The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, November 19, 1908, Image 2

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4, ,' v MckM- Un or'"8 PIckS SoRutiikournal WVBYMSD XVX$T V*WMDAT MOon or. The Sentingl4ournal company. TomisoN & Brouct. PRo"u. J. Lo. 'THOMIPSON. r. dubscription 31.00 Pe#Auum. Atdvertisiug Rltes Reasonable. -k,tercd at Pickens r'stoilce an Socond Clasl. 1C149,S. Co.: 7HURSDAY, NOV1111 :it 19, 1908. THE HUMBUGGERY OF COST SALES. ().tr read :-r. :- 'i're i i f :nir witht th< s rib"s, ig;. Ilp a il t"h,I nlow An\i then. -1Th( y ar11 1 ' . z-'s - Itah " ll right, t i ley,itim:tt ' w%-aY f o- , r revgular; li-reha n .I Tnp myit i ' r i ts'a y i i : 1:A l'"". h - I a knmro :11t, to [ur I(A (: if ' Ill-q: IwI ldis". e tor 1m tS .' tl i ril'ldwf m'' :-it< h;:nriis.4 0 h h: !, t4:i t! -- c t mark, 1ib,uro,-; .1 i ' . t ' act- 1, l e ;l,t ofI th o - teen he 1-k-,s-; r cl nt.:kIld ::d :.S to it. putsthe u! <1 mor:pricv on a:1 g nd i e 'it at k a " o at: pr " or; 14;or (i kr n u . h e w ft . :. yo: lwy. li)w i.( wy l' n t. ro< ofhe tot!: f godsthen ta* c t,;e ital ittig pr-c as a b 4:s... I:0 pe cen7*tt.. an,'o' mal tha 14 ,1 fh;t-i'!'io m0 04 ;1"fi .h1 (p do 1tto :t eI I Ln por cI.I - pirW.t ik 'urin;: chit,! for'o non-h.n V1,a bit al.y way y5 11 got Tai t pair of sith - I eo vhiy ie wo rt' fo Opprtnit4 IIg' Olliie f f'i otln--s' t i *t i. t--co t sa ' u arm- true v fol ,t (I.t 1 : t , ut. l (.4.-1)U rost" 1iyo en r an- ic. -ott5 hudro ir-he t e's15 p ericent. for landlinU. Tais gives imiiii 23 for ;e il i 0- to -paire o!ghoeH, and M.r "%I- -chl it f'o a " a *' ouW on Id. b othe pro t and Mr. Oheir rnie .he hadn to do it with. You very sct'lomi Be., 1.n,_pportun11ity, w somothig f6vr'ohing-and wh,ni it co-.xg t'o comt Sahilsy'ou are truly fool. Vd if you thir,kCyoui are buvnmg the goods at What they, 'Csthe mrchn61Ilt-but YOU ae getuting them a,, yhat they "cost,' you. Our advice, gotten from one of the best merchans ald mlost suc cessful businse in the state isto beware of ther "cot male, 'tre ales," and ia fewh hey. are simply- tp osae. arat theunwaryn a unthokin eo pl fQromli\P. theirmny ue had lar.po sitiona dylto ru one ah'dI 'gomodth- ho working ofth schem. The rhlehan hardly moey, es mean nna smcoi - mconey,ale,d th'br esmpe rasonam poot oo hiae oerstf.e At ao meeting wt p of .thFares ingldginitsou megmte tomi comerc i an andrtilizerllnext thear goods for think wae-old have bfer t~inoua ls msae ori ol The dgawen Tcard ad thedt se e in the-roduyioon- cotton o Ace -seiii deary prcicly a$ ono WtO al nw ther fert.le soilserc 3 -o ned gr fa..,b.tifcle gosrngh ho ~ n-eg wiers n orhnand behpy ok hadyeverse am ercant onun aero - oos ae,"- fone bae toimperes. , cahoto-lahiorstomuerice Atha metot-of themoarmers sestion.camd e lvery near tass penousealogethe with the use o: This, wde~ thin,wol hauce agruinoust mis osak e, btwuldv aveive Texa andit1i te Ms sispietapacialya,oo ~- 1,1 older -states joutd lo4ng since have . orced,t60odust to the West Invorder tp make a living, while lands in thse older Eastern states would eiher be gven over to broom- sed- and scrub pines, only cultiv ' in patches and selling for a few cents per acre, instead of, as is now the case, dvalling the most. fertile sectiolis of the new West, when It corfies