The Pickens sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1909-1911, July 22, 1909, Image 2

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dkeus Sentbd1O,, fft uumm xvmy THvww.&j moRs -BY ,he sentinel-Journal Company. J. L 0. THOMPSON. EDITOR Telephone 32 -:-beriptiou $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Bates Beuonable. -Md at Pickens F,h40ec as Second Class "aIl matter PICKENS, S. C.: TiRSDAY JULY 22. 1909, 1rifin Baptist Church Dedicated. iast Sunday marked a new in the history of this his oriC old church. The member h p is not large, but are men I women of courage, faith and s.rifice. They have at an ex e se of about $2000, erected the 4, most comfortable and pret house of worship in this nty. It is about 46x68 feet, ting 1000 or 1200 people. It teatly and handsomely finish and*furnished and reflects the -t of the people.. %s previously arranged last iday was set apart for the mal dedication of this hand ie structure to the worship of 1. Although some of the S -kers were prevented from be present the services were utiful throughout and highly t_ed by the concourse of ple present. ;egining at 10.30 o'clock a g service of 30 minutes was ducted by Prof. McD. Baker, t'n the pastor Rev. W. J. Fos made an address of welcome ,ich was responded to by Mr. E. Robinson in the absence of . M. L. Donaldson. Follow this was a brief history of -ehU -y Rev. B. Holder, - ., stated among other things, t this was the third house of :ship which had been built at place within his recollection. first house he said was built iy years before the war and timbers which went into the ne were hewed on the groun.d aat place, and that the total of the first building was .t the conclusion of this his ,al sketch, Dr. Henry Miller, or of the Pendleton street 4ist church. Greenville, S. C. introduced and preached the ~catory sermon. It was a *eful presentation of the sub "A Church." He argued t a church was a place where -ist dwelt and if Jesus Christ not in it and did not control motives and purposes of the - anization it was not a rch. That the church was iposed of Christ as the head saved men and women as stituent parts. That the rch was in the world for the ation of theworld and that was the mission of the rch tobring the world to -ist by andthrough its mem . The dedi-catory prayer made by Dr.Miller after chi a collectionfor State Mis is was taken. -inner was served on the and and for an hour people and refreshed themselves and ~ed. Men and women met o had not seen each other for .r's. Old friends of the long * days renewed their friend p and talked over the times I things of the past. Lt 2 o'clock the people reas ibled in the house and engag in a home coming service. er a song service, short talks re made by Mr. W. L. Jen is, B. H. Williams, S. H. awn and others which con ided the ser Aices of the day. [t was a good day, the ser ~es were inspiring, and after e days of rain the people seem *to be bright and happy over e sunshine and1 entered heart into the worsb ip. It is esti 3ted that there were fifteen indred people present. It- is confidently expected that is forward step by this noble nd of christians is only* mning of better thinm at in the near fui wer and influence w aase, that it will be at factor in the e anty, state and Childrens Day Exercises. The Children day at Reunion was enjoyed by all present, both old and young, and especially by the children. The program was as follows: Song, followed by prayer by L. M. Mauldin. Speech by L. M. Mauldin. Several songs, then adjournment for dinner. Afte-r dinner, the first speech was by Vader Waldrop, subject being "A message from Jesi!.'' Recitation, " God made the World," by Jay Barnes. Recitation, "Building" by Ar rie Smith. "The Lighthouse Keeper," by Arrie Smith. "The Love of Jesus," by Vel ma Waldrup. ,,Though Small," by Mary LaBoon. "Little