Poultry. D, rtFIRST: S'1lect your Strain r-f Bird, Improve them Everv 4 ''ml Good Clok tit the Hfa of your C.N.BARNITZ RNRSME PA. COUREPONDENCE SOLICITED WHEN YOU MATE UP. You will soon mnate upl your pens; for breeding, and there are certali partleutlar you must bear in mind to bring success. When you have culled out all over three years old and those with gross defects, then take "The Standard of Perfection" into the pen and select from the remainder those that are nearest to the standard type. If your-fowls look like three cents when you apply this criterion. It is time to buy new birds. You can't breed something out of iothing. STUDY YOURI BIRDS.-Indeed. the successful chicken hustler is always studying his birds. The poultryiman who doesn't study hen nature and thinks he has such a surplus of gray matter that he can throw a breeding pen together like a boy pitching quoits had better "go away back and sit down." for if he's up front he got in on some other fellow's ' or climbed the fence. htudy y 'he people who wait e whistle blow befor the train generally n -form and make fools There's no luck in shaking cil .me dice. You may get a blanK. WVhen the solons of the poultr' world who sell hens for a thousand dollars .ockerels for flve hundred mve thousands of bonton ect from must sit down for - :udy out a single mating. Is lesson for those who mate their pens with breakneck speed? If birds are mated now you may he surprised at unforeseen changes you will make. You will thus catch the drones. the hens that will not frater nize with the male, and elimlnate from the pen the hen that continually bullies the rest. fly this early removal of' thme hirds to a 'en by thenwelves they mamy receive that special care and feeding which are niecessary for them to have to insure a good output of fertile eggs. for it is n fact that lhens for breeding musst have different treat ment froam those which are simply fed for market eggs. This is often overlooked until the first test of the incubator shows great ini fertility. A great many poultrymnen do their shoving at the wrong end of the lien wagon. The hens that are pushed at the be ginning of winter are up agalust the wall when hatching time comies. The doctrine that you should sepa rate the male bird from the i'emales until breeding time to promote his productive powers is a big take. 1)o this if you wish to ruin the bead of the BAD DISQUALIFICATIONA. -Re .ieet birds wvith the following defects: Wry tails, crooked backs and breast bones, side sprigs, lop combed males, squirrel tails. diminutive tails, white faced coekerels except Bllack Spanish. deformed henks. purple barring, brassi ness, white lobes in WVynndottes and Cochins, pinched tails. feathered shanks on clean legged varieties, clean shanks on feather legged breeds, swinging crops andl drop wings. You need not wait three weeks to discover if the eggs are fertille. Test them with a strong light at the end of five day3s. If time eggs are all infertile, replace the male bird with another. It part of the eggs are infertile, you either have too many hens or certain of thme memi berg of the hatlim do not stand in well with Mohammed. If a reconciliation cannot be made quickly, remove the offending squnws. DON'TS. Don't keep your ducks in damp quar ters andI on hard, cold boards. leurnish clenn., soft litter and be decent. Don't keel) dlucks with chickens. Their feed is different. Ducks alnd droppings are a combination to restrict the duck supply. Don't sell dick eggs for a song. They command a high price for Ihebrew trade. Write to an egg house for prices. ,partment 1; seond): stickt tdo O-Or-m; TW1.1: Sm; Fourth: A w.iys ke., a Flock. Don't foigebt t0 sa1v those duck feath er. F'eather beds are no longer light ning protectors, but there's nothing better for a boll than a duck feather Cushion. Don't undervalue those bantams They lay many eggs, takce up less roonm and eat little. Let the boys have a flock. Don't forget that pheasants aren't canaries. They are ornamental. but not to iang among window curtains. Don't house pheasants with other stock. Give them lots of room