to producing the fleecy staple" ahd commanding from $25 to $10O6per acre. There is no disputing the fact that corm mercial fertitzers and hillside torracing have rescued the farms in the states lying east qf the Chattahoochee~ river from the abomination of desolation. Imagination. "Just slap down . sketch of.a drunkoni husband sitting in' a wretched hov-1 of a house," re 1uteSted the n,ewspaper editor, hurryinig into (he apafteiit of the lazy ca toonist, says the New .XoIk TiIws. I'he ar1ist ca,rlesly com )-I plied all sI"pr-awvied k in h 1i chair. "Dn' lii hnkv it wNouL" d 1ill out b%tter if yon w %ere to sketch in a tal)'1 11 InIImv-whisky hotth' imp(iired the! oditor, gz ittlyh at 4h 1 a1o igu "O. lh e re er i i e e booe w)t of it, 0l rodht. "W 1l.,ho abouat a -a bol0! ni -h'm' uted wi' fe and~ a conic Nv l i t iik I 1I''lle 1,111~ f1l,01 as Central -R F 0 2. .14ealth vry1 go in o.1 sec t.ion, and wheat. SOWing and killing hogs the order of th n UMiss Izzie Ale.xaliler, " 0"1e Stewart section, visited ii our little burg Monday. A large numboer visited Cen tral last Saturday. Clafe Willimion is havin.l hlis res-;id(e paint ed; vlen fiinshed it will h*.t bianty. Mis.; Mary Tr6tter, a charni ing young lady of this coninill nity, attended the singing at, the honie of Miss Lizzie Alexander, of the Stewart section. S.unay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stowarl are visiting home folks at Ocb nee this week. "Mountain Boy," you ask 11 the new top buggy had qul coming. There are a lot of bug. gies that haven't any tops t< them. -Mayte the new toi huggy 3ill come to-morrow. IT tdon't ths -one'withiout aliy toj may d~oin4; NeVertheless yo1 guess at the rest. Hat ha W..A. Hendricks is visiting ih Andez'on,this week. . Mr.. and Mrs. W. C. Garret - Visited home folks at Stewart Sunday. There's a heap of moving ii ,'our burg. Folks are seekinh I new homes for aniother year.. Earl'and F'ank Alexander, o: E ths Stewart vicinity,. dined witi ;their sister, Mrs. C. L. Wvilli mon, Sunday. -Walter Willimon visited B. H Powers, Monday last. Mrs! R. W. Willimnon and he: popular daughter, Miss Maggie visited Mrs. .M. C. Findley, a Stewart, Sunday. Well, "Bonnie Blue Eyes," )have not been asleep. I hav had so much of old 8c cotton t Spick that I've not had muel time to write. I am truly glai ba say tliat I'm through for thu year. I hope to have the pleas ure of meeting you some o: these lovely days. You nmus' writ9 of terr. It affords me the greatest please your let ters. ''OLD RIDDLE. Liberty. One of the attractive events of last Week was the 'big oyster supier given by the -ladles of the Methodist church here, .on the 15th, to raise ieoney to help~ organ 'or the new church. The sqpper was Jibei.. ally patronized andjthey netted about $25. Tid (Ncasion wag t ihe night ofd Ihe 15th h Ii' w -a ' 1L 1 bo:9 -rei" Home-Made CP California a .andies ORDERS FROM MVCHA Ind he came and unlocked the door, an4 they found that a box, of old waste they had been using for .rubb'ng in cil --id varnish had a'(n fire, ann h d burned, tmough'the %4o o:, star1ted up the shelvi. A .few minutes' n1iiori he hui-A ino'oid have birned to the grou.nd; -Real winerI 1' in. mercury slide d*'Ilown i,) 26t ye(ster1day a1d went, tio 1f*ut this.iorn ing. Fr' lu , eti like little M i, bI 