The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, October 08, 1908, Image 8

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mNERNATIONAL LESSON COM. MENTS FOR OCTOBER 11. Bubject: God's Promises to David, I Chron. 17-Golden Text, 1 Rings 8:50-Connmit Verses 13, 14 Read 2 Saim. 7 and Ps. SO. TIME.-1042 D. C. PLACE.-Je rusalem. EXPOSITION.-1. "I have been witha thee whithersoever thou wvent est," vs. 1-10. Nathan took it for granted without consulting God that David's proposition to build a house for God would be acceptable unto Him. But God set Nathan right "the same night." In the first Instance Nathan had spoken out of his own judgment, but now "the word of the Lord" came unto him. God will make His .will known to those who sincere Jy desire to know it (Am. 3:7). Je hovah speaks of David as "My ser vant," but refused to permit him to build a house for Him. God accepts one kind of service from one man and another kind of service from an other man. The prime reason why God would' not permit David to build His temple was because he had been a man of war and blood (ch. 22:7, 8; 28:3). Jehovah is the "God of peace." Israel had been pilgrims dwelling in tents and wandering from place to place; and Jehovah had dwelt in a tent with them. He had ''walked with all the childten of Is rael" (cf. 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 2:1). God has never complained at sharing His people's experience nor suggested to any of the judges that they' should build an house of cedar for Him. God appreciated the love that prompted David to offer to build an house for Him, though He was obliged to de eline the offer. He had done great things for David, exalting him from the lowliest position to the mest ox alted. It Is ever God's way to exalt the lowly to a position among the highest (Ps. 113:7, 8; Lu. 1:52). Many of those who are to-day among the qbscurest on the earth will some day sit among princes. God took Divid yfrom being a ruler of sheep to be a ruler of His people. Fidelity in the humbler position had fitted him for the higher position. But not only had God exalted David to this posi-. tion. He had also "been with thee, whithersoever thou wentest" (cf. 1 Sam. 18:14; 2 Sam. 22:30,34,38). And-'lie promises to lie with us also (Matt. 28:20). He had cut off his eneinies and made for him a great mame, and that He will do for us (Isa.. 55:3). What God did for David lsonly a faint suggLetion of what God Can and will do for all who are in Chrlet (Eph. 1:18-22). God declared to David His purpose not only regard. Ing himself, but also regarling all Israel. This purpose of grace as an nounced in v. 10 had a partial ful fillment in the days of Solomon, but its complete fulfillment lies still in the future. It will be fulfilled to the very letter (Jer. 24:6;Ez. 37:25,27; AM. 9:14,15; Isa. 60:18; Ez. 28:2 1). 1srrel's history has been one of per seention and suffering, but it will not alwasy be so. Its temporary triumph under David and Solomon was but a faint type of the triumph that is to be thelra (Zcch. 8:23). P!'epare for the day when the Lord c::.:th ~ain HI. I Will laise Up Thy Secd After Thee, 12-16. Jehovah's goodness to David would not end with his de parture from * 'Is world. He should sleep with his .thers, not dio (cf. '1 TIhess. 4:14), out his seed that pro. ceeded from himself should follow "in uponl the thro~ne. 'I'wo precioue -4j wills" are to be noted: "I will *7rais? ~'T," "I will establish." The fin *melli~.$ Z'1,l partial fulfillment of this moise was in Solomon (1 K. 8: 20 ; 1:5; 1 Ohron. 22:9, 10; 28:6-10). But the final and complete fulfillment is~ in Jesus Christ (Ps. 69:29; Isa. .Aets'&30). "Fe shall build Me an thbuxe" refers, of course, primarily to * 4,'ouilding of the tenmple, by Solo mnon, but that temple was only fr type of the true temple or habitation of God. The seed of David who Is build ing that is Jesus Christ (Zech. 0:12, 13: Matt. 16:18; Lu, 1:3-33~ 1 Pet. .3.:5; Eph. 2:22). Of Christ a king dom God says, "I will establish Hi3 throne forever" (cf. Isa. 9:7; Lu. 1: 82, 33; Gen. 49:10; Ps. 45:6; 72:5, 17-19; 89:33, 37; Dan, 2:44; 7:14; 3igb. 1:8; Rev. 11:15). In a sense it wrould be true of Solomon's kingdom that Jehovah would establish it for ever (1 Chron. 28:7). "I will be His Father, and He shall be My Son" is true in the fullest sense only of Jesus (Hebh. 1:5; Matt. 3:17). Yet even this was true in a sens~e of Solomon (1 Chron. 