The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, February 13, 1908, Image 6

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- ior anc the College Humorist. Pematnfial V10ctim4 of thle humorous iaper at. Yale are the fainilliar caivpis chuaracters. Jim Donnelly. tile police lan; Pop Warner, the "tee:ing ex pressiani." so called because he deliv eers hMi goods in an atutomobile. and iloselerg Sons. the suit pressers. atbout whom. in a Pegasian flight of <listress at the time of the Junior prom.. the Record uttered these wing ILA words: Oh. Rlosenborg. dear Rosenberg, Thy .ons wo'll no'er forget. Timt rc:3L of clothes. Gj(od only knows. I'm waiting for thern yet. 1I m1in that train. I'l go insane ATn rip and tear and cuss. Jcst out of reach There goes that peach I've missed my chance to fuss. With this same suilt presser as hero, the story is told on a popular pro fessor that In leading Chapel one morn Ig h)e stopped short. leaned over and 'whispered exeltedly to the choir, "*Wlmt's the naime of that song, 'Press On. Cbrlstlan Soldier, Press On?'" "tosenberg!" came fromti a dozen men ut note. "We'll slug three stanzas of :llosenberg!" said the leader, with cec elesiastleal -ssurance.-E. It. Eibree in 11ohenLin. In a Nitroglycerin "Hill." ti the "dainger atrea" the severest ilscipline is nalintaiined. All entrances aIre t.arefully guat rded by searcliers. -wlo rigorousiy examine314 every ildl vidual that desires to enter, relieving ll"n of any metallic objects that imay be carried upon his person. together with matches and other suspelous ob Jects which upon coming into contact with the dangerous chenlicals used in this zone might provoke serious trou ble. No matter how often an employee engaged within the hill may pass in and out, every time he enters he must submit to this preliminary and essen tial operation. There are also some GOO girls employed. and these aire un der the charge of matrons. IHairpins. ordinary pins, shoe buttons. metal pegs 'within the soles of the shoes, knitting And other needles are all religiously barred. Thelr hair is tied with brai or ribbon, and. as with the male em ployees. every timUe they enter the "danger area" they are similarly searched by the malatrols. - Selentitle American. A Hard Knock. * Rai'road claim agents have little faith in their fellow creatures. One said recently: "Every tiIe I settle a claim with one of tllere hard headed rural residents who wants the' raiload to pay twice what lie woil hirge th butcher if he gets a 'het'ep ki!led, 1 11i0i'.. of.. thi.s story. lust rat lve of till 'ay some VeopIle valt t) ild tle rail road responsle for every nllle::1, 0, whatever kin. that happenctils. TvI Irlshmien wer divint. 13m Iro:' town one night when their l-uggy rn: Into a dith, overturnte!, an:1 hey were both stunned. Whn a resc'r ::1ne Along and)( revivord thCntho i:stthn on1e o t i ahl was. 'Wheres the lriniu ?' 'Whiy, t': :':'e's4 l 1 : 1ala a:-c cd.' heC wa:s tichl. 'T!.e-. w'h'r:c th ra ro.d?': r:::urb . iles*. awy. e .:n ..ew.' hec n me td ' ': o I !! :: t p 3 fyh n . Ini I intm ms itk o . rai .lh i, "*i :. krJ:mvw I ieel I were ac i.::i' hcc I ween:c thc Wc1 nial D New. T1eata The! rabb i turni3'ed ai sadc eyed gaze "Yes., lcnndamcl."' 1h3 sa. "an3d. itf you wvill reenll i, t hat. page is usualnc ly a bilank She W~as n Bit Dashful. M'tr. P'eeL, a3 very dlitlldenlt mlan, was1 unbl ci to icrdven3t hhnlfl~ being intro dlucedl 0one even3ing to a1 fascinlatinug younlg lady, who 1in.lisundlerst:tning his1 11nme cons.t:antly altirssed h33i a Mr. Peters, much(1 to thie genitlemcan's (dis nge, he eairnetstiy reon~straIted : "'Oh, don3't call 331 Petcers. Call 1m1 Poet!" "Ahi, but I don't khlow you well enough, Mr. Peters." satid the young lady, hlushing, asR she wlthdrewv be h11nd( 1her fan1.-Londonl TVeiegraph. Tho Onion In Cooking. T1he grea test of Frenlch (cooks, being askettd tom gIve tihe secret 01f hIs success, an1swered : "T1he' ver~y f'ounda31tion3 of all * good c)okinlg is butte ir and3( oniont! I us13e them1 h i all mysauces anid gravies. ['Tey have thle eff'tect of mlakinig a cus - temer~t come1 back for morae. IButter withou)t 03ni0n will drlive tihe customer awa~iy after' a few d'alys. Bll the On )tn till it melts11 or entirely disappearsi theni ath13 tihe butter and call the mix turo' stock."-Exchlange. Artifieial Flies. ;1aie Juliana hoerners, prioress of he1 l1uiner$' of Sapwell, near St, Al Ah,.s , iai..the author 'of thj Ia ti I ~ :~ci:~ I i! I's. (~:~~t ~~ett~d ~ ~t. hu i* foi~n~u Vie'.. StrMogy. ''how did ji:t w~t when you tisked ~e:y gent Ic a iid (011 rteous. It (IU Ito I tOOk UIO by Sl1r1)Ii.~Q." "I told l~Iia you Llse(l to lie a ~:gII 1st." - hIou~itoii Post. Too Lato. ~Iurtel-Wiiy (lldII~ you uuorry him? lila ulloacy wa~ all goao.--New Orlouio '1'l111c5. T)emocrat. The Grcatost ~h'~u on Earth. A quiestlcni which tr:ivelers often nsk .~acli other Iii various parts of th~ world is. "What is really the greatest natural wouiller on earth It Is e:av to a nswer uuin~*. StRIPe the atiijx iidoa:~ (nhls of t he 7.0 III he'/.i ii vci have been ill5CO~CP(!il. I hi 1*IiI l.Iv I fl~HtOi'it' (*;i t'ie au~Iu Tall *the IIR)Mt woiiIez~'ul Th t I hul(1 vlsI ted ti~ ~\ rriea: .\ u~ '.t.1 ~iae Imagines the spectacle of I ':~e of the worlds :i: 1gb t lest :1 vera. ~vo mu i'.ea ~vlde. fm~1!i:ug sheem* 42() fei't It to I it)t ha rIl to agree ~v I lb oiie or tIC 4e't triveltwii a mid miuI~sIomiailt's t mt I ~v~'i, lIved. Omit* own N bigura is uty half a untie ~~'illo 011(1 ~S feet hlg'u that it figures as a mere euscu~..~* i;i coinpa rlson.-Tra v~oi M egazine. We wish to thank our friends and cu beral patronage they gave us during the We are now replenishing our stock for d e are going to offer you some spe -ade with us. Watch this space. ThATH, BRUCE, MO TRADE MAR REGI STERE] p# twentb the standa the old ti ~' ---F.S Gu 44 KS stomcrs for the very sale. the spring business, cial inducements to ROW co FISH rd of the South me fish guano. . Royster ano Co.\v *o fol ,.a.