Pickend SentinelJour PUBMJSUED EVERY THURsDAY MORNINM -BY The Sentinel-3ournal Company. TFOmpSON & JlICHEY. Pnors. J. L. 0. Tf0hMPSON, EDITOR. subscription $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rittes Reasonabh Entered at Pickens Fustofltee as Second Clnt Mail Matter P'ICKENS, S. C.: TIIURSDAY, M ALCi 20, 1908. USE PRINTER'S INI(1 Mail Order Houses Flood the Country With Advertising. CATALOGUES AND JOURNALS. In Fighting This Serious Menace Mer chants Must Resort to Publicity and Advertise In the Local Press-Con certed Action Necessary. The most serious problem confront Ing the retail merchants of the coun try today and the one that is giving them the most concern is that of the so called mall order system-the retail catalogue house trade. This is an era of combinations trusts,. both fnancial. Industrial and commercial. But the most menacing trust in the world today, says Ma: well's Talisian, is the commercial combination that tends to destroy the retail business of the country. Not satisfied with the mercantile field, these commercial trusts aire also seek. Ing to b-ecome the financial depositaries for the rural districts by opening bank departinvits and as an inducement to the farmer offering ti per cent on de posits. The retail catalogue houses are man aged by farseeing and broad gaug< business men who fully realize the val no of advertising. They have beer spending millions of dollars a year I1 systematic advertising campaigns. I: Addition to their elaborate catalogues they sustain with their patronage hun dreds of mail order journals. Thes journals have a combined circulatli of 32,000,000 a month. They are sow ed broadcast through the country. No do the catalogue houses stop here. Ev cry magazine, agricultural or religloms paper that will accept their advertise ments carries thell. The lines of this great conflict he tween commercial interests are clearl drawn. (n one s.o are the retail mne chants and tihle publishers of the loca pres~s. on the other the catalogue house and the numerous publientions whici have spennig upl in a niight, backed b. advertising approp~riat Ions that run int. the millions. The enemies of the loca publishers and the retail merchants art allied as perfectly as is any other mod erni trust. Many of' the larger catalogue houses now do their own manufacturing. I, the end1 the jobbers and manufacturer: who now sell to the caitato:;ue house: will be eliminated. W henm that tim<~ comes, andI It certainly will came uin l.:. so"ethiing is done to prevent it, strous ini siz~e, influence and resouirces having practically no competti, wi! combine to dictate the price the mans of the people miust pay for every al ticle they sell. This inevitable conclusion is not oleasant one to contemplate, and it be hooves those who are already feeln the heavy hand of this unnatural conI hination for coiptrol of trade to best thiomselves in their own defense an adopt measures for self protection. The re-tail merchant and the loe: pres are.. entirely unorganized and ci 1la na. concerted way making comma cau: against a cnmmon (danger. A 1 :npts have been made by the mae cI:".ats in sonme localities to stem ti' tide by refusing to buy from jobl~P who sell to catalogue houses. Th'lis good so far as it goes, but if the cat~ logue houses cannot get the goods froa one source they will get them from al other and, if necessary, will buy ti manufacturing plant to secure the on put. So long as they can by at lavi5 use of printer's ink create the (deman just so long willl they manage to g the goods to supply that demand. Fight the devil with tIre. A ay plam for tho protection of the retail mer chants and the Jobbers and the man'm