Sunbeam," by Fannie Hudson. "Sweetheart and Mother," by Pearl Barnes. "Strong Drink," by Verna Barnes. Program by six girls: Lake Barnes, Fannie Hudson, Hassie I LaBoon, Mary LaBoon, Esther Sheriff and Veda Waldrop. Address by Rev. R. I. Barton, subject, "The value of a Sunday School Teacher." Speech by Prof. William Ben nett. "The world is what we make it," by Veda Waldrop. "A Perfect Man," by Hassie LaBoon. "Though to Us the World is given," by Enos Smith. In that bright," by Bertha Whitlock. "The Drunkard's ~Bride," by Malinda Barnes. "A Sketch From The Bible," by Eathel Sheriff. T6ere will be an a 1 day sing ing at Reunion the second Sun day in August. All singers have a cordially invitatin to be with us. Daisy. Notice to Old Soldiers. The surviving Soldiers of the Confed erate States in Pickens county are re que sted to meet in eacn township on the 7th day of August at 3 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a representative o meet at the Court House on the first Monday in Set, next, to elect a county Pension .Board for tne year 1910. The place 6f meeting in each Township. Easl1ey Township Easley Liberty "Liberty Jentra1 '" Central Picke-ns "Pickens Hurricane " Hurricane Eastotoe " Eastotoe Pumpkintown " Sutherland's Store a',usville " Looper's Gin When assembled they shall eJect by ballot an exconfederate soldier not a holder of an applicant for a pension as re presentative of said Township. TChose now drawing Pension's will con tinue to get Pensions without further appliction. J. B. Newberry, Pension Comn. For Sale. Exchange or Swap what you got to trade on? Got anything you want to dispose of? What do you want? Trade off something you have got for something you haven't got. Before buying. selling or swapping anything see the pr(.prietor of The "Fix-It" Shop He can fix you up. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Pickens. By J. B. Newberry, Probate Judge: WHEREAS. B. C. Robinson made suit to nie, to grant him letters of Ad ministration de. bonis non of the estate and effects of Mrs. M. C. Robinson. These are therefore to site and ad moish all 'und singular the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs. M. C. Robin son deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Pro bate, to be held at Pickens on the 29th day of July 1909 next after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if any they have, why the said administration should not be grant Given under my hand, this the 15 day of July Anno Domnini 1909. J. B. NEWBERY. [seal) J. P'. P. C. For : Sale 378 acres of land 31-2 miles from Central, on Madden Bridge road; two -horse crop open. good house. plenty of water. Al so 25 acres on Maw bridge road, two miles from Central, all in woods. Call on or a<tdrtss. Mrs. M. E. Garvin, Central S. C. HENRY NELSON SNYDER, A. M., Litt. D., LL.D President Ten Departments: Library arid Libra rian: Gynasium uinder competent Di rector, Athletic Groainds. Next s.-saion Mr"ins Sept. 15. For Catalo.ue address. .off1'd College Fitting School SPARTANBURG, S. C. High Grade Preparatory School Well eq ipped plant. Limited school; small cla s"'o charges reasonabie. Sei - sion begmns Sept.15. For catalogue ad. P. P. P. Makes larvelons Cres ii B1oo1 FB1o00 , R 1 O Scrofola. P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up the we: litated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels disease, giving t health and happiness, where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitu. iled. In blood poison, mercurial poison, malaria, dysl in all blood and skin disea.vws, like blotches, pimples, old chr< tetter, scald hewd, we say wihout fear of contradiction that P. best blood purifier in the w.ord. Lddieu whose ystems are poisoned and whose blf impure con dition due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarl by the won