Order by Mail If you can't Come. Every Depari tributing Yes On Ev Will be revealed New M< interest, Stand in any section c delightful arrangement, the con lines for choosing Dress Goods very newest, the very richest, cl< and cotton fabrics. Next shelf a White on opposite side, are arri Neckwear, Fancy goods, Hosier new laces, Embroideries, Floun< of every opportunity to make th serviceable to its patrons. Notable Opportur CHOICE WAr Beautiful Zephyr Ginghams, per 34 inch Linene in small checks, [ 27 inch Mercerized Suiting, wor 36 in White Barred Batiste, per 36 in Light Percales, attractive c Best grade 36 inch Cambric She Beautiful Madras Shirting, per y 36 in Side Band Linens, very ati NOVEL NE Many new styles here in Jal Dutch Collars. New Stocks New Net and Irish Lace Jal SPLENDID VALUE We are showing a line of < in coat soit style, strapped and I wool suits. Colors linen, light old rose. Prices $4.43 and $5.04 DEPARTME Good Small Farm For Sale. My farm of forty seven acres, one mile north of court house on Town creek. Fifteen acres fine bottom land and thirty acres of upland, all in high state of cul tivat ion. Has good house and li barn and one tenent house. 3 Pumpkintown r o a d r u n s 0 through the middle of it. B. E. Grandy, a Pickens, S. C. e c Farms For Sale. Do you need a small farm? I 0 have 35 acres 4i miles north of S Court House in good communi ty, i~ mile from Methodist d church, and i mile from Baptist " Church. Nice little cottage. ne cessary out building, on public a road, 18 acres in cultivation, '9 balance in timber; pasture en-. Y closed with barb wire. If taken at once you may have it at $30, s: an acre, A- down balance in 5 c equal payments or terms to suit v~ you. The place is rented for c this year but if you buy now a you get the rent. Let me show you the place. If this is not as h large a place as you want, I have 6'7 acres 4 miles southwest of Court House you may have at same price per acre and on, the same terms. H. M. Hester, Pickens, S. C. Notice of Trustee Election. - -. The trustees of each district in the County, except Easley, are hereby ordered to hold an election on May the 8th for trus tees to serve their district for the next two years. Rules governing a democratic pimary el e--tion shall govern this election. The election to be held at the seh ool house with ini the district, except Libert. which will be held at the Lib erty Bank. Polls to open at 1 o'clock and close at 5 o'clock p. m. The retuns of said election c are to be filed with the County Board of Education within three days after said election. By- order of County Board of Edlucationl of Pickens County. g R. T. Hallum, Sec. andI Chr. b -- Ir PARKER'S Matc Spec ;ment teer their shar ery Hand :rchandise features of inte f this big store and view plete assembling of vari and Silks, study these, >se by in order are the fter shelf of rare creations yed all the newest effects y and small wares, next :ings, &c We take advant is store more attractive ities for Buying H GOODS. vard _. _.........12 >er yard.. - 12 th twice the price per yd i yard.......- ................. esigns, per yard .. !ting, per yard.-......-12 1rd _.....- - -..... :ractive, per lyard.- -. CKWEAR )ots, Stocks and Lacetrimn -25 and >ots-_ 29, 39 and S IN TUB SUITS olored Linene Suits made >utton trimmed. Fit just]I blue, Copenhagen blue J.T I ENT STOF In view of making a chai i our business we will sell 3 days. beginning on April 11 uir entire stock of Dry Goc lotions, Shoes, Glass, Crock! nd Tinware, etc. In fact, rything we have except G aries, will be sold at cost. We have just opened a I E up-to-date spring shoes in ;yles and at prices from $1 > $3.00. Men, women and ci ren's shoes at cost and wi re say cost we mean COST. All we want is for you to co nd give us a chance to sh ou and we wvill be sure to ou. Any one wishing to buy n'all stock and open busint in buy ours at a bargain, a -e will rent you a store-rol leap. It is near the depot a good stand. We also have a 5-room cotte ouse and lot for sale. Don't fail to call and see us Yours for business, Liberty, S. C. ve he im . i redb al. Ahathiscinaly to tns t he iers ins. c mdsome ornaments and sterling r novelties. Our watches are c! ated as good timepieces, and< bleware is warranted no t to tarni spection of all tines cordially invit H. SNIDER. r. King's