May Come, I Rice Goes Making Prices to Th is season's goods to go now, wh: Nice line Shoes froi Car load of Rolle: Still selling Shell: Watch this spacE continuously offeri I am now buyin ever goods are on begin to come in. I. D. Proprietor Nor: NORF L. Omi w.x , Pnes. W. H rex ny "N J. Aeus.c~xsnen. L. G. G.uxt:s, Farmers Bc of Centra SAFE, SOUND AND CONSE SPE'N DD BUS1NES' NOV. o, Capital Stock $25,00 SFarmers Bank of Centi 1 las (ver faLcility of handling your 1: Ssohcits the accounts of Farmers, 19 Mlanufaicturers, in fact, the b)usiness 0 - PFO PLE. * ~ Savings Departm Call now and let's make new acqlu il you have an idle dollar, we shall have you entrust it to our care. Fi' Interest paid on time deposits. S1 .oo starts an account. liERE TO DO BUSINE If at any time you should find it n y~c ireful consideration. Restaurant--. Fancy gr These are two things wve all hunt somneti I am running a Fancy Grocery (Canne *. ~ .Biscuit Co's. Goods, Ice-Cold D~rinks, Ciga etc., etc ,) and first-class Restaurant in comn meals at all In All the delicacies of the season Ser My stock of Fancly Gjtoceries is pretty c 1ectfully ask for a share of your trade. M-. 0. POwVI anics Will Go, BUT on Forever Meet all Competition Lie you need them. Calicos, fast colors, 5e n 10 to 25 per cent. less than elsewhere. , King to go at a price to move it fast. i at 75c for 2 boxes. and keep posted on the bargains we are 11g. g Fall Goods, and will slaughter what hand of present stock when fall goods RIG E ris Bargain House tis, S. C. M. C. LONG, [AlTIN, V-PRE!8. ASST. CASHIll - mk % Over Postomffce, Anderson, S. C. RVATIVE Practi '0t in :1l Courts 1:1 Sountli Carolina 190 1; -eo usiness and it I [erchants and fALL T1IIE o~f Ran article is macy"is TI ent ilel around. aintances, and be pleased to 'e per cent. The Reason .c Is iain, it is a newv carsedin a dlrug tr cessary to ask (GOOD (.R 100O PUI ill receive our PUR E>T and- BES is c The Prescriphioi Is in charge of a c miacist and all prescrij hs personal supervision g redients are the purest, D oeries. est that can be obtained. presc iption work y u ne C.of what you are getting. IGosNainlOn Sunday and at1 rs, Tbacc, Frits, week days our Prescripti iection, withISOfl mp e an I es- Pe~pI( Respectfully,4 Cerl, S. C.____ You may have noticed how much easier It is to exchange your money for experience than it is to swap your experience fQr money.-[Chicago News. Simply Wanted the Job. The following candidate card, taken from the Waterboro Press and Standard, is so refreshingly original that we venture to re publish it: "Not at the solicitation of any one; not because anybody espe cially wants me to; but because I want the job, I respectfully announce to the Democratic voters of Colleton county that I; am a candidate for the high office of sheriff in the approaching primaries. If elected, I will do my whole duty, pledging myself to abide the result of the said pri maries and support the nominees 1 thereof. D. L. Smith." A man with Mr. Smith's sense of humor and frankness of ex pression commands our admira tion. We regret that we are not in a position to give him our vote.--[Sumnierville News. Chinese Torture. The ingenuity of the Chinese in devising punishment for of fenders surpasses that of the most cruel people of the middle ages, Some time ago a boy was kidnaped from a village about thirty miles fromi Chinklang and brought to that city to be sold. The kidnaper was ar rested and returned to the vil lage, where the people dug a hole in the ground, like a grave, about three feet deep, covered the bottom and sides with un slacked lime, placed the offender, with his hands and feet tied, upon the lime and covered his body with the same material. Then they filled the hole full of water, and as the lime slacked t he was - -roasted alive and his body consumed. Even if your clothes of last summer don't fit, there is con solation in the fact that the same old window screens are still in style. OPLEi'5 C it's merit. ''The ] D CHOICE of all Soda Wal . Our Fou firm, with new and nothing line of goods juices and frumi sould be TOO and Best" is c ~E, hence, the umotto. TobaCCO Dept.Cigars a 1 D p.fact a compi chewers' goo nomipetent phar- comnplete selei tion wvork has andl all the in- Full Line best and fresh. and S If we do your ed have no fear Everythir store is carrie light as wvell as It will pa >n Departmient to trade with We appr have given us s Phai m ro . x.. s.C .7.4e Along the Congressman's Idea. An aged colored man at Mor yanton, N. C., risked his life one 'lay this week to rescue a little white girl who had fallen to the bottoi of a 56-fobN well. The rope oil which he descended was not strong enough to bring im and the child to the top, %nd he had to wait in the deep> wvell until a better rope could be procured. A purse is being made Lp for the old hero. We agree with Congressman Lever of South Carolina,, that there is too Yreat a tendency to telegraph %he news all over the country and raise a howl every time a negro in the South disgraces his race, and too little tendency to miphasize good deeds which re conspicuously praiseworthy. Southern fire-caters do us more harm than Northern fanatics. -[Richmond News. Pointed Paragraphs. Kissing is less dangerous than he girl's father. Ill news travels fast when it s going to a doctor. Love that feeds on beauty ;oon dies of starvation. Whitewash will not hide the reckles on a man's reputation. The man who doesn't butt in )ccasionally seldom gets ahead. What a lovely world this is to t girl the first time she falls in ove. If kisses were poisonous more nlen and women would commit micide. Some men fail to hit the tar ret of succes because they aim oo high. A woman never claims that ;he late lamented's demise was lue to overwork. In acquiring a poor actress Ihe stage may have robbed some nian of a good wife. Lots of men would be meaner ;han they are if they were not ,oo lazy to exert themselves. H OICE ?eople's Phar bhe people foir er-=Ice Drinks ritain is nowv in full blast but the purest and best ts are used. "The Coldest ur modtto. rid Chewing T->bacco--in fte Jine of smokers' anid ds. The best and most :tion ever in Central. of Toilet Articles rdries. ig usually found in a drug :) here. y you to come a long way lIS. aciate the trade the people since our op.ening. rmacy