facturers who sell to the trade must to the very root of the evil-must me the catalogue house competition ait C ery point and on their own ground the advertising field. The cataloguie houses are conducthr the most comprehensive, systemat andi farreaching advertising campais that was over plauned, andi they ha' been at it for years, spending dolla where the retailand _wholesale mne Girlhood and Scott linked together. The girl who takes .sion has plenty of ric plump, active and eneri The reason is that at I digestion is weak, Sc provides her with powe easily digested form. It is a food that buik girl's strength. ALL DRUGGISTS: 6( Tile WoiIqorll [C1ii Have you heard of Diz. P1IL his WONDERFUL WORK am am curing and benefitting everyl and black, rich and poor, old and of Pickens, S. C., for a few da would be tifad to help the sick ar pay either ladies or gentlemen t: tions, both public and private, ar CONFIDENTIAL. Call and se Parties inside of incorporation sell on the Court House Square c cure all who buy my Treatmn iit, will sign the conditional contract Office: Rooms I and 2 . Ger DR. I. Z. P General Agent. cdana I.1ve spent cints. 'Tly 1a had the business courage to pit tIt I.oney into publicity, knowing C-th they wvould get It hack mnultilied a1 i hundredfold. hey have created the c) Slenand for their goods and educated- Jo thc people to look upon the iatil order :i busiluss as a godsend. cc L) What h s (one iII an organizedi way to ofset this avalanche of mail or - der journals and catalogues? al Nothing-.s Soine of the local merchants have advertised liberally in the local press. but a much larger number have utterly failed to keep up with the procession. The people often do not know what the local merchant has In his store; n!(te' doa they know the prices. but they do iImv what the catalogue house has to sell, anid the price is always bie fore the eve. If the retail trade is to hold its ground against the competition of the ca talogue houses, they must meet them a on the broad field of adlver'tising and( ' publicity as wvell ais on the field of prices. And this must be done through the local press-.a in nearly every town the local pub linher has stood manfully by the in tereats of the community by refusing to run mnil order advertisements. Fur . ther. he stands ready to prosecute an aggressive campaign against the mail . order idea. What is necessary is con certed action among the, merchants I m andi a liberal use of the local columns Sto convince the people that they can save money by trading at home. " h "I lhear you hav e been hunting. Any F .luck?" "Yes; only one man mistook p me for a rabblit. and he was a poor g .shot."--Chicago Record-Iherald. lThe Frank Critio. "When Sir John Millais was engaged in painting his 'Chill1 October' among Cthe rushes on the banks of the Tfay, near Perth," said an Englisfr artist, "a railway porter from the station at Kin ~ aurns used to carry the canvas back Sand forth for him. "The porter was a quaint chap. ils Sservices were called for many days in requisition. Ie became quite friendly 'with Sir John and seemed to take a hearty interest in the progress of the eC painting. -"Well, 'Chill October' was eventually h finished and sold a little while after ,ward for a thousand pounds. This fact at somehow reached the porter's ears. Hle met Sir John's brother-in-law at Kin a' fauns one day and said excitedly: r-"'Mon, is't true that Sir John's sold ,a t'pieture and got a thoosand poond ~o for't ?" t"'Yes, certainly,' was the reply. &' "'A thoosanud poondi' repeated the s. porter. 