derful tonic and blood cleartAng properties of P. ly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. F. V. LIPPMAN, SAVANNJ THE "FIXIT" & >P! R. E. GOODWIN, Prt In Rear of Freeman Building. iens, S. C. See us for bargains in Bicycles an :s. Patching Cement, 2 tubes for l5c. Good Single Tube Tires, per pair $3-75 No. i Inner Tubes, each $1.25. Bicycle Spokes, per dozen, 25c. GooL Bicycles, from $10.o uI) All kinds of Repair Work done on Sh< and at Reasonable Prices. Sewing Machines Repaired and made a new, at one.fifth the cost of a new machine. Full line of Sewing Machine Needles t< ame or make of machine. Also belting, oil at nents, R. E. GOOD, AT THE "FIXIT' SHOP. iS, S C New, Fresh, isp SPRING G( DS. I have spared no means in securing fo ing's bus iness the newest and freshest goods that c< >und, and at the lowest prices such goods can be solk Our goods and prices are such as tn - SPECIAL SALE all the time. We do not have to tt the people into "Special Sales" My 20 years busine! ion justi fies me in saying that you get what you what we promise, when you buy from us. AS TO OUR GOODS: We have iything in stock that the average buyer of dry goods 1, but es pecially do we call attention to white go< e have a grand assortment of these goods in plain y, ranging in prices io, 15, 25, 35 and 50c. the yard. OUR COLORED WASH GOODS il to any seasons offering we have ever shown. A towing of both Men's and Ladies Under Vests aw: here, also Men's and Ladies Neckwear and Hosiery. I fancy no tions and head ornaments of all kinds. NOW FOR THE STAPLES. The ting, cali coes for 5c. The best aud heaviest 36 i :sheeting that can be sold for 5c. Cotton Checks at ms at 5c. Remembe me when you want good shoes; :es. A. K.PA, West End. GreeniT - &- c SWE DON'T CUT THI -CE!l # The extra care and attention we put manu *fscture of our products-such as buy ;t and $best flavors and mixing the extracts, ng of p *good bottles and the seeing to their be (each * and every oue of our bottles is wasi d and *sterilized by hand,) the extra, but nec . e and. 4 trouble to keep a clean place aud furni drink, * is why we maintain the price on our dr we do $ We could mix our drinks and bottle p-shod$ * way and sell to you cheaper, but we ai to do *it. Another thing: $ ONE PRICE T LL *is our motto. The man in Pickens :same *price for our goods that the man in C Pump-* *kintown does. We don't cut the price ie, and * *we don't sell cheaper away from home do at# home. Another thing: we never mi t any *thing to make a sale. * When you buy and drink our goods. :etting* as pure is can be made and at the same other $man paid. No cut prices in our busin SPICKENS BOTTLING KS. $ R. L. Davis, Prop'r. ; : F . . C. * "USE YOUR PHI( Phone your order to us and we will send i IY, we keep a man to deliver goods to any part of If you need ar.y thing in the drug line Ca BOLT &C -. D R PT K ESTOTC 7 J~ T,I Krr Be voll (IS or You 0111' b s vie. Look into our show win loi the forellost makers, they rep winners, %,ou Need These. Fruit jars. jar I bbLrs, j.,ly gia.'s 5, preservii.g po% der-. A lot of h, ok- ;t a bargain. ione wort h . s< th:m 1l 01 to $P.-51 choice 25c. Al low (it hioes at cost. A bargain lot of trou.wrs. Soie: low s $1.00, worth two to thiv dollars Ih sour houwe c, w or i gs niot dOin: well. I have a 6tock powder guiaraited to do the work. Len,ors have golt to 6 a box in N. Y. it is I crt dicted iiey will go to $10.00. 1 ha- e a fresh lot on hand. Use pleltV (f lemIo:Is iI ho weather. they are not only rcfrehig but healthy. I have the t, a suitable for hot or ced, in 5 and 10. ;A' I have a high gri coffe, piarched. 40c per lb You wi Ilihke everyv thling about t hOis except thle price seems high, buti it is worthi' B3ring me? 1i's (of,ehickens and e'LgLs. TV. 1). H1ARRIS. Wlire to Buy the~ Best SPolitry aiid Egs. -FOR SA LE - Silver Laced Wyandotte eggs. 81.00 per 15. uarantee a hatch of S out of 5. J. T. PARTIDIGE. S C. Rhode Island Reds GGS FOR lla TC (11NG from carefuilly mated ens $1.504 u p oer iS. i-. 