1V.. T. Abbott, No. 8', at his r'siden1ce in LAIb vrhy Mill Villa,, Ml-iss Lula Sto phens an<1 J.. 4li!o,' both of T.ay 1) ng. me )V s hreddinB I h cu illn of sonIe of th farmVier; it uli.i soctionl, as well as hog.k1illing' M1I'. S W. O'Dell 01) othc. -tu!i from liXi.e a aba n wo..i nwry convention'~(~' t ChSe.a-ndonc NV week. C. Yo ri .: As I netvter s!A. an4Ai your pap'r from 'hi vici- 1 will try andli v l doi-s. he'' iv wo our inwl I,aV Mm . vi .n il d s un no(, (i10 air,s va' I l)ll1~L ' Vul' va op tha v sta Yfi,T- atczw ' vko *1'Grm-ve., ai dI -rc - poris a nico fio)(. Wo h-a'e the noing bActure ho&v th t w e L. J. .Houwre mloH'aeDavi A ifn:r from hieekton bU.imn rorg t. gar w hav themw i st 1".a t ow inuin attcks of. tv pho,)iLd V ver. Wov' ho-pu they-! will soon halk to 1*1"urD back to Mr. Legare Goes'West. A diptch from Charleston, dated Nov. - sy: "o >h Monasy few Arizona, aher he -many friends and atimirers twere glad to see hiuh looking so CLERK'S SSALE, Sta eof Sotii aro[ina, of' Pickens. Ini 'ommoni Pi a Cou: t 1 In pur.-snce of a ,ieferetal ord.vr ma-. in the flwng-nne ense, ad obi fIle fn te f 'k's -offte I will .eeli to thu highest hidldet, 'luring the legal hout s for - ale,-nat Pickeins cout t'house, nn Saleday mn Dec.nmber, 1908, the followjuag de y criIed t et' I. state, upon the terms here' innufter' til ih-neud, to-*lt: A D. 'i J. W . Youm(. t.anl. [- All thant l,iect , ;'arec ofr Irfet of hln' in the cou n.y ftt ri-tia. 'and sate aniu. - sa tid, een 'f itIn lifty aem. tore or it-a-. )and noejsining~ tanets of M a. Auarie Ful r and os "n* c. I ini iLe rawi ut deeded to her (.s-,48:t et Young) by .J. s.n,h TE'-RI1S-On, -i .11f ean,h, balamnce on a credit oft t Vc-lve' mths, credir, portlion to be a,-eurued by the bonwd of the pur. chaser or putrcha.-eas, and a mortgage of the prFemiees. with me.erent from stay of sale, with be ave to the purchaset' to pay all cash. If the te.-ms~ of. the ab'uve sale are not corn lied- wit h in-one -hour the prenuie will .e resold osi evne djay. Puroha,er to pay for all payeis antad recordiog the same. ,A. J. BOnG4, 82 Clerk of Court, -1OTICE. The contrs et for the building of new span to the, bride ,over 8altuda river, between the pom e of Grenvlla and Piokena. at gle8lla Power' ompaehy's dam, willl othe low rponisi ble biddewoiti 20th dy1 mblier 1908, at 'ibok a. . as n on .de khn~ '01, dayo. ett g; ca1 fRe Rda ottin# d. r SServior reenaVileCounv. #~ RAOS Prop ftDESt of All' Kind 0T foida FRUTS at; Made Fresh Ever NTS eceive prOiP' 4nd cardf4 CiERK'S SALE. State.of South Carolina, C9uty of Pickens. In - >m1non Plena Court. In putsusncne of a d nretal order and nn order of filreclosture ilade on O. fol' lowing-named .oas, and (n Wfe in the '-l.'f's oflc, I will tiell to th- highti,t hid L+er, du ilhe legai hoilis for atse..1 At P;ckers o urth lv, !. C.. on .aled:.y in December. ~ 1908. the follow;ng dv scribed real ebtate, upon tho terms here inwftel enitionled, to-wit: W11. Ja,good, et al., .M. G Dvi,, et at. All Iflat Iiece, 'i rctl or tra-t of law sittlate mt the coute .ind siite't forinidd enl hid 1watets of ( r >w Cret k and E it .M n, . ind II (l'Ad (Cormknrly ) of A.' . 11wis. d T.1'iVglW%1l and ot thers. con N\nu ne huereA anld tie..