. It curfs ainful, swollen smartiig, nervous feet 6d instantly takes the sting cut of :orns and bunlon- and makes walking ,asy. Try it to-day. Sold everwhere; sample FREE. Address, Allen S. )An stwl, IleRoy, N. Y. As to Our Latchstring. We of Charleston are never' iappier than when entertainiing hose "damned up-countryni-n" -eferred to by Editor Jam s A. Joyt, of The Coluibii stc'Lor014, miless it be when we -o visitivlg hem. South Caroliaa people tre learning to find in Charles on a real welcome when they are ;o wise as to visit us, and the verage Charlestonian finds no )etter people for hosts than his riends about this State. After ll South Carolina is the home )f hospitality, and Charleston vishes to lay no exclusive claim o the sincere entertainment of he strangers within her gates. [he stranger invariably feels in his State a subtle and fine flav )r in the hospitality that comes 'reely from open homes. It is good for South Carolina's ons and daughters to be neigh 1borly, and friends who come t( Charleston from other parts of the State are, in truth, as we7 come as the flowers in May. Evening Post. A Womas Back Has many aches and pains caused bj weaknesses and falling, or other displace nent, of the pelvic organs. Other symp toms of female weakness are frequent headache, dizziness, imaginary specks or dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw ing sensation in stomach, dragging or bearing down in lower abdominal or pelvic region, disagreeable drains from pelvic grgans, faint spells with general weakness. If any considerable number of the above symptoms are present there is no remedy h t w) ive quicker relief or a more per ma ent than Dr. Pierce's Favorite ?r .t has a record of over forty years of c It is thl most potent )nirAtIng tonfc an(1_trengtheninaner v nown Q al science. It Is made of i yeric extracts o natve medici nal roots found in our forests and con tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients aTe all printed on the bottle-wrapper and al 4ested under oath as qorrect. ~ Every ingredient entering 4nt9 *a. vprite Prescription" 4as the writteu e 4orsemnent p the most eminent mediil writers of ll the several schools of prac tice-nore valuable than any amount of non-prfesion'altestimonial,s-though the latter are not lacking, having been con iributed voluntarily by grateful patients in numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's ills. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven remedy OF KNOWN cOMrOSTION, evon though the dealer may make a little more profit thereby. Your interest in regaining health is paramount to any selfish interest of Msl and it :s an insult to your intelligence for him to try to palm off upon you a substitute. You know what you want and it is his busi ness to supply the article called for. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original "Little Liver Pills" first put up by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago, much imitated but never equaled. Little sugar-coatid granules-esyto take a, ROAD DRAG PARADE. Novel Movement at Sturgeon, Mo., For Good Highways. A road drag parade half a muile in ength attracted a crowd of people to turgeon, Mo.. the other day and un loubtedly converted many who will ake up the work in the future. The parade was beaded by the Stur ~eon band. In carriages were the oill era of the Brotherhood of Road Drag ers, and then followed the drags. vhch were furnished by,the farmers iving near town. At the end of the >rocession r.n automobile owned by 3. A. Pollard carried a drag, and this eature was liberally ap)plaluded, along he line of march. Sturgeon is trying to sustain her rep itation of having the best dirt roads f any city in the state, and the road rag is doing the work. Dysentery is a dangerous disease but in be cured. Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarrhoea Remedy has een success,fully used in nine epidemics f isentery. It has never been known >fail. It is Equally valuable for chil ren and adults, and when reducded rith water and sweetened, it is pleasant take. Sold by alldraggists. New Road Preserver That Works. The EsseX counity (N. J.i park com uision bldieve&s tha:it it ha:s found the host serviceable anid nt the same time he simiplest road p)reserver and dutst .liminator in a cheap preparation rhich is mbade from wvood pulp andi.I ixed with waiter. is sp)read on the onds by means of an ordinary sprin ler. The nmateril hats been tried onl :he roads of Orange park with great uccess. The mixture, while holding he surface together. :imrdens it and esists the wear of automobiles. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientis,ts have found in a cave in switzerlandl bones of men, who lived .00years "go, when life was in con tant dlanl er from wild beasts. To-day he datnger is shown by- A. W. Brown f Alexander. Me. is largely from dead v disease. "If it had not been for Dr. ~ing's New Discovery, which cured me, could not have lived!." he writes, "'suf ering as I dIi I from a severe lung trou l and stubborn cough." To cure sore .ungs. Colds, oOstinate Coughs, and revent pneumonia, it is the best med cine on earth. 50c and $1.00. Guaran ee b al ..nun,n st. Trial bottle free. NMI - -.......... ..eop a b6 p t . . .......... . ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVegetablePreparationfrAs simiatitheodaWRegul ting the StmdBowilsof PiotesDigestionaeerfuif nessandlest.Containsnefir Opitm.Morphine norMiera. NOTNARcOTIC. Aperfect Remedy forConslirz tion, Sour Stoiach,Diarr1t Worms,Conl1SioUS,Fevrish liessandLOSSOF S. FrSFacsi7nmd s te cr NEW YORK. t ate Exact Copy of Wrapper. Cheap Excursion Rates Vii Southern Railway. Seattle , Wash. and Iteturn: A--count Alaska-Yukon-Pacifie Exposition. Tick ets on sale May 24th until Sept. 30th final lin,it returning October 31, l!09 Diverse routes with stopover privileges. Summer excursion rates in effect May 29 to September 30th final limit October 1st, 1909. Convenient schedules and superior train service to all points in all directi ns via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. For information in dotail. c i1 Q i any agent of the Southern Iajro Ld or ad dress J. L. Meek, W. E. McG -e. Atlanta. Ca. A ugusti, G k. A G. P. A., T- 1'. A., Respect For Old Age. "Jotnas. did you beat that rug accord in' t o orders ?" "No. S'muanthy; I just didn't." "Didn't? What's the reason. I'd like to know':t" 'Cause, S'mantlhy. whlen I got It out on the lIne there aIn' saiw how frittered an' feeble It was I didn't have the heart to lambuste it. I know I have a shortage of virtues. S'mranthy. but I want you to know that respect for old age Isn't one of 'em."-Boston CourIer. A Geld Road. At Oroille. In Butte county. Cal., a section of roadway has been found so rich in 'piacer gold that an atpplicatlin has been made for permisslon to dredge It. The miner who makes the applIcatIon to the authorItIes agrees. aceordIng to newspaper reports, to re place the road by one fully as good as or better than the present one, It would seem, however, that If the cIty owns a gold mine It would pay better to work it and get the money for the city treas ury. Not many citIes In the country can boast of payIng gold dleposits In the public streets, and there It proha bly a dearth of precedents to guide the city council in its actIon. Automobiles to Haul Road Drags. A.,t Salina, Kan.. anm effort is being made to Induce each automiobolist to drag several miles of road after each rain. The theory Is that the of the drag places the earth oni the crown of the road], where It dri's and1( hardens. After another raIn a repel t ion of the draggIng carries on more earth. whIch In turn hardens, and after a few such applIcatIons of the drag there Is a con sIderable hardened surface to.the road which does not easIly disintegrate. The employment of the motor car to haul the drag would demiogstrate a hItherto unemployed utIlity of the machIne. Botanic Blood Balm' (B. B. B.) Cures Through the Blood SBlood Poison, BONE PAINS, CAN- l (ER, SCALY