'Why, mon, I wadna gi'enl half a croon for't.'" g ec Foin SAL:--17 acres, orig nn' forest, 1 l miles north of Pickens, $S0 an sore'; 75 acres west of Woodali 14. ountain, 10~ scres brauchl~l bottom, balance 'n timber, -prico $10 aere, cash deal. 2E. F~. EEITU. r- F. T, now . 4,Poen, . 0.r Ia Emuisfon are Scott's Emud h, red blood; she is - retic. 10: % period when a girl's : tt's Emulsrion rful nourishment in Is and keeps up a c )o. AND $1 .00. 'i VWfllolt Drils LIPS, of Brevard, N. C., and ong the sick and afflicted? I ody I get a chance at- white young. I will be in the town 's only. (Notice this ad.) I d afflicted while here.I t will talk with me. My consulta- Jo strictly HONORABLE and yo e or write today for circulars. can only buy of me. I wdli n March 28th, and relieve or and, if I fail to help them I . with them. e Hagood new building. H I L LIPS, Pickens, S. C., Notice of Sale On the lSth day of March, 1908, at 11 1t ock, a. M., at the late residence of B. Ambler in lickenis couty, the fol wig property will be sold at public iction to the highest bidder for cash, nsist ing of t he following: All persotinal property, household and tlien furnittwe, also one mule, corn, dder, cotion. all rarm implements ataI tol so albu t tibre.i thousand feet of newly wed lumb11er. IV. 11. Anibler. R. L. Atubbl r. in Agents. Business Locals. Notices'-of Sate, Wants. Swaps, ee insetrtedl in this Comn at 5 cents per lineafor each insertIon. Nothing taken for les than It0 Cents. Carload of Obelisk Fione just ret elved M H. A. Ri.'hey's. WHERETO BUY K POULTRY AN~D EGGS Il Pote single comb Brown Leghorns. ist Loaymtg strain in the Sc uth. Per d ttinlg of 13, 41. S. P, McCarty, Pick-d ,s, .S. (., to Block Minorcas-The birds that lay in Ia1 intet time. 1Hatched int Feblruary andD >mmtrencedi laying in September and as averaged 140J eggs, each, up to Mar. " )th. A fow settings of eggs at $2.00 ot er 15. They are fine birds and were nt iven a high mark by Marshall.A Mrs. M. F. Hester, Pickenis. sa --re Jc .Jc TRiE WATCHWORD houtl be "Exnct." A timiepiec that iF sesor gann is not reliable. A moderate amount of money wv:1l la 'n your watch in good health. of REPAIRING al .'ork done here is not expensive, L.ut it Jr thoroughly good work. a! Experience. knowledge and skill arc u 'ut to goodl use and, combined~ with un-re xcelled facilities, enable us to do watch sa nd clock repairing of a very high grade. d H. SNIDER. p1 feb2Otf Ealv. 9. C a reparing for We are now wvinding up our Winter 1 )r Spring opening. In the meantime, w Very Low a any goods we have in stot(k. We are receiving now some early Sprit Last year's business was the best of >pe toimake this better. Our motto: The best and most goods nsistent with honest merchandising. Ra. K.-Pa Vest End, 0 FOR SAFE KE 0 DEPOSIT YOUE -. IN THE -- LIBERTY B& Their Safe has been t ied and found Burglar Proof. This Bank has Buiglar Imuja:ce, Fire Ir.surance, C me your money.:" Literal Inteict. allowed :on Tino Depcsits. Fee 1 u up satisfactorily, THE LIBERTY I [L1 C. SHIRLEY. Caluier. outhern ShorthandI and Business 1 Atlanta, Ga., also Albany, Ga Over 15,ooo Graduates in Pos - R1eceives 1:2.oCo nioliations evejr yenr for Ih okkeel ers, Feon C. A n average of two o01ettings for t very student that atteiens 70 typewriting machines, by"it 'v The Southerni also conducts the ATLANTA SCHOOL OF TEL tot which institution the ralh oads nud telegraiph companIes ar S. ; Main Line Wires Run into Thi Write for etintlogue. Enter now. 