and r'esh nir. Let them go. Don't mix turkeys. chickens and geese. Birds of one feathor should flock together. Don't tolerate scrapping roosters They are a nuisance. The fighters aren't fathers of Rooseveltian families A SETTIN' HEN. W1en a hen Is bound to set. Seems as though 'taint etiket Dowsin' her in water till She's connected with a chill. Seems as though 'twas skursley right Givin' her a dreadful fright. Tyin' rags around her tail. Poundin' on an old tin pall. Chasin' her around the yard. Seems as though 'twas kinder hard BeM' kicked and slammed and shooed 'Cause she wants to raise a brood. I sh'd say it's gettin' gay Jest 'cause natur' wants its way. While ago my neighbor Penn Started bustin' up a lien: Went to yank her off the nest, Hen, though, made a peck and Jest Grabbed his thumb nail good and stout, Liked to yank the darn thing out. Penn. he twitched away and then Tried again to grab the hen. But, by ginger. she had spunk. 'Cause she took and nipped a chunk Dig's a bean right out his palm: Swallowed it. and cool and calm Histed up and yelled. "Cah-dah!" Sounded like she said. "Hoo-rah!" Waal, sir, when that hen done that. Penn he bowed. took off his hat. Spunk Jest suits him, you can bet "Set." says he, "gol darn ye, set!" THE BEST WATER VESSEL. rhe poultryman has some trouble to get a drinking vessel to fill the bill. IIere 1a our favorite. You can see h1ow1 handy it Is. It is made of galvan Ized fron, and three gallons is about Ihe proper size, though suit yourself on T1. PIG. I-TO OAnnIY AND FInn. FIo. hI-It POSITION FORl SEnIVICE, that. Our first one cost $1.50. Trh home tinner made us one dozen for $( -4-12 saved. Advantages.-Need not fill every day easily filled and carried; holds large quantity water; does not slop out; keepi clean and sweet; cannot burst fronr freezing; chickens cannot drown in it water runs into trough only as use< and does not freeze so quickly. Caution.-Do not use Douglas miixtun antd other acid preparations in meta vessels. Servo them In earthenware Clean and disinfect with one of thu muany coal tar preparations. H ATCH ING SCH EDUL.E. Days. Day~s Chickens .......... 21 Pheasants .-......- 2 Ducks ........... 28 Guinea lhens...2 Turkeys ........ 28 Partridges ..... 2 Geese ...........80 FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLG. Eggs are on the wing. and it's not th' hatching season, either. The neat box under the droppin; board is the greatest Invention of mai to stop hens laying. ['1owv many mite (10 you get fr'omn those nesta ever'y day Do you keep a mite record? D~o youl think you are something i the chickenu world? We'll, we den mnhind your crowing, but don't scr'atel D~on't lIe about your' egg record, don lie about your' stock, don't lie abotut th other' fellow. Canada, the( goose country on thi side of the big i)ond, shipped muic gander into the United States. Russi has twenty-eight varieties of goose an is the groose countr'y of the world. Are you illing up your hens witi patent egg force? It' a lnzy poultry man who ahirks his work and substi, tutes drugs for diligence. sell your hens now, wh!ie prikes are high, be fore the sheriff sells them oft for any old price. Do you muake your wife do the chick en work while youl sit by the stove mid rest yourself? Bletter read over yve.n marriage certificate and be a man. Mr. Slowjake tuakes up his pens foi breeding early in Alril. Mr. Getthere has his made lp alrendy. When you see a red headed girl. look for a white horse. When you see a red headed hen. look for a white egg. , Whent you fe ' like klcking your chickens. Just si" ile long meter dox ology. It will 6e a noVelty to you to feel relig!ou. and the change added to the rations will make the hens lay Invite the roostera to join li th< Chorus. When things go wrong in the chieket lioire. don't l:1ite it on the woian Ahtami trieri that trick. and it didn't wo:*k. Bie tip to date. Speelal From Paiana.