28:6). "If he commit in Iquity, etc.," applies primarily to Sol omon, but Jesus entered into the place of the sinner (2 Cor. 5:21), and this about the consequences of the sin of David's seed is applicable to Him (ef. Acts .13:84-37).. "With the stripes of the children of men," with paternal chastisement, would Jehoval chasten Solomon, if he went astray. Solomon did go far astray, and God ehastened him and brought him back. Every child of God at some time aeeds such chastisement. Blessed is he who receives it (Deut. 8: 5; Job 6: 17; Ps. 94:12, 13; Prov. 3:11, 12: Jer 30:11; Heb. 12:6-11; Rev. 3:10). Cod's severest chastisemeqnts of His peple are entirely differeiht from His 3udgments upob the world (1 Cor. 11:30-32). Wae Solomon ever re' -stored to God's a vor? Verse,13 age. rathe questiotn.. Jehovah's love to idsecured the p~tuIty of his house and city (1 118, 84 -364 .2sa, 37:35.. 4 44 ni a kok at'be ft dthat hh been brought up -to o tior, agit stands. Yellow as g'old, with the shen of the sea, billowiti4pdo sky lihe to sky-line like an oa - Igold, whore the wind touiches the rippling wave crests with the tread of i Ovisi. blo feet. In California, in Qtegon, in Washington, in Dakota, in the Ca. nadian Northwest, you may ride alli day on horseback through the Wheat fields without a break in the flow of yellow heavy-headed grain. No fence lines. No meadow lands. No shade trees. No knobs and knolls and bills and hollows of grass or black earth-1 thirough;, From dawn till dart, from sunrise in a burst of fiery splendor over the prairie horizon to sundown when the crimson thing hangs like a huge shield of blood in the haze of a heat twilight-you may ride with naught to break the view between-you and the horizon but wheat-wheat. It is like the gold fields. It goes to your head. You grow dizzy looking at it. You rub your eyes. Is it a mirage? Billowing yellow waves seei to be breasting the very sky. You look up. The sky is there 4If right with the black mote of a mena - ow lark sailing the azure sea. le drops liquid notes of slicer mellow music down on your head, does that meadow lark and that gives you back your perspective, your sense of amaz ing reality. You are lilterally, ab solutely. really, in the midst of a sea of living gold. It is ynn -nd not the lark that is the mote. You begin to feel as if your special mote might be a beam that would get lost in in flnity if you staid there long; and so you ride on-and on-and some more on-and by and bye come out of! the league-long, fenceless fields with an odor in your nostrils that isn't exactly like incese-it's too fugitive, too fine, too sublimal of earth. It is aromatic, a sort of attar of roses,' the imprisoned fragrance of the bil lions upon billions of wheat flowers shut uip in the glumes of the heavy hIeaded grain there. And that's the odor of the wheat-From "Harvest ing the Wheat.'' by Agnes C. Laut in The Outing Magazine for October. Hicks' Capudine Cures Women's Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness, an(l Headache. it's Liquid. Effects imine diately. Prescribed by physicians with beat results. 10c.. 25c., and 50c.. at drug stores. If no fight, no victory; no victory, no crown.-Savonarola. To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up the System 'rake the Old Standard Gaovi's TAsTz LEss CILL ToXzc. Yoa know what you I are taking. The formula is plainly printee. on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui. nine and Iron in a tasteless form, aiz1 the most etructual form. For grown people and children. 50c. . ratal. 'Twas the' verdict of the neighbors when He'd drawn his final breath That lie lived so strenuous a life He'd lived himself to death. Deanjess Cannot Be Cured bylocalanpplicttions as theycannot reach the diseased por tion of the ernr. Trhere is only one way to cara~ deafness, and that is by consti tuti onal remedies, Deafness Iseaused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining ot the Eustachian Tube. WVhen this tubels in tlamnedyou have a rumbling sound orimper foct heatring, and when it ms entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the intiam mation can b3 taken out a, this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are causd bycatarrh, which is nothingbutan inflamed conditonm of the mucons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Dearness (caused bycatarrh) that can not be curedbylHall's (Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars fred. F.J. (HENEY & CO.,Toledo,O. Sold by Drugg'sts, 75c. Take lhall's Family Pills for constlpation. Its Main Attraction. The children who arc growing up Will on the past look back And speak about their childhood as The age of crackerjack. Mrs. Winslow's Sootha ing Syrup for Cliljdren teething, softens t he gums, reduce inilaimmn. tion, allays pan, cures wvind colic,25e a-bul If thin~gs were done twice, all would be wise.