-, nen more' or ls, l:ing the Sam1le land bought b . G. Davii fron Levi TorsC's *h (n day of sole, nnd if no: coi with Wil hin on. holl ihni bm,lwal e n obion s-1 (im lldy. P r alw:. to pr lv Jor :ill p jp.rvs nve) recor ' h dik . . . J. IA I G Q1., U3.;Cu of Court. CLERK'S SALE. of ou' rln In Commf lt s Coil. hi .W.bidl , r, iwt I b--.. h- - L h.o ft :-a.. at then< :tM.-0h us. S. G., 441ip ithty int lecembor, m) f:.Hf,w. Iin,' lt ibe: e yi; l * . p n w t trms . ebeca Wni Ilire, (t at., -vs... 11..). Lenh.ardt. A llhat pece, pacel nud tract of 1 in - ituy arid bn-ig in d hest,xte and c-11ty ; above named, in Pun kintown' owship,~ ~ ~~V Ct a fWh rr.e w i of: i 1.10:.- li%' 1n t s r ig o!I hu'n if .1 t ivli. (WP) aura omre br -' trgesi atid Wtiers, and know as a part of the lIn-S place. 'T's -Oa0h od <by of sale. and if not complied with within one hour the lilnd will be rehol'i on tam,l w -. l im ese'- to p.ty for )-.pers 1n rt'veording t.e' shine. A. J. ,OG's Clerk of :'mrt,. LAND FOR SALE. Stat3 of South Carolina, Count j of Pickeus. .I At pubic Outcry, Sa a.Liberty, 8. C.. u.tle'ts sold at private a 'le before that date, thte homr stead t ract of land of, t ha:.late T1hios. R.. Gary, a(iceased, contamiing 111 acres, more or les, and boun.ned by lands of .* H. Cal iahta?n. J. H. lirown and ot,bers, being situjaied. in state and county aforesaid, about two and one-half niilts south~ of L'herty; near church and school, and in good dommunity. Land in fine state of cmaltivation,- good pasture, good billd ings, etc. Will cut in two tracts if so desired. TERMA OF' SALE are cash, purchaser to pa1y for all p)apers and for recording same. JNO. A. GARY, Agent for heirs, of Tinos. fl. Gary, deceased. Nov. 18-w8 LAND SALE. We will sell to the' highest bidder for e'nsh, on salest'ay in December next, at Pinkens court-house, 8. C., during the legnl hours of satte, the following lenda: -1. All thet traot gf land, containing two hundred and t wnty-flye acres more or lesa, in Pickens county, describeri in deed or G.' W. R-nkin. R. A. Trhonp ion to J. W. Grant, in office of t he clerk of court of said county, in Book K, pige 860, saving and exepting a tract of one hundred and fifty acrea more or lear, deeded to J. MelD. Br'uce by Thomas 3M. 2 . All that trapit of land, coltaining one hundred atnd sixty-two acres more or less, deeded to Thomas M. Johnson by. Rtebecca Clardy. A. (1. Dilworth, Mar, M. Huds'n and 8. E. Dilworth, said rier recorded in Book E. page 6ilE, saiv ing and excepting eighty-one acrea,more or les,s, sold to W. C. Crenshaw by Thoe. ."1. Johnson. B. F,. MARTN, Traste' F.A. DA NIELS. The State of Routh CRrolina, County oftPiewg,. By J. B Ne.wlrn' Probate'Judge Whereas J. L. Valley tmade suit to me, to grant lirm Leters of AdmIdIbtaa. tion of the F and autekotwofJ, J. L l are theretfor, o ph Md ad. nptah all anrhlinnl er an~ktd itdtors of the JJ4oad the e t m~e4nbe at hjk A 'looW N' :it l unt he grame rI . lveni undier me) ftand4 thi' 19thu an of 14 E N ietor. Wholesale and Betail, y XIOUrT attetion INSURANCE When you' need insurdnce, on yQur Dwellings, Barn and StockP, Cotton Gin, Store-house or the Best Life hIsurance on the market, it will pay you to g 't fixed up by W. B. ANTHONY of Orcenvile, S. C. He knows his buSiness thorouh1ly, and when .' you burn out, or die, he makes it his busin1es:; to see that the claim is v:0 prm tly. Ask * f4t # K knoW him. NIrite him at GreInVille amd hewill Sec you. auf I I 'St Mt1u ty t:txes w..... ,,,t. Octobtir IO.' 1i to leeetnher 3l t 'Tho klho pr-Afer to do :44 (:ilnt v fitt rna ty l6i, ith I ji(r cent ik<ldit;im.utI. 