The sentinel-journal. (Pickens, S.C.) 1906-1909, December 05, 1907, Image 7

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Clthig, Shes Has and. Gent Shes Ht and ent *Nauttre. Pur.e ew Orleants syrup 5t0c the *gallon at D B. Cooper's. A. B. Walker, of the Upper-End, killed a male pig recently, weighing *68 pounds. , . * -J. L. Reeve, of Anderson. county, ~as in Pickens, Monday. He .in forms us that he has purchased the JV Griffin property, near Liber ty, lid will locate there. There will be a Bazar for the bdp MIdt of the school in the store room formerly occupied by J. F. Harsis on the evening of December 18th. There will be fancy work for sale, Ssh-pond and other amusements for the' chil dren and refreshments, consisting of ters spper, dessert and coffee. All are invited to come. ,Mrs. R. Callaway & Co,, of Liber ty, have an ad in this issue that will appeal to the lady readers of this pa. per, They are selling out their en ties stock at cost. Read the ad and note the prices quoted. This stock is a new one, all of -it this seasons creations, and you miss the chance of your lifetime If you do not take ad-' vantage of this sale. -J. V. Griflin, ef Liberty, R. 1, was~ in Piokens, Tuesday, paying taxes and straightening up his affairs pre Iparatory to moving to Sartanburg ne-t ,week, where 1)e goes to educate his children. He has been an hon est and hardworking man and has accumult~t d a competency, and C -- that point als that lhe b c. aing and en .a We wish him well. The Sentinel will follow him to his new home and keep him ponted on Pinkenn county rd~hirs. G0O BE TTE E HEAR a lot of ta has ever felt it. pers everybody d Our October and No1 years. The reason ot thl Goods bought right sell 1 Look out for Decemi for this month. We are : prices for December that We will not carry any of bargains we are offering ing'Goods. Just'receive Flannels, and Blankets. your winter goods now a Big stock of Furnitu Wagons. Don't forget that we will do it, YOURS ER, T. s' Furnishing Goods a Specialt: :s, The International 'I ailorini The County Farmer's U nion will meet with Prater's Union on Tues day the 10th inst. fAll Uninws' are requeste4 to send delegatts. N. D. Taylor was kept very busy Saturday taking the pictures' of tie little dorlings; the bigger dears and i very few "bears"-at least they are "hbuggers." Siveet Mixed Pickles 25c per qt i D. B. Cooper's. Miss Irene Clark has closed her term of music at Li berty, and will leave for hier home in Etberton, Ga, ah' the 14th instant. She will spenit ber holidays there and at Oomer and A~tlanta,. resuming her * duties as teacher, iof music at. Liberty about Jan. 1st. Holder & Taylor, real. estate deal are and stock brokers come to our solumns this week with an. advertise. mnent soliciting your business They have some good property to dispose of and the price is not high. They sut up the earth in the way that the purchaser wants it and you cannot do better than get a slice of Pickens dirt. y. P. Wakefield, manager of t'ne Pickens Delicatassen, appeals to you throogh the columns of this paper for a share oj ycur patronage Hie servesa tirst class meals, lunches, and soft dririks and handles fresh fish and ovaters, sells fruits, cigars and tot no. Dos and fancy grocerias. His place of business is under the Sentinel Journal office. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrett, of Oentral, R 2, was in ickkeris, ast week, and while in town they enlieri at the Sentinel-Journal and Mr. (G., who is a progressive merchant of thle Six Mile section, placed an order with us for stationery. We prevail ed upon Mrs. G. to send the picture f her baby over to place in our baby show. DT 0R'A- C1 k of hard timei but we don't believe I 1'he farmer is too prsperous And when >e*. rember trade has far exoeeded any a Is, we buy the very brat merchandise hemnselves. er. We haven't had any cold weather fixed for it and can fix you for It, and v will close nearly our entire stock of V it through the winter if low prices will in Clothing, Shoes, Overcosts. Hats an( d another big shipment -of Dress Good Don't put off shopping tilt our stock is nd avoid the rush. *e, Stoves, Hardware. Turn Plows, Bug are going to make this month a humiu TRULY, HOR1 i. Sole agents for Iron King r Co's line of Clothing, the be Atmore's minoe imeat 1I lb th 25c at ). B. Cooper's. Theodore Lewis,*f( Si. Mile. eel brated ThinkagiiaR 'by =.in1gbte og a porc'ne weighing, 451 pound Cracker-Jack l4rand coffee 21 ] tina 500. - Satistaciory or your non back , .D. B Cooper. Wmn. Reeuondj, ths U(ech anjit bastasn ad in this paper' calling attei tiona to his lineof wiork. .We c.-ui< er him a good work man and thin you will. fipd hiro-so.