'the Southern is the o-dest the Soutli. Adress, A. C. BRISCOE, Pres., or W. L. ARN Atlanta, Ga. Clerk's Salte. tainringfin ate of Sot arl:a John ME ntg< Sounth oickns January 4th, LX~ur~typarcel ot lot In Common Pleas Court. bing in the ci to John Men Victoi Ed ns, Plaintiff, adjiojuing lot Ss. others. boumn archa Trrell. et at.. Defendants. runnintg fron In ;.nmsuance of a Decretal Ordter the old Hiago< Lit above-slated case, by Hion. J. 0. tainling aboui lugh, chat- (I Februr~ry 28 1908, and on square. e in the Clerk's office, I will sell to Terms. ens.l e highest biddier on e 5 to 31my for SAILESD)AY IN A PRIL, 10.C8, the same. ring the legal hours fo'r sal*b-. t Ii. ens H., S. C., the following tract of h ndi, TIM -wit: All that. j iece, pai ce or r act, of i . ad containing twenty-six aicres. n ore Ti sjs iess, and bounded by lands of Ja. -,- hsjs a ivenport, W. R. Edens and othe1'is. on Machir iters of Qolenoy creek: ats , ai ar her tract of land coninaining ten a-res, are or less, bounded by In& l (T1 hr ries athony, Warren Hendrix and 'atlNr. edled to him b~y Thomas Tetrell. armns-Cash onl (day of sale. Ter ms - ill lbe comlplied within one hiou.- iter le, or the premises will be rt sold on mue clay. Purchaser to p'~y for all papers and 3ording the same. A. J. BO(GG, (?Seul ] Clerk (Ir < ('urt. Clerk's Sale. B2r';l"3 L ate of SouthI Ca rclina, County oIf l'ickens. THlE STANI. tin E. Craig, Plaintiff, SEvM gains - 'Wilt make 8J5( .hn lAlontgr mery, Dlefemh-t*iit Long Shuttle ini pursuiance of a dlecretail orde'r in T1he Standat e above slated er se, in lHon. J1. C. scientcifically lugh, dlated February 261. 1908, and on been proven e in the Clerk's oflice, I will rell to the use in all par ghost bidder on com petitors e4 SALFSDAY IN APRIL, 1008. GAND ut iring the legal hours of sale, at T'ick- BEST SEW] is C. H.,* S. C . the following trn< t of machines in oi nd, to-wit: All that piee and par cel --Ball fleinriz land situate, lying and being in the mnatic Lift. ove-named state and county, contwn-i the merits of g forty (40) acres, more or h s, beir g Easie at Runni I of the coriginal tract bought by me Sowinn Mach om John A . Higgins, after running off ARD~ )OTA R terefronm 24 acres, said 40 acres bin g ia revelation.' presented by a plat and survey of Easy Payment me, made by J. A. Robinson, survey or, ing I\[achines; ited 17th August, 19011, Also all tI at T1he Standa. ece, parcel or tract of land mn tI 0 58 8. Br< ov-anmer stnto id county, and ec n.- fe.2n. Spri ng. usiness prepaitory - will give Prices ig shipments. my experience.....we for the least money r k, reenville, S C EPING MONEY! ANK. shier Borded, so you c1at . C. Shirley and he will cix 3ANK. Jniversit y Branch ttions ographers. T'I'egialh O1 i I t lhe Settlhern. 01](eti1 Of tyj Pwriten ted umot Vin ;u thle .owu1h. EGRAPHY o coliltaitly Calling for opern s School. and largest Mltdiess Collej;c OLD, Vice-Pres. i5) acres, morei~f or l(se, and1( mue lot of land d (eededl to mnery, D. MI. Mauildini on 1000); also all that piece. c)f land sitnaste, lying and ~y of Easley', s~ coveyeLd gomiery by R. E. Bow'n, 3 of J, R. G#lazdtner and led on south by an alley Pumpkinjt own street to d livery stable, and con one hundred (100) feet .Purchaser or parchas papiers and for recording A . J. B~OGG, (Seal) Clerk of Court. IS fIONEY true in regard to Sewing es ias anything else. ring Sh~tuttle Machii,-s, no0 eli majde, you are actunlly y three hiours out of every fLD ROTA ARY SEIUrTLE INGl MACHINE stitches in the samne timo MIachines make only 200. d Rotary Principle is most correct, which fact hias j by 25 years of success ful e of the wvorld antd by our mntmuously trying to coiuV ::cesst. THE ST1ANDARf) I'ARY, TH E WORLD'S. NO MA CHINE. is two ie-Lock and Chain Rtti g Standc-trauigh t. Auto LDn not. fail to invest.igate the Faste st. M1ost slh'nt nig and the~ most durnble mo made. TlHE STAND Y'. "A donstration is Write for pric' a tnd Plan. Guaranteed Sew $12.00 up. d Sewing Machine Co.. ind St., Atlantn. a.