-Germ'an. U1CZEMA CURED. 3. B. Maxwell, Atlanta, Ga., says: "I suffered agony with a severe case of eose ma. Tried stx different re medies and was in despair, when a neighbor old me to try )Shuptrine's 'rtrna. After using S8 worth of y our 1TT3aW3 and soap!I am completely cured. I cannot say too much In Its praise." Tz'raIn1N at druggists or by mail 50a. Soap 25o. J7. T. Surazan, Dept. A, Savannah. Ga. The campaign begins when the money begins to rattle in the tin up. Simple Remedy BACKACHE The back is the mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains in the loins, weight in the lover part of the body, that a woman's feminine organisni needs immediate attention. In such cases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores tne feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA LPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says: " I was troubled for a long time with dreadful backaches and a pain in my side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Ly'dla E Pinkham's Vegetabli, Compound had done for others anI decided to try It; after taking three bottles I can truly say that I never felt so well in my life." Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I had very severe Lacicaches, and pressing-down pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured me and made me feel like a new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands oI women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors. irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion.dizziness,or nervous prostration. It is a bad hen that eats at your house and lays at another's.-Dutch. HIS SKIN TROUBLES CURED. F;rst Had itching lasbh-Threatened Lnfer With Jvood-Poipon in T-eg lReled on Cutieura Rewedies. "About t'welve or fife'n years ng T hal a breakinc-ut. .-nd it Hehed, nnd sturreso badly that I could not have nny pence he cause of it. Three doctorg did not !ben mre. 'Then T used some Cuticiwa Soap. C2utienra Ointmnent. end Cutientra R~esolv'enti and he gan to get better right ownn- They murnd! me nnd I have not been hotihered with' the itching since. to amotnt to anything. About twvo years aen I had in grippe andl pneumonia which left me with a pain in my side. Treatmnenb ran it into me reg, which then swelled andl began to break ont. The doctor was afraid it wvonlrd turn to Nnod-poison. I used his medicine h,,t it did no good, then I needl the Cutieuna Remedies three times andl cured the break ing-out on my lea'. J. F. Hennen. Milam, Mo., May 13. 1007." Between being overfed and under fed we seem to be a much distressed and long suffering people.. PSl CURE9 11111EI~W QuicOk Relief. Retnove al swe n in to se da. aeet a permnentC1 gien free. iot~Mngean be fairer Write Dr. H.M.LGreen's Sons Bpeciaists. 305 S Atlatat. (I. PUTNAM va dye anament wIthout r 0n apart Wi UThe Old Standard GROVWS system. You know what you a: is simply uinine and Iron in a Cardul is a~ftely vegi a specifie, curative influent It is a simple, harmles ly, and is recommended to Wint for womanily pains, draggin Peeu1at -to females. Mrs. dreadfully, but took Cardui F ghting bb" Evens, dutink his stay in Washington, was one' evening a guest at a house, where he met a number of the younger set of the Capital. As the admiral was leaving, he chanced to pick up from the floor a very dainty handkerchief, edged with lace. He was gravely in specting. this "trifle light as air," when a rAther - effeminatetlaoking young man hastened forward to claim it. "Your sister's, no doubt," said the admiral as he handed it over, ''On, no,'' said the young man; ''it's mine." Evans scrutinized the young man closely. "'Would you mind tell ing me what size hair-pins youNise.?'I lie asked after a pause.