-. .On account of rain the meeting< the Twelve Mile Unaion to have bee held on the 28th ult. was pos.tpone< It is called to moet on the 21st insi at 10 o'clock at Mounutain Giros church. Everybody come as unfil ished business of imeportance is to I attended to.' Straight Laguara Coffee 1 lb tii 25o at D. B. Cooper's. Prof. .Tohn 0 N.'ield has sent in very lengthy communication for pal liention under the title of mutual vi itation. It ii directly addressed I teachers of Pickens county and who stripped of its frills, flounces at furbelows, andi - oil. d down, ti wbole thing, In. a nusnetwil it' that I is g->ing to pay ctat- iw cools ini tt countyL a visit aand will p',t in ti mouth of December ou the job. E will advocate mutluaL aid and beWt methods of teachi..g amon4 I bis clat of workera and work up ftaamore A cure feeling of frienadship among I] teachers, pupils anid patrouns aand ii fuse new ideas into the work Lceaching--put it above the mero pii of moneoy making. At each school L will dlhcuss views antd plans oif schIOt management, governinzg and discip uniug, and the possibahlties of tb bright minded school children of tb county. Hersch's Pickles and Chili Sauca all sizes at D. B. Cooner's. MES DMING." hat this country the farmer pros. trade of previous and buy It right. yet but look out le propose spaking linter Goods out. move it. dee the I Gents' Furnish. s, Outing, Jeans, brolken but, buy gies, Surries and r and our prices ILe:YE Stoves, New Home Sewing Machin 3t tailoring concern in the world. is Durkee's Salad dressing 8 oz bot- -N ties 35e at D. B. Cooper's. 01 P- Born t.a Edgar Alexander and wife w a daughter. s. I farm of his father-in-law, 0. P. Field on Twelve Mile, and will have charge of the homne place another year.,~ hi W. B. Jlones of the Oolenoy section was in town, Saturday and reports d. k that old Pumnpkintowvn is coming to p thnA front$: Snys5 everybody has made u, good cro'pa and are correspondingly y' Shappy' es Q ilte a number of our subscribers havo he'en mn recently and moved up er the date's on their paper a notch, for se wbieb we are thankful. 'Were you ci amfuiong th's nnmber of the blessed of C the earth? a aOnr contest is creating no little in tereit. Every subscr'ber who pays a adollar grets a c-supon entitling him to 200 votes, whether he resides on any di routs or r ot, and be is privileged to fr cast it for any one of the carriers he m chooses to --and the same roles apply M dto the townehip aind scholarship m econtestants. Pay up and start some Lh ecarrier not yet. started; ho stands as at egood chance to win out as those who pt eare already entered. eB. F. Parsons killed his fine 11. ~ r toontha-old pig Tuesday. It weighed is 555 pounds andl from it was gotten F. e- 135 pounds of lard and a'-washpct" co w f sausago and spareribs and back of ,- bones are spead out all over his house. of >f it was as fine a pig as will be killed er a this season anywhere. Ben knows lai e how to raise big hogs. This editor p d and( family has been liboraily remem- th .bored by Mr(a). Parsons and wve are p. enow rendering thanks for backbones, no e spareribs and sausage. Our thanks Al are tendered Mr(s) P. for these cour- a tesies and our only regret is that th (sihn hasn't anothe no to kil ,o. a eeo as, Hawes $3 H ats, Boyden~, [rs. .T.. H. Moore. and daughter.oe.... Liberty, are spending -the winter ith their dauighter - and sister, Mew. M. Gadtt. Don't fail to glance over our rtising column~s..tLbis. week. al newv faces appear and lots of - es .are changed'- -It-will 1ee th onotony- to r ad thein all. Our country correspondents are ing us proud and we are very e.. eciative of their efforts to furnish with the news. Let us hear fr u as often as possible--it is inter ting stuff' to all of our readerp. A. B. Taylor, surveyor, topograph~ ,has located in Pickens ready to rye you at any time. Ho is n ine vil engineer, a graduate -of Clemeaic lle~ge and all of his work is omde, d true arid accur ate. When in ed of lines run or established eE. nm if you want the job doneringt. o. P. Field was in Pickens, Sokju sy, shaking honds with bis mawy ends, He informs us that he hzas ade excellent crope on bit r&ha lie Rtiver Farm. Capt, Fidia III 3ve to Pickens in January to get e benefit of our excellent schiooke d will occupy the Youngloo operty in West End, Hie wfl obably buy in the Bruce 'Jtmenft. d build. Miss Alma Olayton, of LA erfy'R.]~ D. 8, who has been keeping our. nteat lively in that sect in, winne the prize for ladies at thut openirg the contest, and leading for anoth one, etcle a march on lher frieids it Sunday and carried off' a unt re ize" in the game of matiimny~ im~ B form of Mr. Henry N. wton, Iner. F. Crawford was alccessoryi~ nud w the office force is wond.;n . if ma intends to capture every prizeo a young couple its l'est nishe s f >r ong, happy and prosperous like.