'I him-. .lho pref"er P;.\10 i ebrtitry L). ctitt (!o'"o-'mI1h eMt eint IbA it iantl. TI'llos who plet 'r l 1t' I ni-b l ', to the I' I t (. 10d ntiilth. "-'t)m cIo I,v pnint g nt cili , ' ut z er etit'.'* A flter .taii dt e lltipig booksv. -' N. Kt.Tulx pit ta\ for others. l w.. he or th, ver) 11mp1o1tHint at school istr-1s. .oile to Ithe ollie I). einlier :Xth, in the atotit due I clieVk. motioney order or 'revistere letter, 1. stimips ar., scnt ilo not setd atbove tie two (2) cent one., its I cannot us them. I'lene Io not send me ctsh withoit regl-tering sate, as it is liable to got lost. if sent otherwise it ptist be at 4ender's risk. Levy for State tax ...... ..... ....... I l, l Levy for Constitutional Sehool tIx . 3 mills Levy for Ordinary County tax ... .4 nytlls Levy for Misklng l.'und..... ..... ....1% mills Levy for P'ast Iidebtedlness...... . mills Levy for !hin G~ang... ...... .....2 mill -Levy for Stale Constable ...... ..,....i iill Total i .. 1/mills SCHOO0L T.\X./ SpeiailLey-y for School D)istrict No. 2, .: n mills SpeciailLevy for School D)strict No. 3...2 mills Special Levy for School District No. 4. .2 mIlls Special Lev).for School-lh'strict No. 8',6.2 mills Special .vy for School D)istrict No. 9,-. .8 mills Speeial Le-'y for School D)istrict No. 10, I 4mills S ecial Levy.for School Dilstrict No. 11,51 mills Special Leyv for School D)istrict No. 13,. . mills Spbefal Levy for School Dilstrict No. 14. ..4 mills Special Levy for School uisatrict No. 16...2 mllz Special Levy for.Stchool D)istrict bio. 17..'4 mills Special Levy for School D)istriot No. 1 ...2 mrills Special- Levy for School District No.- -. .2nills Special Levy for S6hool listrict No-. 22,..2 mils Special Levy for School D)istrict No, 23,. .2 mills Special Levy for School D)istrict No. 27;. .2 mills Special Levy for School Dilstrict No. 31.6/ mills Special Levy for School D)istrict No. 42,..2 mills Special Levy for Sehool D)istrict No. 49,. .2 mulla Levy for interest on Pickens R1. R. Mod Hnlrri an etownshiP-.... .......2 mills L v ao terest on P icknsR R.iionds Saitatoe towYnseip-.--..... ......24 mills L a or iteret1o Pic ens R. R. iozndu Lkens C. H. township............ 2 mills Poll Tax, OnS (I) J)ollar. Every maliiien z from 21 to to ti)years Is liable, except f'onfeder ate soldiers. wtn (1d0 not pay after 50 years, and these excused by law. Commutation Road T'ax. 91.5,0. All persons desiring to pay this tax for I000 in heoi of five days work on the road, can do so hefore March 1st. 1909. All persons between lbe Ages hf 21 and 0G years are liable for this tax. except those excuse by law. Capitation D)og Tax. All person e owning dogs are required to pay a tax olf fft,y (50) eants on each dog. Ilespectfully, county TPeauurer. Pickens Bottling Works R. L. DAvr8, Pror'r. Sain Street, PIUCENS, 8. C. han9tetuera of All Kinds So'it Drib km Thle Wholesaie TVade Supplku d Prompl *LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS. Also handies, at retail, Soft DeinIs . I., Ito. R, L. Z)AVIb, .Prop'r. O i-ta 1 i i ii thei hair.