SKIN, W J PIPLES, Rheumatism, Eczema, Itching Hlumors. B.B3. B. (Botanic Blood Blood) is the mnly Bloodl Remedy that kills the po's-mf n the blood and then purifies it-send ng a flood of pure, rich blood direct to lie skin surface, hones, joints. and wherever the disease is located. In this way all sores, ulcers. pimples, eruptions are healed and cured. pains and achesI if Rheumatism cease, swellings subside. B. B. B. completely changes the body into a clean healthy condition, "iving the skin the rich, red hue of perfect ealth. B. B. B. cures the woist old ases. Trv it. BOT ANIC BlooIJ BALM-BBB I' JIeat'nt andt 're to take: eoinpo e( of pure Vt i buiibl, up the broken downt .mtemh. li)ru giyts i.i.rI- LA RGjE U(YI'TLi- with diree. tions for home cure. Snld a Al rT... Stes. OASTORIA For Infants and Children. [he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use J~ jar Over Thity Years 7WE CKWTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORKi CITY Great Value of Trece. That towu is rapidly bis:1 m:;le beautiful particularly where Ithe i) ple are awake to the vl:ue of tres. which are invalualb.e. They hwrvn4e the value of property. vnh1nct:e beauty of architecture. ecol i the air in summer and radiate warmth inl winter and purify the air. They create sen';I ment, counteract thei uinatural condI1 tions of city or town life. promote vd ucation of children and encourage mut door life. Petter Roads Needed to Hold Business. The question of improvin, the ro:al approaches to Little Falls. N. Y.. is :f vItal interest to the town's tmerchnts. Farmers on all sides of the town com1 plain that the roads to Little Falls. particularly within the town limits. are so bad that they wiulil the drive tiiles fnirther to Iler% ime I r some other tmarket. where pitt;-s te ceived for their ipro duce is wi h ~itess. than rack their wn:rons and injtute t hteit horses onI the lad remls. Deafness Cannot Be Cured byV locail pplications, ats they cannot reach disteased lportiono'f thm ear, There s only oIne way to cure deafn ' that is by c'otstitutijonal remedies, Deafness is caused by an irflamned con dition c-f the mIuc ons liing of th Eustachiani Tube. Wihen this tubhe is in flamed vou have a rumbling sounrd or imperfect htering, aind when it is entire ly closed. Deafness is the result. And unless the inflammatiou can he taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hiearifig wdli oe des:royed for ever; uine cases out of ten arn causted by Catarrh, which is~ nothing hut an in flamed condition of the mzucous stur faces. We will give One IIundred Dellars for any case of Deafness (caused b; catarrh) that cannot, lie cured by H .IEls Catarrh Cutre. Mend for circultars, free. F. J. CH ENNE~Y & CO., Tiledo. 0. Sold by all Druzeists. 75e. Takte Hall's Family Pills for -ar.stti;i dlon. Military Prisoners. Althoutgh living in a part of' New York city, the 100 or mote military prisoners on Governors island haveo many cuistonms which mtake it seem as though they were another land. Tiime is not counted by them in mere days, weeks and months, bitt in "broomas.'' Many of the p)risoners are sbart-ter:n men, and they are detailed to poelice the grounds. Of course, this means much sweeping, and a hiroom lasts about a month. Thus, two "brooms." In army lingo, means two months. No prisoner is permitted to salute an of fer in the manner p)rescribedl for soldiers who behave themselves. In stead, they fold the.r arms and hook straight to the fr"nt whenever they pass those entitled to a salute. A sol ier who is a pi)?soner is never re 'erred to by his name; his official number, which is stenciled upon isa lothing, is used insteatd. Help Near at Hand. Gyer-What's the matter, old man? ou look as mad as a March hare. Myer-Mad! I'm so mad I can hard 7 see straight. Gyer-That being the case, i'd ad.I rise you to visit that bottling od.alb shment just around the evnerz. Myer--What for? Gycr--Why, for the t'ir.M. of Sees Mother Grow Young. "'It would be hard ove state the won lerflt change in myv mothr since am >gan to use Electrtic IBt tere." writ, irs. Wi.. I . Gilpatrick of IDantfor;th. ':. 