11. C RAI G S. C. Buff Orpmtons S lN N INGs: P'i'cen. 4 (. P''.try Show. Dec. ~-4. '0X-Out of 5 Birdh Shown. 'ion It and 2nd :oek erel d ih t uit 2ind P-l:;. -(Jut cf 4 Hi rds shoiwn. W on .!rd I ickerei, 1st en and 1st and ard Pibit I. F.ggs $l.5i per 15 V . JI tIEI{5Ks Prof essional Cards . E. Bo(;8s W. E. FINDLEY BO31GS & FINDLEY Lawyers P'iekens.S. l. (ltte ver tirken- iOank. 8tf P'AR KE R'S HAiR BALSAM M C e an.d w rs Purodloed ble e Sllrlyfo ngl thl' Hlot<. SprS- ingsIE Scroodla Rhe111ani.d fT.eer. Eerenma. ani All Fornis of Blood an<i Skii1 Disease. S1.00 per bottle Price-, 3 botles $2.50 sold only by Pickenis, S. C. *D To PLESE? Let us array you in one of our many new styles handled by us of some of the most famous manufac turers, and lead you to a mirror. YoU look at your reflection and the hard-to-pleas disappears at . ONCE . We have dealt with lots of men who came to us skeptical of our ability to satisfy them with ready made clothes. They are regular customeis now; once you wear our clothes, is enough to kill all prejudice, The 7 spring styles are very sensible and attractive. We have tried to consult all tastes in making our selections, and we believe we have succeeded. hard to please, ve stand rc,adv to .'ve wVs, you will see there a display of new models from some ot resent the latest fashions, and you will spot them at once as Yours to plea,se, JTHCIIYSI.8 R-~EENVILLE, S. C. The Central Roller nills Ias just been overhauled b Experienced Iie and newI'I Silks IP-.9t-Il1 bn (o botcs rs. We are in fiie shape to handle your g-rair give you GOOD FLOUR. M~1r. J. T. Puckett, a mn of seAeral years' experViece, is in charge. J. 1H. Ramseur, . T. (iassaway, Secrieta ry. Pres.-Treas. A JEWEL CASE ~. is the delight of every woman. To see , .. the magnificent ornaments that we are '~ ,~ -~sho ving for the Spring trade. is to want - many ornaments for your casket. p"' \:. ITIMEPI ECES from the thinncst and tiniest watches to Y the eight-day clocks. All are warrante.l to KEEP time. Our tableware in solid and plated ware is complete in fine de signs at moderate prices. Inspection in / vited. 11. SNIDEIH. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE LIBERTY' BANK, L x )ated1 at Liberty, S. C., at the close of business June 23rdd902. RI-:soUR(-:. LIABILITiES. tin............$~I$6977Capital Stock Paid In.... .... .......$25,000 0(G ......................21 74Und ivided P'rorit.s, lest, Current Expen 4Vt.I! ?. . . . . . .I.97 21 ses and Taxes Pail... ......... .... 7.631 70 N ................1.54 ~2Individual De~posits Subject to Check.. 18.918 73 .1?: i Iit I rc'.............00640 Tnhi ertiheates of Deposit..........16,481 7 I!: n......................2 7. H0) iill Paoyable, including ('it t6ates for 451I Money florrowed ..... .... ....20,000 00 v. r :i.I ether ton . ...... ... .......015 91 li.. and ('ash Iteins...... ...........j1 0 Tt......................$8,10t2 71 : Tlotal .......... .. ...... ...8.102 71 iT!- F OF 0lTi U.\140LIN.\, Q9 NTY 411 I[l( l-NS. Isle me came H:rC1. C. SiIt.ET. ('ashier of the above named l:nk, who du'y. sworn le and foregoing statement is a true condition of sai.l lank. as shon by the hnoks Sno- a t and subscribed before me this 26th day of .Iune, 1909. or,c t .\tt TIJIOS. N. IhUNTF.R, Notary Pubie. -Y -Directors. REAL ESTATE I have several farms, varying in siz from the small farm of 35 acres to 200 acr'es, se located in different sections of the county, that I am offering for sale on easy terms. If interested in purchas iug land call on or write me.Y I also have enquiries for land that my present list does not supply. If you wish to sell see me. Yours for Business, H.M. HESTER; C Pickens,S. c.