-October Lip pencott 's. INSIGNIFIOANT WORK. Big men do big things, but how many big things are big failures. The biggest ship that ever was built was no profit to anybody until it was sold and broken up for old junk. Many I little ship during the same tim'e iad made good voyages, and brought profit to its- owner. A man writes x big book; he is .a great man, but few people ever read his book, yet it is learned and bulky, and perpetu rites the mian's fame through genera tions. Another man writes a little letter, a pamphlet, an epistle, which 3an be-read in an hour, carried in the pocket, copied in a little while, sent through the mails, or printed on a few pages, and that little pamphlet is translated into hundreds of lan guages, scattere I by millions in ev ery quarter of the globe. Paul, chained to a soldier in his iired house at Rome, wrote no big books. A dozen pages would contain ahe largest tratise lie ever wrote, and ret the thoughts there embodied and the ' truths there declared, live through all ages and go to the ends :>f the earth. A seed is a little thing but in it fhere is the promise of a waving harvest through all the years to e-me. A granite monument is a Prca! .thing, but it has no advance ment, no* promise, no growth. Let the mai who does little things wait on God, who can make little things great, and accomplish his own purpose of grace and goodness, work ing wonders by means of the feeblest instruments through his matchless wisdom and his powerful love. Chirstian. O IBE J. R.A lacke 170 UIWkffr-na A4 Extracts &al Kinds CanVassers F 40 Yeass E BEST PROPOSIl IIYYoungt Men an, Learn Telegraphy iw National Telegraph Institute, (Del American ;otlton and Busine and School MILLEDGE' COTTON: .":,:r2 ",e cmpe aye narkt. We alm~gobach o to grado cotton by a corr, exto ren ugradled FRE BOOKKEEI M kROIAL LAw and all L1TERARV biranches. sH Telegraphy and Railroading: a inouth. Expenasoe reasonable. waite for (.utalogu. 1LIGHT RUNNINGw SIMPLE, DURABL GUAR b cAPAcITY 1000 PBR HOUR FAD)ELE ***theOn las. ;;*iiclo..JfersiTa ria Makes Pale i TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drivi ~e taking. The formula is plainly pr tasteless, and the most effectual form stable extract, of certain ined e, on the womanly organs. B, non-intoxicating remedy, a< pirls and weinen, of all ages. i of Ca g feelings, nervousness, and a A. C. Beaver, of Marbieton, T and recomlmend it; to all ladies AA acts gentlyyet prompt l1 onthe bowels,cleanses e ssten e ectually, -assis s one in overcomin habitual constipition permanently. T0 get its beneficial effects 6uy the enuirne. iinuactured , the ALIFORNIA Ro SRUP Co. SOLD BY L.ADING DRUCGISTS-50$peW1T. S. .S W. L. Dougla makes and "ells more men's 98.00 and 6850 shoes than any other nanufacturer In the world, be cause they hold their shape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make. Shootat All Pr9e or Every Memer of the FII y, Men, o,4am10, hildren W.L.Deuglas ry O. 0 an00 1t rogU feto eaaet be equalled 86t any price. W.RD . wooga 35 mad 2s.o0 shoie. mtehe wo0A Lraf color Eyfelet. Ursed xqeluejvelp. L.-1 ake No rsien . W L. Douglas nainu and prine Is stam pon bottom. gold everv hurg. Shoe. maile from factory to any ZIM.Rf the worl CaaLoue free. DOUGLAS; 157 Spark St., Brockte. Mass. ' ' ,a'. Ing'.., we S . te Ouaranee i O ber owr AjWW'f Caalgee smd dbeai Ad.. ZIMMERMANN STEEL CO., -Lm Tree owa~. p o. 41-08. 'AIKINS MEDICAL COO IONA MINNESO". Lricnleas Hof uhold Renedle. Favim t olet Preparations. Fine oupe, Etc. Vanted in E ery Coun. of e)lege r phy000,000 Ootput. ILE, GA.R [ION E AGENTS I a edle. of ebitien s hould a scyn Telgraphy and ft. In ono of our InOtute.. Grat mre ty of o era te fivestihoolaunder ore . uperv ion of Rahway siewiresinate our ihoole . Poaith no abslutely e Invoeent. Work tr board. ProMan ufa tu free. AN ORINNAM. .. PHIA. PA 1t7-A. M. r thIN., anCOaMI, A. C. s ofiushtv e wit hoae a ihne or. faithby, l~lia ouros, b phalrizIn an "home" in-e wpnde belreve Oseua to thne root, ufnotr thee thes it tngr her make fri iour . lie News.o air un a.. .lebateunneho 5,a1t08 I ontMalri and auialdrs o the. ndon every bhottle beehowiing .or radues toandr, choen50ry. nowhae ianedietso ouwfithby ting worksly and riintraloe" wo thee e suay:oh baknte nys othinr form th f m irke u s . el n.,l wites: "Ie tsunyoter e. e oith fMale n brulue