The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, February 13, 1908, Image 2

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Pickens Sentinel-Journal PUBMYjHED EVERY THUDeDAY MORNING. -BY Tho Sentinol-Journal Company. TroursoN & RICnHr, PHors. J. L. 0. THOMPSON, EDiTon. Subscriptiou $1.00 Per Annumn. Advertising Rlates Reasonable. lutered at Pickens FustoOlce as Second Clats Mail Matter PICKENS, S. C.: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 1908. Salmagundi. Lamar Jackson, a full blood ed Choctaw, has been appointed to a cadetship at West Point, by Congressmni Carter, of Okla hoia. David Rankin, of TarlIkio, the ric(hest and most important working farmer in the world, will be one of Miss oari's exhibits at the Chicago convention. Capt. Yold Amnundsen, the discoverer of the Northwest Pas sage, announced on Sunday that he would head an expediti on which will start in 1910 fo the North Pole. He will start on his ttip from San Francisco and will go through the Bering' Strait. Lady Helen Grimston, ehd st daughter of Lord and Lady Ver ulam, of the English peerage, has just secure(I her certificate as an expert buttermaker from Essex county council. She pro poses to takeover the superin tendency of a large dairy at Gorhai bury. Mie. Creel, wife of the Mex . ican ambihassador in Washington wears 1 one of the liost ortiate gowns ever behohl in that city, It is of pale green velvet, cover ed w ith em(tjbroider'ed Chil'(on!, or wlicl golden butterflies an( flovers15 are stii ithed o artistical ly thI they seem to have been painted. T Nhe work, whiCh rep resvi l sIx I IIoniIths' laI bor bv two Protecs of 11me. Creel, was don'' in Po is last sunuiner. There wasomie trouble ini the connuunlh iiity as to Homer Floyd's titness fori a ilositioni on the school ho)ardl, owing to certain lapses in his earlIy education, hut his first speech in his official ca pacity silenced the tongues of all critics, says The Youth's Comn panioni. He listened to several recitations with a grave and in terested1 air, and at the end of the last one' he rose to adIdress the school, "by request.'' ''It's within my province to say that I never heard scholars answer lip more promitly than your chil dlren of District No. 3. As to wvhether your answers were or were not correct, it is not my p' ace to syy. Your teacher knows, anmd in her hands I leave the matter." "TrIhe nerviest individual that ever I encountered,'' says ex Senator "Billy" Mason, accord -ing to Lippincott's, "wvas a chap that dashed into a day coach of an accommodation train run ning from Chicago to Evanston on an occasion when I was occu pying a seat near the door. Just before this person appeared * in my car' the other passenger or two and myself had heard a *scuffling and yelling in the train shed---in the confusion of which we distinctiy heard some One shout, 'Stop, thief!' Well, when this person didl scamper into my *car, he looked about for an in stant or two with every appear ance of a hunted animal. Then a happy thought striking him, he dived under my seat exclaim ing as he did so: "Sir, I rely upon your honor!" Lacey D. Casky, at present secretary of the American School of Classical Study in AtOhens, has been appointed ak. s'stfant curator of the depart ment of classical art at the Bos ton Museum of Fine A-ts. John H. Clemens, 64 years old, and a $1'200 clerk at the St. Louis city hall, who was found dead in bed last week, had once been a millionalre and a rival of John W. Gates in the breeding and developing of trotting horses H- lost his fortune in mines at Cripple Creek Colorado. A gentleman owniug a sugar e4ate iii Demerara went out to visit 'it for the first time, says Chambers' Journal. The day after his arrival he stood watch ing the punts bringing the cane home. A young negro boy who was driving the mules, wishing to increase the speed of these, struck one of them with the whip. Tie mule promptly res ponded by launching out with his heels and dealt the boy a kick to the ground where he lay rubbing his woolly plate on the spot where the kick had becn received. "Is he hurt? Is lie h irt?" cried the planter in glarm A fLl1 grown negro hearing the expresiolis of con (Crn, spraig forward hastily aid, raising thc mule's heels, shouited out: "'Nc boss! That mule himni walk ten der fo' a day or two, but him nc hurt.'' A gentleman whom we shal call Smith, says an exchange or leaving home One morning sai< to his children: "Now, childrer I'm going to bring home an oh chum of' mine for dinner thi evening. This poor fellow ha been very unfortunate; he onc had a verA severe affliction o the nose, and he is very siisitiv about it. What I want to sa: is t-hi': Don't, any of you chiIl dren dare to make any kind o a remarik about his niose! I would hurt me almost as miuci if not more, than it would him We were old fr'ie nds together and I wouldn't have him hur. for the world. Now, yon all un derstand?"' The ch ildreni a! said they did, and the fathe wvent to his usual business in tha city. When night canme an< the father returned with his o1< clhumi, the childIren stood aron< and staredl at him for sonie min utes, when the youngest in ti family a boy of 6. cried out "P 'pa, you saidl we shouldn' make any remarks about Mr' Brown's nose. Why, I don' see he's got any.". Greatest Lumber City. More lumber was cut in th< United States last year than ir any other year in its history The ciormous amount of 37, 550,736 board feet was produced and the mill value of this