'Alouighi pasit 7ii she* sen.s ra lly to >e growing vouing again- ~ She su'. --ri I mtold mnis--ry ftromt dyv.p"l- eia td ar:.. At last :..he coubli neither m-:ti. I ink nor sleep. Doctoirs a.ave le p I irgans, cure Liver antd i.olney trouh ol,5 nduce sheeT. impart str-engtht and al T:rtd~ OrA Ibrm. -- :r S. : erio l.-n't riIle a horse it b L: i tii' Iro-i piles," I.-Il ~ v A('iil :. C : ell GARDEN' CF T K 2 DEAD. Plan to rv, Cc.:.r.C cri, At. t aht I .\: r i t ale an'n:edttz_. i ti." I l: u b8 li ,r liu I :n rns. :-iealIts. -nt, uo '1,- o: - :0/a n Alt w l1 u .1 tl l i .- lk t i b tl it r . l i 4: 1 L:' GARD E it F T DDI. I. tr* cv and Ch r . ,I 1 'u Ii- e i "u b ta i i . h tia IiL'. t o : : i. w n t ;.. ( ceiv: vi*' is 0(-v( (II j !!~Ii t i': if' iliLre arL suchI!l'. Itso be :k n ij:: ; Iv1- r li e k Nvn 1, u n. e h ; ti:, It hr i.'!,':Iu ilit tiIn' Iv r .l Lne ::: f .ar the ;1 l w i tIh Imb. rf i -prr,. i; i 's beenLe tI lir t in r' . ;;: . : :vL n( t vit :I r l i :.1:2rt.:nini e :r l . I " How: s Lc ,--.or: io "A ::r nn!ati S.ehetie Years: A-go.-Es In .. l 'i . o ri i Li 'lr':;t i *n- in ;re 1 I11: ,;1r !1 - . : - Iv at lI~ : 1 I vI ) r:- I I l a r, Ib-t?- il t14 bri h It : t t r ' i- e :d t hli . Ij ' I 111 1'' ters I: l: t' . n I --- ' t I rk 11 ' i 'I a VII' 11111 1L'LT f1 IIT , . L o Il:if t p,_- s ivs.I :: : . I Ive 'I''s i tl-III-1 I,' ( i i i : 1.t ! .( :. but ' by te e: . ty: re Y 'rs A.' gIlLI?-- t . N -e Lil b an z l" th. . Wte: aire weGrn.rn forout ,vt-is. \\t hil"llth;' Lol'lmia-l iht tb m '~ t )o e - h w'! r .n , i "ei :n- ad , . r T 'Ne'. -. e t n-d tii a .1 J g l t o : . S - drugistt. ADETSI'GA ON Ho NihlsLegot Bo.edCn cinnati Seen y-iv Ye rAo In ou isteri :rie of:nvetiin we n::iy tielude 1 -trevsit elr ing tat weare !ioiwes in .e i Nervous For nervous, tired woi dui. Cardui is a woman's cally on the female organs effect on the whole system ingredients, being a pure N suffer from some form of f at once and give it a fair- ti "CA TAKE It Will I Mrs. W. W. Gardner, of Padu "I think Carhii is just graINd. I b I am 48 years iIf and feel like a d tai-ing it- I un:'d to sulc* 1'o!1 and sleenlessness, but n1mv le p;n I highly recomm""end Cardui foi AT ALL DE ARE CUR R1ADS TC 0 W!DE? Cernia;- F*gOways Narrcwer. Lut Bet t4*4 r.iain,tained, Szys a Con.ul. 11 e of the hi-.llwvys of ;erl:.1nY :V. 1Wimcumpa: Xi wi: h thi 1 i rf l' i!ld StIlves is furni.1. d I '' No!) er J. TMIos-n. (1*nsu at en.'r: Germ:n: roads*(r perhnlps ujte to a hundrel ~i t'' i:nes inl'.' tr' l t: Ihal .L :;!ar rl.ds In I h- I'llittd ,tnte,S. T1:e Iinds r:e frf:I,m Iwv'ty to thirty 1'-et in 'width. whi:e in our mdl tile an1d w4esern statews. where tr1ailie i.; c4-1:t. a t ively liH:f. 've take I:ld (f :111 a.V1erage valui f 8I0) per avre anl cut it up with r.1.;tways :d ty-six Ie'et in width. l(:netie)y Iw'-iids of the s:eiein, "i-venl ;uvl e ov ds. wh ur -h an inexha .-:1ih1. k, S'u)p!Y G Sceds filr the adjiigfamhis Telio ianea r Ii G'eriman w v hvlo h,s c(n ficv...(d the v.veds onl his grould nevcd h1:ve 1n) thouhzlit of I htln mv bl. StarCte ngain from uniltiv:tted or uneared for haId alonig the rn:adways. Tero are 10 Weeds. no mud. !o clhuk holes. it, sa: t stretehIs in the ro:ds. One of the ii;iest:nd motgracti ial inenlsurt5' thiat cou!d I iaken for the I bet fer'ent of rnalls in the liidted \ate j would be to reduet their width tit frl ne-Itird to cne half of what tlyi' a e.w '11. I the I':tited States puli hizh ways in the states giveN elow may be esti::uated as follows: 3Iinneso.ta. So. 00 Iowal. 70.1000: Kansas. 70.0(10; Ne :;14s, 80.0100; Indiana11:. 70.0100): Ohio. 80P. (1n: total,. 7c0.040 miles. lteducing the with oif these pub)lie' ilghways, wichI now livernPo slity-six feet. to thirty six fe.