-Fresh eggi now retail on the Isthmus at $1.2( the (ozen. and tuon:rel chickens arc $1..,0 apliece. but gold laced arny offi cers and sinaps tire for sale at any o( price. Four imillion four hundred thousand dozens of eggs were shipped to Sat FracIisc) frotn l'etalunia last year l'et:aunu iii Is called the White Leghort C'y. They lt ve White Leghorns h s:acks. but no coons to burn. No do.ibt there are a grea many people in Pickens county who are wondel ing what is th( object of the Pickens Count Poultry, Pigeon & Pet Stoci Association. Neither member nor officers draw any salary They have meetings frequently and at times leave their busines and farms to attend the busi ness of the association. Th whole purpose is to build up th poultry industry in Picken county; t6 cause more people t turn their attention to breedin thoroughbred poultry instead o mongrels. Many p.'ople are making larg sums of money out of thorough bred poultry, while the ordinar parson raising mixed breed rarely ever realizes more than 3 Or 50 per cent. per year. Mi U. R. Fischel, of Hope, Ind., i one of the many successfu breeders of thorou ghlbred poulI try. He began less than fiftee year's ag~o with fifteen Whit Plymouth Rocks; to-day he ha 120 acres in poultry and i ma king $15.000 to $20,000 elea profit annually. He recently sob< 0ne cocker'el to a southeri breeder for $200-more thaa the ordinary mnonigrel breede realizes out of his whole fioci for several years. C. W. Fowler, of;tSmyrna Ga,, is a young man whoi making raupid progress wit] thoroughbred poultry. HeI too] up the business seven or eigh years a go with five oi' six Butl Plymouth Rocks and is now dc voting his whole time to th poultry business. He has prov ed to be the right man in th right pla~ce, and1( has succeede< in r'aisinig birds to sell for $12 and eggs for $15 a setting. H also stated that the smalles price obtained for his culls soli for br'oiler's last ,year was 60 eac'h. Tennessee5~(~ and Texas take th 4lead in the production of poultr; in the SouthI. Tennessee hel< 11 shows this season and Texa 14. South Car'olina held thre -Spartanburg, Greenville ani SPickens sho w same interest ii 3 our state. Towa is the leadini ? state ini the Union in the prc ductioni of poultr'y. Th~lat stat i held .43 shows this season, prov t ing that exhibitions are neces -sary to keep) the industry pushe t to the front. We are always glad to ge nw members to help push thi Siior'tant lnndustr'y to the' froni ri which wilhl add wealth to th :1 whole county when properl managed. E. HI. CRAIo. .UE N ISjT E. YE Bostoi Banker Says Hi less for that Le Carleton I. Hutchinson, a leading t banker and broker of Boston, with I ofilces at 8 Congress Street, in that 1 city, has recently come out with a very - strong statement. In the widespread discussion over i Cooper's new theory and medicines f which has spread over the country so a rapidly, Mr. Hutchinson has taken the t side of those who say that Cooper's I theory is correct and his medicine all I that he claims. Mr. Hutchinson's emphatic state- c ment is as follows: "Anyone afflicted with chronic Ill health and a general c run-down condition caused by stomach I trouble, who does not try this man c Cooper's medicine, is very foolish. I v say this after a most remarkable ex- c perience with the medicine. I "I heard of Cooper's success first f when he was in Chicago, as I have a e private wire to that city in connection c with my business. Later, when he I came East, I learned more of him and his theory that stomach trouble causes r most ill health. I have had no faith % In anything not prescribed by u phy- I sician for each particular case after careful diagnosis, but after eight years 4 of constant suffering, during which, TIME TA R.LE NO 7 Supersedes Time Table No 3 Effective March 10 1907 Read Down Road Up No 9 No 11 STA'TIONS No 10 No 12 Mixed Mixed Mixed Mixed 415 a m 11:) ai ly i kem ar 8:30amn :05pm 6:5; am 11 55n aFergulao ii 8:25am 5:0 pin 7:05 imi 11:45 amn *Pairsonf's 8:15aIm4:60 pm -7: 10 aum 11:51) an OA riIl, 8: 10Onai 4:45 pmi 7:15 aim 11 :55 nim 'Mautldin 8:05amn 4:404 pinm 7:20 ami 12:00) In air Easley Iv 8:00amn 4:35 pmn *iag Stations All train dally except Sunday No 9i coiiiicti with sontlierai Italwa-y No 421 No 10 connects with Solitlierai Iailwity No 12 r No. I I connets