wai $629151,388. In addition, ther< were produced 11 ,858,260,00( shingles, valued at $24,155,555 and :3,812,807,000 lath, valued al $11,490,570. On the whole, it ib safe to say the present annua lumber cut of the United Stateu appr'oximates 40 billion feet, ani that the total mill value of tla lumber, lath and shingles eac2 year produced is not less thar $700,000,000. These figures givc some idea of how vast is th< lumber industry and how greal is the demand for its products. IA glance at the kinds of lun. h~er produced shows very clearly the passing of white pine ani oak, one the greatest softwooi and the other the greatest hard wcod which the fret am, .. grown. Since 1899 the cut 'of white pine has fallen off more than 40 per cent., while that of white oak has fallen off more tl an 36 per cent. To-day yellow pine leads all other woods in amount cut, while Douglas flr ---and this will be a surprise tc many---comes Fecond. Since '9< the cut of Douglas has in, creased 186 per cent. Louisiana is the foremost yellow pine state, with Texas, Mississippi and Ar kansas following in order. Washington produces by far the greotest amount of Douglas fir. A comparison of the lum ber producing states shows that since 1899 there have been many changes in their relative rank. Washington, which in 1899 stood sixth, now leads, while Wisconsin, which eight years ago lead all others, is now third. in the same period Oregon, Lou isiana, Mississippi, Idaho and California made great strides as lumber-producing states though, on the other hand, the amouni produced in Michigan, Wiscon sin, Minnesota, Georgia, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Missouri, In diana and Ohio fell off any where from 29 to 54 per cent. The - highest-priced native woods are walnut, hickory ani ash, and the cheapest are larc and white fir. From the fact however, that since 1899 th( average increase in the price o: lumber has been 49 per cent., i will not be long before cheap woods are few and far beween Figures upon the lumber cu of the United States in 1906 ar contained in Circular 122 of th( ,Forest Service, which can b had upon application to the For ester, U. S. Department of A g riculture, Washington, D. C. Pointed Paragraphs, NW hite lies are apt to gtve story another color. No voman is one-half as dari gerous as her threats. Adam got the original rit roast when Eve scolded him. Kleptomania cannot be cure by taking things fur it. It is best not to try to get th Sbest of your best friend. - Most people pay to much fc I the things they get for nothing r Experience is an art schooli 3 which men learn how to dra, salaries. S It's hard on the hard drinke -when there is nothing but sol drinks. b The Wrong Noll. Nell is a gIrl whoI( lives up on Cap to! hill. On .\~loda a wVoman COmeI to Nell's house to wash clothes. TI] woman's name is Nell too. One Mor day Nell, the girl. was in the sittin room reading whena the telephone ranj Nell, the washerwoman, answered tha ring. Nell. the girl, then heard Nel the washerwomnan, say: "Yes, this is Nell." Silence. "How's that?" Silence.I "What! Am I mad because yo *kissed me last night? Look here. mar you're too fresh, Who are you an3 way? I never kissed" Just then the telephone receiver wu wildly snatched from her hand. Nel the girl, blushing furiously, had grat bed it. She hung it on the hook. "Hel wanted me," she said. "lie a: ways tries to tense me that way. I never kissed him in my life." As she disapp[eared up the stairs th Iwasherwoman smiled and said: "That's a bIg one."-Denver l'ost. Fools, like children, may always te the truth, as the proverb says, bi that is not the reason they are fools,. Somerville Journal. I REDUCT Onle, 14,Comgany writes me for ikne m.1 TEN DAYS at a pr( advertit , stock for TEN DAY -TWO WP On F1B. 1 'A istwewilp and continue itt EBRUARY sale oursel ad1 uarantee t cent on all g)(s bi ht at our To cent Aron G ghams r 7 cent Cao (;' 11n, W 5 cer 12ym cent .ngnow 9 121- cent L - ho A few Cloa - dispose < All WOOL GOODS will SHOES will also get a de This vill be a SPOT CASH sa say about cutting prices. FEBR1JUAR Come and let us show you the West End. RHEUM -0 A great many peolp matism during the w Dolt & Co.'s ie one of the BEST Ren ket for this troub b'ood and puts new I by putting the systen Brepared only for BOLT UPmTC-DA TE Pickens, ElH. A. R]J PIC1KIEN G ENERAL MEROHANDISE I --SELLS TH WIRE FENCIN( HORSE HIGH, THE WI Strong Chicken Proof~ ~Hog4 Tight. -- Nothing can run through or clirnb over an4 S SHave You B This is the season of the year i' u or '1lopcoat, or a heavy weight: 1 more comfortable than a doctor, on the temper and more conduci ' YOwing to the stringency of the ing our vast stock at greatly red L ROT H: , Oreen-crille, . fON SALE that they can sell my stock 9t. Anoth- 'Sales Company - at a gre sacrifice, OPPERS! ut on a REDUCTION SALE 15th. We will conduct this c) save you from 15. to 25 per store. ow 8 cents. its. cents. o cents. At: $12.50 Cloak for $z8,oo. be cut deep. ep cut. le' and we mean r we 'Y 1TO~' bargains we offer. A. K. PARK, GreenAille, S. C. ATISM? e sufler with Rheu inter monthp. iatic Compound is iedies on the mar It Cleanses the ire Into the patient in good conditiun. & Co., DRUGGISTS. South Carolina ~, 11- 9. ND COUNTRY PRODUCE, E DET SON EARTH! BL it, crawl under i break it, OUGIITcot ihen you need an Overcoat suit, and it is cheaper and :>r drug bill and less wvearing ve of cheerf'ulness. money market we are offer Laced prices. SCH ILD,