*t wouiihl give h:n-k to t he fairm ervs of' these states for cultivation 2.00.00)0 acres of generally tillable lan:d, which at an average valuation of i10' per aere would miein lhe restora ti02n to .the4 produt1ing vluhes oIf the st altes nal med of $750.000.).1). I A Nint R.der's Raid. The worst night rider- s are calomnel. eroton oil or alces pils. Tiwey rail1 you 4 ' to rob vou of re st. Not so wvith Dr. im.:'s New Life Pills. They never dis r.:s or inconven-iee but alway s ele:tns5 the sy stemn, cuirinhr Colds. IIead '-he, conlstipaltionl, Malariai, 25c. at all Coo::t With All Your Might. T:4OI- #uhv:c'zi I:4esters. ani orgni I::e tilt 1ris been': form4ed to 144:1m 14: for Its. parmty: :I th n <:-m-t. j2.i 44 0. t - t 1o :It' the nuittr v::' ' -boo" in' 'C . 1-: o I h i:n.: I:. I h! Ii a-.i n . .ijut keepl tha orn a-bl1 howin' 1:44. t 'er up4 wit:ll our might. If y": e someI fe-ller try'in Fo to1 io) rom.2 il ro 4. t go Yo (4 n boo1444t it up~ a tih Th:1t' your c1 to0 let 14hhnI knowa Tht you 4 e not a-r;oin' to kniock it Ju lSt h4erautse it ain'it your shouit, 1:1u1 you'r*1e goin' to boost a little 'Cause he's got the best thing out. Do you know there's lots o' peopleO Settin' rounld in every town, (:rnowlin' like abroody ehicken, iluInc-kin' every good thing down? Don't you he that kind o' cat tle. 'o'.-:o they a!n't no use on earth. Youl jOst be a boostecr rooster. 'rowv an' boost for alt you're worth. If your' town needs boostin', boost 'er. 1>'n't hold back and watt to see If somie other feller's whIli'. Sail right in. This country's free. N4 o's ;: Ot a mortgage on it. V's ist yours as3 llnucht as his. If yo':- town Is 1: 7- on booste1 rs Y~ou ;.et in1 tile b lOst in' hi:. --.\Zitrinlt urli SOin 1 : west. Mny Women P; ase 'Ihis Remedy If you have pain in the l'ack. Urinary, 1 bh- o r KidIncy troubl.. and4 want a rtain, p'easant cure far woumanl's ills. v '.1 .i ~i ( rv's Australian-Leaf. It - ,f -t'nI d never-failing regulator. At ., (4r by mVI ail 50Ic ets. Sample 4 .ij.. ll'. t 1Iress, Tile Mother, ...e Unirs'ity of SOulth Carolina. 1-0.4 of artl'. S0i4Ince. F.inentioni. -. F i e tilli . (44 144 . I:' o:u ti ( Sthe T a a ler'n..our S. eading to 1s. b-. ' 4:%. !toard4 .9-2 per Tuie r-mth- i seal 'C Ttcth 1I. Prcsl. Coluombin, . C. Women .ner, we recommen3d Car medicine. It aLts 'pcifi and has a tonic, Duilding It contains no harmful -rpetable extract. If you clnale trouble, get Cardui j-11. C4. DU felp You ,-h, Ky., tried Cardui and wrtes: ave been ir.r it foi eken years. -erent w) n, since i 1:v1;e been (-- ! own. is normousness 1sV dn i I sniat-"p good. -1u at ob." Try it. UG~ STORS r , U: Ge T0 .1 1- n .f tiec . m-: t th e li on:1.1 . lot ! firthed i ll:e. f init i1i.. -' Ih t w:i h ry ai1 virt:ls. : ur e States ]ave n 4ipi r " r i v or f'r l:1rge- e ti'r -inv midn . he rin*:-ip l r:s rg h the monaiow:11)! Sp-rily! Sitl dSee 0tilln 't f l :111!*ly (0 m:1 inl clftn - t4-r it) hei ll:!41N''f Fraiwee. E1n1 I-1n"d and GOrmnany. .purify =nd vitalize your . honti, ce-s.te. gowid app,titernr ivyu whole~ ~ ~ ~ gv yyo:nunradsregh A p:mn,jjt.t raroad :impri:tendent at Sa va:::ib, s:teri:.: w h 'jlari i. Dyspep. n ie:zr.tim says: " Qter takin, P. P P.he nverfeltso elh'. his life, ana f s if lw cni livefu:ever, if hw could ri.cac:' t P. P. P'.' -Jt t !.o:n cver-work and . close cuirment, taku I. P . P . Ifyuare f.elinu badl n the spring and o'ut of sorts, SI . I If your digestive organs need toning up, SP. P. P. IIf youf su&r wih hadacche, indigestion, debilty and. wieaknes, taae P D. P. If yo 'ufr w ith r:ervous prostration, Inerves unstrn-. an(Ld a~ general let down S For -Cer PoI n. nheicitinm, Sernt Comnplir4:, t,.ko SP. P. P. SPrickly Ash, Pe:t Root and Po:ssi-:a . The bes blo''d r f lr in. : - --rld n:: . ~We~ AkYou troubkLs, bocause we are sure it w.I hip youi. Rememnber that this great female remedy has brought re:cf to thousands of other sick ;c:ncn, so why not to you? For, bockache, periodical p:r. fem:le weak ness, many have zaid it is "the best medcic to tako." Try it! Sold in This City F THE WORLDS 6REATEST SEWIN6 MACHINE LIGHT RUNNING s:uti or. .a -. T HE NEW -O~1 SE!;MPANY - n-:3rdcu o moI4 uUthorize4I ealersi 0nly.