ag a. a tLnsu s kv Of. LO8 Thq Balebe i cho 'com men6s Mon4y, -h inStiI, witb Miss iene-HenrJcks as teacher Miss -,r Ienneey, of Green ville, is s endink a, time witb her -frien. Miss Cassie Bolt, in Pickens. Wsda,nes J. 1". Stewart and Emma Major, - of- Pickens, vis ited friends and relatives in An derson last week. A properous farmer fro'm dui county, living at the very fool of 'the mountains, tells us that ho-can raise nearly two-bales of cotton per acre. Cotton seed is being hauleO from all over the cou.1m1 vto the Pickens market, the prices here being higher than at othei points. J. T. Richey of Pickens, left Monday for Chnrveston, whe(r. he goes to attend. a leeting of the ShrinC now li 01 ession in that city. More cotton hvas boe'An weighed at Pickens tis year than' wav weighcd up to Qhir time lnst year. A good'. dal i m -torod in the cotton mill A""are' honse.. The installItion o ofcf-f! of the Epworth Leagm. i cl* the Methodit church1 11 in~ ikern last Salath iight, was very ifipra~ive ;Ymd was8 well at. tended. Mlarried, on the 15th inst., at the residence at" the oii('eiti ne minlistc-, Rev., htie i -9 .1 711 - rv. ate requests us to state.. tbat the n1a.nagers of the federal election in this counlty..r.Rn 'aet their m11on1ey )y calliu at the :Pickem1 Bank. ander filled hiseg' .1nent at the Pickems church last Sab yered two fine dis the m.ornihg and afternoon-to -larg6 and appre ciative ccngregations. The old Masonfe building will be sold by A. M. Morris on Sale -day in December- to the highest bidder for cash, just as it stands. purchaser to move it. This building is of -wood and has a lot of good material in it, and *will probably go cheap. Mr. T. L. Gantt says he gain oed a fraction over four pounds in weight during his first three wed'ks' residence-in Pickens. He is charmed .with our city and -county, it climate, people anid general surroundirigs and attrac tions;: also0 its fine ",proverider." * Gap Hill precinct was on a boom election day. Two prom. *inent citizenis of our little burg *came galloping iii on' milk cows, hollerin' "Hurrah. for 'Bryan!1 every jump, an~d the .voter's fel. lo wed suit. -Bryan's 'defeat le very much regretted by' the cow boys. - .' SUB. .TR. A. Richey celebrated ble~ EiCth birthday last Sunday and his'randson, Harvey LaBoon, celebrated his 5th. At the din ing all .of Mr. Richey's grand. children but one .were preseni to'dat with him and wish him mnany r'eturns of .-the joyouE *occasion. -At the bond election l17etd ini Pckens, Monday the issue -o1 $1,000 worth of bonds was car r'ed by 23 majority. Now the~ school will get on its feet, when this issue is floated, and the trustees will make every edge cut to keep it on a cash basis and the expenditures less than the income. As a lanidscape and kitchen gardener J). B.. Finney is the whole push. HIe Jeft in this - office last week a radish-oi rate comnpr.omise betweer us meijasured over a foot i b i h and was sa sy ia~ ca is f te genus.P m hide was a bright e~*~u its suceulent 'inside: '1whmiHight nd rily t~T 4'( The~ fe.v &' R anUi~ r th.t Santa Claus rs. A more beaut& ktiic a select stock of 11a tast'ias were never-W4 this e tion than are U pt on display by th Pi4h_1B Drug Co. It is like talhk yur little folks to a fail, to let I em see the va ried and beait line of holiday presents here 'eebP" Their large display windaws are decorated ,with all kinds of dolls. There 4re suitable gifts here for all -ages classes and conditions-big and little, rich and poor. '.Read their tonspicuous advertisement and pay this lovely store a visit. Every one can find some suita ble present ther, Tlge Wolf Irdek echool in dis trict No. 29 will open .Monday, 23d inst., with Miss Josic Boggs as teacher. o-citor Bo rs finished 'his last court at o-t e., . Th iere ws-s-au -unusually i wav crniiial-dockut Pnd every'caw Ir -I w e , o..vici-d.. Mr. gs tlos(ld a hi'hly e i'a e career zniid the p'in: :W. Thy p i p"Wk of t00s jil(lici:1 CIJC m le garment for mid-season or for any time d other Cioths. Worsreds and CheviQts in pcs and., lengths-a light weight Overcoat weather-*-water- proof, yet dressy. In fact, und for theatre or other occasions. [s..Greens, Olives, Greys, Lon,-Ion Snoke ;hion dictates. A) - Buo ., pIax B. BiRUN.:ER and, Dute.. gh-grade wares. [S YO URRIME R CA AT. eing taken up in a birry ui miss one at the price e offering them it is YOUR LOSS. ore KING STOVES' Left to go B ARUGAIN., ~get hur Dressers Last Save Money by buying our goods. $5.00 Sve EN'S SUITS. eto see p.s. i . :< t|IGB