with Southern Rtailway No 29 No 12 connects with Southierti Railway No III IFor any information apply Lo . TV TAYLOR Gen Maniager For Sale. 75 Acres Wood land in S Pickens county on Easta too creek, known as Mur plr-ee or- Eildley lands. Fine tiniber. Will sell for $10. per acre. First come, first served. J. J. FRET WE LL, Aiidlerson, S. C. A. BRANDON TAYLOR, Civil Engineer, PICKEi4S, SOUTH CAROL1NA. Surveying, Mapping, and Tfopographi cal work a Specialty. M. C. LONG, t Attorney-at-Law. SOver Postoflice, Anlderson, S. C. WI LL-O SPractice in all Courts in Sonath Carolina Don't neglect your, 4' Statistics show that 4' alone over 200 people s 4 consumption. 1 4.And most. of these be ~living..ow-i they h warning cough. You know hoiw *Emulsfon enable s cough or cold. AL DRUGGI neSSa HT RS IN MISERY s Life Has Been Ho ngth of Time. ime I spent over $1,500 with utely no relief, I felt that it would at east do no harm to try the medicin thich I was hearing so much about. "During these eight years I ha" een forced to go without solid food or five and six weeks at a time. X .ways had a sour stomach, was roubled with formation of gas, and ed the usual miserable life of the dys-t ieptic. I was dull, tired, nervous and .loomy all the time, and was always onstipated. "I have taken Cooper's medicine a omparatively short time. For the ast month I have not had the slight at sign of stomach trouble. I can eat nything with no bad effect whatso ver. I have a fine appetite, am gain-, ng flesh very rapidly, am cheerful, ull of energy, and my nervousness has isappeared. My bowels are in perfect ondition for the first time in eight ears. "I don't hesitate to say that I would Lot take 50,000 and be back where I vas. My relief and thankfulness is eyond description." We sell Cooper's famous preparation lescribed in the above statement., -Pickens Drug Co. 1.2 D. Moor's Here Yet A lot of people have ups and downs% 3ut mine have alway been down, TIIAT'S A FACT. Sometimes I'm glad, sometimes I'm iad, but long to tell my story when wo :attlewhanged through this vain world, ANOTHER FACT. I am in the market for Beef, 8heep, Pork and Mutton. Sell a heap of meat, md always like to sell to those who want to buy of me. but don't . want to iell to tikose who don't want to buy of mne, because there are enQugh that trado with tme to take all that I can get. TILE THIRD FACT. I still buy hides green or dried. I buy anything you got, always want some.* thng bu., can't tell what. So come and see how it' will be when you buy your meat from ine. And remember the old meat market Moore as in daya of yore, The olu meat. market, J. D. MOORE. CHAILESTON & WESTERN CAIOLINA UAILIwAY. Arival and Departure of Trains, Greene ville. S. C. Efrect ive April 14, 1900. DEPARTUnES; 3:30 a n, No. 48 dilly except Sunday, for Lan retaS ianid termeac.diate sttiutioms, arrive at Lauzeti 9:00 a II 12:15 p m1, No. 53 dily for 1.nzrens, Clinton Newberry, Columnbia, Suteir atid Charles. ton conniectinig at S1up !ter with A. C. L., Train No. 82 for Richimotd. Wahington and eastern ciaties. anid at Lauroens with C. & W.;. Train No. 1 for S.ataburg and trini No 2 for Greenwood, A ngusta, etc. Arrive Lzaurenis 135 p mo, Clinton 2:22 p mn, Newbecrry 3.1(0 p. mI, Coluimbia 4:45 Sumoter tt:20 p in. Charlest'on 9:40, Spartan hburg 3:30 p,. mI Greenwoodt 2:46 p, m, p mi Autguta~ 5'25 . m i. i:401 p m, No. )30 t~aily except Sunday. for Lau remns and intermediaite sttionts. Arrive aL La'rrena 6:40. 0:20 a im, No. 87, daily except Sunday froma Lau11rens and initermiediate btlton. 00 p mn, No. 85, daily except itunday, from L~eauretns antd itermiitate tatttions. :25 p mn No. 52, d nIly f rom Ch arleston su m ter, Colu'nmbiai, N ewberry, Chinton, spartanhnttrg, A uguta, Greenwood Laurens. etc. Traims ho. 52 and 53 run through between 3harlemton withouat change: J. W. Ligon, A gi. Geo. T. liryan Genm. AgE . GREENVIL LE, 8. C. Ernest Williams, G. P'. A, I. M. Itraind. Traf. Man. Augusta Ga. HAIR BALSAM grouth. in New York City die every week -from consumpti es might ad not neglected the quickly Scott'.s * you to throw off a t s~c. AND $1.00.