New Life Pill The best In the world. hiess I ial Array aing with th e. Don't put Speck nse the Ous the silk in the age nd I C I 0C c %c 15c I 9e ied 29CDaily A 5C Our busine 5C nold's Millinery those who know correct. up ke Another shi nd ceived. No use - nold's for your] -lOS. ARs ISummons for Relief. Si tate of South Carolina, County of Pickens. Court of Common Pleas. Summons for Relief--Complaint Served. e T. D. Harris, Plaintiff. for against )th Conrad Christ and Katherine Christ, Is, Defendants. ~ry To the Defendants abos e named: v- You are hereby summoned and requir ro- ed to answer the complaint in this ac tion, of which a copy is herewith served mupon you. and to serve a copy of your Deanswer to the said complaint en the llsubscribers at their office at Pickens Court douse, South Carolina, within 0twenty days after the service hereof. i- exclusive of the day of such service; and en if you fail to answer to the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for me0 the relief demanded in the complaint. W Dated at Pickens. S. C., April 11th, A sell D., 1909. A. J. Boggs, C. C. P. (Seal) a CAREY & CAREY, a fliaintiff 's Attorney s. S' To the absent defendant, Katherine ,nd Christ: )m Please take notice that the summons nd and complaint in the above stated case, were file in the office of A. J. Boggs, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for ge Pickens County, South Carolina, on the 14th day of April, A. D., 1909. CAREY & CAREY, Plaintiff s Attorneys. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Pickens, Court of Common Pleas. IISummons for Relief-Complaint Served. J. McD. Bruce, Plaintiff, against Edward Young and Vesta McFall De fendants. To the Defendants above named: - You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the saiid complaint on the subscriber at his office at Pickens Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days af ter the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer to the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this ac tion will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint. - Dated Pickens, S. C., April 3 A. D). 1909. A. J. Boggs, C. C. P. [Seal.] Morgan & Mauldin, Plaintif's Attorneys. To the absent defendant, Edward Young: P1 ase take notice that the complaint lin the above stated case, together with dthe foregoing Summ'nons, was filed in the nd' office of A. J. Boggs, Clerk of the court hoof common Pleas for Pickens county, South carolina, on the 3rd day of April, Morgan & Mauldin. of Pitifi- Attys. le- Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ur All persons having claims against the hestate of the late Mary J. Parsons, 'd must present the same duly proven on or before the 15 day of May 1909, or be debarred pyment, and all prsons - indebted to sai - estate must make pay mient on or before the above date to the S undersigned. J. E. Parsons r ding of Spring 3 Good aild off your pr i in Lingerie , We are beautifut L ents these c in mind no, that at the offering th exceptional Lot i--It ors, trimme tucked. Lot 2-S comes in L colors, beau Special Other s) $ toents runnit *.$18.oo)to$ .rrivals in nil ss in this department is simply is known far and wide and ft "What's What." The styles pment of the newest Shapes lI shopping all around-just corn -eadgear. !NOLD New, Fre SPRING I have spared no means in iness the newest and freshest gt at the lowest prices such goods Our goods and prices are SALE all the time. We do nol into "Special Sales" My 20 ye fies me iri saying that you get v promise, when you buy from us AS TO OUR GOODS: \ stock that the average buyer of pecially do we call attention to grand assortment of these good n prices 10, 15, 25, 35 and 50< OUR COLORED WASE seasons offering we have ever s] both Men's and Ladies Under Men's and Ladies Neckwear an' tions and head ornaments of all NOW FOR THE STAPL oes for 5c. The best aud heas that can be sold for 5c. Cotton Remembe me when you want g A.. K. F West End. O lie PicegeB has just received a new flavors the drinks that hc richest and most fruit-like consuming public. He a RED ROCK C to go alongside of these< Dealers in soft drinks will firn their orders5 fori [he Pickenls Bi Consumers will find it to the make when buyil rnnrietor I i L. Advar r Merchf the Beautil eparations. ;uits. selling many ingerie garm ays We have 6v two numbers price we are em, are most values. i white and col d in lace and Per suit, $4.49 till better grade >oth white arid tifully trimmed per suit, $6.50 plendid garm. ig in price D.oo, $12.50, 25.00. linery. splendid-Ar mous among are absolutely axe been re e direct to Ar COMP4 sh, Crisp GOODS. securing for thiV Spring's bus >ods that could b.: found, and can be sold for. ~uch as to give us a SPECIAL Shave to try to fool the people ars b)usiness reputation justi rhat you bay and what we Ve have almost anything in dry goods may need. but es white goods. WVe have a .a in plain an I fancy, ranging :the yard. [ GOODS are equal to any own. A great showing of Vests await you here, also :1 Hosiery, plain and fancy no kinds. ES. The best shirting, cali iest 36 inch wide sheeting Checks and Ginghams at 5c. >od shoes at lowv prices. DA RK, OftliflE bioI H upply of Extracts which manufactures with the taste ever known to the iso has the well-known lNGER ALE ther high-class dIrinks. lit to their interest to send such goods to >ttling Works. ir interest to call for this ag soft drinks. A ITTck-n-- S. . itages Lndise Ul. All st( mitil the la& Spring Our hosiery stock for this than at any previous time. A and domestic goods-both cot colors. AT 25 CENTS-Fine Ga light blue or white, Special at AT 33yrc-Fine medium black or tan, 3 pair in a box - AT 39c-Black gauze Lis per pair - AT Soc.-Your choice of blacks, tans, or high colors, p< AT 59c.-Fine Black or' neat designs of Pink, Blue, R< EXTRA SIZES.-Extra., or Heavy weight at per pair_ UNMATCHABLE VALI We are now upon the While colors are extremly fine complete without a liberal "! embraces exquisite weaves foi match. Fine Linen mater Beautiful Persian Lawns Fine 45 inch French Laiwns Beautiful Mercerized Lawns French La ches-... NEW SI1 Stock of exquisite Silk vailing styles. One piece silk Beautiful Satin Face Figu Extremely handsome garr A NY, SGREEI\ Weighin Did you ever weigh your on the following terms and wi For the best average wei~ and May 1st, six at a time, we (We will weigh up every lo six until the last day when we weights will be given each selle For the six next largest we For the largest weight sing: Only breeders and raisers-o pete for these prizes. A MOVYL We. have a lot of good shoes move them. In order to make the following liberal offer to ou] To any lady buying of us a $2.00 will be given a present val of us any of our No. 3 or 31 Dre will be giyen a present valued a We have plenty of good got can be sold at. Your CRAIG One-Price insmmi - I S Sa p lalilfacttured by JORE ANDERSI See them and judge for you and beauty. REPRESENTED LOCALLI To our out-of-town friends: Railway fair paid both ways in a radius of 4o miles on purchase* of $25 or more. )CkS are eo t moment. Hosiery season contains better values li good weights here in foreign ton and silk in blacks and high 1 uze hose in blacks, tans, Navy - - 25C weight German made hose in .$1.00 le Hermsdorf dyed hosiery at --39c a half dozen different weights in i pair---50C. Fan Lisle Hose, embroidered in :d or Lavender, Special-....59c. ize Black Lisle Hose in Medium 35 and SOc. JES IN WHITE GOODS. threshold of the White Season. this season, yet no wardrobe is ;prinkling" of white. Our stock all purposes. with trimmings to ials in White. -15c to 50c. c. to0C - 25c., C. 7 C .K SUITS Suits made up in the latest pre red Tailored Suits, each $r8-50 rents, per suit, $22.50 & $25-oo !VILLE, S 0. gContest chickens? .Sell us you chickens n a premimm, rht hens sold to us between now will give in cash. $3.00 extra. 1 of six and keep weight of the will award the prize. Duplicate r, on every lot of chickens sold us) will give $2.00 in cash. e hen we will give a good 75c knife chickens will be allowed to corn TG SALEF' in small sizes and we want to luick sates this month we make -lady cust61mers. pair of No. 3 or.3% shoes $1.50 to ued at 25c. To the lady buying s Shoes valued at'$84Q to $3.50 t 50c. ds and the price as low as 9hiey s for trade, BROS7 Cash Store. i Lock that Locks The Burriss Shingle the repisents the latest rd best development 'in METAL HINGLE construction. Highly pproved and used by the most ex erienced builders in this section1, so by Cotton Mills for Cottages. i 'T. BURRIS & SON, )N, S. C. rself their construction, qualit y BY JOHN L THOUMLET